Rules of publications

Within framework of the Open Social Tribune™ concept, the online platform TIMES OF U® provides an opportunity for everyone to express opinion, becoming an independent author.

Main requirement: the author’s work should not only bring a sense of satisfaction to yourself, but should also be interesting to readers. Also, author must have a sense of social responsibility.

Texts and illustrations, as well as links to videos, are accepted for publication.

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Authors should be aware that Times of U provides an opportunity for readers to evaluate the materials published here. Times of U may post its own comments and reviews of the authors’ materials.

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When creating articles for publishing, authors should use only verified facts. Author who submitted unverified, inaccurate, knowingly false information will forever lose the right to publish articles on Times of U.

Times of U does not publish offensive and provocative materials.

All materials within the Open Social Tribune concept are published on Times of U on a free of charge basis. Authors do not receive any monetary or other incentive from Times of U, which guarantees their objectivity.

Authors can also add to their publication on Times of U a brief information about themselves, photo, contact information. However, this is not mandatory.

Have a great creativity!

Online platform TIMES OF U