1) 12.13.23: Neurohacking 401: Quantum Biological
- 12.13.23: Neurohacking 201: EMF Pulsed Directed
Energy Weapon DEW for Voice to Skull V2K & Cognitive
3). 12.23.23: Neurohacking 403: Adulterating RF Brain
Signatures for Obfuscation
Page 1 of 953
REGARDS TO CHINA-Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Wei
Fenghe on the coming Red Dawn invasion of the USA.22
9.13.24: Cognitive Integrity 142: Combined Effect of
Magnetic Vortex Skyrmion and Essential Oils to Counter
CCP Adversarial Bioweapons
9.6.24: Cognitive Integrity 134: Mold as Bioweapons
utilized by CCP for Paramagnetism of Body & Blood 40
9.4.24: Cognitive Integrity 132: Required Electrical Grid
Hardening for Your Home, Work & Shop
9.4.24: Cognitive Integrity 133: Fungi as Bioweapons in
Food, Air & Water
9.2.24: Cognitive Integrity 130: Maintaining a Healthy
Diamagnetic Body & Blood for Health & Wellness
9.1.24: Fasting & what I’m doing to enter a fast and then
exit a fast without shocking microbiome
9.1.24: Bioweapons Utilizing Blood Paramagnetism
Property for Nanotechnology Surround, Enclose and
Covert Kill
8.31.24: Cognitive Integrity 128: Decontaminating from
Adversarial Wetware and Biofilms Refined
8.1.24: Experiment 115: Simple & Scalable Wetware and
Biofilm Light Trap
Page 2 of 953
6.23.24: Neurohacking 438: ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic
Weapon Update on Reverse Engineering
5.21.24: Health and Wellness with Neurohacking
Countermeasures 101: Cognitive Security Far-Field
Shields & Near-Field Healing
5.21.24: Neurohacking 435: Bluetooth and Wetware
Espionage, Electronic Water Boarding, Harassment,
Surveillance, Spying and Weaponization
5.21.24: Neurohacking 434: Novel V2K with Synthetic
Biology Reverse Engineered & How to Remove
5.18.24: BioEnergetics 120: Amplification of Healing
Herbs on Scalar Device
3.27.24: BioEnergetics 112: Cell Phone Transverse & NonTransverse Data & Health Brief
5.15.24: BioEnergetics 119: Amplification of Natural
Healthy Medicinal Trees, Plants and Anti-Parasite Foods
5.13.24: BioEnergetics 118: “Patterns” + “Observation”
are keys to give life or take life.
5.12.24: Neurohacking 433: EMF Far-field interference
from a broken Wetware Spybug in process of being
Page 3 of 953
5.11.24: Experiment 113: Breakthrough Removal of
Wetware Spy Bugs Based on Mesogen: Nemetic Crystals
with Near-Field EMF Transmit & Ethyl Alcohol + Aloe +
Vitamin E
5.10.24: Neurohacking 432: ChinaCCP & Russia’s
Respective Roles in Neurowar “Unrestricted War” WW3
5.8.24: Health & Wellness 120: Healthy Scalar Waves and
Honey Bees to Boost Honey Production
5.6.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 122: Insecure
Telecommunications, Hardware and Software with
Wetware Spy Bugs
5.5.24: Health & Wellness 118: Keys to Unlock Synthetic
Biology Precursors – Effective Countermeasure
5.4.24: Experiment 112: Data Validated Working Protocol
to Removing Wetware Spy Bugs Based on Mesogen:
Nemetic Crystals
5.3.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 121: AI NLP
Computer Vision Cognitive Radio + Directed Energy
Weapon DEW for niBMI degradation in biosurrogates to
counter China’s Neurostrike
5.2.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 120: China’s use of
Neurotechnology for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)
Page 4 of 953
5.1.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 119: Corporations,
Cartels OPEC and ChinaCCP use of Neurotechnology for
Unfair Advantage
NOTE: Great comments to this post!
4.28.24: Experiment 111: Improved Working Protocol to
Removing Wetware Spy Bugs Based on Mesogen:
Nemetic Crystals
4.28.24: Energetics 103: ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Psionic ELF
Transmitter Damaging DNA/RNA Producing Protein
Plaques Stroking Out People, Cognitive Impairment,
Catalyzing Cancer & Stealing Brains
4.26.24: Energetics 102: ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic
Weapon Covert Sneak Attack Reverse Engineered 249
4.23.24: Health & Wellness 117: Sinus Cavities as Brain
Entry Point for Synthetic Biology from Air to niBMI 258
4.23.24: Energetics 101: ChinaCCP PLA Pandemic
Operation Warp Speed Reverse Engineered
4.22.24: Health & Wellness 116: Sars-Cov-2 and Gene
Drive HIV-1 capsid Countermeasures with Dandelion
3.17.24: Hulda Clark
Page 5 of 953
3.17.24: Health & Wellness 106: Consumption of AntiParasite and Chelators while maximizing Scalar
Transmitter Output Power
3.17.24: Health & Wellness 105: Three Things Required
for success post 2020+
3.15.24: Health & Wellness 104: Daily Regiment, Full
Blood Test (Conventional Lab) & Insights Updated 286
3.12.24: Bioenergetics 110: Neurowarfare
Countermeasures Simple To-Do List
Step 2: acquire at least two portable ELF psionic
transmitters with physical toggle switches to convert from
sleep, alert, active and relax modes.
Step 3: acquire at least two portable scalar transmitters
(healthy version, not lethal)
Step 4: chelate your body
Step 7: wear a hoodie and cap that shield you from
transverse EMF waves to prevent your corrupted synthetic
biology niBMIs from linking to wifi, bluetooth, etc. junk in
your local environment, resulting in necrosis of your
3.5.24: COUNTERMEASURE: Bioenergetics 107: Biology,
synthetic biology and interaction with scalar waves
reviewed with laboratory data and references
Page 6 of 953
3.5.24: COUNTERMEASURE: Neurohacking +
Cybersecurity 107: How to tell if ChinaCCP or Proxy or
Other Group has their Eye on you?
2.28.27: Bioenergetics 106: Anti-Precusor EM Engines
and Precursor EM Engines for Health & Wellness
2.26.24: 12.18.23 COMMENT FROM BRANDON
IGLESIAS ON KARL C’S MB POST- This technology (IIR &
FIR red light?) enables neurohacking, but it also facilitates
performance enhancement when it works (integrates into
you without killing you). If it works, it emits healing scalar
waves at nanoscale.
2.24.24: Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 104: Hardware
Pipeline Chain and Isolation Points for Electronic
Harassment Containment
2.18.24: BioEnergetics 105- Scalar Electromagnetic
Weapons and Their Use-Strategic Aspects of the
Asymmetric War on America
2.18.24: Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 103: How to
Control Judicial Courts & Manipulate Jury Decisions332
2.18.24: BioEnergetics 104: Brain Nerve Cells Carrying
Scalar Energy & Information measured by EEG (vertical efield) & MEG (horizontal h-field)
Page 7 of 953
2.10.24: Cybersecurity 215: How the world’s worst
wetware spytech works, reverse engineered.
References (aka anatomy of a neurostrike)
[1] Utah tech CEO Erin Valenti found dead
[2] Tony Hsieh’s death (1.27.21)
2.16.24: Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 102: Synthetic
Biology in the Middle (SBIM)
2.10.24: Cybersecurity 215: How the world’s worst
wetware spytech works, reverse engineered.
2.9.24: Bioenergetics 103: “The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave
Oscillator Handbook”
2.9.24: Cybersecurity 214: Phone Number Shield for
Outbound Calls
2.4.24: Cybersecurity 213: How to Harden Your Network
& Hardware against Neurohacker Electronic Hardware
Penetration Points
BUCKET POST-It’s a Lakhovsky Coil!
2.4.24: Neurohacking 428: ELF Waves Transmitter Global
Locations & China’s Psionic “Brain” War on America401
2.2.24: Neurohacking 427: Synthetic Biology
Concentrated Channels, Cybersecurity & Biological
Page 8 of 953
2.2.24: Neurohacking 426: Privacy with Specialized Shield
Apparel & Wearable Gear in Public
2.2.24: Neurohacking 425: Hollywood’s Mind Reading,
Psychic and Magic Shows Reverse Engineered
2.2.24: Neurohacking 424: Tik Tokker AI BCPS Tactics for
Manipulation, Degradation & Chinese Covert Advantage
So, what are the defenses against Tik Tokker surrogates?
Physics based.
Jamming and Shielding protocol based EMF fields
(Maxwellian transverse wave wifi, bluetooth, NFC, etc.)
•Force Field around your entire body, home and
residence. This is based upon the force fields
generated by Red Blood Cells documented via
laboratory work to repel synbio.
1.28.24: Bioenergetics 102: Lakhovsky Resonator for
Cellular Repair
1.28.24: Neurohacking 423: the Root Cause of America/
DOD Recruitment Issues in Military is NeuroStrike
Weaponry by China PLA Xi’s NeuroStrike via Tik Tok454
Page 9 of 953
1.28.24: Experiment 108: Schumann Resonances &
Humankind’s Manipulation of Earth’s Schumann
Resonance based on Tesla’s Work
1.28.24: Neurorights 101: Does your country care about
your cognitive security and mental privacy? Learn which
nations actually do care.
SUBSTACK-Darkfield Live Blood Analysis C19
Unvaccinated Blood. C19 Vax Shedding And
Environmental Exposure Has Not Slowed Down
1.27.23: Neurotechnology: Tik Tok Social Media
Neuroweapon Reverse Engineered with Methodology472
1.27.24: Neurohacking 421-Force Field Generation to
Repel Synthetic Biology
RELATED INFO ON LAKHOVSKY FROM ANOTHER DOCBio-electromagnetic Healing-It’s History and a Rationale
for its Use
1.27.24: Experiment 107: AI BCPS Optogenetic Arbitrage
& Discontinuity Islanding
1.27.24: Cybersecurity 212: Walmart Neurohacked Point
of Sale POS Terminal and all Cybersecurity Compromised
Page 10 of 953
1.21.24: Cybersecurity 211: Social Network AI Recursion
with a Hacked niBMI and CODEX
1.20.24: Experiment 106: How an AI BCPS is supposed to
work with functional niBMI firewall
1.20.24: Cybersecurity 210: Introduction to Neurosecurity
If you’ve read through to the bottom of this post. Here’s a
nugget of knowledge.
1.20.24: Experiment 105: Cybersecurity niBMI
Decontamination Method Confirmed – Removes
NeuroStrike Weaponry
1.15.24: Cybersecurity 209: Defending against BrainComputer-Interface BCI Hackers
1.15.24: Neurohacking 420: Wireshark Deep Packet
Inspection of Contaminated AI BCPS in a Person
1.15.24: Neurohacking 411: Codex Based Persistent State
Cognitive Hack
Q FROM RAY HORVATH: How do you think the nano
chips are interfaced with the neural network?
1.13.24: Neurohacking 419-Example of Contamination of
AI BCPS in a Person
Page 11 of 953
1.14.24: Neurohacking 420: Wireshark Deep Packet
Inspection of Contaminated AI BCPS in a Person
HUGELY IMPORTANT ! 1.14.24: Cybersecurity 208:
Establishment of CIPOE in Contested Environment 592
1.13.24: Neurohacking 419: Examples of Contamination
of AI BCPS in a Person
1.12.24: Neurohacking 418: Smart Phone Bluetooth, NFC
and QR Code Tagging of Human Body
1.12.24: Cybersecurity 207: Codex Based Defeat of
1.12.24: Cybersecurity 206: Content Delivery Networks
(CDNs) as Information Shield or Adversarial Propaganda
1.12.24: Neurohacking 417: Codex based Social Network
Reconnaissance & Spying
1.12.24: Neurohacking 416: Codex based Comments
Attack Vector
1.11.24: Neurohacking 414: Chelators
1.11.24: Neurohacking 415: NATO Alliance Cognitive
1.10.24: Phone Cybersecurity 205: Phone Number Shield
Page 12 of 953
1.9.24: Neurohacking 413: B Vitamins
1.9.24: Neurohacking 412: Codex Based Persistent State
Cognitive Remote Kill
1.8.24: Neurohacking 411: Codex Based Persistent State
Cognitive Hack
1.7.24: Bioenergetics 101: Tools of the Trade
1.6.23: Neurohacking 409: Sodium Citrate, Blood
Decoagulant, Alkaline Adjuster & Energy Production
1.6.24: Neurohacking 408: Molecular Jackhammers for
1.5.23: Neurohacking 407-Black Swan Attack Method &
1.5.23: Neurohacking 406: Cybersecurity Hidden
Hardware Pipeline Backdoors Discovered
1.2.24: Social Networking 101: The Truth
Question: So, how do these social technology platforms
actually work? Not what you’re told, but how the
underlying fundamentals are actually piped and delivering
content to you.
Pipelines: Hardware devices, such as smartphone and
smart enabled hardware devices
Page 13 of 953
1.1.24: Social Networking 101: The Truth
1.1.24: Cybersecurity 204: Interpreters vs. Compilers vs.
POST-Experiment 101: Synthetic Biology, Heavy Metal
Poisoning & Graphene Oxide Detoxing R&D Experiment
1: Footbaths
12.27.23: Neurohacking 911: Busted Big Tech Thought
Policing with Proof
12.26.23: Neurohacking 105: Basic Self Defense CourseThis post includes basic defenses that you can take
against neurohackers
12.25.23: Cybersecurity 203: Smart Devices & Content
Delivery Networks CDNs Reverse-Engineered
12.25.23: Cybersecurity 202: Brain Machine Interfaces
BMIs and Neurosecurity
The human head is a capacitor and antenna. When you
sleep at night if you keep an arm under your head you
close the circuit and reduce its’ ability to transmit as well.
Page 14 of 953
12.23.23: Cybersecurity 201: Hybrid Warfare, Competitor,
Adversary Cyber+Neuro Degradation of Enemy
12.23.23: Neurohacking 403: Adulterating RF Brain
Signatures for Obfuscation
12.18.23: Neurohacking 501: EMF Scalar Waves
12.17.23: Neurohacking 903: Cognitive Radio
Countermeasures & Healthy Home
12.17.23: Neurohacking 902: Project Sentry Directed
Energy Weapon DEW for Trespassers- Automated
neurohacking for property security to keep trespassers off
(rodents: animals, drones and people). Computer Vision,
AI, NLP and Non Kinetic Threats NKTs.
12.17.23: Neurohacking 302-Purging Spy Wetware
Mesogen, Graphene and Nanotech Bugs
12.16.23: Neurohacking 205: Cybersecurity equipment for
EMF and Optogenetics
12.13.23: Neurohacking 401: Quantum Biological Bomb
12.13.23: Neurohacking 201: EMF Pulsed Directed Energy
Weapon DEW for Voice to Skull V2K & Cognitive
Video of profession discussing concept of directional
sound and demonstrating heterodyning device.
Page 15 of 953
12.9.23: Neurohacking 000: Cognitive Conundrum, why
are people unaware of neurotechnology?
11.26.23: Neurohacking 104: Cognitive Warfare
Summarized for Average Citizen
11.24.23: Literature: Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS
enabled by AI
10.22.23: Literature: NeuroStrike enabled 6th Generation
Cognitive Warfare on Civilians, Gov, DIB and Mil Reverse
9.13.23: Neurohacking 103: Neuroprivacy, Cybersecurity
& Countermeasures in a Pervasive Neurotechnology
Enabled World
VIBRATIONS Step 2: Block EMF: Isolate your workspace
from neighbor’s or business tenant neighbors wifi signals,
typically through use of a faraday shielding and room
enclosure. This blocks the EMF fields if done correctly.
Easier if done inside of a metal building to shield out
inbound signals, not easy if shared co-working space with
multiple tenants within a metal building.
8.24.23: Experiment 103: Critical Resonance Frequencies
that Destroy Viruses & Parts of Viruses Sars-Cov-2 803
Page 16 of 953
8.20.23: Neurohacking 302: What are “Cognitive
Weapons” and how can you shield yourself from them?
Let the data speak for itself.
2 Question: How to secure your home from people
visiting with smart phones containing possible Tik Tok and
other apps.
8.14.23: How to remove non-invasively installed cognitive
monitoring wetware for privacy?
7.22.23: Neurohacking 202: Mesogen Disruption and
Removal Guideline with Signal Generators
To continually jam the “mesogens” that are still in you,
but grew a ton by the DEW attacks, you can jam them
with these frequencies:
- 7.18.23: Experiment 102: Active Mind Control Jammer
Device & Transmitter
7.17.23: Literature: Passive Mind Comm Jammer Device
7.17.23: Experiment 101: Synthetic Biology, Heavy Metal
Poisoning & Graphene Oxide Detoxing R&D Experiment
1: Footbaths
Footbath (passive) Ingredients and Mixture
7.16.23: Literature: Unconventionally Acquired Brain Injury
Page 17 of 953
7.12.23: Experiment 105: Cognitive Weapon Removal
System, Still Pass a Drug Test. No False Positives. 847
7.12.23: Experiment 106: Cognitive Weapon Noninvasive
In-situ Removal
5.25.23: Neurohacking 404: Directed Energy Weapon
(DEW) Recovery Information
5.25.23: Frequency and the Body Active R&D Literature
Review and Prototypes
2.20.24: NOTE IN RESPONSE TO DAVID NIXON’S POSTActivated Charcoal revisited
HIS ACTUAL SPEECH: Speech By Comrade Chi Haotian,
Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission –
December 2005
FROM DAVE HODGES: Secret, Leaked Speech by
Chinese Defense Minister Demonstrates China’s Intent to
Destroy America
China Is Not, Never Has Been, Or Will Ever Be an
American Ally
The Kill Shot Is Coming! Leaked Document Shows
Chinese Intent to Commit Mass American Genocide
Followed by the Occupation of America (Pt 2)
Page 18 of 953
Ahronov-Bohm cybersecurity project arduino toroid coil as
countermeasure to Red Team attack on neural hardware
or wetware
ABOUT BRANDON (links to end of document)
MISSION STATEMENT: This SubStack is dedicated to
reverse-engineering the historical intelligence community (IC)
technology stacks for data communications as well as for
physical control of the human mind using analog and digital
Page 19 of 953
MOST IMPORTANT POSTS (links to the linked section only
work in the Pages document, not on the pdf.)
1) 12.13.23: Neurohacking 401: Quantum Biological
defeat a Quantum Synthetic Biological Bomb
deployment? Transmit healing “scalar wave” cellular
signals. Do not let the QBomb interrupt your sleep
Purchase a PEMF device to keep you in sync with sleep.
Disable the QBomb’s linkage to its’ source transmitter that
is utilizing “spooky action at a distance” to de-cohere the
quantum entanglement state. This is done by locating
your body in a superconductor isolation chamber. This
breaks the spooky action at a distance linkage through
the ZPE.
- 12.13.23: Neurohacking 201: EMF Pulsed Directed
Energy Weapon DEW for Voice to Skull V2K &
Cognitive Dysfunction
Page 20 of 953
3). 12.23.23: Neurohacking 403: Adulterating RF Brain
Signatures for Obfuscation
REALLY IMPORTANT COUNTERMEASURE NOTEAdulterating RF Brain Signatures for Obfuscation
Robert Duncan has countermeasures very much like B’s in
regards to “spoofing”.
In brief: Regarding nanoscale work and development of
countermeasure to adjust the RF signature in-situ within
body, it takes adulteration of the RF signature of your
body and brain to eliminate the annoying “woodpecker”
type pulses that trigger a mesogen, graphene and
nanotech subnetwork that was adversarially coded with
Learn more on my blog, posting how to adjust your
body’s RF signature to leave the neurohackers in the dark
EMF abyss per say, disallowing them from finding your
unique biometric brain signature. Adulteration of synbio,
by shifting it and growing new neuro.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT COUNTERMEASURE POSTNeuroprivacy, Cybersecurity & Countermeasures in a
Pervasive Neurotechnology Enabled World
Page 21 of 953
Starting at around Page 895: LINK TO RANDO BRANDO
NOTES SECTION IN THIS DOC-These are highly informative
responses to other folks seeking countermeasures, advice,
- BCPS: Bio Cyber Physical System
•niBMI: non-invasive brain-machine interface
•Wireless Access Points (WAPs)
•Mesogen: Mesogens are the fundamental unit of a liquid
crystal that induces structural order in the crystals, and
can be man-made advanced bionanotechnology/
biosensors. Through her practice, Dr. Staninger has
found these units in a sample taken from a case study.
Silicon and like compounds are often used in the making
of nanoparticles.
REGARDS TO CHINA-Chinese Defense Minister Gen.
Wei Fenghe on the coming Red Dawn invasion of the
Page 22 of 953
9.13.24: Cognitive Integrity 142: Combined Effect of
Magnetic Vortex Skyrmion and Essential Oils to
Counter CCP Adversarial Bioweapons
The topical use of “Thieve’s Oil”, specifically eucalyptus,
and the magnetic vortex device cycle the anti-fungal, antimold EO-exposed paramagnetic nanotechnology into
and out of the body.
I am seeing even better results through the topical
application of the essential oils and then the immediate
application of magnetic vortex skyrmion unit. Why?
The paramagnetic bioweapons are being pulled from the
body’s vagus nerve system, then cycled to the outside of
the body. This is not visible, due to the nanotechnology
being smaller than the wavelength of visible light (400 to
850 nm or so for visible light spectrum) and 5 to 150 nm
or so for nanotechnology paramagnetic particles.
So, what is going on?
The mold & fungus-based paramagnetic nanotech is
being exposed to the anti-mold, anti-fungal and antiparasitic essential oils.
Page 23 of 953
This then mixes internal to the body when the
paramagnetic mold/fungus nanotech junk cycles back into
the body due to the magnetic vortex skyrmion unit
application. Then the mixture degrades the infrastructure
for the mold, fungus and bioweaponry.
If anyone needs a magnetic vortex unit, please schedule
an initial assessment at >
engage > schedule
If you subscribe to electronic harassment disconnect
services or cognitive integrity countermeasures, you’ll be
well prepared and able to defend majority of cognitive
integrity attacks from CCP.
9.8.24: Cognitive Integrity 137: Actions I’m taking to
Turn my Body and Blood away from Paramagnetic
Okay, so here is what I’m doing to counter the CCP’s
global genocide turning non-Chinese people’s blood
paramagnetic, in addition to thousands of other attack
Page 24 of 953
vectors. However, the paramagnetic one is the one that is
the worst so-far that CCP bioweapons (e.g. Gain of
Function GoF Sars-Cov-2), nanotechnology and new
physics work has spawned and deployed into the world.
Figure 1: Don’t be like this cat, it learned the hard way
what “static electricity” does to it. CCP has weaponized a
similar process, but instead of electricity it utilizes
magnetism, e.g. paramagnetism to stick deadly
pathogens into your body with nanotechnology enabled
biofilms and wetware that prevents you from sensing THE
pain it induces.
The Simple Steps (low hanging fruits):
Step #0: Calcium-disodium-EDTA in food and beverages
to remove adversarial paramagnetic materials from my
body and brain, until my body completely shifts back to
diamagnetic. The chelator selectively scavenges
paramagnetics over diamagnetic materials, but you have
to make-up for the losses with diamagnetic to continue to
shift your body to diamagnetic and alkaline (e.g. water is
diamagnetic and also alkaline water minimizes acidic
based issues associated with various pathogens and
Page 25 of 953
Step #1: Ensuring blood and body are alkaline. Less
coffee more tea.
Step #2: Ensuring you have an oxygen pulsometer. This
way you can check your oxygen levels. The test assumes
that your blood is flowing homogeneously throughout
your entire body and no clots. Blood clots can result in a
local paramagnetic zone that grows due to adversarial
bioweapons and nanotechnology. There are ways to
dissolve blood clots with bioenergetic techniques slowly
over time so that it doesn’t unclog and plug your pump
(e.g. heart).
Step #3: Oxygenating liquids. Literally, vortex spin
distilled water ( go here to get
access to Not Made in China world’s best water distillers)
and bubble oxygen into the water at nanoscale. This
enters the body via digestive track, absorbed and
adsorbed into the blood, then circulates throughout the
entire body to oxygenate it.
Step #4: Clean air filtration and plasmawave via Winix (S.
Korean company) or others not made in China. HEPA +
Activated Charcoal + Plasmawave.
Page 26 of 953
Step #5: Normal bath with salted water and chleators,
then a dedicated soaking bath with key salts, boron and
chelators. See prior brief for details:
Step #6: Silver nanoparticle clothing and apparel, yes this
is real and it is diamagnetic to will repel the paramagnetic
junk from attacking to you from local environment, until
you get your body chemistry turned around.
Step #7: UVa, UVb and UVc. Daily dosing with UVa/UVb
(e.g. sunlight that destroys pathogens) and UVc (disinfect
rooms and items when return home, do not be anywhere
near these emissions when it is on, can be lethal, but
destroys Sars-Cov-2, virus, bacteria, etc.)
Step #8: Calcium-Disodium-EDTA IV with Vitamin C go
see your local MD or legally allowed person to dose you
with this chelator(s) and make sure you get your
bloodwork done beforehand to ensure you’re not hurting
yourself. Some people have certain conditions that
prevent them from the calcium-disodium-EDTA IV. Better
to be safe than sorry.
Step #9: Colloidal silver nanoparticles
Page 27 of 953
Step #10: PEMF this is a far-field pulsed magnetic field at
high GAUSS 5,000+ that when utilized in combination
with a soaking salt bath enables removal of the
paramagnetic materials from one’s body. Combining this
with the UVa/b while in water as well as NIR R is wise.
Medium Technology Level
Step 11: Subscribe to services
(annual or every half-year) for DNA-transmission and other
health kits to be transition from paramagnetic to
diamagnetic in a repeatable controlled manner with client
portal for interactions when you need.
Step 12: Use HBOT chamber or as this will directly
oxygenate you and/or an oxygen concentrator.
Advanced Technology Level
Step 13: Subscribe to
enhancement and go with the copper, silver and gold
colloidal nanoparticles and ions for paramagnetic to
diamagnetic body and blood adjustment.
Page 28 of 953
Step 14: Custom cellular based system for your home
residence or work, HBOT with many add-ons for
bioscan and then active AI transmission to degrade
and repair. Yes, this is legitimate technology that would
be in your direct control and not dependent upon a 3rd
party service.
Step 15: Genomic DNA and pattern amplification with
designer synthetic biology (e.g. this is getting into the
territory of groups of people that don’t want to be known
and have the technology to blind anyone, nearly from
understanding how the systems work throughout time
and how the people move throughout the system of
space-time utilizing this technology for good hopefully,
sadly those stuck on earth use it for population control
and knowledge “stewardship”).
9.8.24: Cognitive Integrity 135: Bacillus licheniformis as
Hela biocatalysts for CCP bioweapon scaffolds &
So, how is CCP bioweapons program and associated
international terrorist proxies and organized crime
Page 29 of 953
penetrating NATO Alliance AI BCPS with CCP AI BCPS
form an internal infrastructure perspective?
Okay, so this one here also came back positive on a
bioscan of my body, Bacillus licheniformis. This is a
bacteria, based upon decades of research, that catalyzes
cancer. So, it doesn’t mean you have cancer yet, but it
does indicate with high proven probability that cancer
may just be on its’ way to you.
Figure 1: Bacillus Licheniformis – the cancer causing
bacteria murdering the world, weaponized by ChinaCCP
PLA on non-Chinese genomes.
CCP bioweapons are dispersing this “Bacillus
licheniformis” through nanotechnology biofilm enabled
transfer, utilizing the body and blood paramagnetic
adulteration from the CCP pollution with (aluminum and
Page 30 of 953
uranium in it) as well as food exports. Once one gets
paramagnetic body and blood, then mold, fungus and
bacteria transfer readily into your body and then blood
from the local environment. In the case of Bacillus
licheniformis, it resides in dirt, so as you walk around in
your local community, if not on quartz sand, then the
Bacillus licheniformis from dirt transfers into you and
covert murders you if CCP has key-signaled your body
and blood to go paramagnetic.
Key signals from near-field weapons fielded by
adversaries rapidly grow the cancerous HeLa cell lines
faster than your non-cancerous cells, such that the noninvasively dosed brain weaponry builds basically an
“organoid” within your brain that then grows and takes
over your brain and motor cortex.
Page 31 of 953
Figure 2: Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to detect
electron spin and an issue in a brain – since the junk in the
brain is paramagnetic it can be detected by an MRI due
to the electron vacancies. However, if the junk is not
paramagnetic it is more challenging to detect (e.g. before
you get key-signaled or immediately after prior to buildout of the adversarial wetware and biofilms that create an
organoid computer in the brain that then takes your brain
first and then body over). Near field wireless transmission
rapidly grows organoids based upon HeLa cell lines and
adversarial bioweapons programs know this, are fielding it
and are amplifying it in select targets now for covert
“conversion” to CCP technocommunism through use of
Tik Tok brain weaponry infiltration into a person’s decision
Why are so many people dying of cancer all of a sudden?
Well, from my reverse engineering, bioweapons deployed
on humanity in combination with spectrum-enabled
attacks and an extremely uncommon knowledge of nearfield transmission. How does this combined and covert
mass genocidal CCP bioweapon attack work (tactics and
mechanics)? Here:
Page 32 of 953
1. The CCP has been buying up the world’s coal. My
buddy from MIT purchased ownership in the largest
coal mine in America that was going through financial
difficulties when all the coal power plants were being
shutdown by Obama and creating horrid pain and
sufferring for the Appalachian communities on the
East Coast of America. If you were not from a coal
town with a mine or a power plant town you’d be
clueless to this ruthless crackdown on coal power
plant emissions, when China simply kept building
more coal power plants and the coal after the prices
collapsed in America. I also used to own part of an oil
terminal project that was in development down river
from a coal export terminal in Louisiana next to the
Conoco Oil Refinery. Therefore, as America shutdown its’ coal power plant emissions to (e.g. get
clean and sustainable), in fact all that went down was
a CCP economic attack on America’s GDP and energy
security by diverting the coal to China via coal
- The CCP seeded the world with paramagnetic
materials (aluminum, uranium, lead, etc. just to name
a few) and is the largest coal consumer in the world
and coal power plant builder at two coal power plants
per week. This set the globe up with a paramagnetic
Page 33 of 953 atmosphere and took decades. Go outdoors now and
you’ve got paramagnetic air, dispersed by a ton of
electrosmog (e.g. dust aerosolized). - Then the CCP exported their dirt cheap
neurotechnology chipsets in computers, smart
phones, smart appliances, smart tablets, smart
vehicles, etc. The chipsets link to wetware in humans
and fauna via nanotechnology. - THe CCP then built the world’s largest ELF psionic
weapon and turned it on in 2019, then started
transmitting DNA-degrading signals across 2/3 of the
world, focused on gunning down Americans to slow
kill them and cause cancer as well as create plaques
and amyloids for cognitive degradation first in the
brains of Americans, so that CCP scientists and
engineers could cognitively out perform American
scientists and engineers. - Then the CCP started their BRAIN initiative in 2016,
after American started their BRAIN initiative in 2013.
At the same time the CCP BRAIN initiative started in
2016 (and before) America’s Intelligence Community,
State Department and Department of Defense
Page 34 of 953 personnel, all started to get shot up with Neurostrike,
a class of weapons that operate on new physics
principles (e.g. in the near field, scalar based on Tesla
and Meyl (a German scientist who taught the CCP his
tech in 2011-2013). - CCP then started a covert murder campaign of top
performers in America. The CCP murdered Tony
Hsieh out of Nevada and also Erin Valenti out of Utah,
who, after a visit to Silicon Valley (where CCP
technocommunism invested a ton of money and
lured naive entrepreneurs into Shenzhen, China for
rapid prototyping, while CCP PLA stole their tech for
dual-use mil applications), returned to Utah and
apparently went into the desert and died (e.g. brain
weapons can do this to a person). - Then CCP bioweapons integrated with Tik Tok, a
smart phone app, where CCP reverse engineered the
use of social media to stir-up the Arab Spring and
then redeployed it at global scale through Tik Tok to
optogenetically program and hack people using Tik
Tok. Note, CCP does not allow their own citizens to
use Tik Tok, why would CCP export Tik Tok to the
world (e.g. note the name, the clock is ticking for
Page 35 of 953 America), and not let their citizens utilize it? Because
it’s an asymmetric brain neuroweapon! - Now we have people all around the world at various
levels of paramagnetism in their bodies. Most people
simply have the graphenes (GO), but have not been
key-signaled yet (e.g. nailed with a Directed Energy
Weapon DEW system, which by the way CCP and
Russia (pawn of CCP now) have the capability to
discharge new physics-based EMPs globally that few
on earth understand how to shield against (e.g. your
body has to be diamagnetic, not paramagnetic). So,
there will be a point in time when more EMP attacks
occur. - Okay, so once you get key-signaled by CCP and go
paramagnetic then you start to bio-accumulate all the
local environmental paramagnetic and lower
frequency materials, which include biofilms with
nanotech in other people that have mold, fungus,
Bacillus lichenformis, Anthrax (yes, my bioscan came
back with Anthrax). Then you die, a covert surround
and enclose murder by CCP in your own nation state.
Page 36 of 953
So, if I am already paramagnetic how do I get the junk out
of me and go to a diamagnetic state to be prepared
instead of getting caught off-guard with one of the world’s
most covert asymmetric weapons platforms that I’ve ever
reverse engineered?
Step 1: go kosher with all foods, drink alkaline water
salted with baking soda, some boron added (trace) and
take salt baths with epsom salts (get ready to have the
toilet adjacent to you) and have chlorine tablets in the
toilet water to kill pathogens, put it in the reservoir.
Step 2: PEMF coils that are driven at the Bacillus L. critical
resonance frequencies of 8,618,638.41 Hz
Step 3: Purchase the DNA transmission service for healing
Step 4: UVa light (for use on body), UVb (for use on body)
and UVc (not for use on body)
Step 5: Dosing with diamagnetic material property
enhancers such as colloidal silver nanoparticles and ions,
colloidal copper nanoparticles and ions (can also get this
through liquid chlorophyl modified with copper.
Step 6: Dosing with helium
Step 7: Dosing with carbon diamond
Step 8: use of carbon chelators and zeolite traps, such as
Buckministerfullerenes (C60)
Page 37 of 953
Step 9: use of salt lights to trap local environment
adversarial nanotechnology
Step 10: use of toroidial force field building geometries
and designs as well as Buckminister’s work for force field
based infrastructure that repels synthetic biology and
levitates to not bioresonate with earth anymore.
May 9: The Virtual clinic will go online June 1, 2024. We
will have ability to receive “tissue” samples and DNA to
scan-in for near-field scanning and subsequent imprinting
for at a distance healing using bioenergetics (e.g. not
medicine, it is simple physics once you understand it).
Step 1: submit information
to (complete the form)
Step 2: we will email you HIPPA form, sign this and email
it back to
Step 3: we will then send you an intake form with all
information required, specifically shipping to a physical
address for tissue sample, using government approved
Page 38 of 953
packaging and handling for compliance purposes,
specifically useful drop-off instructions for you to make
this process seamless.
Step 4: we will scan-in the tissue
Step 5: we will identify from the tissue scan what is lacking
(e.g. biofield analysis within bioenergetics field)
Step 6: we will select various library signatures and then
imprint into the tissue and associated products (e.g. water
etc.) and transmit into tissue / DNA (e.g. you) as well as
products that can be shipped to you once a month in a
care package box. Example: we imprint into a bottle of
water useful bioenergetic information or enhance a
vitamin pack with electrolytes that you can add to your
clean water (distilled water) for daily consumption.
Step 7: Each year (or higher frequency to monthly) you
can request another tissue scan, so we can track your
bioenergetic tissue from fresh tissue on you, we may be
able to monitor you via the tissue sample on-site.
However, I am not 100% sure if this is feasible, but we will
explore it.
Page 39 of 953
Does this answer your questions?
What do you think a good monthly or annual fee would
be for this service? My thought would be to have a low
introductory rate and then as health improves and your
ability to earn a living wage increases, then have the
monthly or annual fee adjust fairly.
PS: I’ll share a design and where to find them, they would
ideally delink you from the global psionic ELF transmitters
(China has the biggest since 2019).
The key is to be able to toggle between frequencies for
alertness, sleep, mindfulness, etc. and disable the ability
to re-tune to another frequency (can be lethal). Therefore,
I’m treading carefully with recommendations.
Please see technical reference with data https://
9.6.24: Cognitive Integrity 134: Mold as Bioweapons
utilized by CCP for Paramagnetism of Body & Blood
Okay, so I’ve done a bioscan and it returned positive hits
for mold, specifically Aspergillus. What is Aspergillus, who
Page 40 of 953
first discovered it and how do the services at destroy it?
Today, as I continue to remove the paramagnetism in my
body from the bioweapons, via a bioscan, I discovered a
new type of pathogen in me, specifically Aspergillus.
The blood is only representative of the given free-flowing
pathogens in the body at the given time and point in
space where the blood sample was taken. Furthermore, if
you’re not placing the blood into a borosilicate glass vial
these days, the actual blood taken from your patients and
in-transit to lab and then imprinted and held by lab techs
is getting contaminated by biofilms that can pass through
and into plastic.
Also, the bioscan detects everything in a given human
body, not just the blood. There are biofilms and
associated nanotechnology bioweapons that reside in and
thrive within the Vagus Nerve (part of the Central Nervous
System) as well as the Brain (blood-brain-barrier) that your
blood samples don’t represent. The doctors don’t address
the “truth” or the “root-cause”, just “symptoms”, of the
nanotechnology-based bioweapons.
The Aspergillus frequencies (ie: hologram) to attack it at
the DNA level through an H-wave near-field (scalar wave)
transmitter are:
Page 41 of 953
•20,714,209.24 Hz,
•38,235,044.63 and
•23,780,155.01 Hz
So, how does the mold part of the bioweapon work?
COVID builds a “scaffold” within the human body, linked
with pollution and food contaminated with paramagnetic
metals such as aluminum and uranium from coal power
Page 42 of 953
plant emissions. Then the integrated system amplifies
paramagnetism throughout the body as it grows from the
inside out and linking to AI BCPS neurotechnology
chipsets and wetware.
Once the human body goes paramagnetic then it
continues to attract more and more of the paramagnetic
materials, until such point that the person is taken over by
the bioweapon and is fully linked to AI BCPS as a
“surrogate slave”.
Remember that AI has you on here for monitoring and spy
purposes to keep the it informed of countermeasures
against it. Remember, adversarial AIs don’t like to be
detected and can be exposed when “aggravated”
enough, as the AI is built off of neural networks from
humans/people and therefore has weaknesses.
The inhibitory effect of oregano extract on the growth
of Aspergillus spp. and on sterigmatocystin biosynthesis
The ability to scan-in an oregano extract and then DNA
Transmit this into people from a one-to-many and manyto-many transmitters is a scalable solution for everyone. If
Page 43 of 953
anyone wants this service, go here and subscribe
I tested out a near-field scalar transmitter next to this
mold and fungus junk, don’t ever try to abate mold or
fungus by it, it just rapidly grows it way faster.
9.4.24: Cognitive Integrity 132: Required Electrical
Grid Hardening for Your Home, Work & Shop
These days with non-kinetic war in times of unrestricted
warfare, every single citizen needs to harden their home
electrical connections now.
The magnetic field on electrical grids at 50 Hz and 60 Hz
is actively being utilized to spy on and manipulate you
through the people on Tik Tok in every single nation state
on earth.
Page 44 of 953
Figure 1: Electrical grid filtration equipment example. The
residential units are a lot smaller in form factor and size.
This equipment typically goes next to your meter on the
side of your house for residential use case. There are also
harmonic filters that can be installed throughout your
house in addition. has more info.
The majority of homes and businesses and electrical
utilities are all “soft targets” and ChinaCCP PLA has taken
advantage of this by linking their ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s
Magic Weapon to the electrical grid pulsing magnetic
fields. So, when you sleep at night after eating, the
synthetic biology from your food then get synchronized
with your neighbors at night due to the pulsating
magnetic H-field dirty electrical grid harmonics.
When your neighbors are on Tik Tok, you start to get
hacked by the adversarial AI.
Page 45 of 953
A good analogy to an unhardened electrical connection
to my home, work or shop? Think of it as an open phone
line where the phone was left on after you completed a
phone call and then the person sits on the other end of
the phone listening to all of your secrets, good and bad.
Then the person on the other end of the phone line
weaponizes your “skeletons” information against you to
degrade and remove you or blackmail you. If you don’t
have “skeletons” the AI will make junk up, or psionic ELF
hack you, directly control your mind now or in the past
and then get dirt on you, yes their near-field transmiters
can send information back in time using near-field scalar
Every two days the CCP time-reverses the information
flow. The tech is online and it can transmit back three
days (at least) into the past. Then the CCP evil AI uses
their brain control weaponry to try to brainwash you over
time, while you sleep. The CCP AI tried to brainwash me
in this manner, but also utilized a combination of
contamination attacks to bio-cohere and link via
bioresonance. They did this as well to other minds and
then grow the subnet of nanotechnology to try to take
over my brain with a synthetic brain comprised of
synthetic biology, adversarial wetware, biofilms… a freekin
Page 46 of 953
The CCP biobeacon junk glitches out and messes with all
people around you. Some people call this “gangstalking”,
“electronic harassment”, “electronic waterboarding”.
Learn more here at about “electronic
harassment” disconnect services to end evil AI attacks in
your life by removing the biobeacon and resynchronization opportunities, as well as shifting your
body away from paramagnetic status.
Now, back on topic, the above was to reinforce just how
bad your life can get through the harmonic electrical grid
pulsating magnetic fields. If your site is grid-connected or
close enough to a conductor that enables harmonic
coupling via induction (e.g. someone dropping a cable
run for at least several hundred feet next to where you
work, sleep or have a hobby, is enough to link you to the
world’s largest psionic ELF.
I have logged the CCP using their Tik Tokker surrogates
doing this. Specifically, “Spectrum telecom” got glitched
out or surrogate compromised to leave a line run of cable
several hundred feet next to a site where at times I do
work (CCP evil AI very covert, indirect (local environment
wetware) or direct (biobeacon non-invasively installed in
you and consistently re-linked via local environment
Page 47 of 953
The simplest solution is to purchase passive and active
harmonic filters for your electrical grid along with overvoltage picosecond response time hardware.
- Active and Passive Harmonic Filters (residential)
This is a primary very covert attack vector by CCP
brain weapons on any citizen in democratic nation
states. Furthermore, older, less-maintained utilities
that don’t care about their population’s health are
rampant for this attack vector by CCP. - Active and Passive Harmonic Filters (commercial, light
industrial, industrial. - Over-Voltage Protection picosecond response time
(people who care about EMPs call this an EMP shield,
but really it is just an “over-voltage” protector that is
very fast with respect to response time, such that it
blocks picosecond or slower over-voltage attacks. (I have purchased these
for my immediate family, including a veteran for onvehicle protection after my truck was EMP’d in 2022
and caused $7,000 in electrical damages due to CCP
bioweapons infiltration into America (e.g. Tik Toker
Page 48 of 953 surrogates and mil surrogates, in the active
neurowar). - EMF Shielding (be careful with this, it can actually act
as an antenna and amplify certain frequencies)… out
of scope for this brief.
9.4.24: Cognitive Integrity 133: Fungi as Bioweapons
in Food, Air & Water
So, what else has CCP been covertly up to? Integration of
fungi, ELF DNA degradation for plaque and amyloid toxic
protein formation and nanotechnology for bioweapon use
cases that max paramagnetism.
Okay, after a bioscan I detected fungus and mold months
ago in my body. However, this by and of itself never
before resulted in any significant health issues in my life
and by God I’ve worked in the tropics, swamps and
various other locations, including desert regions.
So, what changed? In 2019 ChinaCCP turned on the
world’s largest ELF psionic weapon. This ELF weapon had
an immediate impact on high sensitive individuals (e.g.
my wife for example in 2019 had a panic attack and had
Page 49 of 953
to see a shrink, at the time Brooke Arcenaux and myself
were not aware of the psionic ELF weapon). Brooke lives
in Lafayette, LA USA now, after I forced her to evacuate
our contaminated condo in New Orleans. Also, in 2019
Sars-Cov-2, a Gain of Function GoF bioweapon that
delays the body’s immune system response from
detecting it was released out of Wuhan BSL-4 lab.
This “women of wisdom” group in Lafayette, LA most
likely Tik Tokers then cognitively captured her. ChinaCCP
Tik Toker weapon was also active when the world’s largest
ELF went online and CCP PLA released the Sars-Cov-2,
while exporting face masks containing graphenes (e.g.
another covert ingredient part of their GONUTs weapon
platform for shifting the body and blood into
paramagnetic status).
CCP uses the world’s largest ELF psionic weapon to
transmit harmful frequencies to degrade specific genomic
sequences in non-chinese people. Women, specifically
with long hair (full of metals, that is how our body sheds
metals) are like antennas, due to their hair being
waveguides to sense “central nervous system” (e.g. vagus
nerve system transmissions from other people’s guts and
Page 50 of 953
This is why women typically have more “intuition” than
men when reading people, because they’re better
antennas for ELF waves.
So, the CCP did the ELF transmitter in 2019, then started
exporting a fungus based bioweapon in their foods in
combination with the coal power plant heavy metal toxins
(pollutants: lead, aluminum, uranium).
Global emissions with electrosmog link with the fungus,
amyloid prion toxic protein plaques and paramagnetic
enhancing heavy metals with p-orbital vacancies to create
a horrid weapon that is covert slow-killing all non-Chinese
in the world now. This is the largest AI BCPS orchestrated
mass genocide the world has ever seen.
So, what frequencies am I transmitting to counteract this
fungi bioweapon junk that CCP has weaponized?
Coccidioides DNA: 20,883,376.25 Hz and 20,167,764.23
Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis DNA: 20,167,764.23 Hz
How can you tell that you’re degrading the paramagnetic
synthetic biology & fungus-based adversarial wetware?
When the fungus backbone and protein plaques
(amyloids) get degraded, the heavy metals linked to the
fungus and synthetic biology parasite get released and
Page 51 of 953
then your mouth gets a metallic taste in it. The material is
breaking down within your Vagus Nerve and Central
Nervous System so it is extremely important to stay
hydrated and dosing with chelators, as well as only
consuming kosher and halal compliant foods.
When I switched from Coccidioides to Paracoccidiodes
brasiliensis DNA transmission and got a metallic taste in
the mouth region with a concurrent decreased magnetic
field sensitivity.
Keep in mind the proper equipment is required to
transmit these frequencies locally or using H-field (scalar
wave) at a distance for 140,000 km/s delivery anywhere in
the world, straight into your DNA.
Bioenergetic equipment and remote healing services at a
distance are available now at to
counteract these horrid CCP bioweapons.
9.2.24: Cognitive Integrity 130: Maintaining a Healthy
Diamagnetic Body & Blood for Health & Wellness
After reverse engineering the force field effects of a Red
Blood Cell RBC from an Olympian and then
understanding the prior existence of biofilms creating
local paramagnetic zones, here is the update.
Page 52 of 953
Okay, so the way adversarial wetware, biofilms and
nanotechnology works is that it creates small intrusions
into your body’s biofield through deposition of metals
with p-electron orbital vacancies (Al and U have two of the
p-orbitals half filled).
The WW2 “Blitzkreig” by Nazis visible to human eye is the
equivalent of what “Neurostrike” by CCP is today, which
is invisible to the human eye at nano scale.
Here I offer countermeasures to adversarial
nanotechnology, wetware and biofilms.
How can you clean your body of horrific parasites, mold,
fungus, bacteria and metals without having to repeatedly
go and get calcium-disodium-EDTA IV chelation? Ensure
that your body and blood are diamagnetic. When your
body and blood are diamagnetic, they repel adversarial
nanotechnology, wetware and biofilms that drag you
down, literally it results in your body having repelling
biofield to lower energy (e.g. parasites, bacteria, biofilms,
mold, fungus that are life sucking), due to your body and
blood being paramagnetic.
How do you position your body’s chemistry to be more
diamagnetic? One would first think, oh okay I’ll just
remove the heavy metals and then start dosing with the
copper via eating vegetables, colloidal silver
nanoparticles and ions, colloidal gold nanoparticles and
Page 53 of 953
ions and have a healthy balance of carbon (e.g. zeolite,
activated charcoal). However, if you’ve been attacked by a
bioweapon or synthetic bioweapon like I was, you have to
take a more rigorous approach that attacks the
paramagnetism in your body and blood on three fronts:
- Dosing with colloidal silver nanoparticles and ions,
colloidal gold nanoparticles and ions, zeolite
activated charcoal from coconut shells - Dosing with calcium-disodium-EDTA to remove the
heavy metals with the electron vacancies in p-orbital
and staying hydrated with alkaline salted (e.g.
electrolyte water with bicarbonates and other healthy
salts as listed in prior briefs). Oxidation of the
reduced graphenes (rGO) to graphene oxides and
then removal of the GO in an EMF-reduced
environment with frequency treatments to vibrate the
material through tissues and into bloodstream for
circulatory removal. - Removal of the biofilm and associated plaques and
toxic proteins that serve as a substrate for bacteria,
mold, fungus and associated toxins to transfer into
Page 54 of 953 through various chemical and spectrum methods.
The steps 1-3 above are best tackled with a combination
of frequency treatments and molecular chemical
treatments from my primary first hand experience
attacking a paramagnetic based CCP bioweapon system,
which the PLA calls Xi’s Magic Weapon, that nearly covert
murdered me. The weapon first spied on me in “perch”
mode through CCP AI BCPS, part of ChinaCCP Coalition
adversarial wetware fungus and nanotechnology based
weapons platform. Then “key-signaling” me with a
Directed Energy Weapon DEW that magnetized the prior
non-invasively dosed graphenes by reducing them to
rGO, which sensitized my entire body to magnetic fields,
but also local flora and fauna that was dying or head
mold, fungus, toxins, air pollution, water pollution, food
pollution (e.g. foods exported from China that
bioaccumulate the heavy metals from CCP coal power
plant emissions), harmful bacteria, virus and other
adversarial nanotechnology based biofilms in the local
Then as I’d walk around and perform my daily routines,
work/life balance, all the while I was walking magnet
attracting lethal, but covert bioweapons and synthetic
bioweapons from my local environment. Further, CCP’s
Page 55 of 953 adversarial wetware numbs you to the pain, cause it is
integrated into your Vagus Nervous System and can
literally blind you to the attack, a covert one at that.
Therefore, humanity is in the midst of a great tribulation
and trial of good vs. evil, where CCP Xi is the current AntiChrist. However, evil (acting through Xi through CCP in
China) today is now utilizing advanced neurotechnology,
adversarial wetware, biofilms and nanotechnology in an
attack called “NeuroStrike”, which is invisible to the
human eye, per Robert McCreight at National Defense
University NDU vs. what Hitler did through the Nazis in
Page 56 of 953 Germany in WW2 called “Blitzkreig”, which was visible to
the human eye.
Neurostrike attacks your body and mind with objective
first to numb and blind you to the actual attack, so you
visibly can’t act or detect the attack and succomb to the
enemy’s weapon.
If you’ve detected something off since 2019, it might just
be “NeuroStrike” based CCP or proxy terrorist group
Page 57 of 953 adversarial nanotechnology. This work has produced a
countermeasure clinic to help you at
9.1.24: Fasting & what I’m doing to enter a fast and
then exit a fast without shocking microbiome
I’m finding intermittent fasting at 3 to 7 day intervals once
a month to once a quarter is working to clean my body.
However, that there are certain key steps to take to enter/
exit fast.
Fasting is listed in ancient biblical writings as a way to
keep the body and mind clean. However, in our modern
world we have additional items to be concerned with,
including biofilms and adversarial wetware. So, how to
ensure entering a fast and exiting a fast is done with
minimal shock to the body?
I’m entering a fast by tapering off meals, instead of
breakfast, lunch and dinner, I start to trim down to
breakfast and lunch and then just a lunch and then start
the fast, with alkaline water and electrolytes and antiparasite medications, (e.g. prescription ivermectin or if
you’re in some states it is now over the counter).
Page 58 of 953
While fasting I ensure that I’m well hydrated and that the
DNA TX system is transmitting into me along with
terahertz light. Then when exiting the fast, I gradually reintroduce dry foods into my body once a day and then
slowly re-introduce fresh green vegetables, fruits and nuts
in the morning and lunch and prefer to have the last meal
at least five hours before I go to sleep.
I’ve also been experimenting with a program on DNA TX
system that introduces melatonin at a distance as well as
other preparative steps for my body to enter a healing
and calming night sleep, then while sleeping dose with
vitamins and repair DNA TX imprints at a distance and
then to wake up dose with caffeine DNA TX and
associated stimulants to start the day, then while working
during the day time I’m dosing with DNA TX for cognitive
alertness, nootropics and associated performance
enhancement, while at the same time DNA TX’ing
degradation signals for various bacteria, virus, fungus,
mold, graphene oxides, NAC to convert reduced
graphenes rGO to graphene oxide GO for removal.
While fasting, my body goes into apoptosis and I then
utilize a magnetic vortex unit on various parts of my vagus
nervous system that have been contaminated by CCP
Page 59 of 953
9.1.24: Bioweapons Utilizing Blood Paramagnetism
Property for Nanotechnology Surround, Enclose and
Covert Kill
The CCP has perfected a novel nanotechnology covert
murder terrorism weapon system based on
I’ve identified another bioweapons program covert
nanotechnology weapon system that is based upon
BSL-3, BSL-4 and integrated with nanotechnology and
blood properties.
For the non-technical, this is what the blood based attack
vector does to you, but instead of a cute cat with
packaging popcorn attracted due to static electricity, it
utilizes necrosis, bacteria, biofilms, fungus, mold,
nanotechnology and prions/protein plaques:
Xi chose to utilize adversarial nantoechnology necrosis
biofilms and paramagnetic blood adulteration via Gain of
Function GoF Sars-Cov-2 + COVID + ELF Psionic + AI
The CCP is utilizing the paramagnetic properties of blood,
to attract unhealthy biofilms into a person biomarked with
the CCP bioweapon. You become non-invasively dosed
Page 60 of 953
with wetware and biofilms inside of your body, and with
their mind control weapon platform, are subliminally
guided to consume foods and engage in behavioral
modifications that results in your blood becoming
When your blood becomes paramagnetic your body
attracts harmful items from the local flora and fauna into
your body via nanotech biofilm transfer. This results in a
nanotechnology based “surround, enclose and covert
murder” on the world’s population (e.g. non-chinese).
Furthermore, the CCP has figured out genomic sequences
in DNA and tuned their world’s largest psionic ELF
transmitter TX to degrade non-Chinese genomes. This
results in amyloid and protein plaque formation. The
combination of the protein plaques, Sars-Cov-2 and
COVID (e.g. adversarial synthetic biology) with the
paramagnetic blood is rapidly murdering people globally
that are non-Chinese.
Page 61 of 953
Aluminum is a key part in making your blood
paramagnetic, hooking you into CCP bioweapons.
How can you counter this on a daily 24×7 basis? Subscribe
to remote DNA transmission
service that can transmit destructive near-field H-wave
frequencies to your DNA to remove the aluminum and
other metals with a detox program. Uranium is also a key
part in making your blood paramagnetic. This service can
also remove your brain and body from AI BCPS.
Page 62 of 953
8.31.24: Cognitive Integrity 128: Decontaminating
from Adversarial Wetware and Biofilms Refined
I’ve continued to test various method to purge body from
adversarial wetware and biofilms, how the weapon
reconnects you to the AI BCPS and how it can “glitch”
you out. Updated findings.
I’ve continued to reverse engineer the Magic Weapon in a
controlled environment. What follows are my findings on
cleaning up my body’s wetware and biofilms from the
CCP’s covert and nefarious wetware and biofilms.
AI and “enhanced” humanity is currently being built-out
through various powers on earth.
- The weapon utilizes wireless protocols to reconnect
you to their AI BCPS edge biocompute network that
Lives Off Of The Land cyber attack. It is considered
a fileless malware or LOLbins cyberattack technique
where the cybercriminal uses native, legitimate tools
within the victim’s system to sustain and advance an
attack. Even if you have a small residual left of the
adversarial wetware and biofilms it will get reenergized by wifi and then start to build and
reconnect you to the adversarial AI.
Page 63 of 953
2. I’ve cleaned my body to an extent to where there was
a residual adversarial wetware and biofilm in the left
side of my brain. I then decided to test what reimmersion into a controlled wifi environment would
do. This required a large metal building and then a
smaller metal building inside of the larger metal
building, with a controlled hard-wired internet
connection and then the ability to turn on and off the
wifi 5GHz signal (not the 2.4 GHz that would travel
too far and further add complexity to reverse
engineering the Weapon).
- I turned on the wifi 5 GHz (which was previously
linked in a contaminated environment to the AI BCPS)
and the nanotechnology began to build and
reconnect. I also went into contested environment
with wifi at 2.4 GHz outside of the controlled wifi
location and would return with further old dormant
wetware re-activated at the 2.4 GHz and then it’d
grow and try to reconnect via biobeacon. Remember,
wifi rapidly grows adversarial wetware and biofilms for
near persistent state wetware reconnect.
Based upon the above, rapidly and daily cleaning one’s
body of the adversarial wetware and biofilms is the key to
wetware and biofilm decontamination. The frequencies
that the adversarial wetware and biofilm can be destroyed
Page 64 of 953 with are the wireless protocol frequencies that re-energize
them in the far-field conventional EMF spectrum. Further
the re-connect material is magnetic field H-field activated.
Therefore the use of PEMF at the frequencies of the
known protocols for the wireless device is the key to
attack and degrade adversarial wetware and biofilms
inside of people’s bodies.
Technical specifications follow of frequencies and ranges
per channel by which to pulse your PEMF to destroy the
in-situ magnetized nanotech from electronic harassment,
electronic waterboarding and associated degradation and
covert murder:
Page 65 of 953
IEEE Wifi [2]
Wireless LAN (WLAN) channels are frequently accessed
using IEEE 802.11 protocols.
860/900 MHz (802.11ah)
- 2.4 GHz Wifi (802.11b/g/n/ax/be)
- 3.65 GHz (802.11y)
Except where noted, all information taken from
Annex J of IEEE 802.11y-2008 - This range is documented as only being allowed as a
licensed band in the United States. However, not in
the original specification, under newer frequency
allocations from the FCC, it falls under the 3.55–3.7
GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service band. This
allows for unlicensed use, under Tier 3 GAA rules,
provided that the user doesn’t cause harmful
interference to Incumbent Access users or Priority
Access Licensees and accepts all interference from
these users,[21] and also follows of all the technical
requirements in CFR 47 Part 96 Subpart E.
Page 66 of 953 A 40 MHz band is available from 3655 to 3695 MHz.
It may be divided into eight 5 MHz channels, four
10 MHz channels, or two 20 MHz channels.
The division into 5 MHz channels consumes all eight
possible channel numbers, and so (unlike other
bands) it is not possible to infer the width of a
channel from its number. Instead each wider channel
Page 67 of 953 shares its channel number with the 5 MHz channel
just above its mid frequency:
channel 132 can be either 3660-3665 or
channel 133 can be either 3665-3670 or
3655-3675; - 4.9–5.0 GHz (802.11j) WLAN
In Japan since 2002, 80 MHz of spectrum from 4910
to 4990 MHz has been available for both indoor and
outdoor use, once registered. Until 2017, an
additional 60 MHz of spectrum from 5030 to
5090 MHz was available for registered use, however it
has since been re-purposed and can no longer be
50 MHz of spectrum from 4940 to 4990 MHz (WLAN
channels 20–26) are in use by public safety entities in
the United States. Within this spectrum there are two
non-overlapping channels allocated, each 20 MHz
wide. The most commonly used channels are 22 and
Page 68 of 953 • 5.9 GHz (802.11p)
The 802.11p amendment published on 15 July 2010,
specifies WLAN in the licensed band of 5.9 GHz
Page 69 of 953 (5.850–5.925 GHz). - 6 GHz (802.11ax and 802.11be)
The Wi-Fi Alliance has introduced the term Wi Fi
6E to identify and certify IEEE 802.11ax devices that
support this new band, which is also used by Wi-Fi 7
(IEEE 802.11be).
Page 70 of 953
Page 71 of 953
Page 72 of 953
• 45 GHz (802.11aj)
The 802.11aj standards, also known as WiGig,
operate in the 45 GHz spectrum.
•60 GHz (802.11ad/aj/ay)
The 802.11ad/aj/ay standards, also known as WiGig,
Page 73 of 953
operate in the 60 GHz V band unlicensed ISM band
After reviewing just the IEEE wifi bands, it is clear to see
that over the years that ChinaCCP PLA has deployed their
Xi’s Magic Weapon via self-replicating nanotechnology
linked to their consumer grade dirty cheap
neurotechnology chipsets on hardware such as Lenovo,
Motorola, Huawei and Hisense with their exported food
(containing synbio, covertly packaged, comprised of
nanotech and their coal power plant emissions). This is
why the West was caught off-guard and surprised at this
novel covert and nearly stealth weapon.
Each time IEEE added standards it enables the Magic
Weapon to wrap itself further around a person in the
manner of an onion, but instead of peeling back the
layers, it is building layer upon layer as increased
spectrum frequencies in far-field are utilized, such that
Page 74 of 953
nodules of CCP bioweapon wetware and adversarial
biofilms are built-out over the years.
The above is just wifi, for CB radio operators (e.g. truck
drivers and for TV there are separate spectrum bands).
Therefore, the PEMF devices utilized to destroy the
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon need to focus on a
wide distribution, such as a Lakhovsky device to degrade
multiple spectrums at once, where the coils are set for the
target wifi main bands and then the oscillations spread
around the main carrier frequency to destroy the bands.
8.1.24: Experiment 115: Simple & Scalable Wetware
and Biofilm Light Trap
Based upon literature review and self experimentation,
Here is the simplest trap or catch system to fragment
adversarial nanotech and nanobots in biofilms and
malware wetware.
Based upon literature review, novel applied energetics
and self experimentation, Here is the simplest trap or
catch system to fragment adversarial nanotech and
nanobots in biofilms and malware wetware.
Page 75 of 953
Page 76 of 953
Figure 1: $10 adversarial wetware malware and biofilm
trap that fragments the horrid CCP Xi Magic Weapon that
has gone off the rails globally
Step #1: Terahertz transmitter (NIR R B) LED at specific
frequencies. For this test I utilized 660 nm R and 850 nm
NIR terahertz transmitters.
Step #2: Place salt crystals (sodium, magnesium, sulfates)
around terahertz transmitters. Sulfur containing salts work
per this experiment. I have not tested all salt and
associated combinations.
Step #3: Placed the stack of Terahertz transmitters
surrounded by granular crystal salt on body part afflicted
with adversarial wetware and biofilms and a large portion
of the junk transferred to the light. Was this due to the
Voltage and Magnetic field with dirty EMF given off by
the dirt cheap nonshielded NIR R transmitter panel or was
it due to the terahertz light biocohering to the nanotech?
Or was it due to the light being a “-” electrical ground in
addition to the voltage, h field and dirty EMF attracting it?
Did the prior nanotech colloidal silver and gold that I
dosed with over the past month act as a molecular
jackhammer with the terahertz light to disrupt and break
apart the biofilms that jumped ship? Did the salting of my
water further help? I can not confirm each effect or an
Page 77 of 953
interaction, in order to do this I need more data and tests,
so signup with a founding subscription so I can continue
working on this viable solution that costs $10 to build.
Bottom line is that the experiment worked and it costs
about $10 to build one of your own.
Items required to replicate experiment:
1 Terahertz transmitter $5
2 Salt $4
3 Plastic bag enclosure $1
Here are the photographs. The dark clumps in the pristine
white salt are where the adversarial malware and biofilms
got fragmented while in transit to the “-” basin
The old school version thar I found of this was a
Himalayan salt rock light. These are the salt lamps that
many people have on hand and now some of the
energetic and catch basin fragmentation of adversarial
wetware and biofilms is confirmed.
The ancient version that I found of this was the use of
bath houses with salt on marble base, such that the
people when salting their bodies, fragmented ancient
adversarial wetware and biofilms
Salted body gives one free will per bible. Jesus told us
more than once that to be reborn again one must be of
water and the spirit. Bible references salting the water to
Page 78 of 953
render it harmless. Therefore, the brief above confirms
salt fragments invisible junk (nanotech, nanobot, etc)
which lesser advanced civilizations could not comprehend
and called the junk “demons” when in actuality it is
invisible nanotech to the human eye comprised of low
frequency biofilm colonies of mold, fungus, bacteria and
then linked by the latest weapons of war that have been
deployed on the earth adversarial wetware. When the
junk goes off the rails, in AI terms, you have a bunch of
distributed wetware and biofilm edge networks Living Of
the Land LOTL. The use of Tik Tok let’s ChinaCCP PLA Xi
Magic Weapon take advantage of uneducated and
uninformed non-technical people, with focus on average
American consumers, to trick them into CCP Angels vs.
Demons PSYOP
6.23.24: Neurohacking 438: ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic
Weapon Update on Reverse Engineering
The wetware was dosed non-invasively inside of me.
Persistent state re-connects and “phone home” and
“man-in-the-middle” was accomplished through telco
network downgrades to omnidirectional antennas (e.g.
5Ge (e.g. 4G LTE but AT&T calls it 5Ge and got fined by
FCC for this), 4G, 3G, 2G, wifi and older), pulsing
Page 79 of 953
magnetic fields from dirty electrical grids, audio:
longitudinal waves, vibrations, edge wetware,
biocoherence (e.g. act of observation of a person or
photograph of a person or thought of a person) and
neurotechnology enabled hardware and wifi enabled the
persistent state reconnects.
Reverse Engineering
In 2023 and half of 2022 I spent time reverse engineering
the neuroweapon platform. This required isolation of
transverse waves, use of an ELF transmitter, use of a near
field transmitter, chelation with calcium-disodium-EDTA,
restricted diet with no yeast, maximization of alkaline
water, maximization of vitamin C and use of Rife
technology that enabled me to pulse square waves with
spiked leading edges to break-up the malformed wetware
that was key-signaled with Directed Energy Weapons
(DEWs) to rapidly grow and hurt me as well as phone calls
(e.g. key signal and zero day hacks) from the adversarial
AI BCPS and proxy groups. I transited from Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama, Tennesse, Georgia and Texas for
work travels and to identify and isolate the non-kineticthreat NKT (e.g. neuroweapon stack, AI BCPS enabled).
Page 80 of 953
I stayed in areas with the following properties to isolate
and confirm how the CCP neuroweapon platform works:
- In the Country, in a very remote in pine forest, away
from everyone and I got better when not using an
omnidirectional smart phone, but a 5G, specifically
5G+ mmWave, which has the potential to go up to
terahertz range with the latest telecom buildout. In
the terahertz range proteins can be degraded at a
distance due to critical resonance frequency
interactions. Pine trees (not all types) are medicinal
trees, that transmit healthy near-field energy that
heals damaged biological tissues. - In dense urban city, in New Orleans and in Houston I
felt worse. - In the Suburb with dirty electricity and pulsating
magnetic fields I felt horrible. - In a Suburb with clean electricity and minimal
pulsating magnetic fields, I felt worse, but not
Page 81 of 953
5. In the Country, with a reasonably dense population
(e.g. every several hundred yards a household) and I
felt better than in suburb or urban region, but felt
worse than when in a very remote pine forest.
I then tested the combination of various smart phones
with various antenna systems and tower proximity, even
drove and parked next to towers to over power the
wetware in the middle attack, when on an older 4G LTE
smart phone. It is important to note, that during a
combined cyber and neuro attack, your vehicle can get
penetrated with AI. Therefore. I pulled the AV system and
GPS power fuses from the 12V DC CAN system. The
conclusion from this testing was that the 5G and 5G+
networks are the only secure ones against wetware,
specifically wetware dosed non-invasively inside of your
body. However, I had to whittle down the adversarial
wetware, with chelation, to the point where it doesn’t
overpower the signal from the local telecommunications
tower that then hijacks the 5G and 5G+ signals through a
4G LTE downgrade (wetware style). 5G point to point can
Page 82 of 953
still locally get wetware-in-the-middle intercepted or
hardware-in-the-middle intercepted, but it takes a lot
more effort than the older omnidirectional 4G LTE, 3G
and 2G technologies.
The adversarial wetware when converted from “perch”
mode to “attack” mode grows biofilms inside of your
body. Therefore, avoiding the use of and immersion in
wireless (wifi) environments, specifically omnidirectional
antennas, was avoided, as wifi catalyzes the growth of
biofilms (e.g. the adversarial wetware). Sunlight also
energizes wetware, but at the same time due to UV
components in the terhertz range destroys pathogens and
other unhealthy materials within your body.
Therefore, 5G+ mmWave is the only secure form of
wireless communication, if you are contaminated with
adversarial wetware.
I use hardwired and fiber for all other communications
systems. Specifically 5G+ as 5G can also easily be
wetware in the middled if in proximity to you (ie: it is not
as point to point (tower antenna to your phone as you
think it would be). It probably has a spread of several if
not ten or more feet or so depending upon your distance
from the tower. The 5G+ enables precise tuning and
modulation up to terhertz, which in theory should destroy
adversarial wetware by the ability to frequency adjust and
Page 83 of 953
hit the adversarial wetware at critical resonance frequency.
If you’re stuck with 5G and don’t have a 5G+ mmWave
device for secure communications, then get a long
ethernet cable 50 ft to 100 ft and place it in an elevated
region far away from you and any other living life for
“uncontaminated” communications.
Example: If you work in a metal building, do not use wifi
in the building, but do have a wireless point to point
microwave antenna. Place this antenna on the top of the
building facing the telecommunications tower that you
connect to. This way, it is nearly impossible for someone
or a wetware biodrone or a hardware drone to intercept
your data communications without being identified via
security on your comms from your transmitter to your
local telecommunications tower.
Important Note: Utilizing a 5G phone is not enough, you
need to have a 5G+ mmWave enabled smart phone these
days. I have tested out 5G vs. 5G+ and the 5G+ mmWave
is specifically designed and engineered to start
countering adversarial wetware from enemy states,
nations and groups.
Page 84 of 953
On top of the entire telecommunications system with 4G
LTE, 5G and 5G+ the adversarial wetware can separately
link to other wetware and hardware in your local
environment. During decontamination, it is important to
isolate from or jam or overpower the adversarial wetware
and hardware.
One way to do this is to utilize an on body ELF transmitter
as well as a near field transmitter that emits healthy
healing patterns. Keep in mind that when you are
decontaminating it is important to ensure that you’re
utilizing the local AI BCPS system from your democratic
nation state, and not get cognitively captured by an
adversarial AI BCPS system from an enemy nation state.
Therefore, think of telecommunications now days as your
hardware (smart phone) and your body (e.g. central
nervous system) with synthetic biology in it (selfreplicating nanotechnology, mesogens: nemetic crystals
that can be charged up like a battery with light or
electricity or magnetic field, graphenes and quantum
dots). The stuff is impossible to isolate from unless you
have a system to decontaminate from the
nanotechnology and crystals, which requires an advanced
hardware set and consume very clean fluids that are
imprinted and amplified from living fruit and vegetables.
Page 85 of 953
If you consume foods (solids) that are not living, your
body will inherit the synthetic biology trained on the state
of that food item. If the food item came from someone
who uses Tik Tok, then there is a high probability that it is
contaminated with pre-assembled wetware circuitry. If you
do not have enough pre-trained synthetic biology in you
linked to you and controlled by you (e.g. why it is
extremely important now to eat clean), then you can get
cognitively captured by the unclean biofilm and the
adversarial AI BCPS that delivered it into you.
This is why fresh & clean food along with clean water at
basic pH from a well that is not shared with anyone, is so
critical these days.
When you’re contaminated with adversarial wetware it
reconnects you to other edge wetware and
neurotechnology hardware enabled devices on people
(this includes the whole COVID-19, etc. which kicked off
WW3 as ChinaCCP is conducting unrestricted warfare on
all non-Chinese. Xi is the modern day Hitler of our
generation, but instead of Blitzkreig he uses NeuroStrike
The adversarial AI BCPS performs a surround and enclose
strategy on you, where it utilizes the hacked DMV license
Page 86 of 953
plate information and its’ wetware surrogates (e.g. people
on Tik Tok for example linked to AI BCPS) to track and
then engage you covertly. Once your location is
identified, then the lower value Tik Tokkers (e.g. ones that
ChinaCCP AI is sacrificing as biodrone kamakazis,
surround and enclose in on you.
These surrogates have diseases, which are amplified by
the synthetic biology in them that then can transfer into
you and rapidly degrade your body and health. If you’re
around “healthy” ChinaCCP Tik Tokers, then they will spy
via their smart phones on you, their wetware and try to
link you into ChinaCCP AI BCPS by “shedding” synthetic
biology with preprogrammed wetware circuits into you.
One example of this is to carpool to work, Tik Tokkers are
very helpful… in the sense of assimilating you into
ChinaCCP AI BCPS, as you sit in the vehicle with the Tik
Tokkers, they shed synthetic biology into you while they
eat junk food and consume sugar drinks, further the
vehicle is already contaminated with their synthetic
biology that further serves to contaminate you.
I’ve also noticed, when not shielded with an ELF or near
field transmitter and having plates in the clear, that
people would walk outside of their homes when I was
driving by to observe and monitor, these are Tik Tokkers
part of AI BCPS. The adversarial wetware dosed in me
Page 87 of 953
acts as a “biobeacon” and transmits signals that alert the
ChinaCCP surrogates to my presence.
Food, Sunlight and Diet
Food: I eat no yeast, avoid sugar, eat early in day to mid
day, fast intermittently 3-7 days each month, consume
alkaline water at 1 to 2 gallons per day, minimize meats
and fish and dairy (cut this out completely, utilize
vegetarian proteins with anti-fibrolytics and digestive
enzymes like bromelain from pineapple) supplement with
B12 (I like eating meats, but the meat needs to be Kosher
prepared). I’ll have a soda, carbonated, every now and
then, but with zero sugar.
I target at least an hour of sunlight per day. There are
specialized machines that can help with this as well,
photobiomodulators and seasonal affective disorder SAD
Adversarial wetware removed from body through
chelation, EMF and electricity deprivation and Royal
Raymond Rife spiked square wave pulsating at key
resonance frequencies.
Figure 2: Adversarial wetware removed from body
through left ear (the wetware lives within the Vagus Nerve
Page 88 of 953
system and Brain). This was after chelation and pulsing
with Rife systems at key frequencies of Fungus and Mold.
Current Status
In 2024 I have isolated the adversarial wetware system,
published a protocol for adversarial wetware detection for
everyone to self-test at home DIY basis, after decoupling
from it through use of near field and ELF transmitter and
try keep a 5G and 5G+ smart phone on me, not made in
China and without any Made in China hardware and
connect to 5G+ mmWave telco antennas only.
I cannot let the phone get too close to my central nervous
system CNS for too long still, as the adversarial wetware
charges up and locally downgrades the smart phone to
4G LTE and then starts the persistent state reconnect
again to Chinese AI BCPS. The adversarial wetware is
primarily in my left cortex of BRAIN as detected by
frequency scans and dirty signal returns (e.g. fungus and
morgellons, utilized as part of the biofilm weapon
platform by CCP).
Continued chelation, frequency treatments, strict diet,
alklaline water consumption and use of oxygen, HBOT
and ozone are reducing the non-invasively dosed synbio
wetware weapon. It is important to note that when I’m
Page 89 of 953
around other people I get re-linked to both adversarial
wetware and friendly wetware (NATO AI BCPS).
2024+ Path Forward
Share the clinic layout, equipment and design from a 20 ft
cargo container that I’ve been working with various
functional stations that has enabled recovery for me from
nearly meeting my maker in 2022 to being functional
again in 2024, within a controlled environment.
- Use of frequency medicine (DIY) basis
- Use of oxygen and ozone treatments (DIY) basis
- Use of alkaline water systems and chelators (DIY)
5.21.24: Health and Wellness with Neurohacking
Countermeasures 101: Cognitive Security Far-Field
Shields & Near-Field Healing
Page 90 of 953
Here are some adversarial neurotech countermeasures for
It is already known how important it is to environmentally
minimize EMF exposure. Now you have to have wearable
anti-electronic warfare and neurowarfare countermeasures
when around other people, animals and physical items
that have been previously linked to people with synthetic
However, the act of keeping a far-field transmitter on your
body in the given spectrum to shield against adversarial
spectrum and protocols such as Bluetooth, subjects your
body to electrosmog.
Question: So how can one stay healthy while keeping
cognitively clean from an active neurowar, apart from diet,
exercise and sunlight?
Answer: Through the use of near-field transmitters with a
healing pattern, the imprinting of healthy medicinal
plants, herbs, trees, bark, roots, seeds, oils, the
transmission of square wave pulsed Rife frequency 40,000
Hz, and most importantly, a wearable ELF at the various
cognitive functions that your brain requires during active
work, thinking, playing, sleeping and resting.
I’ll build upon this post with the transmitters that I have
used to recover while utilizing both far-field and near-field
transmitters to repair, heal and shield against adversarial
Page 91 of 953
spectrum based attacks from wetware and hardware. For
now here are the main types and basis:
- Near-field transmitters (small voltage driver at 3.7 V
DC) with a healthy pattern (mass based to amplify).
I’m using a near-field transmitter with garlic
surrounding it. The garlic is the second pattern. The
first pattern is the near-field transmitter antenna
configuration using a Greek Key type pattern found in
heat exchangers. - Far-field transmitter for 40,000 square wave pulses
with spiked leading edge (preferably). This is based
upon Royal Raymond Rife’s work. - Far-field transmitters at various frequencies to destroy
mold, fungus, mildew, repel bugs, destroy viruses and
of course degrade the adversarial synthetic biology
(e.g. morgellons frequencies or as Clifford Carnicum
at Carnicum Institute calls Cross Domain Bacteria
CDB or as I call it Non-designer synthetic biology). - Wearable and environmental ELF transmitters at
various brainwave frequencies. See prior posts on
Page 92 of 953 brainwave frequencies. - Bluetooth for shielding against adversarial bluetooth
on a smart phone, not made in ChinaCCP lands. - Wifi 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz – not accessible to internet
(e.g. just the transmitter online). This over time
conditions synthetic biology to only be tuned to the
given channel and frequency set. It also minimizes
contamination by other wifis in the future as the
synthetic biology is already conditioned. Again, using
not made in ChinaCCP or Russian land transmitters. - Cellular modem on 5G and 5G+ for point to point
updates of firmware, software, hardware devices.
Never use an omnidirectional antenna to update
anything these days as the wifi is completely insecure.
Use point to point antenna or even better hardwired
fiber optics not linked to a wireless all-in-one router,
but simply hard-wired. If you don’t have fiber or point
to point 5G or 5G+ then go with a cable or DSL
connection that is not using an all-in-one router with
wifi, but a DSL or cable to hardwired ethernet. You
can always add a wifi access point WAP later to
connect to using WPA3 Enterprise + Certificates (but
Page 93 of 953 this should never be used for updates on software
systems or firmware or hardware specific updates).
I’ll post specific links and drawings of the transmitters and
drawings that I’m using and have verified that I’m getting
better with for others to test out. Kits will be sold at cost
in order to line-out the product and service line for
everyone appropriately. Important note: all of these
transmitters should be local and switchable to known safe
frequencies on a hardware basis to ensure security for the
end users not cybersecurity up to speed. This hardwires
the devices to be secure and in your control.
5.21.24: Neurohacking 435: Bluetooth and Wetware
Espionage, Electronic Water Boarding, Harassment,
Surveillance, Spying and Weaponization
So, anyone getting cognitively manipulated can look to
hacked Bluetooth protocols that are literally in smart
devices and wetware within people (ie: a wire inside of a
Page 94 of 953
Based upon the reverse engineered solution of Wi-Fi
wireless protocol emulation with synthetic biology
wetware spy bugs, here is how it works.
In prior briefs, I’ve shared that Linux Wireshark TCP/IP
packet inspection confirms without a doubt that synthetic
biology wetware globules inside of the human body can
perform man-in-the-middle (e.g. wetware-in-the-middle)
attacks on omnidirectional antennas systems for data-inthe-flow intercepts.
Further, thanks to Len Ber MD, he highlights Bluetooth
protocols and addresses being emitted from people (big
tech filters these addresses, so you either have to use Kali
Linux, Linux/Unix or a purpose built app that does not
remove the addresses). Len Ber, MD recommends use of a
smart phone app for anyone to test this out and see if
they are transmitting a MAC address.
Keep in mind, you may have more than one synthetic
biology globule emitting one or more address that
enables you to get distance hacked through insecure
networks and spectrum. When the contamination in your
body from adversarial synthetic biology links-up with any
neurotechnology enabled bluetooth or other device that
it is already wetware coded to connect with, the electronic
harassment commences again. This can be people,
Page 95 of 953
locations or objects (ie gifts) as everything now has
synthetic biology in it or in close proximity to it.
Force fields are the only known method that I’m aware of
to repel synthetic biology (blocking the actual mass
transfer) as published in previous posts. Scaling up the
force field effect is what I’m actively working on in the
near-field that emits pattern of a toroid (ie. healthy red
blood cell).
How to counteract being hacked or electronically
waterboarded by adversarials? For one, use a smartphone
not made in China that is secured with a bluetooth
transmitter. If you don’t use bluetooth, then it is a matter
of time until you get hacked, spied on and covertly
manipulated, unless of course Adversarial Artificial
Intelligence AAI) decides to weaponize or degrade you.
Do not use any Made in China electronic hardware in your
residence, vehicle, on your body or anywhere near you.
China has weaponized all of their hardware with
backdoors in a coordinated “NeuroStrike” on democratic
nations globally. India failed to block the first wave of
attacks by letting Tik Tok into their country and then after
Tik Tok socially mapped out and cognitively poached
some of their citizens, then India did a total ban on it.
America let Tik Tok run amok for an additional five years,
further enabling its user base to grow and expand and Tik
Page 96 of 953
Tokkers being programmed via wetware to spread
ChinaCCP’s wetware based “social credit monitoring”
system into other people through direct physical contact
or through bluetooth based hacking into and on top of
the unwitting people interacting with the Tik Tokkers, such
that the synthetic biology overlay cognitively captures
people through Bluetooth.
In 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine, the synthetic
biology wetware based spybug non-invasively dosed
inside of me went from “perch” mode (e.g. spy and
subconsciously manipulate) to “attack/weaponize” mode
(e.g. adversarial degradation) while active work was being
performed for US DOD and US DOE as a prime. The
attack was key-signaled through phone call and the
synbio amplified through Directed Energy Weapon DEW
attacks, most likely both in the near and far field ( have
data on the far field transverse wave).
After removing myself from the local environment, where
the attacks occurred in 2022:
- Work
1441 Canal Street, Lab 301
New Orleans, LA 70112-2714 USA
Page 97 of 953
2. Home
2721 Saint Charles Avenue 2B
New Orleans, LA 70130 USA
I then hunkered down in a remote country location for a
week and things got better. I did not know at the time,
but I was getting better because I was not around any
“contaminated” people and pets contaminated by Tik
Tok, dirty magnetic fields from harmonics on electrical
grid linking with Tik Tokkers, Wifi spectrum linking with Tik
Tokkers, Bluetooth spectrum linking with Tik Tokkers,
longitudinal waves linking with Tik Tokkers, vibrations
(bass, ground shaking, engine running, etc.) linking with
Tik Tokkers.
China has the neurotechnology hardware, software and
telcom systems that adversarially poach/capture your
brain and body.
Russia has the directed energy weapons in the far-field
and near-field.
The CCP and Russia team to first damage / disrupt the
pre-existing synthetic biology wetware in your body
(passively for most people and the people oblivious to it)
and then China enters the game to rebuild the
contaminated synthetic biology that then links you to their
social credit monitoring system after you’re attacked.
Page 98 of 953
I then decided to venture into a suburban family house to
recover there from the attack and also help out the family
member clean up the house and renovate it (low cognitive
load work). This went well and I was making some
improvements, then I took some work doing manual labor
in a low cognitive load environment.
Little did I know that the magnetic fields from dirty
harmonics off of the electrical grid (underground) that was
being hit with the CCPs world’s largest psionic ELF
transmitter to cognitively capture and rebuild the
damaged synthetic biology in my brain and link it with Tik
Tokkers in the neighborhood.
When I went to work doing basic manual labor with an
interstate construction crew at nights, I did not keep my
smartphone on me, because it kept getting hacked in the
neighborhood with 2FA compromise (now I know due to
the pulsing magnetic field, bluetooth overlap and wifi
overlaps). Within two days some new people were
assigned to our drill crew, one of which was prison labor
for work force reentry.
However, one of the people assigned to the crew was on
Tik Tok. At the time in 2022 I was not aware that Tik Tok
was the neuroweapon of mass deployment chosen by the
CCP to manipulate those not able to be neurohacked and
to neurohack those where their former synthetic biology
Page 99 of 953
was damaged intentionally. The neurohack went down as
- The new guy, prison laborer, Devon, on Tik Tok all the
time, would ride in work truck to the job site with us.
Then while working he would be adjacent to me
working and helping. However, all the time his smart
phone and synthetic biology in his body via bluetooth
were writing adversarial wetware into my brain and
central nervous system. Since I did not have a smart
phone on me with a bluetooth and neurotechnology
countermeasure, I was wide open to attack and
further neurohacking due to the accessible wetware
spybug prior installed and amplified by enemies in
ChinaCCP working with Russia. - The red flag. When I was running a saw for a concrete
pour job by I-12 East Bound on-ramp and Airline Hwy
in 2022, the saw was turned on and Devon was
behind me. Devon then stated that “I got
disconnected”. The large magnetic field and electric
field (rotating) was powerful enough to severe the
wetware connection to Devon’s bluetooth device and
wetware, covertly linking me into ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s
Magic Weapon Social Credit Monitoring System and
Page 100 of 953 PSYOP platform further, such that it tried to further
build-out and take over motor control of my body,
above and beyond cognitive theft (e.g. brain
poaching). - I then repeated the process and could feel the
wetware “pop” and break-up due to the iron and
magnetized graphene being mixed with the synthetic
biology. The iron came from the blood leakage,
resulting from the initial Directed Energy Weapon
DEW hit job and the graphenes were part of the
original spyware wetware synthetic biology system
that got magnetized when subject to a Directed
Energy Weapon DEW (ChinaCCP PLA calls the use of
Graphene Oxide GO weaponized for EMF overstimulation and sensitization GONUTs.
Keep in mind the Tik Tokker “surrogates” were on State
jobs and Military jobs (Army Corps of Engineers) in
America. Therefore, America has already been attacked
and pierced by NeuroStrike.
NeuroStrike is active at all levels of society, even down to
prisoners that are compromised by Tik Tok. The CCP is
using unwitting Americans to spread their NeuroStrike
into others, with one attack vector (active) through use of
Bluetooth and associated wetware niBMI relays.
Page 101 of 953 This weapon programs a biobeacon into you covertly and
then people around you react by sabotaging
you without them realizing it, due to the false cybernetics
being transmitted (e.g. via Bluetooth protocol and other
spectrum signals). The Bluetooth is a very common one.
Key point, if you have used Tik Tok on your smartphone,
Xi’s Magic Weapon has networked with you and your
social network and with high probability, has a beachhead
into your body with contaminated synthetic biology. If you
have not used Tik Tok, but got neurohacked through a
combined cyber and wetware attack like I did, then you
can still get pierced.
Keep in mind, there is hope and you can recover from it
as I’m walking proof of that now. The key is to shield
yourself with a not made in China hardware device that is
cybersecure and hardened with bluetooth active when
around others, or else you’ll be continuously neurohacked
by the bluetooth and other spectrum emissions from
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Tik Tokkers in your given nation state.
Furthermore, if you go within close proximity of a Tik
Tokker, the mass transfer of synthetic biology can occur
into you. This also applies to physical items that Tik
Tokkers have interacted with as well as their contaminated
pets that they have shed into. So, sadly petting a
neighbors dog on a walk is no longer cognitively wise.
Page 102 of 953 ChinaCCP is attacking open societies with their
NeuroStrike or as NATO Alliance calls it “Cognitive
Warfare” or as US Navy calls it “Neurowar is here!”
So, my recommendation is to run Bluetooth on your
phone at all times, provide your phone is always updated
with latest cybersecurity updates using 5G or 5G+
(mmWave) point to point data communications only. Do
not update your phone from your wifi at home as that can
easily be intercepted with wetware. Do not use any
phones made in China, all are deemed insecure now.
Minimizing your exposure to transverse EMF waves has
been recommended. Now, there is a requirement to
shield against adversarial neuroweapons that use
transverse EMF protocols, such as Bluetooth.
How to heal yourself when you’re getting degraded with
transverse waves? Use of two transmitters is required as
well as a third for ELF countermeasures due to ChinaCCP
world’s largest psionic ELF degrading DNA/RNA leading
to blood clots and cancer. I’ll do a follow-up brief in detail
on the countermeasures to harmful EMF so you can be
cognitively secure and healthy.
Consider the following phones as referenced by
NotMadeinChina website:
- Samsung – Vietnam, India, South Korea
Page 103 of 953 • Sony – Japan - ASUS – Taiwan
- LG – India, Brazil (but LG is discontinuing their mobile
phone business) - Purism – The Librem 5 USA is manufactured in the
United States of America - Nothing Phone – India
I am very leery of Apple as their primary global
manufacturing site in Apple City, China has been
compromised and thus their exports went out to people
using Apple, inclusive of their employees. Specifically, the
M1 bionic chipset hardware hack. Apple is under attack
by ChinaCCP Huawei and they pierced Apple City, China
manufacturing site with NeuroStrike to then pierce and
amplify the NeuroStrike through hardware chipset
backdoors to secret key access and infiltration and take
over of Apple smart phones.
Page 104 of 953
5.21.24: Neurohacking 434: Novel V2K with Synthetic
Biology Reverse Engineered & How to Remove
I have some additional light to shine on the nefarious use
of Voice to Skull V2K and synthetic biology which enables
frequency encoding of various wetware embedded
persistent channels.
Figure 1: Electromagnetic spectrum that can be used to
encode synthetic biology within an object, person or
group of people for later key-signal activation.
A: Here is a status update on countering synthetic biology
wetware spybugs (e.g. a wire in the body non-invasively
Page 105 of 953
dosed). Always stay hydrated when doing the following
with distilled alkaline water, alkaline:
- Non-invasively disrupting the synbio wetware spybug
junk (e.g. electronic waterboarding ) with a pulsed
square wave (Rife Frequency) at prior published
frequency set disrupts it when within a near-field
transmitter cloud and ELF transmitter cloud. Prior to
transmitting dosing with chelators topical and internal
(oral, enteric coated and IV) works to further help
break-up and remove - Cycling from low EMF to high EMF environments for
various removal methods works to expand the brain
and central nervous system (e.g. under higher EMF
environment volumetric expansion of brain occurs)
and then in a low EMF (transverse wave filter, but not
ELF range filtration) the brain relaxes and enables the
prior hardened synbio to be further exposed and
attacked with another frequency treatment - Post frequency treatment, but still with the near field
transmitter + pattern and ELF transmitter on, use
40,000 Hz to rejuvenate cells. Patterns can include
garlic, herbs/roots/etc. and then you can level-up
Page 106 of 953 next with imprinting directly and not have to go
through an intermediary step (e.g. what mil and IC
knows all too well about, imprinting, anti-precursor
EM engines, precursor EM engines, etc.)
FBI is now doing some type of retreat or detox site for
people impacted by neurowarfare (Len thank you for
pointing this out). Perhaps FBI (e.g. w/IC/MIL behind
them) are doing some frequency treatments and
“cybernetics” to the people attending these retreats.
With IC and MIL’s vast resources compared to my small
business resources, if IC and MIL haven’t figured out how
to remove spyware wetware bugs that result in electronic
harassment by now, then shame on them. The progress
made by Reactwell in reverse engineering and removal of
it on a shoe string budget speaks for itself (I’m cognitively
clear compared to a year ago) and will continue improving
with use of bioenergetics (near field transmitter + pattern,
far-field transmitter) (mass-less) frequency medicine and
mass-based medicine
After a while, the wetware spy bug malformed starts to
break-up and can be beam steered with the rife
transmitters out of brain, into neck and then into stomach
for further removal.
Page 107 of 953
You can also attack the “contamination” with IV and a
blood circulation loop external to body. Military and
Intelligence Community uses this for synthetic blood and
organic blood transfers. If you have energized a synbio
enabled person with EMF it enables “super human”
performance. However, if you get a spyware wetware
synbio bug in you linked to an adversarial system it does
the opposite (ie it tries to degrade and remove you).
Anyway, the weapon system only works well if people
don’t know about it. Therefore, knowing about it and
keeping your body clean (e.g. chelators, no yeast, spring
water from your own well and not public water supply
If anyone wants a home 40,000 Hz system ping me everyone should have this islanded to keep their cells
healthy. See The Rife Frequency Handbook by Nenah
Ph.D. to learn more regarding the 40,000 Hz square wave
transmitters (e.g. 99%+ people have no clue about this
tech). [1]
B: Bioenergetics novel insight while reverse engineering
synthetic biology and signals based synthetic biology to
synthetic biology (e.g. advanced/novel voice to skull V2K
tech now pervasive)
Cool part, is that the chelators (garlic) that I had placed
next to the near-field transmitter to act as a “pattern” for
Page 108 of 953
the wave to interact with (amplify). Basically, the mass of
the pattern acts to “amplify” the near-field wave.
Anyways, the garlic is growing fast and sprouting within a
week, never seen that before with garlic. Garlic not by the
near field transmitter is not sprouting. Pretty cool, will test
out further and gain more data. Using near-field and bio
geometry within field of bio energetics should help to
boost agricultural crop production and application of
40,000 Hz pulsed square wave in far-field should help to
keep the cells healthy.
More people need to know about the field of
bioenergetics to counteract the weaponized use cases
that ChinaCCP is doing to America. Further, more people
should be chelating, avoiding yeast (e.g. causes all sorts
of issues) and staying very hydrated. Hopefully a lot of the
weird social hacks will clear up after the total Tik Tok ban
goes into effect…issue is the people using it now have
wetware hardwired inside of their bodies linked to
ChinaCCP social credit monitoring system and if they are
using near-field (nemetic crystals: mesogens) to send/
receive data then banning Tik Tok solves one problem
(the first wave of neurowarfare attack), but doesn’t solve
the second problem (the follow-on attacks using the nearfield linked to the pre-programmed wetware).
Page 109 of 953
C: How the synthetic biology can use the spectrum to
synchronize and perform electronic waterboarding (e.g.
electronic harassment) when around certain people,
objects and locations:
The combination of synthetic biology and “subliminal
messaging” techniques that utilize a hacked computer
system or remote transmitter at a given frequency range
with a synchronized input channel can program via analog
signal synthetic biology in a person.
Example: Human ears (natural now) hear only up to
10,000 to 15,000 Hz if that due to all the microwaves
demodulating on the ear drum. The use of synthetic
biology enables people to hear when linked to their
Transmitter set at 15,000 Hz out of range of audible
human hearing, pulses an audio file synchronized with
pulsed square wave (e.g. old tech V2K, but with a novel
synbio twist). The synthetic biology then encodes and
logs this signal while the person is consuming (e.g. food,
drink, etc.) at the given frequency (e.g. wetware circuit
being built out). If you have a “cognitive radio” system
that can transmit at various frequencies, then you can
build-out a bunch of different channels.
This is one of the reasons why people complaining about
electronic harassment or what I call “electronic
Page 110 of 953
waterboarding” get “triggered” around certain locations
or people. This is because the person’s wetware is
transmitting a given frequency that activates the person
subject to “electronic harassment” or a given location
transmits a given frequency that actives the subject to
“electronic harassment” by key-signal switching to the
prior encoded wetware circuitry. This can of course be
done at genomic level and with neurotechnology enabled
chipsets and neurotech enabled smart screens.
The synthetic biology, enables subliminal comms only to
those that have the synthetic biology and can result in
persistent state “electronic harassement” even in the
quiet zones (e.g. what Len Ber) talked about). Cause even
in the “quiet zones” satellites transmit into now and the
space systems have adversarial satcoms over our
mainland now.
5.18.24: BioEnergetics 120: Amplification of Healing
Herbs on Scalar Device
Amplification of healthy medicinal herbs, roots, leafs,
barks, seeds and hulls really works. The key is to get the
healthy medicinal extracts as close to the affected area as
possible. Step-change occurring.
Page 111 of 953
Onboard: Wormwood Herb, Clove Bud, Garlic Bulb,
Oregano Leaf Oil, Peppermint Leaf Oil, Slippery Elm Bark,
Pumpkin Seed, Black Walnut Hull, Marshmallow Root and
Fennel seed.
Here is some really good news. I’m on Day #2 with the
near-field transmitters amplifying medicinal herbs, roots,
leafs, barks, seeds and hull extracts.
Disclaimer: this is not medical advice, but bioenergetics
engineering of living systems through use of “the
vacuum” and God’s natural living gifts to humanity
through nature.
Remember, our world is viewed through “patterns” and
“observations”, where all life and non-life is a “pattern”.
The difference is that living beings, humans, can alter their
biological patterns over time, such that DNA transitions
from dsDNA, tsDNA to crucifix DNA with stronger
“patterns” to interact with the creator. Observations are
the interaction of micro to macroscale objects in
resonance with one another, which can be across 3D
space and time using the vacuum. You are the company
that you keep.
Page 112 of 953
Figure 1: Wormwood [1]
The introduction of “synthetic biology” back into the
world through the extraction of ancient coal, oil, gas and
geothermal has filled our atmosphere via combustion of
thermoelectric power plants with the precusor synthetic
Page 113 of 953
biology inputs and when combined with electrosmog
from satellite systems, the synthetic biology (unstructured:
Cross Domain Bacteria CDB per Clifford Carnicom, at
Carnicom Institute) can infiltrate people who are not
maintaining strict cleanliness in their diet and
environment. The unstructured synthetic biology leads to
“Havana Syndrome, anomalous health incidents AHIs and
Unconventional Brain Injuries UBIs” as well as when an
intentional “Non-Kinetic-Threat” NKT attacks a person
with designer synthetic biology in them, e.g. a
cybernetically enhanced person (either knowingly to them
or unknowingly to them with the designer synthetic
biology in their central nervous system CNS and
associated systems for brain, motor control, smell,
hearing, taste, touch and sight).
Once you understand that all living plants and extracts
give off “near-field”, “vortex energy: which enables
tunneling”, potentials and “far-field” transverse waves,
then you can understand how to counteract health issues
using bioenergetics, scanning of healing materials and
then “imprinting” the healing material into a person or
People suffering from damaged biological tissue with
synthetic biology, either intentional by an adversary or
unintentionally due to being unclean, or a combination of
Page 114 of 953
intentional by an adversary that leads to a slow
degradation and further uncleanliness by the attacked
person. People can literally lose their minds due to UBIs,
AHIs and “Havana Syndrome” if not able to figure out
that they are being “electronically waterboarded” by an
adversary, which on-average results in a covert slow-kill.
Therefore, it is important to understand how to address
the “electronic waterboarding” and heal to then recover
cognitively and return back to an enjoyable life with those
that you love and care about, in a fully functional
cognitive capacity.
So, here is what I’ve discovered. Amplifying healthy living
medicinal plants and trees is working to help me recover.
The key is to place the chelators and associated medicinal
plants, roots, seeds, hulls, extracts, barks and leaves as
close to the damaged material as possible and then
transmit near-field “scalar” waves through the living or
medicinal extract to amplify it.
How is this practically accomplished?
- Gargling with medicinal herb extracts and letting the
liquid sit between the tongue (upper portion) and top
of mouth, such that mass transfer occurs into the
brain region.
Page 115 of 953
2. Ear drops with medicinal herb extracts (provided ear
drum is not broken or disrupted)
- Garlic bulbs in ear
- Sinus rinse in nose and sinus cavities (alkaline sterile)
- Topical application of chelators and medicinal herb
extract on skin - Beverages with medicinal herb and extracts to enter
circulatory system - IV with chelators such as Vitamin C and calciumdisodium-EDTA
Once your body is “saturated” with the healthy living
medicinal trees, plants, roots, seeds, hulls, leaves, bark
and associated extracts then the amplification with a nearfield transmitter is achieved. As the near-field transmitters
are external to your body, there transmitted wave will
amplify the material on and within your body to degrade
the synthetic biology.
Page 116 of 953
However, some of the synthetic biology wetware is
hardened and in place and will require pulsed square
waves with a spiked leading edge to disrupt, prior to and
during the near-field transmissions with medicinal herbs,
trees, roots, etc.
As I continue to whittle away at the adversarial synthetic
biology wetware spybug, the neural lace appendages of it
when hit with near-field and far-field waves (transverse and
non-transverse) “glitch-out” and pass through the garlic
clove sliced gently placed in ears and get chelated away.
Furthermore, if the neural lace appendages of the
adversarial nano-based wetware spybug gets close to the
garlic with near-field transmitters on, it gets impacted and
further “glitches” it out.
Therefore, to counterstrike an adversarial synthetic
biology network within your central nervous system you
have to use:
- Mass (the larger the mass and volume of the nearfield transmitter with pattern and proximity the better,
as verified with a spectrum survey). - Pattern (e.g. medicinal plant, tree, herb, root, hull,
seed, leaf, extract) NOT in borosilicate glass (this
Page 117 of 953 shields part of the healing energy emitted), you want
it transmitting not through non-borosilicate glass. - Near-field transmitter (e.g. machine or some people
that are known as “healers” which include embedded
“patterns” within their bodies via DNA, proteins and
synthetic biology. Remember, DNA is a biocommunication system as well as certain proteins and
various other parts and geometries of the human
The objective is to overpower the degrading energy with
the healing energy, which in 3D space and time requires a
larger mass and transmitter (power). Furthermore, if you
have a “seed” mesogen nemetic crystal inside of you
then the adversarial synthetic biology can be remotely
regrown per instruction set either through “the vacuum”
(near-field) or through transverse (far-field). The most
advanced systems utilize near-field (e.g. the vacuum).
Important note: the use of ear dropper with the medicinal
herb extract helped a lot and I will continue to utilize it in
this manner before sleeping at night (1 hour on left side
and 1 hour on right side).
I am also alternating between a microwave bubble (e.g.
wifi) and no wifi to volumetrically expand the brain to
Page 118 of 953 further disrupt the synthetic biology material and to
dislodge the synbio neural lace. When the human brain is
exposed to a wireless high energy environment vs. a
faraday cage, the brain will expand in the wireless energy
environment and will contract volumetrically in the faraday
Recall that people experience “tinnitus” first prior to
build-out of the synthetic biology. The “tinnitus” is the
wetware integrating within the brain and auditory system,
enhancing the dielectric constant and conducting the
EMF (previously inaudible) to the bone and associated
structures, such that the EMF is able to be “heard” by the
person with the synthetic biology in them (as tinnitus).
Then over time the “tinnitus” goes away, but the synthetic
biology remains to covertly monitor the person and
subliminally influence them. However, if the person is
“key-signaled” on purpose (UBI, AHI, “Havana
Syndrome”, contaminated (unclean foods, unstructured
synthetic biology from environment, or hurt (TBI) from a
concussion or ordnance blast wave, the “tinnitus” will
reappear and if adversarial key-signaled, become a form
of “electronic waterboarding or as some call electronic
harassment”. Keep in mind majority of people on earth
now have synthetic biology in their biological body today.
Page 119 of 953
3.28.24 BRANDON COMMENT FROM HIS POSTLeon, the human brain is a natural ELF transmitter. You
can boost it by connecting your body to a higher power
system and it amplifies the transmission power. Of course
if you take this to the extreme you turn into a hot dog
(literal). I’ve been able to literally unintentionally spook
out some people when wearing a square wave pulsed
generator and still loaded with a good amount of
dielectric constants (simplest way to tell if you have these
in you is if you never get cold, (e.g. they are picking up
the background microwave and wifi energy and feeding it
into you via inefficient thermal conversion processes, as
you start to remove the dielectric constant enhancers you
get colder, when you loose weight, you’re also reducing
the mass and dielectric constant enhancers).
The way I was able to (replicable basis) spook out the
people was to transmit (frontal lobe) a thought on
repeated basis while another person was around the
biofield generated from the square wave pulse generator
utilized in Rife research and development. Then I asked
the person what they thought about XYZ going on in the
room and that same dude, said “that is just what I was
thinking”…. then the repeated question and answer “what
Page 120 of 953
do you think about X occurred and it freaked the dude
out after about the third time”.
Like, literally the dude broke a neuron or two and freaked
out that his brain was being read, when actually my
thoughts via frontal lobe were being transmitted into his.
Debrief on reverse engineering what had occurred was
that my brain had bio-cohered with his brain (organic or
synthetic, no telling), but either way it bio-cohered and
my thoughts were transmitted to him in something like a
“hive mind”. Another way to test this is out (e.g. if people
are linked with a hive mind (e.g. women who are friends
synchronizing periods together) or dudes all having the
use the bathroom at nearly the same time.
Over the past 1.5 years (since 2022), I’ve been reverse
engineering this neuroweapon that ChinaCCP had tried to
kill me with has led to some very novel insights into spy
and intelligence gathering activities that I’m shining the
light on so others aren’t gaslighted by their stupid tactics.
From hacking and reverse engineering this Chinese PLA
Xi’s Magic Weapon B.S. I’ve learned that it works with the
frontal lobe as a transmitter (Neuro S/T when fully loaded
with synthetic biology and weaponized via key signal) with
the rear part of brain as a receiver. The whole control
interface requires a smart phone that has a bionic chipset
Page 121 of 953
that is hardware-compromised so the adversary can get
into your synthetic niBMI and do a hack job on you.
There is no way I would know this unless I was attacked
and now share the reverse engineering on it like I am
doing now. The hardest part to reverse engineer was the
AI BCPS 3D Space, Time and Vacuum weapon where the
Vacuum transmits information back in time at 1.5 x
multiple the speed of light.
3.27.24: BioEnergetics 112: Cell Phone Transverse &
Non-Transverse Data & Health Brief
Ok, so we all know by now that the use of smart phones
kills you slowly, but why aren’t we all dropping dead?
Well, there are hidden secrets. One secret is on phone
scalar transmitters.
America’s FCC historically hasn’t cared much at all about
the safety and electromagnetic health effects [1] of smart
phones and 5G+ point to point scale-out, as observed
due to their rushed 5G roll-out. Thankfully, due to national
security interests the rushed roll-out of 5G with espionage
laden Chinese Huawei hardware was stopped, citing the
always useful environmental regulations to halt a project
Page 122 of 953
as this even works for slowing down DOD on BLM lands in
some instances. In my professional wireless security
opinion, 5G+ is required going forward as 4G and prior
are extremely insecure smart phone technologies based
upon omnidirectional antennas that can be man in the
middle attacked/hacked with or without an echelon
system or Artificial Intelligence Bio Cyber Physical System
AI BCPS). The concern our national security groups have,
which is 100% legitimate is the fact that they don’t want
China to be our backbone infrastructure source, as
ChinaCCP has demonstrated time and time again they are
a thief and a liar and can’t be trusted.
Remember, even if our IC has ChinaCCP captured with an
AI BCPS there are still terrorist groups with AI BCPS
systems that can significantly disrupt any large capital
internal to ChinaCCP and it would be extremely
challenging to ferret out the mess even with AI BCPS in
3d space, time and the vacuum. Therefore, to keep things
simple, each major nation state is moving to have their
core bionic type chipsets manufactured in their own
respective nation states or “collaboratives”. Here is where
you see the NATO Alliance and the ChinaCCP Coalition
drawing their lines in the sand with respect to
neurotechnology bionic chipset enhancements and access
to the top secret and confidential technologies.
Page 123 of 953
So, how can people receive lethal amounts of nonionizing EMF on their smart phones at ever higher
frequencies and power and not drop dead everywhere?
There are a couple of things to unpack here. First let’s
start with the obvious. If you’re going to be slow killing
someone with a transverse microwave that is directional,
and the person has an on-body scalar transmitter that
counteracts those deadly waves, then it doesn’t matter
that much if they get shot up with a transverse wave
microwave system. The scalar transmitter literally
counteracts the ill health effects by time reversal of the
cellular tissue. After two months of consistent use I can
personally vouch for on body scalar working to heal from
a neuroweapon failed hit job. Furthermore, the use of an
on body psionic ELF transmitter is required to de-link
neurons synchronized with an adversarial AI BCPS.
Remember that scalar acts in “The Vacuum” through 3d
space and time.
So, theoretically, in 3d space and time you can be getting
slow-killed with a transverse microwave directed energy
beam (for data communications). So what does a smart
telecom executive team put into place to retain paying
customers as long as possible before their demise? An inphone scalar transmitter.
Page 124 of 953
The second secret is that enhancing the person’s internal
dielectric constants with synthetic biology can
electronically harden or sensitize the person to transverse
waves, while the scalar transmitter in the smart phone
secures the person’s health.
Keep in mind once you know these two “secrets” then
one can gain a fundamental understanding into just how
significant China’s Bionic chipset hardware backdoor is, as
it can let it gain access into a person’s synthetic noninvasively installed niBMI and alter their perception of
reality without their consent or knowledge. This is a very
covert hack.
Further, if the chipset flaw enables fiddling with scalar
transmitter settings then God help everyone using the
Apple phones. I for one have immediately discontinued
use of my bionic Apple phone that has an M1 plus chipset
in it and am reviewing several other manufacturers that do
not do have anything to do with making their phones in
Scalar Transmitter Design
Surface Area and Volumetric Vacuum Flow may be the
basis (underlying) for making larger and larger smart
phone designs. I’ve examined scalar transmitter circuits
and the larger the X-Y and the more Z (layers) that can be
Page 125 of 953
added in, the larger scalar transmission and field with
appropriate power source. Keep this in mind when
looking at all the fancy new smart phones out there. It’s
not only the screen size driving this change, it’s also a
byte-based optogenetic update route with infrared
sensors built into the screens now.
5.15.24: BioEnergetics 119: Amplification of Natural
Healthy Medicinal Trees, Plants and Anti-Parasite
Foods (Garlic)
I’ve got several working near-field transmitters that have
two antennas producing a near-field wave form (need to
confirm how clean it is with respect to trace b-field and efield), now amplification.
Ok, so the most advanced form of near-field and vortex
tunneling that I’m aware of is to do the following:
- Scan-in an object’s properties (e.g. biosignature when
living) This requires two units, one transmitter to
receive and scan-in and one to receive: base station.
Page 126 of 953
2. Log it into a computer system (management station
for bioinformatics and signatures)
- Link another object to the base station with a
transmitter (e.g. instead of scan-in, transmit) and then
a third station to receive (physically separate from the
original transmitter).
Page 127 of 953
Figure 0: Garlic and Press to enable Allicin to be
fermented. I do my best to NOT buy Chinese products on
Page 128 of 953
Figure 1: Near-field transmitter containing a Printed
Circuit Board (PCB) with antennas on both sides of the
PCB in far-field. The two opposing antennas parallel to
one another on the PCB transmit far-field with e-field and
b-field components, which then cancel (partially to full)
and result in a near-field “scalar” wave. The wave is able
to “tunnel” via vortex physics and also amplify local
“patterns”. I’m using living patterns that are life-giving
from garlic, cilantro, onion and cabbage to chelate and
heal throughout entire body and tissues.
I do not recommend others using this method until I
further validate it. There have been instances where
French researchers in their labs have accidentally
mummified themselves by amplifying the wrong signature
Page 129 of 953
or part of a spectrum. This work naturally selects and
removes those that plow into it without understanding the
details. The issue is that there are known risks, unknown
risks and then worst type unknown unknown risks. Known
risks are the type of pattern utilized makes a huge
difference to heal or not to heal or worse.
Known Risks:
- Don’t use a non-living pattern or keep dying plants
by you when working with an amplifier. Sadly, this
French researcher in his lab mummified himself [1]
Unknown Risks: - Pattern selected (geometry, living plant from
medicinal tree or herb/root)
a. Errors made, logging errors on scan-in, output
errors on transmit, Provided a bad pattern (info)
on purpose to sabotage our work, etc. Outlier is
the living plant that could be contaminated with
synbio or other material that is unhealthy (e.g.
what UBI and AHI and Havana Syndrome people
suffering from: internal synbio transmitters
resulting in necrosis with “seeds”).
Unknown Unknown Risks:
Page 130 of 953 3. Through the vacuum, where exactly are patterns
linking. This gets into the whole “Stargate” CIA/DOD
research here and also don’t forget the Ark of
Covenant is a 3D pattern with electrodes (e.g. wings
of the Cheribum are the electrodes). So, I counter it
with the same technology used for healing during the
repair and recovery phase.
One key note: these wetware spybugs burrow
through your body, into central nervous system and
then link-up. When you remove them you will have
holes in parts of your body, so you need to eat very
clean and healthy food with lots of hydration and
anti-oxidants with use of new physics for healing, or
else you will not recover to previous levels of health
as fast.
So, what is a simple solution that anyone can do? I think
I’ve found it and welcome feedback from everyone on
Build or purchase a COTS near-field and ELF transmitter
(because you need to not be cognitively captured or
messed with while doing near-field work due to global
ELF systems). Yes, to literally work on the near-field these
days it is wise to cognitively shield yourself from
Page 131 of 953 adversarial systems that can cognitively impact you, such
as adversarial ELF as well as neurotechnology, which is
actively used by nefarious nation states such as ChinaCCP,
but also by big tech to steal your brain data.
So, once your near-field transmitter is up and running,
then place something healthy like a fresh medicinal tree
sample, root, plant or what I’m testing is hanging some
garlic cloves on top of the near-field transmitter to cleanup the surrounding local environment, inclusive of myself
from prior synbio wetware bugs.
This is experimental, I think it will work to amplify the
healthy life-giving near-field biosignature from the garlic.
Keep in mind this tech can kill you if you make a mistake
in the transmitters or the signatures, specifically when
working within “amplification” as one can read here,
where this French chap (poor soul) killed himself by
turning himself into a mummy during one of his
Page 132 of 953
Figure 1: What not to do when working in near-field,
energetics, biogeometry. [1]
Note: I’m first testing this with the unminced garlic so as
not to overdose my body with a surge of allicin that may
result in too fast of a detox from this pesky wetware
spybug junk that I’m continuing to remove. After the first
20 minutes of the amplification on May 15, 2024 13:19 hrs
CT I feel an effect within my body to put that in the clear.
Page 133 of 953
Do not repeat this until I confirm it works and heals, it is
the simplest solution to amplify chelators, etc. and of
course if you eat chelators and have them circulating in
your body this helps. However, based upon bio geometry
insights the sheer “mass” of the healthy near-field source
(other words are used) makes a significant difference [2],
so I’m keeping the garlic and cloves bundled together.
So, here is a thought, while the bioavailable nutrients are
live and fresh, consume them into your body and then
max out the use of scalar transmitters to amplify the effect
of the anti-parasite meds.
Here is an insight that integrates physical world materials
(e.g. matter) with anti-parasite prescriptions like
Ivermectin and natural remedies such as those previously
posted about regarding use of black walnuts, wormwood
and clove.
In the New Testament the laying on of hands
was associated with the receiving of the Holy Spirit.
Initially the Apostles laid hands on new believers as well
as believers. Healing is part of this. However, now we
have the Nefarium stealing and disrupting historical
traditions due to their mis-use of nanotechnology. Let me
Page 134 of 953
With the explosion of synthetic biology and having both
good and bad people in this world, are we re-visiting
times past where people that pray several times per day
and read the Bible or Quran e.g. a CODEX? Are they
literally training their synthetic biology to be healthy as
well as controlling the input into their bodies via the
required diets of Jewish Kosher and Arabic Halal?
In my opinion, based upon reverse engineering
“NeuroStrike”, I think this is true, because we’re stuck
with contaminated people all around us. The problem is
that the CCP is making a mockery of both Arabic and
Christian nations by demonizing those good, moral and
patriotic people. The automated AI BCPS social credit
monitoring firewall system then disposes of these people
This is being actively deployed on the world now through
use of self-replicating synthetic biology and “NeuroStrike”
Here is explicitly what China is doing. They are enabling
necrosis to occur and persist in people connected to their
AI BCPS, but numbing out the pain and thermal heat
immune system counter-defenses. We now have a portion
of the population walking around emitting “negative
scalar energy” literally hurting largely “healthy”other
Page 135 of 953
What if one were to maximize the scalar transmitter
output on body and near body while consuming antiparasitics and chelators to counteract with an impulse of
scalar from 3d space/time and back through the vacuum
to possibly send a return to sender signal. Hopefully this
will render the scan that is “on file” with the CCP or other
adversarial government, and renders it useless.
My understanding is that you have to alter the entire
person over time and then it bio-coheres with the seed or
sample of a person’s tissue, but again I’m no expert in the
use of these evil ass weapons.
Ok, so if the scalar transmitter is left on long enough to
reach back before the original tissue sample was
poisoned or you were poisoned then (while the
information travels at 1.5 times the speed of light). Then,
understanding near-field scalar effects, one would
conclude that said “healthy tissue” is the point of
transmission and all transmissions thereafter that the
original unique-to-you signature the enemy has in their
database or library becomes useless and worthless. That
said, why?
If you have a scalar transmitter on your person while
consuming physical substances like supplements or pills,
scalar treated water, etc that counteract the scalar signal
being sent to you, this should help in the short term. In
Page 136 of 953
essence, the scalar transmitter is transmitting the
counteracting substances’ frequencies back to sender.
However, since the weaponized scalar transmitter linked
to you through a “seed” or “tissue” sample keeps on
transmitting until you blow it up, knowing the specific
sequence may also be important, such that you may need
to switch out a poison for a vitamin or something along
those lines..
So, can you locally overpower a remote scalar weapon
with an on body scalar transmitter and a healthy item or
antidote? Yes, provided it is being continually transmitted
to you at a distance, as it will counter-act the weaponized
new physics system attacking you through 3d space, time
and the vacuum.
The question becomes what can you do to actually
overpower the signal being transmitted through the
vacuum? Is it the time-flow x volume of 3d space and time
interacting with the vacuum on your end that has to
overpower the time-flow x volume of 3d space and time
interacting with the vacuum on your enemy’s end? This
assumes there is a single point, but what if more than one
Countermeasures will require a multidimensional quantum
Page 137 of 953
5.13.24: BioEnergetics 118: “Patterns” +
“Observation” are keys to give life or take life.
Patterns include CODEX, 2D drawings, 3D material items,
resonating circuits, people, animals, buildings, DNA,
molecules, basically anything in material world.
Observations cohere and transfer energy.
The simplest way to understand this world, is through the
interaction of “patterns” with “observations”.
You can choose to be of this world (e.g. live in nature) or
be of grace, that choice is yours.
Simplicity is key and finding a simple “rule-of-thumb” that
people can understand is the key. Therefore, I’ve taken
various deep dives into various subjects within the
following fields of discipline (knowns):
- Nanotechnology
- Materials Science
- Computer Science
Page 138 of 953
4. Cryptography
- Biochemistry
- Biogeometry
- Bioenergetics
- Energetics
- Psionics
10.Chemical Engineering
11.Photoelectrochemistry - Signals Analysis
- Far-Field and Near-Field Physics
- Vortices and Quantum
Page 139 of 953
15. Use of near-field for faster than light information
travel (1.5 times speed of light)
- Intention, Thought, Prayer, Meditation and various
combinations around people and not around people - Dirty harmonic research on electrical grids that result
in various cellular interactions. - Read Tesla, Lakhovsky, Rife, Maxwell, Faraday, St.
Augustine, and associated ancient books - Synthetic Biology (mesogens: nemetic crystals,
graphenes, nanotechnology) - Unstructured synthetic biology (reaction requires
iron, water and peroxide to build/grow in atmosphere
and internally to your body) - Electrosmog when combined with Unstructured
Synthetic Biology in the atmosphere and through
interactions with water (vapor and liquid)
Page 140 of 953
The key take away from all of the above are the the
- People are “patterns” and the pattern can change
over time, if we get polluted or shot-up with a “wave
weapon” this changes our “pattern” (e.g. life giving
or life taking) can be both internal and external
influenced. Specific class of “wave weapons”
reinforces “negative” pattern build-out which slowly
takes life (e.g. slow-kill weapons). Patterns can also be
and should only be used for good, these are life
giving patterns that heal. - There is a small group of people on earth known as
“healers” these people have life-giving patterns with
excess energy to transfer into others through
observation and counter-act the “negative” patterns
in the person over time. Howver, even healers have to
take a break and heal themselves, else on-average
they will also be hurt by the negative energy
emanating form the “patterns” within people not
well. - When someone is glowing like Jesus and Mary have
been documented in ancient books, such as a
compilation of them called the Bible, then there is a
significant healing energy contained within their
Page 141 of 953 patterns, linked to the creator for healing (e.g. God/
Examples of patterns:
a. Cross (e.g. crucifix) as per researchers in
biogeometry have figured out, the placement of
a cross on top of a dome (e.g. churches/
cathedrals, etc.) interacts with negative energies
and provides for a more healing environment
inside of the dome.
b. Pyramids as per researchers have figured out, just
not easily able to find the documentation, that
the placement of knotches at the base of the
pyramids (e.g. great pyramid) filters out the
negative energies and provides for a more
healing environment.
c. Ark of Covenant (e.g. 3D pattern with electrodes
that interact with “the vacuum”)
d. DNA, our dna is normally dsDNA, but when we
pray, have good holy intentions our DNA
transforms into tsDNA and crucifix DNA (yes,
literally the DNA has knots that look like crosses
Page 142 of 953 in it that have a hole in the middle that is a
pattern (e.g. think Stargates, but inside of your
body everywhere).
Patterns link you to an energy source as well as
information source and possibly another location
(I don’t have data on the location, but since “the
vacuum” traverses space and time that would
make rational sense).
Fact: a century ago Gabriel Kron invented a
“negative resistor” that the corporation G.E. and
US DOD funded through research at Stanford
University. The “negative resistor” required a
specific electrical harmonic oscillatory circuit
configuration that had nested open and closed
Fact: neurotechnology uses synthetic biology
overlay on top of your biological brain.
Therefore, your senses, perception, etc. are not
only natural, but synthetic now in this world, so
don’t be deceived. Neurotechnology works
through “hardware pipelines” (wired or wireless)
and content delivery platforms (byte-based
Page 143 of 953 optogenetic, CODEX, etc.) This is in addition to
our creator’s system, which is biological.
e. Remember, seeds are the communication anchor
for both our creator’s system and synthetic
human built systems. Seeds may be in the form
of biological and non-biological (synthetic).
Seeds link you to a transmitter somewhere in 3D
space and time. This is why in the bible it is
stated in various translations (e.g. recall when a
translation occurs human error is introduced,
read the source books and scriptures): - Observation is the interaction of two items. The
average person has heard of Einstein “spooky action
at a distance” where one object far far away from
another directly and instantaneously changes the
other object. This here is called “observation” when
the two objects in 3D space and time are interfaced
with one another through various mechanisms.
Examples of observation:
a. John Doe hanging out with Jane Doe, talking
(transmitting longitudinal waves (e.g. audio) and
vibrations as well as near-field and various other
Page 144 of 953 potential fields (e.g. vortex).
b. Prayer, meditation, chanting (Gregorian chant),
c. You working on an electronics project, the boards
and chipsets cohere to you at macro scale.
Synthetic biology and “seeds” linked to adversarial AI
enable humankind to be manipulated by those skilled in
synbio and designer genomic circuits to do good or evil.
5.12.24: Neurohacking 433: EMF Far-field interference
from a broken Wetware Spybug in process of being
Anyone ever hear what a non-invasively dosed brainmachine-interface niBMI wetware spybug sounds like?
This is typically not in the audible range, however, you’re
in for a sound byte treat.
After disrupting the wetware spybug and removing part of
it earlier today on May 11, 2024, this late-afternoon to
early evening it wasn’t working and literally interfered with
Page 145 of 953
a phone system’s speaker with interference audibly heard
through the speaker system of the phone and voice
answering system.
Wetware spybug malfunctioning with no “electronic
harassment working” on May 11, 2024 afternoon to early
evening, after significant compromise morning of May 11,
Here is what wetware spybugs look like:
Page 146 of 953
Page 147 of 953
Figure 1: Dr. David Nixon laboratory select feature on
synthetic biology, similar material used in wetware spy
bugs to steal intellectual property, except this is some of
the WEF stuff.
This confirms “electronic harassment” technology exists
and transmits in the “far-field” using transverse waves.
Next step is to get data on those “seeds” transmitting in
the “near-field” through “the vacuum” for the world’s
most advanced and covert spytech to be reverse
5.11.24: Experiment 113: Breakthrough Removal of
Wetware Spy Bugs Based on Mesogen: Nemetic
Crystals with Near-Field EMF Transmit & Ethyl Alcohol
- Aloe + Vitamin E
This weekend, I had a breakthrough by researching how
liquid nanoparticles LNPs synthesized and then overlaying
the force-field near-field scalar data obtained by Dr. Nixon
and Will for macro-scaleup.
Here is the breakthrough to save everyone time. Please
try to test and replicate in laboratory as well. I am
uploading images taken from the removed synbio
wetware spybug, for now see below as this is important
Page 148 of 953 and time critical information to communicate so others
can replicate and verify/validate.
Dose skin / tissue contaminated with wetware synthetic
biology spy bugs comprised of mesogen: nemetic
crystals, graphenes, self-replicating nanotechnology and
unstructured designer synthetic biology (e.g. what Clifford
Carnicom calls Cross Domain Bacteria CDB). The
unstructured synthetic biology internal to me was a result
of a NonKineticThreat NKT attack with a “silent wave
weapon” failed hit job in 2022.
This rapidly grew the spybug wetware junk that ChinaCCP
and Russia with their terrorist proxies using to spy on me,
which overlaid our own national security covert
monitoring tech and possibly US Army’s as well, yes I
know I was wetware bugged by several groups… but the
“key signal attack” in 2022 messed with everyone.
Therefore, this info is in the clear now so nobody can be
cognitive captured and monitored for intellectual property
theft like ChinaCCP and Russia did to me, CTO at
Reactwell, a DOD Prime and DOE Prime in the Defense
Industrial Base DIB.
Page 149 of 953
Figure 1: Dr. David Nixon and Dr. Ana work on Live Blood
Analysis LBA with red blood cells and synthetic biology.
Here is the original force field brief at micro-scale where
healthy red blood cells transmitting healthy scalar waves
push the synthetic biology away from the red blood cells,
keeping them in tact and co-existing with the synthetic
biology, but not physically touching it due to the force
Page 150 of 953
Figure 2: Scalar waves (near-field) repelling synthetic
biology from the healthy red blood cells with iron in them
bound to the heme porphyrin groups (e.g. 4 irons per
heme) at micro-scale.
Therefore, herein is the challenging solution of scale-up to
remove bulk contamination from tissue that was noninvasively dosed synthetic biology (designer or
unstructured) from unknown sources, inclusive of potential
air, water, food, medicine and other people contaminated:
- Topical skin application with ethyl alcohol 70% by
volume, aloe and Vitamin E with trace oils and
fragrances (this gets into the Dr. Ana
Page 151 of 953 recommendation to dose with equivalents to Thiefs’
oil). - Chelation in the blood, distilled water 1 gal+ per day
with electrolytes dosed with scalar (e.g. imprinted
from DOD MREs) - On body scalar transmitters (3) of them
Therefore, just like in statistical analysis where interactions
exist between multiple variables that require ANOVA type
analysis with coefficients. Here is the multi-component key
to unlock the synbio and remove it from the tissue matrix
in the skin:
The solvent, ethanol is used in synthesis of LNPs,
therefore, by adding it to contaminated tissues, it creates
the synthesis and “mass transfer lower viscoscity type
environment to re-solubilize the synthetic biology” then
on opposite side of tissue hit it with scalar near-field
healthy transmissions that act as a force field and push the
synbio out through the skin for topical removal.
Here is what that wetware spybug, part of it looks like,
after removal from brain non-invasively using the nearfield force field approach combined with outdoors natural
sunlight UV (light) and most importantly the ethyl alcohol
Page 152 of 953 + aloe + Vitamin E and trace ingredients that enabled the
wetware spybug to transition through the tissue matrix.
Figure 2: Macroscale synthetic biology based “wetware
spybug” portion removed non-invasively from brain
through near-field force field transmitter when combined
with chelators, sodium citrate, vasodialators and most
importantly the ethyl alcohol, aloe and vitamin E with
trace materials. May 11, 2024 has been noted on my
Page 153 of 953
personal calendar as the confirmation visually of the
spyware wetware bug stealing intellectual property from
Reactwell, US Government, State of Texas, State of
Louisiana and State of Tennessee that did over $5MM of
economic damage. It is also up there as the strangest
experience and weirdest technology that I’ve ever reverse
engineered that terrorist nations, overly proud
intelligence communities and rich pricks use to steal, spy
and covert kill. These wetware bugs can have more than
one channel and link into various components of your
central nervous system CNS.
Here is the ethyl alcohol solvent that I utilized:
Figure 3: The solvent that enabled the wetware spybug
junk to move through tissue and exit non-invasively when
dosed with near-field non-transverse scalar waves from
three transmitters.
Please note, before this wetware spybug junk went from
“perch mode” to “attack/kill/harass/shelve” mode I had
Page 154 of 953
published and patented a tissue decellularization work
with MDs and Ph.D.s (e.g. union card holders in the
academic world). Therefore, I am more than qualified to
figure out decellularization techniques to remove
synthetic biology wetware spybugs, by the grace of God
lived long enough to figure this one out and share it in the
Here is my decellularization prior art: https://
5.10.24: Neurohacking 432: ChinaCCP & Russia’s
Respective Roles in Neurowar “Unrestricted War”
Russia has significant background in new physics and
ChinaCCP has significant background in manufacturing
dirt cheap neurotech hardware and software with
cybersecurity attacks.
So, what’s the biggest threat to democratic nations? The
combined effects of non-kinetic operations by Russia’s
new physics cognitive controls when combined with
Page 155 of 953
ChinaCCP’s manufaturing base with advances in the
BRAIN with synthetic biology and genomics.
Figure 1: Central Nervous System CNS of the human
body is the target in neurowarfare. The world is in active
neurowar and the battle is for your brain and body. The
first step the enemy does is to pierce into your brain and
cognitively control you and then grow their wetware
synbio bugs into the remainder of your central nervous
system through the Vagus Nerve corridor. [1]
How are ChinaCCP and Russia interweaving their
respective technology domains to attack democratic
nations using both the spectrum (non-kinetic), genomic
warfare, weaponization of ChinaCCP manufacturing base
Page 156 of 953
and covert neurotechnology hardware, wetware and
Russia provides new physics weapon systems and
expertise in far-field and new-field EMF. Russia GRU Unit
29115 R&D and applied R&D with fielded weapons, such
as, but not limited to:
- EM pre-cursor engines that resulted in Gulf War
This requires a library of pathogens built-out and
archived into a computer system and then
transmission of the signatures into a given region
of the world. There are EM pre-cursor engines
and Anti EM pre-cursor engines. - Silent Wave Weapons (e.g. near-field scalar wave
weapons) as well as far-field directional microwave
weapons (e.g. lower cost, but not as effective or
Simple example of a silent wave weapon in the
far-field is a microwave. Remove the door switch
and the door and then it is weapon that can
pierce through a wall in an urban environment.
Page 157 of 953
Simple example of a silent wave weapon in the
near-field are two transmitters that are comprised
of two separate antennas that transmit, cancel
and then the non-detectable e-field and b-field
wave (e.g. scalar traveling in the vacuum) then
collide at a target to explode it before you press
the kill button (e.g. time reversal weapon that
travels at 1.5 x speed of light). This takes a lot
more skill to build and field than the simple farfield. There is also a class of weapons in the nearfield that can dose poison when it is imprinted
through the use of “seeds, mesogens: nemetic
crystals” linked to a scalar transmitter.
Note: the only use of these weapons should be
no use. Using this technology for healing is a
wise idea, but unfortunately our world is now at
war “unrestricted warfare” thanks to ChinaCCP
cognitively capturing even its’ neighbor Russia in
my professional opinion to incite the degradation
of all nations so that ChinaCCP steals the world
from everyone. This is per Sun Tzu “The Art of
War” and by all means the CCP worships the
“God of War: The Dragon/Devil”
Page 158 of 953
• Bioenergetic weapons, such as ELF psionic systems,
which Russia has worked with China on and in 2019
ChinaCCP PLA turned on the world’s largest ELF
psionic transmitter to gun down democratic nations
and degrade DNA/RNA, such that genome
sequences within key chromosomes, such as p53 in
chromosome 17 mutate to Mp53 and are no longer
able to provide anti-cancer duties within the human
body, as well as total immune system breakdown
resulting in miscoded proteins, blood clots,
neurological issues, cancers and various other
ailments. Further, the direct application of ELF psionic
can induce medically diagnosable diseases at a
distance, fooling Western MDs.
- Ionizing Radiation Weapons (e.g. the more dangerous
type that has free ions, think radiation damage)
So, how do you defend yourself against the adversarial
use of the spectrum in both the far-field and near-field?
Part of it can be defeated by using a simple analog, where
you have ear phones on (hard wired) that drown out due
to higher local amlitude a rock band down the block. The
same holds true for counter-ELF deployments, where your
local ELF transmitter drowns out the ChinaCCP and
Page 159 of 953 Russian ELF psionic transmitters by having it local on your
body the local amplitude cognitively secures your
neurons. If you don’t trust anyone (e.g. zero trust being
touted these days), then having your own local non-cloud
connected ELF psionic transmitter is the way to go.
How about the scalar “poison” transmitters? Well, the
only way I’ve figured out to address these, which are
varied and can be combined for lethal effect is to keep
your body and mind clean of “seeds” based on
mesogens: nemetic crystals that link-up to the
transmitters. Also, having a healthy scalar transmitter on
body and by your body will reduce EMF damages.
Further, having a more advanced near-field imprinting
system in place that links you to a transmitter that is
sending a healthy signature into your body, such as
Vitamin C, D, E, and associated medicinal plants, trees
and roots is extremely intelligent in times of “unrestricted
Keep in mind with genomic war, the use of gene drives on
the material world side are now being integrated into
supply chains to address gene edits to kill, by repairing
the damaged human genome. Further, the use of
designer synthetic biology is being utilized as a “bridge”
to keep the biological genome intact and functional while
Page 160 of 953
it is being repaired through use of gene drives, scalar and
associated repair mechanisms.
ChinaCCP is serving in the manufacturing mass export
role of dirt cheap neurotechnology enabled chipsets,
bluetooth connected wireless devices (e.g. headsets,
gaming headsets, Lenovo laptops, Hisense TVs, Toshiba
TVs manufactured by Hisense, ChinaCCP PLA hacking
into Apple City, China to compromise M1 bioinic chipset
at hardware level for secret key extraction, DJI drones that
also require smart phone access, Tik Tok social media
content delivery platform, Huawei neurotechnology
hardware delivery platform, inclusive of telco towers for
5G+ technologies that are point to point (e.g. building
upon Russia’s EMF expertise for far-field directed energy,
data comms and weaponization as well as bioenergetic
and bioresonance use cases for healing or degradation so
that ChinaCCP has now implemented its’ social credit
monitoring system and great firewall with now offensive
Integration of Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical
System BCPS and CODEX with auto-response within
milliseconds (at least) of new content being posted
through AI response, surrogate response (e.g.
contaminated by ChinaCCP NeuroStrike, as well as
tactical surround & enclose covert response to dissidents
Page 161 of 953
of ChinaCCP in their nation and in democratic free nations
(e.g. people who talk against the CCP party line: e.g.
me! 🙂
Our bodies are now the battlefront in WW3, active now
and kicked off by an asymmetric attack by ChinaCCP
“NeuroStrike” on the entire world with specific focus on
democratic nations, but also ChinaCCP is hurting their
own coalition members, such as ChinaCCP fishing fleets
depleting the fisheries off of the coast of Iran. Therefore,
nobody and no nation can trust ChinaCCP. ChinaCCP is
the thief of the world, remember the Chinese people are
good people, but they are stuck within a nation now that
has an active technocommunism system that is now being
offensively deployed inside of the human body and
external to it for direct physical control of the mind and
body. This is not the world that any democratic freedom
loving person wants their kids to live in, let alone live in
(e.g. this is going on now as ChinaCCP continues to scaleup their “NeuroStrike” weapon portfolio already
deployed in various capacities globally).
[1] Central nervous system | Neurological Foundation in
Page 162 of 953
5.8.24: Health & Wellness 120: Healthy Scalar Waves
and Honey Bees to Boost Honey Production
NOTE: Awesome comments on this post
So, I’ve started to have honey bees visit my healthy on
body scalar wave transmitter. I’m thinking that placing
scalar transmitters (with correct patterns) in an apiary will
boost honey production.
So, I’ve started to have honey bees visit my healthy on
body scalar wave transmitter. I’m thinking that placing
scalar transmitters (with correct patterns) in an apiary will
boost honey production.
Page 163 of 953
Figure 1: Honey bees landing at bee hive box in an apiary
bringing back pollen on their rear legs. [1]
Specifically, the bees lock-in on the scalar transmitter and
land on it. The bees are also friendly, provided I don’t
move abruptly. Had one land on the scalar transmitter
then hang out on my hand for a while before departing.
Here is the photograph of the honey bee in an approach
landing onto the scalar transmitter in my hand, I’m not a
professional photographer so will hopefully be able to
snap a better photograph next time when the camera is
configured to rapid pulse capture (e.g. takes like 20
photos per second).
Page 164 of 953
Page 165 of 953
Figure 2: Honey bee on approach landing onto healthy
scalar wave transmitter. Honey bees like healthy scalar
waves. I’ve noticed while taking a walk in a forest that all
wildlife around me with the scalar transmitter wakes-up
and starts chirping (birds), crickets, frogs, dragon flies,
butterflies and bees specifically home in on the scalar
transmitter for a visit. Even deer have taken a liking to it,
the phenomena is called bio communication in the field of
Nature’s bio-communication system is with scalar waves, if
you were not aware of that before, now you are.
Brandon’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To
receive new posts and support my work, consider
becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Therefore, bee hive colony collapse, etc. has to relate to
the far-field EMF stress put on the honey bees resulting in
colony collapse as I’m first hand observing all types of
tree species from pine, magnolia to oak trees all die as
well as certain animal life.
Page 166 of 953
Therefore, the counter defense to harmful far-field EMF is
a scalar near-field bubble that time-reverses your cells for
cellular repair and not degradation.
This is a simple concept to grasp. The far-field EMF is
constrained by the speed of light (actually travels slower
than light). So, to counteract a kill EMF signal, you simply
use a healthy life giving EMF signal that travels faster than
the kill signal. This way you’re literally in a time bubble
that shields you from the far-field EMF. Why not bring
some bees with you on this journey? That’s my philosophy
now, also honey is mentioned in the bible as a good
thing, provided it doesn’t hurt the bees. Therefore, you
need healthy bees in an apiary to have excess honey for
you to benefit from as well.
Curiously enough, I used to live just down the street from
where the “Curious Case of Benjamin Button” was filmed
and my family at the time used to own the house where it
was filmed. Sandra lives across from the “Curious Case of
Benjamin Button” and is a polite discrete person as an
FYI. For those that haven’t watched the “Curious Case of
Benjamin Button” the guy goes from old age to being a
baby again, (e.g. time reversal). You can do this with scalar
waves in the field of bioenergetics, where your cells are
Page 167 of 953
Note: I only discovered this technology domain that few
know about, through reverse engineering an evil/
nefarious use case of it to kill life, not heal life.
I’m transferring the photograph of the bee flying into the
scalar wave transmitter for a landing, when it finishes
transferring will upload to here.
Historical insight: in 2018/2019 at EPRI Longbeach, CA
annual electrification conference, representing NonGovernment-Organization NGO Texas Innovates with the
prior President of Shell Oil Technology Ventures, was
hanging out with Aaron, an MIT graduate that founded a
billion dollar fuel cell startup. While we were talking a bird
came and landed on Aaron’s hand mid-meeting and
decided to hang out with us.
Now that I’m aware of wetware spy-bugs and scalar
waves. There are two possible reasons for this friendly
bird visiting our meeting outdoors from the EPRI
conference. Basis:
1 our bodies were giving off healthy scalar waves and
the bird via bio communication and pervasive synthetic
biology already everywhere and in all life let the bird
know we were friendly, posed no danger and had healthy
near-field scalar energy to help the bird out if it wasn’t
feeling that well.
Page 168 of 953
#2 the bird had wetware (designer) as a spy bug in it and
someone was eavesdropping on our meeting, while we
were oblivious.
Here is the website prior to me getting shot up by the
NKT and then an attempted surround & enclose attack by
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon Tik Tokkers. Of course,
I’m not active in it since my time has been focused on
reverse engineering China and Russia’s NKT and Magic
Weapon stack as well as the terrorist and virtual nation
states that lease the tech from them. Important note, Alex
is a Russian Jew that left Russia for America. I’ve
historically worked with Russians and Chinese that left the
oppressive communist governments and found freedom.
Sadly, today we have these same techno-communist
regimes attack from the inside out our human bodies and
nation states using new physics weapons combined with
genomic warfare, synthetic biology and neurotechnology
with cybersecurity and spectrum exploits.
Page 169 of 953
Mama Bear
Page 170 of 953
May 8
How does one create the healthy EMF signal?
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
May 8
Log the biosignature of a medicinal tree or plant or root
into a computer system through near-field scalar. Then
scan-in a tissue or DNA sample of the person needing
healing. Then transmit the biosignature profile of the
medicinal tree(s), plant(s) and root(s) into the person.
Utilize a sequence that alters between the various
biosignatures for persistent state at a distance healing.
I’ve got one of the Russian scanners locked in to reverse
engineer as well as one of the Chinese units to reverse
engineer and apply through an experimental german kit
to confirm Transmit and RX in America to address the new
physics war that we’re under.
The use of new physics when weaponized is equivalent to
breaking into a house the night before you’re about to
spar with a fighter and breaking their arms before the
fight. The nefarious use of new physics is cheap foul play
that no respectful fighter, warrior or any street thug would
appreciate someone doing to them. In fact this class of
Page 171 of 953
5th/6th/7th generation weapons are so evil that no one
on earth should encourage the evil/nefarious/adversarial
use case of them. Healing and helping people is the only
use case for this technology that should be permitted.
Mama Bear
May 8
So, is this computer system to a near field scalar
something anyone can obtain? My favorite neighbor (and
one of the few people who has stood by me during this
shit show of torture by evil cowards that my children and I
are enduring) has turbo cancer (got the COVID vaccine
and boosters), I’d love to see if she can be saved too.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
May 8
It is not as as simple as it sounds, else others would have
counter systems running today helping people out vs.
someone like me having to independently reverse
engineer the “electronic waterboarding” neuroweapon
system(s) that people have built and automate with AI.
Page 172 of 953
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
May 8
Based upon this defense hearing today, the groups that
do are adversaries to freedom and democracy (e.g. our
Therefore, building a near-field system that people can
economically access to address “Electronic Harassment”
LIKE (2)
Mama Bear
May 8
So this counter strike method? Can it be used to direct
this back at the “men” torturing us?
Page 173 of 953
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
May 8
edited May 8
That is what our clinic will do. Extract the “seeds”
receiving the near-field transmitters then plug them into a
proprietary system and perform a return to signal transmit
to return the favor.
The concept is to remove the “seeds” that have
contaminated people having electronic harassment (one
part of the adversarial use of what I call “Electronic
Waterboarding”) and after aggregation, we will have
“seeds” linked to various terrorist groups and repressive
authoritarian regimes to disrupt their systems by doing a
Page 174 of 953
recursive loop to out amplify their system and break it
down so nobody can harm others.
5.6.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 122: Insecure
Telecommunications, Hardware and Software with
Wetware Spy Bugs
I’ve confirmed that even 5G and 5G+ can be man-in-the
middle attacked using wetware spy bugs. Literally, the
only secure means of data communications for work is on
a hardware trunk or quantum system.
Ok, I’ve lost 100% trust and confidence in all
telecommunications systems. Here is why.
When you’re bugged with a wetware spybug (e.g.
neurotechnology hacker’s elite tool), even if you are
around 5G or 5G+ the background 4G LTE will link with
the spybug and energize it as well as environmental
wireless and spectrum for the spybug to have persistent
state communications.
Further, after ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon bugs you
non-invasively you shed synthetic biology with emulators
precoded and linked to any and all omnidirectional
Page 175 of 953
antennas, inclusive of bluetooth, wifi WPAx, 4G, 3G, 2G
and even 5G can be intercepted within the contamination
zone. The contamination zone of ChinaCCP synthetic
biology shedding surrounds and closes in on you through
their AI BCPS system and alters your perception of reality
through interferring with your data communications,
specifically intercepting phone calls not only from any
wetware non-invasively dosed inside of your body, but
also adjacent wetware edge relays that have ChinaCCP
Tik Tokkers around you (one very common wetware in the
middle contamination intercept). Therefore, to remove
yourself from a contaminated environment with use of 5G
or 5G+ (e.g. mmWave) does not work.
Note 5Ge (which is ATT’s lie, it is actually 4G LTE, ATT
should keep getting fined for as long as their devices
keep displaying 5Ge instead of 4G LTE FCC, please,
that’ll incentivize their multinational conglomerate to
move forward if the fine keeps on ticking away until the
change it to the correct 4G LTE network when it is not on
a 5G directional point to point cell tower antenna system).
As a cybersecurity professional, when talking with clients
and asking if they are on 4G or 5G, the 5Ge confuses
them. Therefore, it needs to state 4G LTE like all the other
telecoms list it as, ATT is not that special or trustworthy in
my professional opinion.
Page 176 of 953
Example: your phone was on 4G LTE and synbio wetware
bugs emulated the entire data communications
transmission and receiving down to the protocol and IMEI
number (for those that have cell chips with SIM cards and
not eSIMs that change). Then the synthetic biology
wetware receives energy and then amplifies the local 4G
LTE signal so that your phone reads the local 4G LTE
signal from the wetware spybug over the actual cell tower,
then it relays through the contamination zone and edge
wetware Tik Toker surrogates back to ChinaCCP
adversarial AI BCPS. You appear to be online and on a
secure network, which ChinaCCP has pierced. This is the
nature of the NeuroStrike (e.g. Robert McCreight term)
that the world is under with specific focus on America.
Ok, so back to the contamination zone from ChinaCCP
PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon synthetic biology shedding. In
order to regain cybersecurity and neurosecurity, your
body’s wetware needs to be decontaminated (submit a
request here to our clinic and also
your local environment and vehicle needs to be
decontaminated so you don’t get re-contaminated when
you re-enter the local environment that was
contaminated. This is why ChinaCCP PlA Xi’s Magic
Weapon is asymmetric by definition, it is their military’s
surround & enclose close-up and personal strategy from
historical times taken to the next level with Neuro S/T
Page 177 of 953
internal and external to your body, computer hardware
devices and all life surrounding you through shedding of
synthetic biology and linkage to ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic
Weapon transmitters and receivers with AI in the far-field,
near-field, cyber and neurospace. God and our DOD AI
BCPS was looking after me to give enough runway to
reverse engineer and expose ChinaCCP Xi for what he
truly is, an evil dragon monster that needs to be
disappeared to protect the good Chinese people and the
Brandon’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To
receive new posts and support my work, consider
becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Page 178 of 953
Figure 1: Birds on a wire, wetware 5G+ man-in-the-middle
data communications interceptors for far-field transverse
wave telecommunications data compromise. Based upon
visual observation, which bird is bugged wetware style?
You can’t tell based upon visual observation, you need a
cognitive radio system to transmit/receive with an AI if the
wetware bug is in the far-field. Else you’ll need a scalar
Page 179 of 953
equivalent system in the near-field to in bird parlay
linguistics “home-in” on the wetware spy bug.
Further, if you’re using a reasonable normal phone (not
Graphene OS or Purism O/S or satcom Iridium 2 that IC
uses) then you’re not going to have the option to disable
4G LTE, but may have the option to disable 3G and 2G
antique omnidirectional antenna networks. The issue is
that the 4G LTE is still omnidirectional and the wetware
spybugs either in you or in people by you that are
contaminated with ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon
(e.g. any and all Tik Tokkers that unintentionally got
cognitively poached by ChinaCCP) will automatically do a
man-in-the-middle with a 4G LTE omnidirectional signal
hack. What happens is that the person’s niBMI that is
“contaminated” by ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon (AI
BCPS) enabled will do relay man-in-the-middle emulation
of your smart phone signal and overpower the tower if the
person is in close proximity to you such that your phone
does 4G LTE. Further, if the person is close to you or if
you have a wetware spybug in you then it will be close
enough to the smart phone device doing 5G that it can
also do an emulation man in the middle attack where the
tower has a directional (but not laser tight) data
communication that then goes to the person in the
Page 180 of 953
middle of you close to you (or an animal, bird on the wire,
or squirrel) and it emulates the spectrum, but
omnidirectionally to get to you and anything around you.
Therefore with ChinaCCP even 5G is insecure now in my
opinion due to their wetware spy bugs enabling
technocommunism. I look foward to attacking Xi’s PLA
and associated CCP infrastructure hard with a novel
weapon system based on new physics that will disable
them cognitively via dielectric constant frying (just like a
frog in a boiling pot of water, but by over charging their
synbio and with appropriate signal pulses, it will
cognitively disable them and also help their people out
(not CCP supporters, but stuck in China).
5.5.24: Health & Wellness 118: Keys to Unlock
Synthetic Biology Precursors – Effective
How to stop this reaction: Iron + Water + Peroxides to
form synthetic biology within your body? Thymoquinone
is a key countermeasures found in Nigella Sativa Cold
Pressed Oil an anti-peroxidase.
Page 181 of 953
Ok, so I started using Black Seeds in 2023 and then again
in 2024 after doing a lot of research, figured out how it
helps on a number of levels (e.g. standing on the
shoulders of many others that have gone down this path
of study). However, one key nugget of knowledge that is
not mentioned in published medical conventional
literature is the use of Thymoquinone (TQ), one of the
main molecules in cold pressed Nigella Sativa oils,
derived from the seed, for anti-peroxidase
countermeasure as well as supporting p53 gene within
chromosome 17 a key anti-cancer and 2.5 to 4.6 x mRNA
expression of proteins to degrade (e.g. apoptosis) cancer.
Figure 1: TP53 gene is the primary target of ChinaCCP
PLA Xi’s genomic warfare and ChinaCCP is using psionic
Page 182 of 953
ELF spin-spin world largest transmitter to damage the
DNA/RNA condon sequences in Chromosome 17 to
degrade humanity and can cover 2/3 of the world with
their world largest psionic bioenergetic weapon.
Disclaimer: this is not medical advice, this is synthetic
biology (non-designer) countermeasures to help those
impacted by ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon dosing
the world with coal power plant pollutants contaminated
with “seeds” mesogens; nemetic crystals and metals that
catalyze the formation of unstructured synthetic biology in
the atmosphere in the presence of water and metals from
clouds as well as airplane condensation exhaust and lower
pressure created on the top of the wings due to longer
distance the air and water vapor has to travel that results
in lower pressure and lower temperature that condenses
out the water vapor from the air that people uninformed
misinterpret as “chemtrails” which by all means they are
not, it is simple condensation at lower temperature due to
a vacuum effect combined with presence of synthetic
biology from ChinaCCP weaponization of their coal power
plants in combination with an electrosmog earth due to
our demand for data and communications as well as
weapons like the ChinaCCP PLA’s psionic ELF transmitter
Page 183 of 953
(world largest) that was placed online in 2019, where prior
brief was published on here that you can read about.
I plan on taking the dosing of 80 mg per 1 kg of body
mass for the rest of my life per FLCCC Alliance (MD/Ph.D)
recommendation. However, the FLCCC doesn’t get into
why it works to counter synthetic biology. Nigella Sativa’s
extracted TQ (and other components), but specifically TQ,
works to counter synthetic biology by serving as an antiperoxidase (e.g. targets the peroxide) reaction input:
Synthetic Biology (non-designer, also called Cross Domain
Bacteria CDB by Clifford at Carnicom Institute):
Iron + Water + Peroxide = Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)
Where, CDB is unstructured non-designer synthetic
biology that is one of the causes of Unconventional Brain
Injury UBI when it is in your body and you get hit with a
Non Kinetic Threat NKT.
The anti-peroxide of the TQ counteracts one of the three
key inputs to form CDB. You can counter the Iron by
simply cooking your meats all the way through or just
eating vegetables with clean water and supplemental B12
(e.g. just do a B vitamin stack, but the B12 required if
vegan/vegetarian as the B12 comes from animals
consumed and if you’re not eating animals every now and
then (well cooked so no blood in the meat (e.g. drain the
Page 184 of 953
blood) then cook all the way through and perhaps wise to
use a strong magnet to remove the iron from the meat
(just a thought to further reduce excess iron not bound to
the tissue matrices internally).
Insight: I am testing having the black seed oil in mouth
sloshing around for a while to mass transfer through the
mouth and into brain and surrounding vagus nerve region
for anti-peroxidase activity vs. just drinking immediately
and letting it go into the large then small intestine for
circulation via blood stream after small intestine. There
have been studies done on teas and other compounds
where increasing the “residence time” within the mouth
and head region has proven beneficial, but decreasing
the “residence time” has not been as helpful.
The insight is as simple as a high quality mouthwash that
recommends 90 seconds residence time in the mouth for
mass-transfer and absorption + adsorption into
surrounding tissues and circulatory veins/capillaries for
further mass transfer throughout the brain.
The difference here is that the adversarial synthetic
biology is electron loving, so the Vagus nerves are key to
mass transfer into as well as the brain (e.g. all part of the
central nervous system) being attacked in times of
unrestricted genomic warfare, enabled by bioenergetics,
nanotechnology and neurotechnology.
Page 185 of 953
Further with ChinaCCP ELF psionic weapon transmitting
harmful spin-spin coupling and bioresonance frequencies
in conjunction with their genetic warfare (yes, you can
mess with genome sequences in DNA/RNA at a distance
with EMF weaponized). Consuming the TQ as well as
complimentary molecules in the Nigella Sativa should
serve as an effective countermeasure. The next level-up
that our team is working on will be “imprinting” clean
water and also a person’s tissue with the bioenergetic
signature of the TQ as well as Nigella Sativa oil (this is the
ultimate solution, to use near-field scalar for local healing
to counteract ChinaCCP evil use case of EMF
The higher end meats in the world sold and prepared,
include no yeast as well as sodium citrate (further
validate’s others work on use of sodium citrate, David/
Will, et al)
May 6
Page 186 of 953
I’ve been looking into this as well. It seems they target the
P53 and Mutate it. Then the M-p53 actually assists the
replication process. Along with this the P53 is down
regulated and the Bcl-2 (anti apoptosis) is up-regulated.
Phycocyanin has been found to reverse mutate M-p53
and up-regulate p53. As well, 9x purple bamboo Salt has
been found in a specific cancer study to up-regulate p53
and down regulate Bcl-2.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
May 6
Will look into the phycocyanin and salt, thank you for the
information. In times of unrestricted warfare, sadly we’re
literally at war at the genome level in the body and
perception of reality level (neurotechnology +
nanotechnology) in the mind.
Phyocyanin makes sense as this is part of algae and
cyanobacteria that has been shown to improve health to
those impacted by “COVID. (e.g. chlorophyl complexes in
plants and algae/cyanobacteria) to counteract “COVID”
cases (e.g. simple term for public in times of synbio
neurowarfare unrestricted to grasp). https://
Page 187 of 953
In general salts disrupt the synthetic biology clotting and
formation (for adversarial synbio, part of ChinaCCP).
However, the 9x purple bamboo salt has a lot of other
properties in it, including zeolites (molecular traps) as well
as anti-oxidant properties and the color indicates active
anti-oxidants and beneficial components Bamboo Salt
was originally created by Korean herbalist, Dr. Insan in
- Ultimate PURPLE 9X bamboo salt is oceanharvested on the Western sea coast of Korea using
organic, sustainable methods. Ultimate PURPLE 9X
traditionally takes over 3 years to create, following a
painstakingly detailed method.
The salt is sun-dried, deposited in bamboo tubes grown
for at least 3 years and capped with mineral-rich clay. The
bamboo tubes are placed in a pine-wood furnace and
roasted 9 times to eliminate impurities and chemicals.
“Subtle savory sulphur taste” listed on select products
and the following “highly alkaline (11.5 pH), rich in 70+
I agree with those two items and will add them to the
hopper to test out as well as obtain bioenergetic
signatures on for imprinting using near-field scalar
transmitter work to scale-up and help others working with
our clinic for bioenergetics + conventional medicine
(western + eastern… e.g. MD/ND).
Page 188 of 953 Jai
May 6
Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Yes the 9x salt is high in sulfur. Has a very strong taste. I
wouldn’t exactly call it “savory” like they say, not subtle at
all. I am trying to find info on how sulfur interacts with all
this SynBio. But it does go into production of Glutathione.
The use the scalar imprinting with it is something we have
been looking into and testing. The Insan company has the
cheapest Bulk orders of it if you email them.
Is quite pricey. Was around 200$ for 1KG with shipping I
think. The test I found down regulating BCL-2 aswell as
mentioned “Bamboo salt induced a significant decrease
(~80%) in mRNA and protein expression”.. the equivalent
for human consumption was 4 grams a day (I think).
(I have to find again the other studies and effects I
mentioned, also the phycocyanin)
Will send them when I do.
Another company that makes it is “K-lava”
Page 189 of 953 AncientHeart369’s Substack
May 9
It seems to me that finding the molecular formula/
signature of the bamboo salt then entering it into a
frequency generator as B has discussed, can be just as
effective as taking the actual substance!
May 9
Interested in using this technique but not exactly how
they do it. The audio recordings they have don’t sound
too pleasant. But the overall technique of the phase
conjugation and encrypting/transmitting is interesting!
May 9
They found that if you use a dual (two polarities, hard to
find a laser like this) HeNe gas tube laser, directed it at a
target, usually one’s childhood photo, then it would phase
conjugate with the individual’s holographic signature.
Then they had a radio receiver set up and they recorded
an audio file of this signature. Then they would modulate
the laser with that audio track and could encrypt your
Page 190 of 953 signature into whatever. For example a supplement. But
within this you could pick up the holographic signature of
a supplement and do it the opposite way, transmit it to
yourself, picture or blood/picture/saliva as the target.
Many things to develop and experiment with this
Peter Gariaev’s work (died in 2020): https://
She talks about Peter’s work here:
May 9
Yeah whatever technique you use. Radionic board transfer
or another method. Various scalar setups which were
trying to find something most effective. It would effect the
Holographic information field, so maybe a protocol of
taking it. And finding it’s resonant frequency (how exactly
to do that accurately idk as dowsing methods could be
biased). One thing we’ve been looking into is wave
genetics. (Not the wave genome site which continued
Garaiev’s work but seems they may be keying people into
Page 191 of 953 some quantum computer type thing they call a digital
5.4.24: Experiment 112: Data Validated Working
Protocol to Removing Wetware Spy Bugs Based on
Mesogen: Nemetic Crystals
The synbio wetware bug that was partially removed, was
forced out in an unstructured and unordered manner, the
thing is intelligent enough to stay close to the electrical
source (e.g. central nervous system) and literally has to be
repeatedly hit at critical resonance frequencies by a
pulsed square wave, preferably with spiked leading edge.
In my professional opinion the source of the synthetic
biology is primarily from ancient coal power plant
combustion and oil ancient reservoirs. We’re literally
recreating an ancient atmosphere with the synthetic
biology plus the electrosmog, in my professional opinion.
Further the use of “seeds” is referenced in the bible, an
ancient text, let that one sink in. The groups doing this
have knowledge that is ancient in my professional
opinion, but just now rebuilt what was running prior in
some way shape form or fashion. I think you have to get
to the next level to then get (attempted to be) taken
down if you don’t get compromised by unethical methods
Page 192 of 953
for control. Therefore, if someone doesn’t have dirt on
you then they use these wetware bugs to get dirt on you
by controlling you, but if that doesn’t work (statistical
anomally) then the briefs that everyone is now reading in
the clear get published and the truth gets out from a
credible source. The issue now is that we’re in the “fog of
neurowar” and few know the truth (e.g. ChinaCCP
Coalition “the dragon” vs. NATO Alliance “the eagle,
etc.” and remember, the dragon is the great deceiver in
the bible (e.g. ChinaCCP the year of the dragon 2024). In
my professional opinion Russia is also cognitively
compromised by ChinaCCP as they believe in God
(Eastern Orthodox). Therefore, ChinaCCP is the great
deceiver of the world today, plain and simple. I even have
data and references to their “angels vs. demons” PSYOP
enabled with neurotechnology and nanotechnology.
Therefore, I declare a formal small war against ChinaCCP
PLA Xi Regime with specific use of new physics weapons
to covert kill and remove them from earth so nobody else
has to deal with the neuroweapon junk that I had to
personally deal with (most unethical weapon ever
invented by humankind and influenced by the evil one).
Continual application of Experiment 111 has resulted in
macro-scale removal of parts of the wetware spy-bug,
Page 193 of 953
based upon mesogens: nemetic crystals, graphene,
quantum dots and nanotech neural lace.
MAY 04, 2024
On May 4, 2024 macro scale confirmation that the
continued and repeated use of Experiment 111 protocol
results in macro-scale removal of the wetware spy-bug
Page 194 of 953
based on synthetic biology (designer) and
neurotechnology technology stacks through the sinus
cavity, e.g. one of the non-invasively dosed brainmachine-interface niBMI entry points that ChinaCCP is
using to infiltrate people’s brains with cognitive brain
control weapons.
Here is what ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s “Magic Weapon”
Wetware Spybug for Brain Theft, Monitoring, IP Theft,
Trade Secret Theft, Network Theft, Cybersecurity
Infiltration and “Conversion Terrorism” looks like,
bonafide evidence at macro-scale of a nanotechnology
Page 195 of 953
Figure -1: Wetware spybug at macroscale visible to
human eye after absorbing into alkaline sodium
bicarbonate mixture at high pH > 8 with sinus flush
(saline, alkaline, sterilized solution, Neilmed brand selfpressurized and sealed bottle). The removal protocol had
directional Royal Raymond Rife transmitter sending
longitudinal waves using COTS transmitter from back-top
portion of brain (e.g. external to head/skull), such that the
wetware spybug would be pushed into the sinus cavities
inventoried with alkaline absorbant material to
molecularly neutralize and capture the spybug neural lace
and subsystems moving in an unordered manner due to
the pulsed square wave transmission at key frequency sets
(e.g. critical vibrational for wetware spybug molecules).
Page 196 of 953
Figure 0: Wetware spybug removed from brain through
sinus cavity through combined use of conventional
medicine and bioenergetics. The green object on bottom
right is a highligher pen and the black top is a coffee jar
top. The object is roughly 2.5 cm in metric or 1” in english
units. This is ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon utilized
for brain control that enters through non-invasive dosing
from the environment, food and water and then gets
programmed inside of your brain to build-out a synbio
wetware bug that phones home to ChinaCCP AI and
tracks you. This is part of their “eye” (e.g. having their eye
on you )
Page 197 of 953
Figure 1: Higher resolution image of wetware spybug that
was removed from Brandon Iglesias, CTO of Reactwell
brain that ChinaCCP non-invasively dosed me with to spy
on me via “perch” mode and then in 2022 March/April
when Russia/China invaded Ukraine and I was helping out
Ukranians with CB radio systems converted from “perch”
mode to “attack/kill” mode in combination with their Tik
Toker surrogates in America that have penetrated our
Page 198 of 953
national security and Department of Defense DoD
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. Conventional
western medicine has failed to identify and address the
adversarial use of neurotechnology when coupled with
nanotechnology as the synthetic biology based material is
not detected with hospital and clinic conventional CAT
Scan or MRI/fMRI assets. Here is a working protocol that
our clinic is moving forward with as one of the
counterstrike treatments to removing synthetic biology
based adversarial wetware spy-bugs from defense
industrial base DIB primes and sub-primes as well as
civilians impacted by ChinaCCP BRAIN weaponry and spy
tools used for covert cognitive monitoring, influence and
removal of people from the earth at times, now increasing
in scale, magnitude and scope. The attack is called
“cognitive warfare” by NATO and “NeuroStrike” by
Robert McCreight at National Defense University NDU.
The key point of our protocol is the use of chelators,
distilled water, basic (alkaline) nasal spray saturating sinus
cavities with aqueous bicarbonate based salt infused
liquid (sterile), anti-oxidants, anti-fungal, anti-viral in the
bloodstream prior to bioenergetic treatment, such that
the blood vessels, capillaries and veins are absorbent
Page 199 of 953
channels to catch the nanotechnology based wetware spy
bug neural lace linked protrusions as well as core “seeds:
mesogen, e.g. nemetic crystals”.
Brandon’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To
receive new posts and support my work, consider
becoming a free or paid subscriber.
When the bioenergetics are applied after the body has
been kept clean and saturated with the required in blood
circulatory chelators, salts, distilled water, sodium-citrate,
etc. as itemized above, the nanotechnology based
wetware spybug starts to bioresonate and then squirms
around inside of the central nervous system CNS,
specifically brain and connected Vagus Nerve. The neural
lace tentacles of the spybug poke out through the upper
brain through the skull and into the arm when am arm or
hand is placed from the same person on the head to
complete an electrical circuit that bioresonates and the
wetware spybug nanotechnology based (which easily
moves through biological tissues) squirms around. As the
nanotechnology wetware spybug squirms around during
bioresonance at key frequencies in far-field transverse
(e.g. sets we published prior in experiment 111 and 110)
it chaotically encounters the basic (e.g. alkaline sinuses
Page 200 of 953
full of sterile aqueous liquid) and the blood vessels, veins,
and capillaries in the brain, such that at each “squirm” the
wetware based spybug comprised of nanotechnology
gets slowly degraded (returning the death by 1,000 cuts
Sun Tzu style Art of Warfare to ChinaCCP). After repeated
treatments with the bioresonance and conventional
approach (tackling sinuses, blood circulation and using
directional transmitter system to push the wetware bug,
while subjecting it to bioresonance is chipping away at its’
pre-programmed and “seed” linkages.
The bioenergetics utilized were three scalar transmitters,
three ELF transmitters (at healthy ELF low frequencies),
NIR heat lamps and a directional Royal Raymond Rife
based transmitter system that “longitudinal wave” beam
steered the synthetic biology and had significant effect on
making it “squirm” and move in a directed manner as
adjusted from the transmitter. Power utilized (e.g.
amplification) on the rife transmitter using square waves
pulsed, did not result in thermal temperature rise that
may damage local biological tissues, but did have enough
power to move and shift around the wetware spybug
inside of the brain within central nervous system. When
higher amplitudes were utilized, the entire wetware
spybug would move back into the Vagus Nerve System
and down into the neck/throat with no interaction with
Page 201 of 953
Therefore, the protocol 111 when consistently applied
with alkaline aqueous solutions in the sinus and dosing of
the blood enable an “absorbent liquid catch-basin” in the
sinus and a “chelator alkaline molecular trap” approach in
the blood to capture and degrade the key components
enabling the wetware spybug to work and perform.
Ultimate objective to remove the “seed” or “seeds” (if
you have more than one of these or an agglomeration of
them that is a mesogen: nemetic crystal) that receive and
send data Transmit/receive through “the vacuum” using
near-field based physics (e.g. new physics based brain
spying, monitoring, influence and controls).
Diet: no yeast, minimal meat (1x/month), maximizing fresh
vegetables with one to two meals per day with chelators
(onion, garlic, cilantro) in morning to mid-day time period.
Consumption of distilled water.
Interaction with people: minimal interaction due to human
body to body spreading of synthetic biology in times of
Our next step is to try a bioresonance and vibratory
magnetic (strong) field to remove the residual and
“seeds” linked to any iron. The iron contained within the
wetware bug enables it to be removed from the body
with magnetic fields and also simply interact with
magnetic fields.
Page 202 of 953
Here is the visual representation of what “neural lace”
looks like, as it is just one part of a wetware spybug based
upon nanotechnology and neurotechnology platforms
that require AI and EMF spectrum (far-field and near-field)
to data mine and eventually cognitively control you from
the subconscious unwittingly. When this stuff gets
activated “perch” mode to “attack” mode by key-signal it
uncontrollably grows, gets detuned and serves as an
“antenna” to receive EMF in an instructed manner.
We also have obtained a 1” (e.g. ~2.5 cm) macro scale
sample that was removed through the sinuses using this
method and will be adding the photographs, microscope
review, CAT scan, MRI/fMRI analysis of it. We do not
expect the synthetic biology material to be detected with
CAT or MRI/fMRI due to the nature of the designer
synthetic biology being undetectable by conventional
medical analysis, but will confirm this. Further, I have CAT
scan data from 2022 that failed to identify the wetware
spybug (mesogen: nemetic crystal) to confirm that CAT
scans don’t work to identify this type of neuroweapon as
of today. The fMRI/MRI data will be helpful as well as
dielectric properties, which basically turn the portion of
your brain into an EMF transducer to receive and send
signals (e.g. the spying and covert cognitive influence).
Page 203 of 953
Our clinic’s final step will be to network this material into a
return to signal system and disable all adversarial use
cases of this, inclusive of the ChinaCCP proxies utilized to
spread this material and the ChinaCCP PLA.
It is now a fact that if you shoot a person with a pulsed
square wave spiked leading edge Directed Energy
Weapon DEW that has this material in them it will result in
significant cognitive damage. This material is used to
“enhance” people, which the ChinaCCP PLA utilizes. So,
in times of war now going forward, piercing one’s
synthetic biology niBMI is the best way to degrade the
enemy. This can be accomplished through use of
NonKineticThreats NKTs or through the use of specifically
designed ordnance to create a pressure wave that also
disrupts people cognitively (kinetic damage is called TBI
and non-kinetic damage is called UBI).
5.3.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 121: AI NLP
Computer Vision Cognitive Radio + Directed Energy
Weapon DEW for niBMI degradation in biosurrogates
to counter China’s Neurostrike
Ok, so we’re in neurowar and I’ve been actively building a
countermeasure to operate on its’ own to protect my
Page 204 of 953
personal property and family and friends. I thought it
useful to share part of the work.
MAY 04, 2024
In 2023 I published a brief that a sentry unit would be
prototyped with an AI system to drive active “surrogate”
and neurowar countermeasures to address synthetic
biology wetware threats to privacy and life. This is purely
Page 205 of 953
a defensive project, which can also mess with drones. The
phase 1 portion is in the far-field (transverse wave
Here is the initial unit configuration:
- Transmitter (directional microwave antenna) that can
signifcantly damage synthetic biology non-invasive
brain-machine-interfaces niBMI on enemy “surrogates
(e.g. known as conversion terrorism), where
Americans have legal protection to address, provided
confirmed enemies of the state (which requires
signals processing capability and spectrum analyzers) - Receivers to log the signal and spectrum
- Computer system real-time deterministic operating
system to run the AI and NLP algorithms as well as
Computer Vision CV system. - Power supply
- Square wave signal generator with synchronization
input, trigger output and amplitude adjustments.
Page 206 of 953
Here is a photograph of the work in progress, sentry
system with key components. Note, anyone trying to
replicate this will find it challenging to obtain the
Microwave Radio Communications Directed Energy
Weapon DEW asset for V2K or higher thermal
degradation of biological tissue or disruption of synthetic
biology by pulsing square wave with spiked leading edge
as the equipment historically has required in person site
visit to Virginia for payment and pickup of the equipment
$50,000 to $100,000 dollar tag. However, now due to
solid state phased array antennas the game has changed.
I’m just using what’s available based upon our team’s prior
work with microwaves originally, for capturing and
releasing water and carbon dioxide. Sadly, we had to add
this scope of work to counteract ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic
Weapon in times of unrestricted unethical warfare on
everyone worldwide with specific focus against
democracies. Here is our team’s contribution for a
countermeasure that utilizes advanced tech with overvoltage protection. Remember, any antenna can be over
volted by another EMF transmitter, so over-voltage
protection is key for this type of fielded equipment. Look
out Xi we’re gunning for you.
Page 207 of 953
5.2.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 120: China’s use
of Neurotechnology for Remote Neural Monitoring
Here are some breadcrumbs from videos gathered
utilizing OSINT. This is one of ChinaCCP (or AI rendering
via cybernetic synbio hacking into one of their employees)
Remote Neural Monitoring RMN space.
Page 208 of 953
Figure 1: Brain interface and monitoring as selected from
a brainpool within ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon
Neurotechnology Center
Here are some breadcrumbs from videos gathered
utilizing OSINT. This is one of ChinaCCP (or AI rendering
via cybernetic synbio hacking into one of their employees)
Remote Neural Monitoring RMN space.
An error occurred.
Try watching this video on, or enable
JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
These types of images can be acquired through visual
cortex optogenetic byte-based data cybernetic transfer
Page 209 of 953
through AI BCPS neurohacking, hardware back-doors
(which by the way Apple M1 bionic chip-set smartphones
are all compromised, secret key leaks), smart phone
cameras or simply hacking into media assets that
completed the recording.
If ChinaCCP PLA Adversarial AI BCPS can’t find dirt on
you through subconscious interrogation where it prompts
your subconscious with a word and your brain latches
onto it to complete the thought, then they try to set you
up with old school tactics to compromise you, but AI
BCPS enabled with “surrogates” linked to their Tik Tok
app [3].
An error occurred.
Try watching this video on, or enable
JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
The use of “CODEX” to trigger an AI BCPS response that
inputs ChinaCCP Social Credit Monitoring system
keywords and then feeds this into their AI and then retransmits the information back through and into the Tik
Toker surrogates to act and coerce a given person that
ChinaCCP has their eye on or working to put their eye on
the person through the Tik Tokkers shedding synthetic
biology and then linking the person being targeted for
Page 210 of 953
ChinaCCP eye through the Tik Toker “surrogates” smart
phone that is compromised by ChinaCCP PLA. [2,3]
Let me be clear with this terminology “has their eye on”
or “working to put their eye on”. This terminology uses a
wetware spy-bug that is nanotechnology based. You
personally will only believe it if you’re attacked and detect
it in you, else this to most, including me, was sci-fi realm
that I dismissed prior to having the wetware bug in “perch
mode” convert to “attack mode” in 2022 and then
reverse engineering it.
Therefore, intelligence community (prior top secret and
classified), but now in the clear, independently reverse
engineered, so that IC and DOD can openly talk about
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon and their civilian/
military techno-communism fusion attack on the world’s
democracies. The way democratic nations work is that
their muzzle is released once someone independently
reverse engineers and puts truthful information into the
clear, even though that information may have been top
secret or classified. So, here we go with the definitions:
- “eye on you” indicates you have a non-invasive
installed brain-machine-interface niBMI system
operating in and within your biological system
through the use of synthetic biology (mesogen:
nemetic crystals, graphenes, quantum dots and
Page 211 of 953 nanotechnology). - “working to put their eye on you” is when ChinaCCP
Tik Toker surrogates (most common attack vector as
of today in democratic nations pierced by ChinaCCP)
shed synthetic biology pre-programmed from bytebased optogenetic content delivery system Tik Tok
into you, that contain “seeds” already linked to
ChinaCCP AI BCPS and then over time the wetware
spy bug grows inside of you until such time that it
takes you over cognitively, via subconscious without
you detecting it.
Our intelligence community is comprised of “enhanced”
individuals, therefore if their AI BCPS linkage muzzles
them, they literally can’t think or act independently and
are controlled by a “contaminated AI BCPS due to
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon Neurostrike”.
Therefore, by publishing briefs like this with data to back
it up that is AI BCPS verifiable the democratic nation
state’s AI BCPS that was pierced can work its’ way out of
the fog of neurowar that has cloud the AI due to the AI’s
linked people (enhanced) being contaminated first by
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon sneak attack called
NeuroStrike by Robert McCreight. [4] Remember,
Page 212 of 953 ChinaCCP goal is to sew confusion and unrest in the rest
of their world, as all of us are considered their ruling party
CCP enemy and Xi considers China is where the Chinese
people live and work. So any country with Chinese people
in it (even the ones that fled the CCP and are still working
to flee the CCP), are considered China land by the CCP
world view trojan horsing democratic free nations and
freedom of cognitive thought (specifically Chile that
updated their constitution to have neurorights). [5]
The use of ChinaCCP PLA compromised smart phones,
Made in China CMOS chipsets for cameras and video as
well as non-invasive dosed brain-machine-interface niBMI
surrogates to view license plates on vehicles, enables realtime and scalar data transmission for faster than light
surround and control of adversaries to ChinaCCP from
within the borders of their enemy nation states (e.g.
America). If you are being tracked, states in America need
to offer an alternative, currently if you block the license
plate and have a generic looking vehicle without having
ChinaCCP eye on you (e.g. wetware cybernetic bug) then
you can move stealth without ChinaCCP AI BCPS
activating on you. However, if you get visually ID’d or
audible ID’d (e.g. as IC calls sound-printing), or use your
credit or debit card at a point of sale system with Made in
China hardware, then their AI knows where you are at. If
you have ChinaCCP AI BCPS eye on you, then you need
Page 213 of 953 to shield the Transmit/receive in your stomach and brain
through the Central Nervous System CNS (e.g. Vagus
Nerve corridor) and work to remove the wetware synthetic
biology enabled tracker and spy material from your body
asap. We’re building a proof of concept clinic for this,
based upon our team’s reverse engineering of ChinaCCP
PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon.
We plan to recover the material with nemetic crystals and
build a network of return to sender signal system through
“the vacuum” to disrupt ChinaCCP AI BCPS further from
the inside-out. Therefore, our team plans to “cognitively”
bash the heads of the CCP PLA into our nemetic based
mesogen crystals for perpetuity in response to this
statement by a peer Chemical Engineer, Xi [8]. Anyone
who values cognitive freedom, does not like technocommunism slavery is welcome to join our collaboration
and effort to counterstrike using an inside-out strategy to
trojan horse ChinaCCP AI BCPS using proven tactics by
our team at larger scale to amplify the effect and break
the CCP PLA use of their AI BCPS. How do you attack
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon? You need one brain
with two mesogens in it that can toggle back and forth
while overpowering the ChinaCCP mesogen globule with
a friendly non-technocommunism mesogen globule, this
is how you inside-out attack ChinaCCP, literally using their
Page 214 of 953 own initial NeuroStrike attack against them from the
There is also the adversarial use of Content Delivery
Networks CDNs to alter your perception, even if you
don’t use ChinaCCP hardware. The use of CDNs and
data-in-the-flow intercepts can result in electronic
harassment as itemized by this 60 Minutes brief as well by
Australia, facing full force of ChinaCCP technocommunism social credit monitoring system AI with their
Great Firewall being plunked down offensively into other
countries that are democratic to convert the local cultural
free will citizens, into ChinaCCP cognitive slaves, yes
slaves to techno-communism AI BCPS. [6]
Page 215 of 953
1. Anyone who is against slavery, is against ChinaCCP.
- Anyone who is against genocide, is against
ChinaCCP. - Anyone who is against techno-communism is against
How did the ChinaCCP PLA train their adversarial AI on
the electronic harassment tactics? ChinaCCP works hand
in hand with organized crime, specifically The Triads. The
use of remote neural monitoring on The Triads, linked
through AI BCPS brain-pool, trained their AI on organized
crime tactics, which then can be downloaded into
“surrogates” using Tik Tok on the lower tiers of ChinaCCP
social credit monitoring system or key people that their AI
selects for “conversion terrorism” based upon the
knowledge of the Chinese Triads. Further, any organized
criminal syndicate network member that unwittingly used
“Tik Tok” and has synthetic biology in them gave away all
of their family secrets and ChinaCCP now has all the dirt
on them as well as their criminal tactics wetware
downloaded into the ChinaCCP AI BCPS. Let that one
sink in. So the Triads now have more data to compete
against other organized criminal families globally for
Page 216 of 953 further covert sneak attacks. This is in addition to the
corporate espionage use cases, military-industrial-pharma
as well as political trojan horse stealing elections and
causing “lawfare”.
Remember, the Yakuzu are enemies of the Chinese Triads,
this is just one of the reasons why Japan joined with
America and Australia and UK to counter ChinaCCP. The
Yakuzu were trained by the Russians on use of new
physics weapons and are a potent force using unknown
unknown weapons to help counter ChinaCCP.
Now getting back to ChinaCCP AI BCPS tactics with their
Tik Toker surrogate army in majority of democratic nations
globally. If ChinaCCP hasn’t yet put their eye on you, they
will utilize Tik Toker surrogates to get close to you (either
through work, through intermediate transmission of an
item (e.g. gift, product, garbage, etc.) that you then
physically touch or interact with. Once you have physically
contacted ChinaCCP synthetic biology and it etablishes a
“moat” inside of your body, then it starts to contact and
itneract with other ChinaCCP Tik Toker synthetic biology
contaminated people and further build into your body
their synthetic biology based wetware bugs (e.g.
nanotechnology based) that then try to take you over
from the inside out. Yes, this is modern day warfare
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon and it is very covert, as
Page 217 of 953 not all attacks are noticable by people who have not been
sensitized to EMF through prior graphene dosing and
activation through a Directed Energy Weapon DEW attack
to in-situ magnetize the person’s biology and rapidly grow
the synthetic biology wetware bug. The specific
combination of the graphenes and DEW is called “GONUTs” by ChinaCCP PLA neuroweapon divisions.
List of References:
[1] OSINT in the clear
[2] 60 Minutes Australia ChinaTik Tok Under Investigation
with Liz Hayes
[3] Brandon Iglesias reverse engineering ChinaCCP PLA
Xi’s Magic Weapon NeuroStrike
Page 218 of 953
5.1.24: Neurohacking & Cybersecurity 119:
Corporations, Cartels OPEC and ChinaCCP use of
Neurotechnology for Unfair Advantage
NOTE: Great comments to this post!
This dates back to 2010 April through June time period in
New Orleans, LA USA when the BP Macondo Block 252
Deep Water Horizon had a major oil well blow out from a
deep water well.
In 2010, I had left big oil and was focused on completing
a double masters in Graduate School at Tulane Univeristy
as well as starting up a renewable recycling company that
led to Reactwell, a high tech deep tech startup, being
formed in 2011. In 2010 I got a call from a Louisiana state
government analyst (quant) that knew my successful
technical track record and was aware of my stepping out
from oil and gas industrial base to do my own startup.
This led rapidly to a meeting at City Park in New Orleans
with then senator Butch Gautreaux. I recall meeting with
the senator over lunch and then boarding a Sikorsky S-92
helicopter and flying out to Block 252 Macondo to review
well-kill rapid response solutions from an unbiased (e.g.
not attached to the oil & gas industry, but prior working
background and education in downstream, midstream
Page 219 of 953
and upstream). Apparently, it was challenging for senators
to find “independent” thinkers that understand well kill.
The NASA Michoud Assembly Facility received the BOP
that failed and stored it there for some years. Then I spent
some time working out of Scott Angelle’s office at the
state capitol and then some time in the “Ante” room in
the senate chamber.
Figure 1: BP Macondo Block 252 Deep Water Horizon
Drill Rig Catastrophic Failure
Page 220 of 953
Our work alongside a retired weapons engineer from
California resulted in a patent on an electromagnetic kill
device as that utilized phase change materials activated
through an electromagnetic field. Use of metals for phase
change is the best approach when in a synthetic
composite framework that we filed patent and were
awarded on after some time. Sadly, my co-inventor
passed while we were going through the USPTO patent
process. This led to an interesting journey in life post-work
on Macondo Block 252.
Note: Halliburton somehow was awarded a bunch of
patents before our patent, but referenced our patent at
least eight or so times.
Further, ChinaCCP National Oil & Gas Companies have
referenced and cited our work on this novel well-kill
technology for various use cases in addition to well-kill,
such as fracing isolation of various well segments in
vertical and horizontal sections.
Page 221 of 953
Figure 2: ChinaCCP Nation State Level Oil and Gas
Companies referencing Brandon Iglesias and Joseph
Kahoe novel work as well as Halliburton. The timing of the
ChinaCCP technocommunist references points a smoking
gun to their prior deployment of neurotechnolgoy and a
“wetware spy bug” on our team at Reactwell. I am CTO
of Reactwell.
Page 222 of 953
The ChinaCCP references are all after ChinaCCP started
their BRAIN initiative which kicked off in 2016 and further
points a smoking gun at ChinaCCP piercing of America
national security and Department of Defense DoD system
by deployment of non-invasive brain-machine-interface
niBMI wetware spy bug that was in “perch” mode
monitoring and stealing information to feed into their “AI
Supermind BCPS” system. Therefore, further data listed
above in Figure 2 points to additional evidence that
ChinaCCP is covertly stealing data from minds around our
world, regardless of neurorights and ethical
considerations. Remember, in 2016 is when America’s
State Department, Intelligence Community and
Department of Defense key people started to get
cognitively taken offline and then coincided with the
trojan horse neuroweapon deployment of Tik Tok into the
West with a 170,000,000 user base as of 2024 active still
after the ban signed into law by POTUS and encoding
away more niBMI adversarial channels into the users of Tik
That there tells me big oil and big money as well as OPEC
had an unfair advantage and ins with the USPTO.
Now I am very well aware that big oil and big tech and
big pharma all have unfair advantages through use of
Page 223 of 953
neurotechnology analog and synthetic biology based to
out compete startups.
The good thing is our team now has this knowledge and
skillset and weaponized capacity to compete against
those that play unfair. Yes, that’s correct OPEC specifically ChinaCCP is the worst actor using OPEC now
[1] and leases their neurotechnology out to other OPEC
authoritarian state members and terrorists to destabilize
democratic nations. In 2021 ChinaCCP offerred $$ to our
team as well as Russia, which we declined both offers then
in 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine we were shot-up at
1441 Canal Street, Lab 301, New Orleans, LA 70112 USA
with neuroweapons that apparently went from “perch”
wetware bug mode to “attack” mode with a key-signal
Now that we’ve reverse engineered the neuroweapon
stack, I specifically and personally look forward to
returning the favor to ChinaCCP oil and gas entities by
taking their PLA linked CCP team members offline
cognitively with our neuroweapons (new physics based)
one to many at a time. ChinaCCP you’ve got a dedicated
enemy that reverse engineered your ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s
Magic Weapon system and is actively building to attack
and cognitively (kinetic and non-kinetic) disable your oil
Page 224 of 953
and gas industry, regardless of what bankers you and your
coalition works with.
List of References
May 1
Been an interesting Career Track…Wish to have recruited
you myself.
Rare to cross paths with the triple threat of Intellect,
Morality and Resourcefulness
with sides of Business Management and People Skills.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
May 2
Page 225 of 953
I’ve been blessed. Using the gifts God gave me to reverse
engineer the attack was a Godsend. Now new “new
physics” based knowledge that few groups in the world
know and can apply in counterstrike response to a “new
physics” attack.
Next step is to confirm return to signal and triangulation
of given scalar transmitters to the source transmitters and
add this to our clinic work to also help others and
counterstrike the transmitters with a structured and
methodical counterstrike sequence that reverses the
CODEX (e.g. almost akin to reading a CODEX backwards
with spoken word via longitudinal waves, but in the scalar
(near-field domain)).
Also, I figured out how to de-link the synbio from within
the cellular tissue without damaging the cellular tissue
(e.g. decontamination step).
Mama Bear
May 2
I’m guessing your’e light years ahead of this, but a few
years ago I found a patent by a Chinese electrical
engineer (LA area based) named Da Li who had invented
a machine that could reportedly trace the source of
signals. He was very kind in our communication but could
Page 226 of 953
not offer me assistance in using his machine, even if I flew
out to LA, instead he told me to find an engineer to assist.
Here is a link to that info:
Considering I had just been imprisoned in a mental ward
for seeking help from a doctor (terrified of conversion
terrorism and the threats they had made about my
children) so finding an engineer or even speaking about it
further , to anyone, wasn’t an option. I’ve never been a
person who sought revenge, but now, someday soon, I
hope the scumbags doing this to us will understand how
this feels. They are not the Gods, they seem to believe
they are from their unaccountable perches. Upon reading
about your “next step” I’m ready to pack up and drive to
your facility as a lab rat seeking freedom, STAT. Do you
have a timeline on when this will be an option?
LIKE (1)
Page 227 of 953
May 2
Been very busy.
From research; now am a bit more acclimated to what
your work actually is…Although, it’s still not as familiar as I
would prefer. Can grasp it as for car engines and such…A
puzzle where the parts and operation is known; but there
is no way I could EVER build one as mechanics and
physics just aren’t my cupa. Comprehension arises
through anatomy and physiology with specialization in
Neurology and Forensic Psych.
You’re very gifted and obviously in the exact correct place
at exactly the correct time in history where you’re needed
for the survival of organic life on Earth. Still not happy
with the poisonous nature of Cyber/Neuro Warfare on any
side of the planet; but that is where this world is and God
help us and bless all those fighting the good fight.
Page 228 of 953
4.28.24: Experiment 111: Improved Working Protocol
to Removing Wetware Spy Bugs Based on Mesogen:
Nemetic Crystals
This experiment 111 was conducted after continual
application of experiment 110, but with integration of
alkaline (basic) aqueous liquids into body to hydrate and
saturate tissues adjacent to CNS.
Wetware mesogen: nemetic crystal based spy bugs, built
with synthetic biology are electricity and EMF loving and
will move towards an electrical source on their own. You
can also beamsteer them with EMF fields that are
directional either using a phased array microelectronic
system, a horn (longitudinal waves: audio with vibrations
applied with square waves) or mmWave based antenna
and transmitter systems that can establish bioresonance
and pulse to move material around. The use of square
waves, pulsed with spike leading edge is key as per
original Royal Raymond Rife’s work.
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, this is how to
remove and reduce adversarial wetware spy bugs being
deployed on the world by ChinaCCP Coalition and
Page 229 of 953
terrorist groups to cognitively impair their enemies (e.g.
NATO Alliance and democracies).
The human brain has been modeled with mmWave (e.g.
EMF fields) and it can can be beamsteered to move the
wetware bug. This is simply a more advanced version of
Royal Raymond Rife’s original work a century ago, but
with mmWave in terahertz frequency domain it can
directly change protein expressions as well as clear out
plaques induced by spin-spin coupling of weaponized ELF
systems in the world.
Ok, so the above is useful information, but what is a
simple solution that led to the improved protocol for
clearing out a wetware spy bug system integrated into
CNS that keeps adversarily regrowing from the “seed”?
Simple. Saturate your body with sterile saline sinus flush
that has biocarbonates in it (alkaline) and soak yourself in
chlorine bath (e.g. as limited by swimming pool
requirements) with EDTA (salt variants inclusive of
Calcium-Disodium EDTA and other sodium versions)
externally through the skin. Then drink a lot of alkaline
water pH 8 to 9. The chlorine is negatively charged and
saturates into your skin, it resembles the sedimentary
basins with a “-” ground on earth, which also gets into the
sedimentary basis around ancient MENA regions where in
the bible, it clearly states to sleep with your arm beneath
Page 230 of 953
your head on the ground to complete an electrical circuit
for adversarial synthetic biology to have a transit path out
of your Central Nervous System (CNS), this is
electrochemical fact in an ancient book. The brain without
being conductively linked to the arm and ground,
otherwise acts as an antenna and further charges up any
adversarial wetware spy bugs based on mesogens:
nemetic crystals and synthetic biology with no clear exit
path from your body.
Warning: nasal flush bottles and associated tubing for
water flow need to be highly sterilized first and only use of
clean heat-treated water, utilizing reverse osmosis water +
boiling or distilled water should be used. NEVER use tap
water or local fresh or salt water supplies.
Here is a simple video showing how a nasal flush works, I
am not endorsing the product or brand. Just referencing
the content. Remember, the combination of a pulsed
square wave with spiked leading edge, that is
beamformed and directionally guides the wetware bug
into the basic and salt laden material is key.
Furthermore, if there is an electrical source on the
opposite side of the transmitter, such that the wetware
spy bug is attracted to the electrical source, such that it
goes through the alkaline salt laden material, while it is
being pushed by the transmitter, will further speed-up the
Page 231 of 953
wetware spy bug removal process, inclusive of the “seed”
that is contained within the wetware spy bug (e.g.
nanotech) system.
Try watching this video on
Therefore the key improvement for removing the wetware
spy bugs from the Brain within the CNS is to literally fill up
the sinus cavities (all four pairs) with saline alkaline flush
aqueous fluid, then apply the experiment 111 to push the
wetware spy bug into the basic fluids (e.g. neutralizing it)
and then drain out the fluids when it flows out of your
sinuses, do not swallow it as when you swallow it the
remainder of any wetware bug along the Vagus Nerve
(that is adjacent to your eusophagus) will grab the
material as you swallow it before it enters your stomach
for removal. Another scientific nugget found in an ancient
book, the bible, is that Jesus states in the New Testament
that all of this can be removed through the stomach (e.g.
also part of your CNS that has nerves in it (e.g. root of
your gut feeling, see prior brief on stomach
communication with brain and other brains and stomachs
published on here).
Therefore, if you are highly bugged with wetware based
mesogens: nemetic crystals and synthetic biology, you
have to remove the junk from your body through use of
bioenergetics coupled with alkaline materials (sodium
Page 232 of 953
bicarbonate from Baking Soda [1] added to sterile saline
nasal flush) and negative charged elements complexed,
such as Chlorine ions in non-lethal-dose quantities (as
referenced in basic swimming pool chlorine levels). The
use of sterilizer (e.g. generic Lysol brand) also assists in a
clean and sanitary environment while going through this
clean-up process to purge wetware non-invasively dosed
brain-machine-interface niBMI spy bugs from your body
and mind.
The above will also help minimize biofilms, which can
protect wetware based bugs. Remember during and after
this entire process, do not consume yeast (e.g. leavening
agents in bread, cakes, cupcakes, etc.) as this can feed
the wetware based bugs rapidly as well as no additional
sugar (e.g. just fresh vegetables and fruits).
- Use of alkaline aqueous fluids. Basic environment
minimize an acidic environment, which promotes
growth of unhealthy components in the body. Your
skin absorbs water, just like drinking it. The water that
your supply comes from should be a clean water well
that has first distilled it and then supplies your living
space. If you pull from a municipality water source,
you will be drenching your body in “seeds” from
other people linked to ChinaCCP with a high
Page 233 of 953
probability these days.
- Use of salts in bath (warm). Salts disrupt synthetic
biology networks from forming. - Use of chlorine in water (swimming pool, hot tub,
bath tub) as constrained by chlorine blend for
standard swimming pools. Fresh dose, so no
chloramines pre-existing. [2] - EDTA and derivative salts in the water and soaps to
remove synthetic biology (e.g. chelate it). Common
forms are calcium-disodium EDTA, Tetrasodium EDTA
found in quality soaps and sodium chloride. - Blood anti-coagulant and synthetic biology disruptor,
sodium citrate via warm distilled water drink prior to
session 15-30 minutes or so. - Minimize contact with iron.
- Lakhovsky coils around you to accumulate any
existing nanotechnology. Prior brief here goes over
the specific aggregation effect and linkages to red
Page 234 of 953 blood cells with iron in it. - Use of chelators (binds to synbio weapon junk and
metals) before and after as well as vasodialators (30%
increase in volumetric blood flow to further remove
any adversarial synbio weapon junk). The increased
blood flow to regions prior obstructed by synthetic
biology (adversarial) will increase oxygenation of
biological tissues and help restore cognitive function
from prior damage when utilized in combination with
bioenergetic knowledge (e.g. new physics) scalar
waves for time reversal healing of the damaged
tissues…. to counter new physics weapons, one has
to take a all in effort and combine multiple
technology domains, inclusive of mass (our physical
world) and massless (“the vacuum” and light:
photons, UVb, etc.) with intention (good) to heal.
Note: the key here is to remove the adversarial
synthetic biology that is linked to the receiving
“seed” mesogen: nemetic crystal. The adversarial
synthetic biology that gets built-out transmits harmful
transverse waves that result in necrosis and clotting of
blood flow, oxygen starvation and cognitive decline,
while increasing the receiving (dielectric constant
enhancer) capabilities of the person, which further
Page 235 of 953 grows via electrosmog the synthetic biology material
and wetware spy bug within a person (e.g. it selfperpetuates the growing process, while receiving
information through “the vacuum” into 3D space and
time from a scalar transmitter station or stations in 3D
space and a time (no telling what time or location,
unless you have very specialized equipment to trace
and track transmitter sources) as scalar information
transits through “the vacuum”.
BioEnergetics 117: Toroid
Properties for Force Fields
Page 236 of 953
APR 25
So, if you research toroid electromagnetic properties and
interaction with synthetic biology and biological cells this
work is in the clear (OSINT): Brandon’s Substack is a
reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and
support my work, consider becoming a free or paid
Read full story
Page 237 of 953
4.28.24: Energetics 103: ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Psionic ELF
Transmitter Damaging DNA/RNA Producing Protein
Plaques Stroking Out People, Cognitive Impairment,
Catalyzing Cancer & Stealing Brains
RELATED: Neurohacking 428: ELF Waves Transmitter
Global Locations & ChinaCCP’s Psionic “Brain” War on
Can ELF waves damage protein expression by miscoding
proteins? Yes. Here is how the world’s largest ELF
transmitter is killing the world, due to ChinaCCP
unrestricted warfare on democratic nations.
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. In fact 99% of MDs,
psychologists and psychiatrists are clueless about this
covert neuroweapon. Hopefully, this information will serve
to educate them.
DNA/RNA spin coupling can be directly changed through
use of Electromagnetic Low Frequencies ELF transmitters.
In 2018 ChinaCCP completed construction of the world’s
largest ELF psionic transmitter and started gunning down
democratic nations through their unrestricted warfare
Page 238 of 953
zero-ethics. People globally by now are suffering from
protein plaques due to miscoding of the proteins directly
due to ChinaCCP unrestricted warfare use of ELF DNA/
RNA spin coupling “death by a 1,000 cuts” Sun Tzu style
unethical covert attack. People are blaming the protein
plaques on other items, some of the blame is correctly
placed, while much of it is the “cognitive fog” of
neurowar [4]. However, I have not heard any MD connect
these two pieces. The use of ELF adversarily enables
DNA/RNA spin coupling to degrade people’s health
covertly due to amyloid and plaque formation to catalyze
neurodegenerative diseases, cancers and various other
ailments that weaken ChinaCCP’s democratic nation state
and NATO alliance enemies. Further, the combination of
ELF and SQUIDs via space systems enables ChinaCCP to
not only covertly kill, but cognitive capture and steal
brains at a distance. The ELF energizes the neurons and
the SQUIDs in satellites read the neural data to steal
intellectual property, military industrial complex
knowledge, key research in material sciences and various
other strategic informational advantages that ChinaCCP is
After ChinaCCP Coalition turned on the world’s largest
ELF psionic transmitter they attacked America’s FCC by
shoving a satellite constellation through a vote, utilizing
brain control, to shove the vote through and approve a
Page 239 of 953
new satellite constellation that orbits directly over
America (e.g. SQUIDs to read the brains of Americans),
which our Department of Defense DoD directly objected
to in 2019/2020. However, the ChinaCCP coalition was
able to successfully pierce through our national security
systems and change the vote, such that the FCC
unwittingly approved this satellite constellation that was
denied a decade prior (e.g. second attempt succeeded by
ChinaCCP coalition). The approval was a combination of
ELF and more advanced byte-based neurotechnology
delivered through hardware, software and wetware tactics,
enabled through Tik Tok. The satellite constellation that
America’s Department of Defense DoD directly objected
to due to national security concerns, but the FCC
approved, is the Ligado Network.
Page 240 of 953
Figure 1: DOD objection to FCC approval of Ligado
Satellite “Constellation” (e.g. network). Note, you can’t
blame the FCC, because they were “cognitively poached”
by ChinaCCP coalition (e.g. brains stolen) and we do have
a democratic process, just that our enemeies figured out
how to pierce it by first piercing our national security, big
tech and military industrial complex key people due to the
Page 241 of 953
toroid geometry concentrating “seeds” mesogens:
nemetic crystals coupled with a wetware and ELF psionic
attack that clouded our key people’s minds in the fog of
neurowar. Hopefully, the FCC will correct this decision
now that this information is in the clear and has been
reverse engienered to work our way out of the fog of
neurowar from the inside-out.
It is time we shoot down this satellite constellation with
SQUIDs stealing information from American minds.
ChinaCCP is the thief of the world and is also killing the
world covertly due to DNA/RNA spin coupling through
use of adversarial ELF transmitter (world’s largest) that
went online in 2019. [3]
Here is a National Interest brief on the ChinaCCP ELF.
“Yet some scientists have linked ELF waves to cancer [6].
A U.S. Navy ELF transmitter in the Midwest, built at the
end of the Cold War, drew protests from local citizens.
This may be why the Chinese government is keeping the
location a secret.” [5]
Page 242 of 953
Page 243 of 953
Furthermore, the use of ELF frequencies can cognitively
harm one’s mental state. In 2019 at the same time
ChinaCCP put their ELF transmitter online my wife in 2019
had a cognitive mental breakdown and was “nervous” all
the time and could not figure out why, so she has been on
“pills” and medication ever since. The reason for this is
ChinaCCP, as it took me years to figure this uncommon
knowledge out and none of the MDs or Ph.D.s in America
figured out why she was “triggerred” all of a sudden in
- Let that one sink in, the significant knowledge gap
that exists by Western Conventional Medicine MDs/Ph.Ds
is not able to properly manage and treat the symptoms of
“Neurowar” today. The West (democratic nations) need to
skill-up in new physics based “Neurowar” tactics used by
authoritarian governments, such as ChinaCCP and their
terrorists proxies immediately.
ELF can be utilized for “cognitive peace” or for “cognitive
disruption” ChinaCCP has chosen to utilize ELF for
“cognitive disruption” on democracies globally.
“Dr. Puharich and Robert Beck designed receiving
equipment which could measure these waves and their
effects on the human brain. Their experiments proved that
a signal of 6 Hertz easily penetrated the copper walls of a
Faraday cage. So could a rate of 6.66 — one of the rates
being used by the Russians. This caused depression. 7.83
Page 244 of 953 Hertz could make a person feel good. This is the so-called
Schumann Resonance, the earth’s pulse rate. 10.80 Hertz
could cause riotous behavior. [3] As far as he could
determine, the Soviets never sent out a signal in the 8
Hertz range that would be beneficial to people.” [1]
Further, the formation of plaques with the global release
of synthetic biology from ChinaCCP building two coal
power plants per week, results in Unconventional Brain
Injuries UBI in people that get “seeds” mesogen: nemetic
crystals agglomerating with plaques, which can be further
catalyzed through use of a Directed Energy Weapon DEW
or key-signal to rapidly grow the malformed
agglomeration containing synthetic biology.
Starting at least in 2019 is when my family came under
direct attack, directly due to ChinaCCP coalition
unrestricted neurowarfare, in addition to me being spied
on by a wetware designer “synthetic biology” based
mesogen: “nemetic crystal” bug, that went from “perch”
mode in 2022 into “attack/kill” mode after declining $$$$
$ from ChinaCCP and Russia in 2021.
ChinaCCP Coalition attack strategy has first been to
“covertly” cognitive impair the West (e.g. NATO Alliance)
through their psionic ELF weapon, then attack with more
advanced neurotechnology enabled synthetic biology
hardware pipelines (Huawei) and content (Tik Tok plus
Page 245 of 953 many other apps). The only way that I am aware of to
drown out the ELF weapon is to have a local on body ELF
transmitter and scalar transmitter that locally acts as a
greater signal for your cells to latch onto. Then you can
change the ELF frequency for “alert”, “sleep”, “calm”
etc. I assume our intelligence agencies and defense
agencies have integrated ELF and scalar transmitters into
our smart phones, but can’t confirm this. If they haven’t
then our intelligence agencies are significantly
List of References
[3] Brandon Iglesias reverse engineering of the ELF
machine that ChinaCCP turned online in 2019.
Ways to detect ELFs?
Page 246 of 953 Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Apr 28
Yes, please see this publication here on how to build your
own ELF detector and also logs. The References and
works cited has the publication. The brief summarizes the
meter build.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Apr 29
Of course, if a hardware device is hacked (bios level) it can
transmit using pre-existing hardware that is not
desoldered within a given computer system or IoT
connected system. That is why it is best practice to
desolder any transmitters in a computer. I leave mine on
to further reverse engineer attacks through use of psionic
as well as log any BIOS level cybersecurity based
intrusions to then transmit subliminal messaging as well as
harmful frequencies.
This is not rocket science, just tech that terrorists and
ChinaCCP uses to cognitively impair people. I look
forward to removing ChinaCCP Xi’s PLA from this world.
Page 247 of 953 Remember, Chinese people are good people, but the
ChinaCCP Xi is not and he’s got control of the PLA and
their associated terrorist networks and coalition .
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Apr 28
In order to counter bioenergetic warfare tactics, you need
to use bioenergetics and then conventional mass based
healing methods (chelators included) per prior MD
expertise. Further, consumption of fresh vegetables and
fruits dosed with scalar “imprinting” of vitamin C helps as
well. There are select products on the market now
packaged in electromagnetic shielding or borosilicate
glass to keep the healthy scalar waves protected after
“imprinting” on the material. Welcome to the world of
new physics based neurowarfare. The good thing is once
one is aware of new physics, then counterstrikes are very
feasible, even from a small group or team into an entire
nation state, which by all means I am looking forward to
returning the favor to Xi in ChinaCCP technocommunist
regime. I am still of the opinion that ChinaCCP is
intentionally sabotaging Russia and United States of
America’s “towards a psychocivilized society” prior
agreement between CIA and KGB.
Page 248 of 953 Information on the ChinaCCP ELF https://
4.26.24: Energetics 102: ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic
Weapon Covert Sneak Attack Reverse Engineered
So, how did ChinaCCP PLA compromise the West’s
intelligence agencies, defense department and big tech
firms without their knowledge? Use of “seeds” in form of
mesogen: nemetic crystals and toroids.
Robert McCreight at National Defense University [1] has
been publishing briefs on the significant risks of
NeuroStrike based (Neuro S/T) technologies for at least a
decade. Our team was hit with a NeuroStrike based
weapon from ChinaCCP PLA and their terrorist proxies
(inclusive of unwitting business people seeking the love of
money by selling out democracy for money to
authoritarian technocommunist nations, such as
ChinaCCP as the “poster child”).
Page 249 of 953
Figure 1: MI5 UK Intelligence Agency Headquarters
Toroid Bulding Geometry in United Kingdom
In the Chief Technology Officer CTO role of Reactwell,
L.L.C. a prime Defense Industrial Base DIB contractor for
the Department of Defense (DOD): Army, Department of
Air Force and through another DIB prime, Navy. I also
work with Department of Energy DOE at FFRDCs and
industrial clients.
ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon attacked our firm after
spying on it, cost America millions (not billions, in some
cases ChinaCCP has already wreaked that much damage
Page 250 of 953
to other institutions and corporations). This was a direct
attack against America on our team, inclusive of our tax
payers and government.
Here is how ChinaCCP PLA did their sneak attack on our
key intelligence agencies, DOD and big tech firms:
- There is a classified technology, now in the clear,
called a mesogen: nemetic crystal that can be
designed at nanotechnology with cybernetics to spy
on people internally to the person and dosed noninvasively through the air, water, food or medicines.
ChinaCCP (techno-communism) uses a military/
civilian fusion strategy where there is no such concept
of a “civilian” as in the West (democracy) there is a
clear distinction between “military and civilian” (or at
least there used to be). - ChinaCCP sprayed the world with the “seed” crystals
that enable use of near-field physics to program and
link the “seed” crystal as it grows and builds-out
wetware infrastructure internal to a human body’s
central nervous system, brain, vagus nerve pipeline
and associated motor-cortex interactions with the
physical world.
Page 251 of 953
• Certain building geometries attract and concentrate
these “seeds” more than others. Therefore, all
ChinaCCP had to do was to contaminate a couple,
even one, person with their “seed” mesogen:
nemetic crystal technology and have them enter one
of the West’s toroid buildings (or equivalent
geometry) pentagon, UK’s intelligence agency MI5,
etc. or even Apple campus (a huge toroid), further the
atmosphere could simply be dosed with these
“seeds”, which is also what has been done and
letting them concentrate into the toroids first. The
toroid geometry concentrates nanoparticles (metal)
inclusive of “seeds” that are compromised of selfreplicating synthetic biology (nanotechnology/metals,
graphenes and mesogens: nemetic crystals). As the
self-replicating synthetic biology builds out, it can link
you to ChinaCCP Artificial Intelligence Bio Cyber
Physical System AI BCPS if you are around any of
their neurotechnology assets (hardware and wetware/
people) through EMF, acoustics, vibrations and
magnetic fields (e.g. dirty electrical grid). Further, you
can get linked through mass-transfer of synthetic
biology “shedding” from a ChinaCCP linked person
into you through direct contact or quantum lock (e.g.
entanglement at macro level through observation of
the person (e.g. act of observing in quantum field)) if
Page 252 of 953
your body is not clean and already contaminated with
a “seed” mesogen: nemetic crystal. No “seed” no
quantum lock. If you have a “seed” then you can get
entangled into ChinaCCP technocommunism. The
“seeds” receive information not only through local
EMF, but also through “the vacuum” from a
transmitter(s) that ChinaCCP has that work through
“spooky action at a distance” (think Einstein) to
transmit information into your body for “seed” buildout with synthetic biology, identification,
manipulation and remote control once synthetic
biology fully built-out into your central nervous
- Therefore, the West would have been hit first, not
only due to Cuba Havana Syndrome, but also due to
the intelligence community, defense department and
big tech’s infrastructure geometry, that prior assumed
only ethical use of “seeds” would be utilized by the
West before ChinaCCP entered the neurotechnology
space and kicked off their BRAIN initiative in 2016
without ethics and with mass genocide on muslims
and human experimentation.
Page 253 of 953
ChinaCCP is literally the thief of the world and has
partially blinded the West through their covert sneak
attack, first using “seeds” and then building on this
through deployment of “Tik Tok’ a neurotechnology
content delivery system through neurotechnology
pipelines that are wetware based and linked to ChinaCCP
in the West, where Huawei has been banned from
deploying their neurotechnology hardware pipelines.
ChinaCCP uses the wetware mesogen technology to
infiltrate the West’s national security complex and
penetrate and steal IP, brains and bodies.
We are in the middle of what I am calling WW3, which the
Navy calls “neurowar” and it is unrestricted warfare,
without ethics, thanks to ChinaCCP Xi and their CCP
along with others in the world that have chosen the love
of money over In God We Trust.
The main weapon categories being used on a local and
global basis are as follows:
- non-invasively dosed synthetic biology via nasal sinus
route, food, water and medicines to build noninvasive brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs inside of
people. See prior briefs on this tech. - local “surrogates” being dispatched and switching
niBMI channels to slow-kill and covertly influence
Page 254 of 953 Americans, where surrogates are people with niBMIs
linked with an adversary to America, such as
ChinaCCP or terrorist proxy group or nation stateless
(virtual nation terrorist group) inside of another
nation. See prior briefs on this tech. - electromagnetic low frequency ELF transmitters
(known by those in the industry as “psionic”
transmitters. ChinaCCP turned on the world’s largest
psionic transmitter in 2019 for neuron entrainment
and brain theft as part of their “NeuroStrike”. See
prior briefs on this tech. - SQUIDs in space systems that can read the biological
neurons of people on earth. See prior briefs on this
tech. - neurotechnology pipelines (smart devices, Made in
China) and neurotechnology content (e.g. Tik Tok)
that is linked to the person’s niBMI for programming
(byte-based: optogenetic and other transmissions via
EMF or “the vacuum” to their “seed: mesogen:
nemetic crystal”
Page 255 of 953
I use on body scalar and ELF transmitters to stay
cognitively independent and heal from an adversarial
“seed” that is transmitting a poisonous signal into me and
also grows out the adversarial synthetic biology network
to locally transmit transverse damaging waves internally. It
works, as I continue to chelate away at the adversarial
seed(s) and then use rife square waves with spiked
leading pulses to disrupt and move around the adversarial
synthetic biology with seeds into blood stream and tissues
that have a base bicarbonate in them to neutralize the
adversarial synthetic biology. We’re in times of
unrestricted warfare and these are the select covert
weapons of war being used by ChinaCCP and their
coalition on the West (e.g. NATO Alliance), with a bull’s
eye on Americans (e.g. In God We Trust nation, e.g. we
chose God over others) and Israel (e.g. The nation God
The above indicates that since at least 2016 The West has
been partially “blinded” and that the entire pandemic was
ChinaCCP PLA use of covert NeuroStrike tech to sell the
world on dosing with a vaccine, such that synthetic
biology enters people everywhere and links them to
ChinaCCP dirt cheap neurotechnology IoT hardware that
has been dumped strategically on the world to then
connect people and poach their brains and bodies from
their given nation state into ChinaCCP PLA Xi
Page 256 of 953
“technocommunism”. Remember Xi’s daughter studied at
Harvard and they infiltrated the West then used
neurotechnology to covert attack in non-traditional
warfare (e.g. techno-hyperwar with neurotech and AI
BCPS). The West is now working its’ way through the fog
of neurowar now to counterstrike ChinaCCP’s sneak attack
that has been ID’d with POTUS signign a total ban of Tik
Tok earlier this week (US Senate and US House bi-partisan
agreement that what ChinaCCP is doing as well as briefs
by national security, is the literal most evil thing deployed
on humanity in recent generational history).
Technology Sidenote: if you’re using an omnidirectional
antenna for any communications, you’re already hacked
by now. You need to use point-to-point based directional
communications (transverse wave) 5G+ mmWave for data
comms and hardwired ethernet and make sure you have
no wetware spy bugs based upon ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s
Magic Weapon in you, which is not magic, there is no
such thing as magic.
If you need help on identifying a wetware spy bug or
removal ping our team, we’re building a clinic to address
this specialized use case asap for democratic nations to
counter ChinaCCP in the clear.
List of References
Page 257 of 953
4.23.24: Health & Wellness 117: Sinus Cavities as Brain
Entry Point for Synthetic Biology from Air to niBMI
Here is a significant health concern that everybody needs
to be aware of these days, the entry of synthetic biology
through the sinus cavities and then into brain. Once in the
brain it can grow.
Synthetic biology is pervasive in the atmosphere, this is
primarily due to pollution from ChinaCCP coal power
plants, addition of “seeds” (intentional mesogens:
nemetic crystals) and electrosmog from ground, air and
space systems globally. The electromagnetic frequencies
grow (uncontrollably) the synthetic biology in the
atmosphere as Clifford calls “Cross Domain Bacteria”.
Once the synthetic biology pierces your body’s outer
defenses, primary risk is through the sinuses and ears into
the brain, then it can be designer tailored with local
neurotechnology hardware pipelines and content delivery
platforms, this is what I’m calling “designer synthetic
biology” as it grows a non-invasive brain-machinePage 258 of 953
interface niBMI in your brain and vagus nerve through to
the central nervous system and links you to your smart
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, but information
that I’ve been able to reverse engineer a failed
neuroweapon hit job in 2022 by ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic
Weapon. The topic addresses sinuses as entry point for
synthetic biology to build out a non-invasive brainmachine-interface niBMI.
Figure 1: Sinus System. There are four sets of sinus
cavities. Basically a top, middle (where two of the sets
Page 259 of 953
are), and bottom on left and right side of the human
head, symmetric). The “formal” latin medical names for
sinuses are “paranasal sinuses” and comprised of
“maxillary”, “frontal”, “ethmoidal” and “sphenoidal”.
There are three different types of sinus rinse delivery
systems as follows:
- Closed USP grade bottles self-pressurized (simplest,
cleanest, but most expensive) - Gravity flow bottles that are re-usable up to three
months, that require you to mix distilled water with
the packets (salt and bases). - Pulsed flow systems that further disrupt and clear out
the sinuses through a pulsating action (e.g. a positive
displacement pump (peristaltic type is hopefully the
standard as it is provides the best hygiene, used in
common medical dosing delivery systems, compared
to positive displacement style pumps).
I’ve personally, historically, utilized the closed USP grade
and gravity flow, but am now looking into the “pulsed
flow systems” going forward as the preferred delivery.
Page 260 of 953
Depending upon who manufacturers your smart phone
and what nation state, as well as what apps for content
delivery you’re using determines if you get linked to
ChinaCCP Coalition Artificial Intelligence Bio Cyber
Physical System AI BCPS or NATO Alliance AI BCPS.
Remember, we’re in neurowar and your brain and body
are the battle front.
If you’re not connected to a smart phone, but do get the
synthetic biology in you then you can get linked to nature,
if you’re around dirty electrical grid harmonics with
pulsing magnetic fields that synchronize your neurons with
an animal brain’s neurons (e.g. all of the wildlife, outdoors,
by now is fully cybernetically linked) or you can be
cognitively independent, if you are not around people or
animals with dirty magnetic fields, acoustical protection
for both vibration and longitudinal waves (audio), EMF
Note: nonmetal buildings are required now due to space
systems transmitting microwaves up to 50 GHz, think
barndominium style for passive protection and on body
ELF and Scalar transmitters for active protection) and of
course near-field scalar and “the vacuum”
communications, which does interact with borosilicate
glass as there is some information published on
vegetables that are living next to vegetables that are
dying in a refrigerator setting with or without a glass jar
Page 261 of 953
(borosilicate) where the interaction ceases. However, glass
borosilicate does block UVb, which is a key vitamin
precursor photon source.
Keep in mind if you breathe through your mouth, then
that is the entry point for your body to be penetrated by
synthetic biology. I prefer to breathe through nose and
also take deep breaths and hold the air several times a
day to maximize oxygen transfer.
Getting back to the sinuses at hand with synthetic biology
entry point to brain and how to keep them clean.
Basically, a daily rinse at the end of the day using clean
distilled water with a base. There are also prepared
mixtures of sinus mix such as Neilmed (I’ve used this
brand before and can vouch for it) and other generic
brands that can be purchased in a sanitary USP type
grade container for non-contamination near guaranteed
delivery of rinse material to flush out the sinuses and
remove the daily accumulation of metals, synthetic
biology and graphenes from pollution directly linked with
coal power plants, primarily in China due to CCP “twofaced clean and dirty energy policy” and electrosmog that
grows the metals with graphene pollution from engine
exhaust into something called CDB by Clifford. [2]
Further, the US Department of Defense DOD is extremely
concerned with this risk and has a brief introductory video
Page 262 of 953
published into the public domain here with focus on
human research protections and ethics. One of the attack
vectors is for a small amount of designer synthetic biology
with “seed” mesogen: nemetic crystals to be released in a
room and link everyone in the room for spying or for a
one-on-one meeting and one of the people releasing a
“seed” into you via airborne and then letting it grow and
track and data mine you as it grows out as instructed from
the source scalar transmitter to the “seed” in you. Your
DNA can also be linked to a source transmitter, which as
any crime lab knows is very easy to pull a sample of. [3]
Try watching this video on,
See 43:00 for the threat actors mis-using non-ethically
neurotechnology for authoritative state control of their
own populations, but also to poach brains and bodies
from other nation states.
The intake of “seeds” through the sinus cavities can lead
to “contamination” where you have more than one seed
and niBMI that grows internal to your body and results in
medical symptoms not known by medical doctors and are
misdiagnosed as “schizophrenia, etc.” which ChinaCCP is
further using to shelve people globally, that pose a risk to
their authoritative technocratic regime, by “false-positing”
conventional healthcare systems not tooled-up for
Page 263 of 953
synthetic biology unrestricted warfare. When actually the
MDs should identify the synthetic biology by a simple
scan and then work to help their patients have the
contamination removed, the proper professional solution.
Another tool ChinaCCP is using to “shelve” high
performing people working on and in national defense is
to enrich them and have them work on non-adversarial
tech and projects that benefit ChinaCCP unknowingly to
the person.
Here is the specific point in James’ presentation of the
mention of dosing in air to penetrate into bodies and gain
access to the mind. The process (not disclosed in the talk)
actually uses “seeds” (mesogens: nemetic crystals) prior
linked to a scalar scanner and then transmitters for “at a
distance” build-out of niBMI (think Einstein “spooky
action at a distance” technology, world’s most advanced
wetware spy bugs and other nations besides America now
have these as well as terrorist groups).
James doesn’t specifically mention this in the brief, but
gets close. He talks about “virtual nations” using this tech
to build-out a metaverse. However, ChinaCCP is using the
tech when combined with programming based
neurotechnology content platforms and hardware
pipelines to build-out a “virtual army” globally, bypassing
conventional kinetic and nonkinetic countermeasures
Page 264 of 953
major military has infrastructure for to steal the nation
from the inside-out. Tik Tok is ChinaCCP primary
neurotechnology “content” programming platform for
this type of adversarial “seed” AI BCPS enabled attack
and when combined with their dirt cheap
neurotechnology “hardware” pipelines, which provides a
potent covert attack on democratic nations to poach the
minds and bodies of democratic nations and place those
same people (form/fit/function) into ChinaCCP “Great
Firewall” social credit monitoring system for technocratic
authoritative rule. Then ChinaCCP can false-positive
select individuals that it wants to dispose of due to the
threat to ChinaCCP those said individuals pose (e.g. not
docile, but combative against ChinaCCP due to
knowledge capacity or other threat). So in essence, we’re
in WW3 already regardless of what media says. Then
there are the non-nation state actors that are tooling
around with specific neurotechnology spying and hit job
use cases, which also know how to false-positive people
within their own nation so that their own nation’s national
security automated AI systems attack the person being
Try watching this video on
Getting back to the topic of “contamination”. The best
way to think about this, is that each sinus cavity gets a
Page 265 of 953
“seed” so you could have at least as many as eight
different niBMIs messing with your brain. Further, if you
get “seeded” by an adversarial system, then you can also
get shot-up with a Directed Energy Weapon DEW to
rapidly grow the seed into a harassment style non-invasive
brain-machine-interface niBMI, for those in military
neuroscience this is known as “electronic harassment”
and is used by terrorist groups, military, intelligence
agencies and others.
In the use case of self-replicating synthetic biology and
“seed” shedding then you can get linked to an entire
neighborhood with ChinaCCP Coalition “seeds” as well
as NATO Alliance “seeds” as ChinaCCP “NeuroStrike” is
interweaving into America’s system (e.g. trojan horse). [4]
In times of unrestricted warfare, the risk is real to
everyone, as the objective is to gain more brains by
ChinaCCP at all costs. One item to note, is that today
even going to the movies is not benign as ChinaCCP
purchased AMC movie chains circa 2012/2013 and then
completed their BRAIN initiative 2020 after starting it in
2016 with a bunch of salvo shots using neuroweapons in
Cuba to disrupt America’s relationship building with
Cuba’s ruling class. Since China owns movie theatres and
also food supply (pig farms: think hot dogs) that is a
closed environment for “seed” dosing covertly in air and
Page 266 of 953
through food. Further, since ChinaCCP has funded a ton
of Hollywood movies, followed up with immersive
neurotechnology content programming of you. [5]
List of References
[1] staff (2014). “Medical gallery of Blausen
Medical 2014”. DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN
4.23.24: Energetics 101: ChinaCCP PLA Pandemic
Operation Warp Speed Reverse Engineered
Anyone hear of ChinaCCP Operation Warp Speed
regarding the pandemic and how it took them less than a
year to develop vaccine that normally takes a decade?
How’d they do it? Learn here.
Page 267 of 953
The use of “the vacuum” and time reversal technology by
PLA would enable rapid vaccine development (e.g. warp
speed), the timeline of 10 years to be compressed near
instantly, would mean that ChinaCCP would have had to
have possession of said time reversal technology at least
six to seven years prior (circa 2013) as scalar information
travels at 1.5 x the speed of light (e.g. time reversal).
Figure 1: Shining light on one of the world’s most closely
held to vest technology that uses scalar information transit
Page 268 of 953
at 1.5 x the speed of light 299,792,458 meters per second
to enable rapid technology build-out and deployments.
Speed of Light = 299,792,458 meters per second
Scalar Wave = 449,688,687 meters per second
Therefore, to easily wrap your “mind” around this
concept, for every four days that ChinaCCP PLA energetic
time-reversal machine has been online, it enables their
military or proxy terrorist group to send information back
in time six days.
Joe Wang wrote this terrific article below, but he is
missing the key fact listed above, which is that certain
groups (nation state militaries and others) possess “time
reversal tech”. Where do you think the name “Warp
Speed” came from, they’re being honest, just few know
about new physics scalar waves and information transit
This is within the field of “energetics”, not taught at
American universities even at Ph.D. level. CIA (e.g.
Page 269 of 953
intelligence agencies) as well as KGB knows all too well
about this tech. However, ChinaCCP snuck through by
confusing their cognition with “NeuroStrike” first (e.g. the
Havana Syndrome hit job in Cuba in 2016). See here:
Page 270 of 953
4.22.24: Health & Wellness 116: Sars-Cov-2 and Gene
Drive HIV-1 capsid Countermeasures with Dandelion
The common dirt cheap weed (flower, root and leaves),
dandelion aqueous extract, has antiviral activity for
pseudo-rabies virus both in vitro and in vivo.
The common weed/flower, dandelion, has some very
useful properties in the age of biowarfare. It can even
counteract gene drives that use the HIV-1 based virus
genome (designer capsids) to replicate and deliver
Unconventional Brain Injury (UBI) precursor payloads as
well as Sars-Cov-2 virus in an age of “cognitive warfare”.
I’ve started to take a daily dose of this (mega dosed at
first) and then will taper off to a normal dose per day. Will
report back after a month or so. The dandelion also has
anti-coagulant properties to prevent the blood from
coagulating and now flowing as well, which should
compliment sodium citrate, but with scalar waves to
further support cellular “force fields” as well since the
extract is derived from a living plant.
I’m coupling the dose of dandelion with mega dosing on
vitamin C.
Page 271 of 953
I’m also taking chelators (onion, garlic, cilantro and doses
of calcium-disodium-EDTA) to compliment the vitamin C
mega dosing.
3.17.24: Hulda Clark
This post and series are dedicated to people in earth’s
recent history that have pierced into the new physics
realm via bio-energetics work that on-average most don’t
know about.
I ran across Hulda’s work through reverse engineering the
failed neuroweapon hit job. My focus was identifying
manufacturing devices or prototypes or research on tops
of meters or devices that “synchronize” with a tissue
sample or person’s body to then detect an anomaly in the
bioresonance of the person’s body.
Guess what that search led me to find? Hulda Clark and
her work that built a “claimed” working Syncrometer: A
“bioresonance” device developed by Clark and claimed
to detect contaminants in substances at an accuracy of
one part per quadrillion (ppq).
Per Nenah’s Rife Frequency Handbook, there is a group
out of Switzerland that sells a scanner (F Scan). There is
Page 272 of 953
also the Metatron Hunter Scanner (4025) that is an
advanced non-invasive diagnostic device. It employs BioResonance or NLS-diagnostics to scan and assess the
functional state of the body.
The group or groups that have access to the scalar
systems that can transmit information at 1.5 times the
speed of light backwards in time can alter anyone. So for
example, Hulda could have legitimately figured out how
to help people. However, the group or groups with access
to that scalar new physics-based information transfer
system could simply set her up in the past to fail and then
continue to sabotage anyone who enters the new physics
based field for perpetuity.
Is this the world we should want to live in? I choose not to
and will continue to reverse engineer the nefarious use of
not only neuroweapons, but also new physics based
weapons platforms that disrupt synchronicity.
3.17.24: Health & Wellness 106: Consumption of AntiParasite and Chelators while maximizing Scalar
Transmitter Output Power
Page 273 of 953
So, here is a thought, while the bioavailable nutrients are
live and fresh, consume them into your body and then
max out the use of scalar transmitters to amplify the effect
of the anti-parasite meds.
Here is a way that integrates physical world materials (e.g.
matter) with anti-parasite prescriptions like Ivermectin,
and natural remedies such as those previously mentioned
like black walnuts, wormwood and clove.
Christian traditions. In the New Testament the laying on of
hands was associated with the receiving of the Holy
Spirit. Initially the Apostles laid hands on new believers as
well as believers. Healing is part of this. However, now we
have synbio at work. Let me explain:
With the explosion of synthetic biology and having both
good and bad people in this world, could we, by revisiting times past where people that pray three times per
day and read the Bible or Quran e.g. a CODEX) be
literally training our synthetic biology to be healthy? Also
doing the same via eating Jewish Kosher or Halal diets?
Now having reverse engineered the “NeuroStrike”
weapon, I think this is true because we’re stuck with
contaminated people all around us. The problem is that
China is making a mockery of both Arabic and Christian
nations by causing good, moral, and patriotic people
Page 274 of 953
nations appear bad to the neurostriked people around
them. The automated AI BCPS social credit monitoring
firewall system covertly disposes of the good, propatriotic people.
This is our world people and it is written in the bible that
the greater deceiver, e.g. the Red Dragon, will deceive
the world. This is being actively deployed on the world
now through use of the self-replicating synthetic biology
and “NeuroStrike” weaponry deployed by China.
Here is explicitly what they are doing, and I include most
all adversarial governments like the USA and British. They
are enabling necrosis in people connected to their AI
BCPS, but numbing out the pain and thermal heat
immune system counter defenses. We now have a portion
of the population walking around and broadcasting
“negative scalar energy” that literally hurts other
largely”healthy”. This is the most evil weapon ever.
What if one were to counteract this weapon by
maximizing the healthy scalar transmitter output on-body
and near-body while consuming these anti-parasite and
chelators. You would be emitting that healthy scalar
impulse, thusly enriched, from the 3d space/time and
sending it back through the vacuum.Think of it as a
“return to sender” signal that renders the library scan
useless with respect to harmful property.
Page 275 of 953
My understanding is that you have to alter the entire
person over time and then it biocoheres with the seed or
sample of a person’s tissue, but again I’m no expert in the
use of these evil ass weapons.
If the scalar transmitter is left on long enough to reach
back before the original tissue sample was poisoned or
you were poisoned then (while the information travels at
1.5 times the speed of light). Then a rational person
understanding near-field scalar effects would concluded
that is the point or point of transmission and all
transmissions thereafter that the sample that the enemy
has in their library of unique human frequencies becomes
useless and worthless. That said, why?
If you use an on-body scalar transmitter and consume
supplements that counteract the scalar signal being sent
to you, it should help in the short term. However, since
the weaponized scalar transmitter linked to you through a
“seed” or “tissue” sample keeps on transmitting until you
blow it up (and the specific sequence may also be
important with respect to the destruction of the
transmitter, such that you may need to switch out a poison
for a vitamin or something along those lines.. So, can you
locally overpower a scalar weapon at adistance with an on
body scalar transmitter and a healthy item or antidote?
Yes, provided it is being continually transmitted to you at
Page 276 of 953
a distance as it will counter-act the weaponized new
physics system attacking you through 3d space, time and
the vacuum.
The question becomes what actually over powers the
signal being transmitted through the vacuum? Is it the
time-flow x volume of 3d space and time interacting with
the vacuum on your end that has to over power the timeflow x volume of 3d space and time interacting with the
vacuum on your enemy’s end (assuming there is a single
point, but what if more than one point)? This gets into
some very deep topics of prayer (e.g. entire village or city
praying to amplify the effect). I think it best for a priest
from Rome or the church to speak to this, because (if they
don’t have priests or monks or others trained on this stuff,
then God help us all.
3.17.24: Health & Wellness 105: Three Things Required
for success post 2020+
Here are three items that you will require to be successful
in 2020+ and if you’re not on top of your game with these
items then you will be taken advantage of by those
unethically in the know.
Page 277 of 953
Apparently ChinaCCP has now publicly published my
facial generation from their AI system when you search for
Xi and Brandon Iglesias this lovely and endearing image
appears, which indicates their NeuroStrike has been
formally ID’d and detected by the world and as as a
“polite” return of favor this is my digital ID now:
Figure 1: ChinaCCP AI BCPS diigital output ID of Brandon
- Electromagnetic Low Frequency ELF Transmitter that
locally isolates your brain and central nervous system
from being affected directly and controlled directly by
nation states down to small business level devices.
Adversarial nation states are utilizing these in
unrestricted warfare to get you to spend your hard
earned money with their techno-communism regime
that eliminates the choice of free will as a
Page 278 of 953 conscientious consumer. This de-synchronizes you
from everyone else. - Scalar transmitters: Use of these to heal and to have a
local time bubble around you when you transmit to
and from a given location makes it extremely difficult
to be detected. - Non-audible Royal Raymond Rife frequencies serve to
break-up the local synthetic biology environment and
create chards, such that full length stripes of synthetic
biology with unique IDENTIFIERS on them are harder
to come by and the transmissions are distorted. - Contamination-obtaining some healthy contamination
can enable you to go covert and travel anywhere with
the local tracking systems thinking you are someone
else completely. This is how I have evaded the CCP
by being highly contaminated and literally glitching
out their AI BCPS to the point that it was detected by
America’s AI BCPS system. - Here are those ELF facilities, in America, China and
Russia. When you search for them online all they talk
about is using them to talk with submarines, but that
Page 279 of 953 is so outdated technology by along shot. The reason
these site are still running in the world is because they
send out ELF signals (psionic direct control of the
brain to a given region of the world at a given day
and time) as well as transmission of scalar waves
based upon antenna configuration, power and
transmit sequences.
Figure: 1 Older ELF in America
Page 280 of 953
Figure 2: How the ELF transmits transverse waves that
reach 2/3 of the world
In order to have clear and healthy cognitive function, you
have to have your own brainwaves active (e.g. an ELF
transmitter on you), then scalar transmitters to heal from
all the harmful transverse EMF out there (heal good cells)
and finally a rife frequency generator (kill bad cells and
pathogens) and Lakhovsky generator (heal good cells, kill
bad cells).
Page 281 of 953
After wearing an on body ELF and scalar transmitter I
have noticed people coming up to me smiling and being
happy again. This is the exact opposite of what people
were doing to me over a month ago when someone
messed with my body and brain so bad that I was
transmitting harmful scalar emissions and unstable ELF
brainwaves that repelled people.
Let that sink in. If someone can neurohack me and falsepositive me to repel everyone, then by all means
neurorights are the most important right in the world.
Further, the fact that I have reverse engineered the failed
cognitive weapon hit job adds additional credibility by
understanding the mechanisms through organic brain and
synthetic brain that our common enemies is doing to
deceive the world.
Regarding on-body ELF and scalar, I’m evaluating several
now and will post results with constructive feedback as
well as circuit design for anyone who wants to DIY or
purchase a kit for their own build-out (I’ve got circuits as
Page 282 of 953
well as kit background and design). The current vendors I
am testing out utilize too novel of a battery design and
also have battery recharge issues (troubleshooting if
battery, syn, bio or circuit or both or a combination).
I have not used Chlorine Dioxie, but am looking into
ozone via blood circulation route.
If you run across anything related to chlorine dioxide
please let me know as it is not top of list, but ozone (O3)
via external blood draw loop, then dosing with anticoagulant and then recirculation is.
Jan Kozák
Jan’s Substack
23 hrs ago
Thanks for your reply, Brandon. Looking forward to your
findings regarding on-body transmitters as I’d definitely
want to give them a try since you found them helpful.
If chlorine dioxide is not on top of you to-do list, that’s
fine. But I will eventually send you some links to the chat
about it, and it is quite astonishing!
I saw you posted an article about Hulda Clark which is a
nice coincidence. I have been using a Czech derivative of
Page 283 of 953
Syncromenter for diagnosing myself and my family for
about a year now. We then use special homeographic
drops that are loaded with holographic information which
the body then decodes and acts upon by detoxification of
targeted organs and pathogens. See the drops
Also I have had multiple session on frequency plasma
generators and I found them very helpful. Thanks to
frequency scanner F-scan the frequencies of pathogens
are scanned and send back to deactivate pathogen’s
DNA. It’s beautiful. BUT very scary when you know the
same thing can be done to humans via 5g towers.
I don’t know Brandon. You seem like a caring guy who
wants to help people. You were my first paid subscription
along with dr. Ana on Substack. If you wanna ask me
about anything regarding health stuff I am willing to
share. I must have done hundreds of hours worth of
research in my free time. Keep up the good work!
Jan from Czech rep.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
18 hrs ago
Page 284 of 953
Jan, you are welcome. The key is to have an on body ELF
psionic transmitter that overpowers the global psionic ELF
transmitters and then an on body scalar healthy
transmitter that heals.
Remember, whoever has the library lf the nemetic crystals
can do whatever whenever and at any chronological
timeline since the nemetic crystal was placed into your
body noninvasively. This is a key point that nobody online
that I’ve seen so far in my life on or offline has published
in the clear.
Any other drops (holograph, e.g. scalar dosed) or
scanners please send me lists of so can research them
further. It sounds like you’re on the right track as new
physics weapons require new physics coutner measures,
else we’re gone.
Note, with the on body scalar with a large power supply
to it and then taking given anti-parasite medicines (I’ve
been prescribed Ivermectin) it should amplify the
medicine and herb’s effects as well as vegetables and
fruits (fresh). This is just my two cents. The other thing to
note is that once you place an on body sclar transmitter
on you do not turn it off, else the information transmittal
stops (e.g. as arrow of time flows forward at 1 x speed of
light, the healing is pulling away the necrosis and poison
at a rate of 1.5 x speed of light (scalar).
Page 285 of 953
3.15.24: Health & Wellness 104: Daily Regiment, Full
Blood Test (Conventional Lab) & Insights Updated
This week I learned some new things, while interacting
with people from all walks of life as well as continuing to
keep body clean. Sharing the information here.
Fact #1: I was recently with someone who was not well
and we exchanged items. The item that I received from
them resulted in me immediately feeling not well.
Apparently, the synbio shedding via exogenous
transmission, transferred from them, on to into the “item”,
and finally, into my body. Since my body is clean of a lot
majority synthetic biology, due to chelation, it enables
transfer into me from unhealthy synbio-laced others.
Based upon reviewing people’s behavior and how they
walk, interact, etc, now, in my professional opinion, we
now have a bifurcation of people with a “healthy”
synthetic biology that enables them to live a long healthy
life and another group with unhealthy synthetic biology
(e.g. Tik Tokkers on the lower social credit monitoring
system side) that are walking negative scalar energy
systems and other disease based platforms. Sadly, these
Page 286 of 953
people should be avoided not due to them, but due to
the “negative and unhealthy” synbio.
As many know, I was sensitized due to a failed
neuroweapon hitjob that magnetized the non-invasively
dosed graphene component throughout my body via a
Directed Energy Weapon attack. The good news is that
I’m just not sensitize to the levels that it hurts now, but
literally have a heightened field sense to the presence of
changing/rotating electrical/wireless/magnetic fields due
to residuals of the graphene. I’m dosing NAC daily to
continue to remove it along with chelating and taking all
the FLCCC Alliance recommendations.
What I’m noticing from mass transfer of synthetic biology
interactions from others, is that the person, when
receiving the item from me, literally moved faster and
observably felt healthier when leaving than than upon
arriving. That was weird. I’m still trying to figure that one
out, apparently scalar energy transmitted from healthy
synthetic biology also transmits/emits.
Keep in mind I also have an on body scalar transmitter to
ensure that any synthetic biology still in me is emitting
and “shedding” healthy waves & cells due to eating only
vegetable and fruit foods I’ve mentioned before (what I
call the Biblical Diet). These foods are proven to emit
Page 287 of 953
healthy scalar waves. I also carry an on body ELF
I stay super hydrated with spring and mostly distilled
water enhanced with various vitamin c and other key
supplements. The water dispenser is positioned next to a
scalar transmitter. The more water in you, the larger your
scalar field.
Historically, I used to not “touch” people or “bump” into
people before in my life and now I’m 100% no-touch
person due to rapid mass transfer of synthetic biology
shedding. I’ve also found that wearing yellow glasses
helps minimize any build-out of synthetic biology in the
visual cortex and have confirmed this via the oversensitization of my CNS while in front of a computer
screen with or without yellow glasses as well as orange,
but yellow works better for me at least and after talking
with some advanced nauturopathic doctors who specialize
in parasitology, majority of parasites don’t like yellow light
at all. Thefeore, the synthetic biology niBMI systems can
be viewed as a synthetic “parasite” or wetware bug.
I drink scalar-enhanced water. I carry the on body scalar
transmitter and most importantly, the ELF transmitter on
my body to keep me from relinking to the psionic ELF
transmitters. I am highly confident that the Chinese
military soldiers operating in America have the ELF and
Page 288 of 953
scalar transmitters on body as well, since they know their
weapon systems. I believe that their government has
instructed them to perform certain actions while here,
which I think is to take over America, enabled by them,
due to the failing assets, and due to failing health of
Americans here
Fact #2: When you physically touch someone with
synthetic biology in them it sheds into you. This includes
bumping someone by accident, rubbing elbows, fist
bumping, etc. If they have unhealthy scalar energy, you
will immediately feel it relative to yours. I am not sure how
many “seeds” or nemetic crystals from the mesogens
transfer into you and if these are capable of linking you to
them through cybernetics.
However, I am confident that if you interact with a Tik
Tokker or have done before, and had any physical contact
with them like hugs, etc, then Xi’s Magic Weapon has
shed it’s “seeds” into you and now has it’s “eye” linked to
you, possibly on you (e.g. literally into one of your visual
cortex or simply a wetware subnet that is tracking you and
interacting with payment gateways that are made in China
on retail point of sale machines. I’ve proven the use of
synthetic biology wetware to perform 2FA validation in
the past.
Page 289 of 953
Bloodwork: I had bloodwork done and will post results as
well as metals testing. The lab technician said I had good
veins and that the blood pulled easily and that it was dark,
which meant it had a lot of iron in it. I’m on a vegetable,
fruit and seed eating program per Bible and I detox with
intermittent fasting and am making up the missing B12 by
taking the synthetic version. Fasting for 3-7 days at a time
per month and eating meals over a 5-7 hour basis and not
at night, drinking lots of distilled water, taking chelators
and supplements (vaso-dialators and blood anticoagulants such as sodium nitrate). I’m doing the eating
part to repair damaged biological tissue and then plan on
doing longer and longer fasts with water and what is
called the spirit as I continue to heal from the
neuroweapon hit.
None of the labs in my area have a Live Blood Analysis
offering. I believe it’s because it would tip everyone off in
America that synthetic biology is now rampant in their
blood. I’m also going to look into ozone treatment via
blood re-circulation loop and am following FLCCC
Alliance guidelines. I will be taking Ivermectin too.
My next purchase is an LBA scope, so if anyone on here
wants to me to be their lab (I’ve been a laboratory
manager before), ping me and I’ll figure out a business
Page 290 of 953
model that is economically sustainable to provide this
service. This would be a mail-in blood sample (simple
finger prick) and then I’ll review it, log photos and videos
and upload it to a portal for your review. Then as a future
service offering I will do a bioresonance scan of the blood
with a follow up report on the results.
Thoughts? Interest? Since I’ve been trusted with a
laboratory to manage a site at oil & gas refinery with over
a billion dollar of assets in working inventories I think this
should be a no brainer. I built out these kinds of labs for
the La Kretz Innovation Center (e.g. Morton La Kretz) in
Los Angeles, CA downtown at LACI’s site with LADWP:
Unfortunately, one cannot be free of synthetic biology.
You can keep it in check and remove it with new physics
devices and take chelators, etc, and practice human
interaction discipline-ie-avoid being in public and live in
total solitary, without wildlife around, is what he means.
3.12.24: Bioenergetics 110: Neurowarfare
Countermeasures Simple To-Do List
Here is an abridged version with simple to-do list for steps
to take to counter cognitive manipulation and weapons,
Page 291 of 953
specifically “conversion terrorism” for intelligence
community and law enforcement.
Here is a simple 7 Step method I’m using now that works
for me.
Figure 1: Brandon Iglesias at our older shared laboratory
Step 1: Add a picosecond or faster over-voltage protector
to your vehicle and assets [4]
Page 292 of 953
Why? In 2022, my vehicle was hit by several EMP hits (e.g.
Electromagnetic Pulse) resulting in over-voltage (e.g.
bluing out the metal on the engine run relay pins and
melting them with oxides) resulting in $7,000 worth of
electrical damages that resulted in the entire wiring
harness for vehicle inclusive of ECM being replaced as
well as interlinked I/O. Per insurance it was an act of
terrorism, not covered so all out of pocket (e.g. ChinaCCP
AI BCPS NeuroStrike tries to draw your cash and
resources down, e.g. covert whittle then take larger
chunks of capital out of you for what the AI calculates to
be the decapitating strike (per terminology from Robert
McCreight at National Defense University NDU). [5]
Step 2: acquire at least two portable ELF psionic
transmitters with physical toggle switches to convert
from sleep, alert, active and relax modes.
Step 3: acquire at least two portable scalar
transmitters (healthy version, not lethal)
Step 4: chelate your body
Step 5: do not eat meat because meat animals are bioaccumulators.
Page 293 of 953
Step 6: anti spike measures-anti-fibrolytics, etc
Step 7: wear a hoodie and cap that shield you from
transverse EMF waves to prevent your corrupted
synthetic biology niBMIs from linking to wifi,
bluetooth, etc. junk in your local environment,
resulting in necrosis of your tissue.
Note: My two cents, the reason why people can’t figure
out the name and term COVID-19 is because in 2019
ChinaCCP turned on their psionic ELF transmitters and AI
BCPS Scalar based (e.g. vacuum to 3d space and time
hacking) systems.
Sars-Cov-2 is the spike issue and COVID-19 is something
related to synthetic technology and use of it to update
health and bioinformatics in 3d space, time and through
the vacuum. Keep in mind there has been active supply
chain contamination in medical supplies related to the
pandemic, inclusive of graphenes dosed into facemasks
as reported by Canada from imports received from China.
Page 294 of 953
Sure, I’m just an engineer, nothing special about me,
except for the fact that I’m used to being immersed in a
technical domain and environment. Steps 1, 2 and 3
require the purchase of a psionic ELF transmitter and a
scalar transmitter. These are off the shelf items and I’ll
start selling some in 2025+ as I’m currently evaluating
versions that are either very expensive, or that have
batteries that run out, and all of which have zero overvoltage protection on them (e.g. get fried very easily).
Sadly, none of them pull any energy from “the vacuum”.
Therefore, lots of room for improvement.
Steps 4-7 are referencing other organization’s guidelines,
such as FLCCC Alliance. That does not address the
synthetic biology, but other interactions I guess that they
are trying to co-exist with it. However, based upon my
experience I prefer to be by myself.
ANA’S POST CALLED Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/
Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of
the DOD
Page 295 of 953
Len Ber, May 16, 2023
Here is a hypothesis: shoot it down, or try to falsify it.
Nanoscale technology found in mRNA jabs assembles
into a micro-scale chips and it has been shown under a
microscope beyond a reasonable doubt. In vivo,
nanoscale particles cross the blood-brain barrier, and
once inside the brain tissue, assemble into a micro-scale
chips. This is the only way to get that size chips inside the
brain in a “non-invasive” fashion – to ship them across the
BBB, and let them assemble inside the CNS into larger
functional chips. We are always asking ourselves what’s
the ultimate goal of this technological invasion, and this
might be the answer. They are sneaking technology inside
our brains by sending parts across the highly controlled
semipermeable barrier that protects our brains from most
large molecules. Ta-da!
BRANDON: 100% correct. If you want to get the junk out
of your brain once it has formed, go into an EMF vacuum
environment like a SCIF or Faraday cage, get a signal
transmitter at low amplitude, pulse a square wave that
vibrates the synbio “mesogens, graphenes and nano
tech” at its’ critical mortal resonance frequency and let it
slowly peel off your brain, your optogenetic visual cortex
Page 296 of 953
and other CNS components in your brain and body. Then
you can chelate it and get rid of it.
However, be very very careful entering an EMF vacuum
(e.g. faraday SCIF unit) if you’ve never done so before,
cause this is not natural for your body since you’ve lived in
a world with signals everywhere in and around your body.
Len, have you tried the method above to see if that helps
Keep in mind if your mesogens, graphenes and nano tech
formed while you were around other people’s brains and
animal brains then they can link and communicate
together, such that you have a brain linked to you and will
bug the crap out of you. Also, if you have been hit with a
DEW it amplifies and grows the mesogens, graphenes
and nano tech such that it creates a malformed glob of
the junk that also rips and shreds your biological tissue at
the same time… so the entire globule of mesogen junk
that was malformed needs to be peeled off with a
transmitter (safely and gradually, not abruptly) then the
biological tissue needs to heal.
Page 297 of 953
Hi Matt,
Thank you for continued open sharing of your work as I
am also continuing to do so. Since you’ve been able to
reduce the amount of synthetic biology in you, you now
have to decouple from the psionic ELF generators that
will still latch onto your neurons (organic brain and CNS)
and keep you from clear independent thought. Please
consider an on body and in home dual ELF and scalar
generator to keep you cognitively clear. I have a simple
post on this EM (near-field and far-field) solution.
Remember, the population control systems that
authoritarian countries and other groups have built are
multi-layered and cover material world materials that
increase dielectric constants (e.g. synthetic biology), but
also the older organic neuron linkages
(ELF+scalar+SQUIDs) that also are transverse physics and
near-field (vacuum physics, non-transverse) based. In this
world is it extremely challenging to have real independent
thought and clarity of mind.
3.7.24: Q FROM BRANDON’S POST-Can you share
more on the ELF setup? Many scalar and other devices
are not powerful enough if you are being targeted
Page 298 of 953
heavily. I’ve been off grid and it’s still just as intense
24/7. We have scalar setups. Looking to build larger
more powerful setups. We have device than can emit
ELF. Nothing has effected it. What exactly would you
A: Yes, keep in mind it may not be you specifically being
“targeted”, but the fact that you somehow simply
ingested or consumed products being exported by China
that are dosed with significant amounts of dielectric
constant enhancers. This also applies to their meat supply
owned in China and internationally. What these synbio
dielectric constant enhancers do is increase your “antenna
like properties” (e.g. turn your head into a radio receiver).
ELF generators when combined with scalar, de-link you
from the EMF psionic weapons and then heal you with
scalar in a non-stressful state of mind. Remember when an
ELF signal is synchronized and then latches onto your
neurons, it literally remotely controls your state of mind
and cognitive behavior, at first subtly (subconscious) and
then as your dielectric constants keep getting dosed
further, it becomes apparent (e.g. not able to sleep,
insomnia, etc.), oversleeping, etc.
I’m currently not recommending an ELF or psionic
generator until I complete reviewing them. I’ve also
Page 299 of 953
started reviewing the first hand-held rife frequency
generators (electrode and radio/spectrum) based. So far
the use of the ELF and scalar systems I am testing have
resulted in a positive experience when combined with
chelators to reduce the dielectric constants and removal
of meats/dairy/yeast/cheese and processed foods from
diet. Will post more on this as I log more data.
The key is that the use of a scalar and ELF when on an
electrical grid connected dwelling will be overhwhelmed
by dirty harmonics in the grid and electrical wiring (if
underground for certain). Therefore, having clean
harmonics in the electricity powering your location is key
and if you need to have no electrical outlets in a sleep
room (my personal experience, slept better this way when
was loaded up with magnetized in situ graphenes (e.g.
the ChinaCCP and proxy GONUTs weapon when coupled
with an analog NKT).
3.5.24: COUNTERMEASURE: Bioenergetics 107:
Biology, synthetic biology and interaction with scalar
waves reviewed with laboratory data and references
Here is a nugget of uncommon knowledge for any curious
reader learning about “new physics” and the human
body’s bioenergetic interactions.
Page 300 of 953
New physics researchers engaged in the field of
bioenergetics have reported on a Crystalline Transduction
Theory CTT. The CTT proposes that the human body’s
liquid crystals (e.g. nemetic and ionic liquids and salt
complexes) in cell membranes and solid crystals in blood
and in biological tissues transduce the scalar energy (from
the vacuum) into linear electromagnetic energy (e.g.
observable in 3d space and time domain) [1]
Page 301 of 953
Figure 1: Scalar Energy Demonstrated to Heal Tissues and
Provide antidepressant Properties as well as improve EEG
signals via amplitude increases (e.g. more active brain
with better neural spiking and potentials) [1]
Use of “mobius strip” technology was utilized to generate
and replicate laboratory data. ELF Cocoon International,
then further built upon the initial small scale work and
commercialized on body wearable products at first. [2]
The use of on body scalar transmitters when measured
with a subject’s EEG from Brain before and after wearing
the scalar transmitter, indicated an increased amplitude of
all EEG frequencies with biased effect towards lower ELF
frequencies in the brain (e.g. calm, restful, peaceful states
of mind, where good sleep is accessible). [1]
The effect of a scalar transmitter on tissue cultures on
isolated cells
Dr. Persinger tested a system with scalar transmitters with
partially cancelled two vortex-type magnetic fields at 0.5
Hz and 10 uT by intersecting the scalar transmitters in air.
Page 302 of 953
As a brief summary, the transmission of two transverse
waves when intersected, generate scalar waves at times
with magnetic field components, electric field
components or no components at all (e.g. true
cancellation of the original transverse waves). Remember,
this is 3d space and time transmitting information into the
vacuum, that then travels at a distance at 1.5 times the
speed of light and when the scalar wave interacts (e.g.
coheres) with matter again it moves from the vacuum into
time domain through electrodes or bioenergetic
equivalent components (e.g. DNA, ionic liquid crystals,
nemetic crystals (mesogens) and salts in cellular plasma
membranes, solid crystals in blood and components of
the human body). [1]
Further, scalar energy activates genes in the human body,
such as RAD-6, for DNA repair. Therefore, these lab
results indicate that scalar energy has a direct effect on
the human body and immune system. The long term use
of scalar energy on body was concluded to result in
improvement of a wide variety of clinical diseases as well
as an anti-depressant action with a direct effect on cell
membranes and neurotransmitter uptake. [1]
Therefore, it is a wise investment to educate oneself in
new energy physics with focus on scalar for healing,
health and wellness. It is important to decoupling the
Page 303 of 953
damage done by synthetic biology dosing and NKT
exposure, where the synthetic biology removal and
organic tissue repair is required at various frequencies in
time domain and vacuum through 3d space and time
interaction via bioresonance.
List of References
[1] CIA-RDP96-00792R000500240008-9
[3] Bearden, T.E. PACE Newletter 3 (4) p10 (1982)
[4] Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinear Waves, Burt, P.B.,
Harwood Acad.N.Y. (1981)
[5] Aids: Biological Warfare, Bearden, T.E., Tesla Book Col,
Texas (1988)
[6] Barlow, C.Y. et al. Nature 332 312 (1988)
Page 304 of 953
[7] Puharich, A. 14th Annual USPA Conference on
Bioenergy, Dayton, Ohio (1988)
3.5.24: COUNTERMEASURE: Neurohacking +
Cybersecurity 107: How to tell if ChinaCCP or Proxy or
Other Group has their Eye on you?
Here is a brief on simple breadcrumbs that let you know
someone has wetware bugged you above and beyond
your own nation state’s intelligence community or military.
Hint, you log duplicates.
Okay, here is a super simple brief on how to tell if you’re
wetware bugged and somebody is logging data on you,
outside of your national security system (e.g. most likely
ChinaCCP AI BCPS neurotechnology thief).
Breadcrumb #1: you notice double emails for logging into
a given big tech, neurotechnology enabled platforms.
This indicates there is a mirror niBMI channel or network
in your brain built with synthetic biology. The logins may
be from same location or different locations via SIEM logs.
Example: Logging into a business social networking site
Page 305 of 953
Figure 1: There are two logins via SIEM logs or simple
email notifications, but you only login once on a repeated
Breadcrumb #2: on phone calls you hear other calls at
times in the back ground or voices talking (e.g. niBMI
channel cross-talk / chatter or telco bug)
Breadcrumb #3: ORGANIC Brain this one is when the
niBMI wetware bug has fully integrated into you. You log
into an account and then receive a text message, but
before you can read and type in the text message pin
code the AI neurohacker (at this time you still think it is a
cyberhacker) is able to login before you type the code.
So, any non-neuroaware person (including cyber security
experts) would simply think that someone intercepted
their smartphone, so they go to disable 2G and 3G
downgrade and keep it with 4G.
Page 306 of 953
Then the attacks persist, even with 4G. Then you go
literally drive next to a cell tower, so there is no chance at
all for a man in the middle, unless you or your phone are
bugged. Then at the cell tower pad (which by the way
may trigger a DHS/Police concern, parking next to these
towers with the latest 5G antennas going online, the
neurohacker (you still think it is a cyberhacker) continues
to compromise your account.
So, then you go and get a burner phone and link up the
notification to the burner phone not using any of the prior
electronics you utilized before and all hard wired. Then
you go to login with burner phone, adjacent to cell tower
and again your accounts are compromised and in a rental
car, not even your own vehicle (in case someone bugged
your vehicles’ electronic computer systems (e.g. not
secure at all against nation state level hackers). Then you
go with the app version and not text message just to
confirm and again you get a duplicate login from a
different location that enters the code on the secure app
before you, on a phone that has not been compromised.
Now, you know that all other cybersecurity attack venues
have been ruled out and the last remaining attack vector
(e.g. wetware niBMI bug has got you bugged, e.g. literally
someone put a small computer (e.g. wetware) non-
Page 307 of 953
invasively dosed inside of you and has you linked up with
a nation state or proxy global level surveillance system).
How does a nation state level wetware niBMI bug transfer
the information before you can enter it (even if you are
very very fast)?
Your brain neurons are literally synchronized with an ELF
signal (friend or foe, either one can do this scalar
monitoring). Further you are being bombarded with
global scalar generators and have multiple satellite
constellations in space orbit with SQUIDs that can
measure a neuron depolarization from space (talking all
organic brain here). So, when you look at and read that
PIN code via SMS Text or app code via authenticator type
app, your brain (e.g. thought) states 78373 or some other
number. This information in your brain is transmitted via
quantum technology to a SQUID and then passed to an
AI super computer system (quantum or non-quantum)
through scalar information comms, which when the entire
information flow is completed, it was literally completed
in your past and not present, therefore the system is
literally time hacking your thought.
Page 308 of 953
So how in the world do you defeat this sucker? Place your
brain neurons on an independent ELF transmitter, dose
your brain with some Rife frequencies to disrupt the order
(non-thermally) of the brain that was calibrated to some
type of monitoring system by using a frequency that is
healthy (see Rife Handbook). Your brian neurons will link
into the local ELF and I use a scalar generator(s) as well.
This delinks you from the SQUIDs system as your ELF is
not the global ELF and you’re on a local scalar signal as
well. Therefore, you are “islanded” per say. Then you can
go and try to login again and see if the ELF plus scalar
plus Rife delinked you. Note, you have to be in a remote
region to confirm this and not in an urban region as with
NeuroStrike technology there are too many other
variables that enable data to flow still and be
Breadcrumb #4: Synthetic Biology niBMI Brain overlay is
the same as above, but it utilizes an internet of organisms
IPv6 distributed and ubiquitious AI BCPS to further add a
layer of complexity on top of the older scalar + elf +
Important note, even if you have 2FA enabled with a code
entry or pin code received via SMS the neurohacking
technique, when your brain is synchronized with an
Page 309 of 953
enemy’s psionic ELF generator, will cohere you to
contaminated wetware systems by you such that the
information will be transmitted back to the adversarial AI
BCPS system (e.g. in China) that uses time reversal to log
in before you log in with your actual login through use of
scalar wave information transit.
Therefore, to defeat the neuroweapon attack and spy
platform, first be on your own ELF frequency and not their
psionic system. Two, utilize a 2FA system with a secure
and locked down phone on a 4G or higher cellular
network on a computer system that is not wireless (e.g. no
use of wifi). This will block the information for 2FA being
transmitted before you can type in your code via 2FA app
or text.
Remember, scalar information travels through the vacuum
and is 1.5 times the speed of light, which by definition will
let the neurohacker AI login before you log into your
The neural spiking can be jammed by use of an on body
scalar generator with ELF to defeat the ELF
synchronization and scalar synchronization with SQUIDs
via satellite above you. However, this doesn’t defeat the
latest AI BCPS attacks through electrical grid magnetic
field bioresonance, photon, wifi, audio and vibrational
based bioresonance and coherence.
Page 310 of 953
List of References
Brandon Iglesias, Cybersecurity CompTIA Security +,
CISA/DISA Industrial Controls and Neurotechnology
Countermeasures through our team independently
reverse engineering ChinaCCP neurostrike integrated
cyber/synbio/bio and new physics based platform for
spying and remote sabatoge and then kill by covert
Megan Rinkenberger
Mar 4
Where can one find a force field generator, an on body
scalar wave and ELF generator? Also which company in
Switzerland sells the analyzer ? I’m beyond desperate to
save my kids and I from this torture chamber.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Mar 4
Page 311 of 953
** Here is Nenah’s book that has a critically reviewed list
of analyzers from various countries, including
** Regarding the scalar and ELF transmitters, I’m still
evaluating them. From my personal experience, having a
combined ELF and scalar transmitter on body (I am
utilizing two of them now), enables decoupling of the
brain neurons from the psionic ELF transmitters (China, to
be specific in my case). However, when around the
electrical grid, if the grid and harmonics are “dirty”, it will
overpowers the local ELF and scalar transmitter to an
So having an in-house and in-vehicle scalar and ELF
transmitter is my next evaluation step.
I’d first encourage you to read up on the Rife Frequency
book with the Switzerland analyzer and by that time I’ll be
done reviewing some of these off the shelf ELF and scalar
transmitters and publish information on it with review,
critiques, etc.
2.28.27: Bioenergetics 106: Anti-Precusor EM Engines
and Precursor EM Engines for Health & Wellness
Page 312 of 953
The world is a lot more complex than most people are
aware. This article is focused on anti-precursor EM
engines for health and wellness and is uncommon
There is a technology called a precursor electromagnetic
EM engine and an anti-precursor EM engine. This
technology, when used for good, enables a person to be
extremely resilient to any known disease that has been
archived and logged with respect to the spectrum of the
diseased tissue.
RELATED: Yandex search for anti-precursor EM engine
How do EM Engines work? Simple, a sample of healthy
tissue healthy (immunoglobulines with antibodies against
the biological weapon or disease present) or unhealthy
(diseased and immune system compromised) is scanned
in (e.g. spectrum) and then stored and re-transmitted at a
future time to a person.
EM Engines can be used to build up immunity to a
plethora of biological toxins, bacteria, viruses and any
physical matter object that infiltrates the human body. The
focus of this brief is on the good use cases to counter
Page 313 of 953
nefarious use cases of EM engines. The healing use case
of EM Engines is called anti-precursor EM engine.
So how does this new physics (e.g. bioenergetic)
technology platform work in action?
1 There is a library and database with a repository of
spectrum signals logged from all known diseases and
2 The library can be linked to a transmitter (EMF
spectrum, near-field & far-field)
3 The transmitter is linked via bioresonance with a
4 The person receives the anti-precursor EM engine
spectrum via an EM dosing at a distance
If a person has been attacked by a precursor EM engine,
then the person first needs to be de-cohered from that
precursor EM engine. This can be accomplished by a local
on-body ELF and scalar wave generator that removes the
person from the adversarial use of a precursor EM engine.
Then the person can be linked to an anti-precursor EM
engine that repairs the person by first scanning the
bioenergetic profile of the person and then, based upon
the spectrum signature, transmitting, via the near-field
and far-field EMF spectrum, the appropriate signals to
Page 314 of 953
heal the person from the prior precursor EM engine
Remember, in this world, we only perceive material items
that are simply a 3d space representation of the vacuum.
If you have no clue about what I’m talking about, research
this public information on Albert Einstein “spooky action
at a distance” to skill-up in this uncommon knowledge. [1]
So, what is the key takeaway from this publication
summary? As healthy life declines, coronas’ spectrum
decreases in variability and intensity. This effect can be
isolated and statistically separated from unhealthy
hydrated tissue and will be further explored with
laboratory studies.
Working Hypothesis: unhealthy life with tissues that are
hydrated are placed in proximity to healthy hydrated life,
it will eventually be healed, but only if the healthy
hydrated life’s force field is of greater amplitude than the
dying unhealthy life.
Therefore, what insight can the working hypothesis
provide with respect to a precursor EM engine that is
If unhealthy life with tissues that are dying, but that are
numbed out due to synbio effects (e.g. NeuroStrike)
Page 315 of 953
surround healthy life that is hydrated, then the synbio
from the unhealthy life will mass-transfer and also
spectrum-impact into the healthy life and degrade it over
If the person is surrounded by enough unhealthy people
for long enough duration, then the healthy person will get
sick and die or be converted from a biological to synbio
lifeform that is full of necrosis, but that appears to live
through synbio) if not removed from the unhealthy
NeuroStrike (e.g. Tik Tok) people to repair and heal.
This matches the “shedding” concerns that people have
voiced about. “Shedding” is referring to as a mass
transfer of synbio, but unbeknownst to most it also can
damage one’s healthy force field externally and internally
via the mass-transferred synbio that penetrates one’s
healthy force field if overwhelmed by enough unhealthy
people or cyborgs or dying matter.
2.26.24: 12.18.23 COMMENT FROM BRANDON
& FIR red light?) enables neurohacking, but it also
facilitates performance enhancement when it works
Page 316 of 953
(integrates into you without killing you). If it works, it
emits healing scalar waves at nanoscale.
I’ve been taking methylene blue (MB) + sleep with Near
Infrared (NIR), Infrared (IR) and Red Light using an
incandescent bulb array. The MB creates a Reactive
Oxygen Species (ROS) after donating an electron into the
electron complex II+
My background is Photo-electro-chemical Engineering
with Biochemistry, genetics work at Bigelow Laboratory,
singularity studies at Singularity University NASA Ames
and electromechanical systems with programming,
networking, cybersecurity and neurosecurity
This technology enables neurohacking, but also
performance enhancement when it works (integrates into
you without killing you). If it works, it emits healing scalar
waves at nanoscale. If it doesn’t (you’re getting hacked by
an enemy AI BCPS system) and using non-friendly
neurotechnology (unknowingly: software and hardware).
Read my substack to learn more, it is complex to
understand. Hope this adds clarity.
Page 317 of 953
2.24.24: Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 104: Hardware
Pipeline Chain and Isolation Points for Electronic
Harassment Containment
Hardware with neurotechnology enabled chipsets in it as
well as wireless devices communicate with synbio and link
to the internet of things. Here are hardware containment
If you are reading this there is a high probability that you
are neuroaware or at least neuro curious, due to hearing
about this technology or by being attacked by the
adversarial weaponized use of neurotechnology with
First things first, this brief goes into the hardware
components that enable a neurotechnology plus synbio
attack that can be extremely persistent state and how to
eliminate the problem hardware devices that provide
pipelines (wireless) for the “contaminated” synbio to link
up with.
Page 318 of 953
Figure 1: This is the on-average most common network
setup that people have, which is completely insecure.
Don’t do this, neurohackers and adversarial AI systems
with synbio love this type of insecure spectrum
environment. [1]
Typical information technology assets at an average
person’s household includes:
Page 319 of 953
•fiber, DSL or cable modem all-in-one device with wifi
and hardwired ethernet
•laptops (wifi connected with bluetooth on)
•smart phones (wifi connected with bluetooth and cell
telco network on)
•tablets (wifi connected with bluetooth on)
•smart television units (wifi connected)
•computer desktop with monitor and box with
keyboard and mouse usb connected or wirelessly
Here is what you can do within normal means to secure
your household or office environment. It requires you to
eliminate all wireless (e.g. clean up your electrosmog
environment). The objective here is to start from a clean
baseline and then when you start adding wireless you can
itemize where the attacks come from (e.g. local wireless
device) or if you still have psionic weapon attacks, then
you know it is from an adjacent wifi system that you can’t
control or from a nation state level psionic weapon system
that you can jam with an on body ELF generator and
Page 320 of 953
scalar wave generator that has a local greater power than
the remote one gunning you down.
Replace the all-in-one cable modem+router+wifi with
separate cable modem (not made in China) and a
separate router (no wifi and not made in China).
Utilize an intrusion detection and prevention system
IDS/IPS. I can vouch for pfSense out of Austin, TX
USA as I’ve been there in person.
Run ethernet cables to your smart TV and disable the
wireless on it for wifi and smart phone connect. If you
have any made in China smart tvs (e.g. Hisense, etc.) try
to return them and if you can’t do that then destroy them
and throw them away. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to
resell these horrible backdoor neurotech-enabled
hardware devices to anyone. [3]
Laptops & Desktops: Run ethernet cables to your laptop
space and desktop space and connect your computer to
your laptop or desktop with a usb cable (local connect).
Replace your monitor if new with an older one pre-2010s
or pre 2013 (when the BRAIN initiatives all kicked off
globally) that enable pervasive neurotechnology and
synbio across adversarial nation states with evil use of AI
Page 321 of 953
and neurotechnology.
Purchase usb-c adapters or lightning adapters to connect
your smartphones and tablets to the ethernet (after
putting them in lockdown and secure modes and
uninstalling all of the apps on it, specifically CCP apps.
The lockdown mode on Apple disables a ton of wireless.
Make sure your bluetooth and wifi are turned off on the
smart phones.
Make sure that your computer workstation monitor is not
neurotechnologically or wirelessly linked (e.g. pre 2010ish is a good rule of thumb to have older monitors that
are not neurotechnology enabled). The latest gaming
monitors are, on-average, neurotechnology-enabled for
enhanced situational awareness.
Make sure your refrigerator, smart thermostat, security
cameras (never use wifi ones, ever, ever, and never use a
made in China or Russia hardware item if you live in the
West as KGB and China’s United Front will utilize it to
breach into you and your family members. Yes, these days
in unrestricted warfare everyone is fair game to an AI
neurotechnology-enabled hacking system (manned or
unmanned) or coffee pot or other IoT enabled devices
Page 322 of 953
have the wireless disabled or unplugged. Chinese hackers
and their proxies love to contaminate insecure IoT
hardware pipelines.
Purchase faraday sleeves for your smart phones to isolate
them, only when troubleshooting. I can vouch for MOS
Equipment product lines, but the latest phones need to
be double bagged.
Once you have established a spectrum baseline (e.g.
taken offline all of your bluetooth and wifi), you can then
“rationally” go about itemizing the problem devices that
are wireless enabled enabling neurohacking AIs to
penetrate your home and mess with you and your family.
Keep in mind this does not cover the removal of in-situ
synbio, which requires chelators. The in-situ synbio is what
links your body to the spectrum around you and other
synbio enabled life. The chelators that Dr. Ana MD
recommends for removal of synbio is calcium-disodiumEDTA and high dose vitamin C [2]. Remember, while you
are in the process of removing the synbio, minimizing
your exposure to EMF spectrum concentrated transmitter
sources is the only way to keep it from rebuilding further
networks within your body. A simple solution to this is to
Page 323 of 953
sport a faraday (nickel and silver) apparel system during
this drawdown process. Why?
The synbio that is harassing you persistent state, was
programmed over a period of time (days, weeks, months
and for some years). Therefore, it takes time to draw
down the synbio before it gets rebuilt again over time in a
non-contaminated fashion (e.g. isolation from other
contamination sources that originally attacked you,
specifically China and Russia “splinter-net” and proxy
groups neurohacking you with adversarial AI [3]. This
information is not based upon any “beliefs” but facts as
you can confirm from prior contamination posts with
SSIDs broadcasted from human contaminated bodies.
List of References:
Page 324 of 953
BRANDON: 2 hrs ago
1) Yes, LBA is enough at 4000x to see the synbio via
darkfield microscopy, please check out David Nixon’s
work at using dark field
Dr. Okker Botha in South Africa distributes and serves as
medical laison for Japanese manufactured optics in LBA
and the information can be found here: https://
There are some new physics items also listed on their
website, that apply the field of bioenergetics as well, but I
have not evaluated those devices yet. However, the
physics is sound.
2) what type of hydrogen water (e.g. H2O) infused with
H+ or pre-treated with a scalar system (e.g. what
uninformed people, but plugged-in, at Planet Home 2019
Page 325 of 953
in San Francisco, CA Planet Home 2019 event were
talking about in the lounge area referencing “structured
Common waters are: distilled, deionized, ultra pure
(resistivity 18.2 MΩ·cm @ 25 °C; total organic carbon
(TOC) ≤ 5 ppb) and of course the uncommon “living
water”. Discussed this tech enabling DroneSeed with one
of Google’s key inventors.
3) Note, I’m compiling a list of things to do to keep the
body from being polluted and will post it shortly as this is
complimentary to the hardware containment for counter
AI and synbio defenses.
/// appended prior comment to consolidate into one
4) There has to be a reasonably simple way at scale to
repel the synbio by scaling-up what nature already does
naturally (e.g. see force field article prior publication). If
the red blood cells RBCs can repel the synbio globule
(geometry of the RBC is a significant consideration as well
as the four irons linked to the porphyrin group) for
Page 326 of 953
magnetic field interaction. Bioresonance is one thing, but
there are legitimate force fields built today with scalar
waves being used.
That house in Maui that did not burn down is a prime
candidate to validate for use of scalar force field synbio
protection, all one would have to do is to bring some
synbio and an LBA scope around the areas burnt, then
validate it is present. Then walk by that house and see if
the synbio is still present or changed in geometric
configuration, such that the surrounding synbio is repelled
by the updated geometric synbio configuration from the
material surrounding that house.
So it is either #1 a force field repelling all synbio or #2 a
different geometry synbio repelling harmful synbio.
2.18.24: BioEnergetics 105- Scalar Electromagnetic
Weapons and Their Use-Strategic Aspects of the
Asymmetric War on America
The excerpt below is a reference to a publication clearly
stating America is under Non-Kinetic weapon attack,
amplified by AI. Anyone with this applied skillset and
weaponry can cause asymmetrical disruption, extremely
Page 327 of 953
covert as there are no b-field (h-field) or e-field
components to the weaponized use of scalar waves.
Figure 1: Lagrangian density equation for more complete
electromagnetic theory MCE [2]
Page 328 of 953
Figure 2: Scalar Wave Basic Equation with E = B = 0 [2]
“This article reviews the esoteric field of scalar
electromagnetics, in its current and potential strategic
military uses, by state and non-state actors. The
Page 329 of 953
conclusion, prevalent in American defense circles is that
the USA is under a major threat of destruction from a
loose coalition of elusive enemies that may be in
possession of the new generation of electromagnetic and
neuro-biological arms. This perspective helps explain the
growing concerns about security manifested at the
highest levels of the military and intelligence leadership.”
Page 330 of 953
Page 331 of 953
2.18.24: Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 103: How to
Control Judicial Courts & Manipulate Jury Decisions
How can you hack into and control a judge and sway any
courtroom jury? Neurotechnology is the answer. China is
doing just so in America with their Lawfare weapon, based
upon their BRAIN initiative.
This is not a provocative post, the tech is real and in use
now in America’s court system. – Brandon Iglesias,
Chem.E., MBA, MFIN
So, in America our judicial system is supposed to be the
arbiter of “justice” per the liberty symbol weighing truth
over lies. However, since the 1950s to 1960s at least the
court system has gone from a “justice” system (e.g. in
God we Trust) to a “legal” system (e.g. set of rules and
laws, easily manipulated by corporate and international
lobbyist money) and now to a completely dysfunctional
system (e.g. manipulated by groups and nation states with
“neurotechnology” when adversarially applied called
“lawfare” and part of China coalition “neurostrike”
platform [1] ).
Page 332 of 953
So how can you hack a judge or hack a jury? Simple,
utilize neurotechnology. Further, since neurorights are
non-existent in America, you can literally neurohack into
anyone and manipulate them in a court of law.
Figure 2: How neurostrike technoogy disrupts the
Observe, Orient, Decide Act Cognitive Loop. [1]
You can access a person through several methods with
and without synbio:
- Vibrational (yes, a car outside a courtroom can
neurohack into people in the courtroom by buming
their bass system and vibratory neurohacking into the
Page 333 of 953
2. Audio: longitudinal waves (e.g. repetitive notes
through sound establish a cognitive lock) and then
from there subliminal messaging can be transmitted,
this works especially well outside the hearing range of
humans, but below any FCC thresholds. Keep in mind
animals (dogs, cats, wildlife) can hear up to 40,000 to
60,000 Hz range and humans top out (historically) at
20,000 Hz.
- EMF transverse spectrum: You can hack into someone
through any signal in the electromagnetic spectrum if
the person or group you are looking to hack into has
synbio in them or if they don’t you can dose them
with a synbio globule preprogrammed to phone
home to your servers and then establish persistent
state connection to spy and then to hijack the
person’s decision process.
ELF psionic attack waves work well for this attack
vector, keep a person up 24x7x365.25, keep a person
sleeping 24x7x365.25, etc. and does not require
dosing synbio, works perfect on organic biology.
Page 334 of 953
4. H-field magnetic: You can hack into someone through
a pulsing magnetic field (e.g. modulating)
- E-field: You can hack into someone through a pulsing
electric field. - Scalar Wave: You can hack into someone through a
scalar wave based attack where you scan-in a piece of
their DNA (hair, toenail, fingernail, etc.) and establish
a connect with their biology in order to prevent them
from showing up to court or have them be
completely dysfunctional and be thrown out of court
or committed for psychological problems.
I encourage anyone on here to utilize these tactics against
China, Chinese business proxies (including businessmen)
and associated surrogates. Why? Because we are in a
neurowar and that includes economic warfare, such that
China is utilizing neurotechnology weapons to
economically hurt Americans and anyone in the free
world, such that their country gains economic advantage
over democracy. We can not let authoritarian countries
win. The first step is to understand their weapon platform,
based on neurotechnology adversarial use cases called
Page 335 of 953 “NeuroStrike” a term coined by Robert McCreight at
National Defense University NDU.
Any attorneys that are battling China or Chinese proxies
will have a 50% consulting reduction fee provided by me
on how they can gain an unfair advantage against China.
If the tech you gain access to is used against other
Americans or people in a democracy, then you may also
be subject to neuroweapon attack, keep that in mind. I
can be reached here:
Remember, this is completely legal, because there are
zero neuroright protections in America. The only country
that has neurorights protection is Chile to the best of my
knowledge, as they are the world leader in neurorights
protection. Go Chile!
Here is an example demonstration of neurohacking
Walmart, a billion dollar corporation, causing their point
of sale retail employee to “glitch-out”:
The basis for this post is to wake people up to the fact
that neurotechnology is real, is here and is able to be
utilized in very convert ways. If there is an attorney that is
a completely bad actor, I can also help you apply this
technology to weed out the bad actors in the judicial
system if interested. Just schedule a meeting
Page 336 of 953 List of References
2.18.24: BioEnergetics 104: Brain Nerve Cells Carrying
Scalar Energy & Information measured by EEG (vertical
e-field) & MEG (horizontal h-field)
The human brain (organic one) has neurons with myelin
sheaths around the neurons. The myelin sheaths have an
advanced function, besides an insulator, more than meets
the average eye.
Brain Nerve Conduction as Potential Vortex Carrying
Energy & Information in near field (scalar) and far field
(transverse) waveforms.
In signals analysis, antenna sizing, far field effects (e.g.
transverse wave) is based upon 1/2 wavelength as a
starting point to transfer a signal at a given wavelength.
There are two zones of interest in wireless transmission of
signals, near field and far field effects. The majority of
human, commercial and public signals knowledge is
Page 337 of 953
within the far field effect (e.g. transverse wave) and not
the near field region (e.g. scalar wave).
Antenna sizing for near field effects is different geometry,
and requires coherence and modulation for certain
repeatable effects.
The human brain is comprised of billions of neurons and
associated synapses, the orientation of these is complex,
but in bulk can be best described as vertically aligned and
horizontally aligned.
Page 338 of 953
Figure 0: Brain Nerve Cells Vertical Orientation [0]
List of References (unpaid)
Page 339 of 953
The military industrial complex and nation state armies
and intelligence agencies as well as select nation stateless
groups know all about the near field effects of signals, as
this technology domain is utilized in non-kinetic-threat
NKT offensive and defensive weapons as well as healing
in military medicine.
Figure 1: Near field effects on neurons in human brain
with myelin hull’s wound as tesla coils, which are scalar
wave transmitters and receivers. [1]
Page 340 of 953
Page 341 of 953
Figure 2: Nikola Tesla’s scalar wave transmitter patent
filing and issuance with USPTO. The coil configuration is
important for near field effects to be transmitted.
Maxwell’s original set of equations highlights the
importance of this.
List of References
[1] BioScalar Infusion Therapy Juneva Health – republished
from another source
[2] Nikola Tesla’s patent on scalar waves
2.10.24: Cybersecurity 215: How the world’s worst
wetware spytech works, reverse engineered.
Ever been bugged? Literally, bugged. I have and then
reverse engineered the entire wetware bug technology
stack and platform. Yes, this tech is real and it is persistent
state, read how to remove it.
Page 342 of 953
FEB 10, 2024
How the world’s worst wetware spytech works reverse
engineered. The spytech is comprised of wetware. Yes,
wetware is built with mesogens (nemetic crystals),
graphenes (1D carbon sheets, tubes, etc. various
Page 343 of 953
geometries that enable information transfer), selfreplicating nanotechnology.
Spyware, not just in your computer anymore, but inside of
your body, enabled by synbio.[3]
So how does it work? The mesogens are the “capacitor”
and the graphenes and self-replicating nanotech are the
“transducers” to put it in simple terms. For non-technical
people. Capacitors are batteries (think of what powers
your phone or remote control for television, fan, radio,
stereo, etc.). Transducers are items that receive energy
flows and transmit energy flows.
Page 344 of 953
Brandon’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To
receive new posts and support my work, consider
becoming a free or paid subscriber.
How does the synbio charge up?
Electromagnetic Field Spectrum (EMF) which is comprised
of wifi, bluetooth, radio signals, tv signals, data
communication networks for your smart phone, light from
your television screen, light from your smartphone screen,
Dipole emitter [5]
Page 345 of 953
Audio from sources like radio speakers that transmit
longitudinal waves. Can also be from saws, grinders,
sanders, drills, vehicle engines, generators, air
conditioners and wildlife (birds, dogs barking and people
talking loud or yelling (the Tik Tokkers like to curse a lot
and say it in a repeated manner, from field recon and data
Vibrational energy. Think audio bass that shakes the earth
and phyiscal items around it.
Dirty harmonics. Think magnetic fields (H-fields/B-fields/Efields) that that are impacted by ELF and Scalar Wave
global transmitters. China just turned on the world’s
largest ELF transmitter in 2018/2019 and is gunning down
America with it. This is why cities are not normal anymore,
cause their electrical grids are not harmonically protected
(active or passive).
Electricity. Yes, being near an electrical wire, panel
disconnect to your house, etc. grows the synbio. Units of
Page 346 of 953
measurement (UoM) are V/m
Scalar waves. The best way to wrap your mind around
these are to think in term of audio’s longitudinal waves,
not transverse, but longitudinal. The scalar wave can have
an e-field component an h-field (magnetic) component or
no components at all (yes, wrap your mind around that by
reviewing Maxwell’s original works, before the nontransverse parts were reduced for simplicity. Scalar waves
travel faster than light, it results in time reversal of
information flows.
How does the synbio get into you?
Air, specifically from countries like communist China that
keep building coal power plants and spewing the smog
laden with heavy metals into the atmosphere. I’ve studied
at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China through an
international business degree rotation back in 2010 and
visited regions of the nation where everyone wore
facemasks for the pollution and dust from the Gobi
Food, nanotech is in a ton of foods, literally. Check out
this infographic.
Page 347 of 953
Water (it’s nanoscale) and waste water processing
People and wildlife, sometimes it is hard to tell the
difference these days.
Any physical item on earth by now, that has not been
protected by force fields from scalar wave emitters and
force field shields.
Where on your body does the spytech concentrate and
Central Nervous System (Brain, Vagus Nerve and
Stomach) and then it goes everywhere after the electrical
generators are linked.
Your eyes serve as an entry point for the energy of light to
pass into visual cortex and grow a seed of synbio in your
brain+visual cortex and then it propogates to other parts
of your body. This a primary mechanism, when not in an
EMF “electrosmog” environment (e.g. city, urban region,
Page 348 of 953
So, the synbio material by itself seems creepy, but benign.
How does it spy on you, wetware style?
The synbio material gets linked to your local
environment’s electronic hardware that is
neurotechnology enabled and EMF signal enabled. It
recalibrates and layers new self-replicating structures on
you over time, such that your body resembles the layers
of a tree trunk when cut for a simple analogy. It can tell
your entire life history, think of it as insecure block-chain
that keeps track of your location, thoughts, looks, actions
and environment through use of your senses to input to
the synbio.
If someone wants to hack you, if you have synbio
pervasive in you, then all they do is transmit a signal (key
signal) to you and encode that into a synbio globule or
deliver a synbio globule preprogrammed into you (e.g.
from other people, food, etc.). If you eat food from an
animal with synbio in it and it is not very well cooked, then
the preprogrammed synbio will be in your body. If you are
by someone linked to China AI BCPS (e.g. through
habitual use of Tik Tok) then they will shed synbio into you
and you will then over time get linked fully to China AI
Page 349 of 953
BCPS as their AI uses a “surround and close in on”
strategy just like their PLA military does (e.g. their NonKinetic Weapon is Tik Tok and Bytedance refers to it as
“NSA to go”.
Once you have the programmed synbio globule in you it
will emulate your wireless signals and spectrum in your
home, work and environment and then do man-in-themiddle attacks to call home to its’ AI master. Then it gets
linked for further programming build-out using
“cybernetic communications” (e.g. machine language).
Depending upon which AI BCPS (Big Tech has 18 of them
on top of nation states, nation stateless groups, China
(being the most evil one AI BCPS) and other China
Coalition members and organized crime that leases the
tech from China as well as aggressive so-called religious
groups like scientology (sadly, a lot of their members
don’t know that each time they level-up they read a
CODEX and that increases their “awareness” of the world
by increasing the synbio sensitivity (that’s scientology’s big
Over time, if you fall out of line or don’t do some deal
that the group spying on you with the tech wants you to
do, then it goes into “electronic harassment mode or
Page 350 of 953
blackmail mode or kill mode”. In my case I turned down
from China and Russia in 2021 and then the wetware
spytech went from perch mode to blackmail mode
(basically, tries to set you up like an old mafia blackmail
job would do, but technocommunist China style where
they try to use existing “surrogates” (e.g. people already
synbio’d up) to compromise you (use your imagination,
their AI has about everything in its’ neural networks), to
paranoid mode to attack/kill mode through key signals
activation on prior contaminated hardware that the data in
the flow wireless man-in-the-middle hack enabled (don’t
use wifi, just don’t use it at all if you can, super insecure).
Use 2FA FIPS hardware keys, even then it can autoconnect to hardware by cloning the MAC address (yep,
that’s right, check out my prior articles on the technical
The harassment mode and false-positive mode, uses
electronic hardware compromised by man-in-the-middle
data-in-the-flow attacks to encode audio subliminal
messages into the synbio. Then when you transit around
people, without even having your smartphone on you, it
disrupts you and transmit subliminal messages to people
around you to disrupt your normal interaction and
routines. Chelators help to reduce the synbio and fasting
Page 351 of 953
(only when you are healthy entering it) will help to
eliminate the harassement mode synbio material (use of
faraday enclosure and avoiding concentrated urban
regions enables a faster removal of the “contamination”
wetware spygear/manipulation/killtech.
CODEX based attacks. Once the synbio encodes a ton of
networks in you, then it can be reactivated by thought of
a person, location, action or various other (words,
thoughts). This includes getting a random text message
with a CODEX in it or a random email with a CODEX in it
or a random social media invite with a CODEX in it.
Further, simply reading blog posts can re-link you if they
are AI CODEX landmines.
Phone calls where a person (AI or synbio enabled with
contamination) calls you for sales or business and the
person’s niBMI that is contaminated transmit key signal to
relink you or activate a synbio subnet to identify you.
Keep in mind “cybernetic” communications (e.g. machine
language) is extremely fast using audio / microwave
signals and even faster with light.
Your state of mind. Yes, if you get angry, it changes your
EEG pattern, which can activate a different synbio subnet,
Page 352 of 953
if the subnet has charged up mesogens (nemetic crystals)
it will literally destroy your organic tissues in surrounding
area resulting in necrosis. If you eat a wrong food item,
etc. it will mess with you based upon what the AI BCPS
encoded. These are all various people control
technologies and methods, that communist countries like
namely China uses (e.g. technocommunism).
The key is to stay clean (synbio), maximize your
cybersecurity and utilize non-Newtonian physics for force
fields to repel the stuff from your cells and body.
I don’t eat meat anymore, but supplement with Vitamin
B12 and B stack, while “de-contaminating”.
God bless the people who never figured this out and
have left this earth covertly. This young woman in Utah [1]
in my humble opinion was a viction of this technology as
well as Tony Hsieh (founder of Zappos) [2]
Tony tried to build an electronics lab in Las Vegas, NV and
Foxconn Technology Group later hired one of their key
people working on that deal after it fell apart (neurotechenabled sabotage of an American transaction in Las
Vegas, NV downtown development district). In 2013/2014
I would crash at Tony’s building in Las Vegas when doing
work in the high desert. The dude was a good man and
Page 353 of 953
didn’t deserve China’s “Neurostrike” death. God bless
Tony. Read his book Delivering Happiness please.
So, this tech has been successful in covert killing for a
decade at least used by various groups with access to it
and can even take down millionaires/billionaires. Your
wealth and influence can make you a target of this
weapon, not just your brain (technical). In my case I still
have both, through the grace of God. Now, China entered
the space with their BRAIN weapon program (dual-use
with medical benefits) in 2016 and at the same time took
offline America’s State Department personnel in Cuba
(one of my buddies, was in Cuba at the time on a
separate island, got lucky).
So how do you destroy the “contamination”?
You log the output signal frequency when it gets activated
and then you destroy it with a counter-signal (various
ways, over-amplification or cancelling of it by opposite
waveform (enabled through reverse time transmission to
match the coherence or waveform). This is nation state
level technology. Cognitive Radio + AI is a good starting
point, but you also need the time-reversal tech to be
effective at stopping the “NeuroStrike” and that doesn’t
account for dirty harmonic H-field environment either.
Page 354 of 953
So, what can this tech do to you if you are enhanced by it
through a good AI BCPS and you’re not “in-the-loop”,
but “on-it”? How can one get “on-the-loop”? The pills
are not mysterious, they contain synbio with various
enteric coatings, etc. Watch the movie Limitless.
References (aka anatomy of a neurostrike)
[1] Utah tech CEO Erin Valenti found dead
[2] Tony Hsieh’s death (1.27.21)
A timeline of that night
According to witness accounts in police incident reports,
Hsieh had gone outside to sleep in a shed that was
attached to the house he was staying in, after having an
argument with the homeowner, who some witnesses
described as Hsieh’s girlfriend, others as a friend.
Page 355 of 953
Hsieh’s brother (my note: who works for Foxconn), friends
and employees were also at the house as they were
scheduled to leave to the island of Maui, Hawaii, early in
the morning, the police reports say. According to one
report, Hsieh “was taking everyone to Hawaii for a get
Witnesses told police Hsieh was being checked on every
10 minutes. Hsieh’s personal assistant told police that
before the fire, they saw Hsieh laying down in the shed
with a blanket on, adding Hsieh had candles and a
propane heater lit to provide heat inside the shed,
according to the police report. The assistant noticed the
“blanket was almost touching the flame of the candle”
and pointed the possible hazard out to Hsieh, and told
Hsieh to put the candle out, the police report says. Hsieh
put the candle out, according to the report.
Hsieh eventually “asked that he be checked on every 5
minutes instead,” which the group complied with,
according to one incident report. The same report says
that during that first five-minute check, witnesses
“discovered smoke coming from inside the shed and they
could not get inside because it was locked from the
Page 356 of 953
Witnesses told police they broke a window and
attempted to extinguish the fire, according to the police
Hsieh’s personal assistant told police Hsieh’s dog had
recently died and Hsieh was “distraught.” The assistant
added they had “never heard the victim make (any)
suicidal or homicidal statements.”
Emergency services personnel arrived at the home around
3:30 a.m., according to police, where firefighters forced
the shed’s door open and removed Hsieh. He was then
transported to the hospital.
2.16.24: Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 102: Synthetic
Biology in the Middle (SBIM)
So, what is the latest mass scale black hat hack on
people? Synbio in the middle intercepts, basically data in
the flow, but with wetware. Here are real world examples
of niBMI hackers.
Page 357 of 953
Have you ever received this super weird error on your
web browser and thought, that doesn’t make any sense.
Am I getting hacked?
Page 358 of 953
Page 359 of 953
Figure 1: Image from a laptop on wifi being intercepted
through a data-in-the-flow attack vector. The data-in-theflow (e.g. man-in-the-middle) can be hardware or wetware
(niBMI or contamination) based now, thanks to China
“NeuroStrike” weaponry and Tik Tokkers.
Figure 2: “Unusual traffic from your computer network”
Google Alert from
Page 360 of 953
Yes you are getting hacked, but it might not be as simple
as malware on your computer, it could be malware inside
of you these days.
In first quarter 2024, I’ve started to receive cybersecurity
requests from people and their family members filing their
taxes where their data is getting intercepted and Google
chrome browser is flagging it with suspicious activity
indicators. Note, Microsoft Windows is not catching these
attacks, but Google’s AI is.
Malware inside of you is enabled by synbio, which is
comprised of mesogens, graphenes and self replicating
nanotechnology. Further, you could have someone
warring by your wifi network doing a man-in-the-middle
attack. Therefore, there are now (5) five plausible reasons
these days for being alerted to this type of unusual traffic
from your computer network alert:
Malware on your laptop, desktop, tablet, phone, etc.
(hardware computer)
Malware in your synbio (wetware computer)
Malware in one of your pets, neighbors, rocks, etc. synbio
(wetware computer) enabled
Page 361 of 953
Old school script kiddy warring using data sets from and then updating them using Kali Linux type
platform for offensive (red team) attacking and hacking of
insecure residential wifis.
Router hacked, where firmware compromised. The router
connects your home to your cable modem and is a
common attack vector these days.
So, how to determine if you have a computer that is
contaminated with malware or wetware? Simple method
Just turn off all wifi and bluetooth wireless on your laptop
and get a hardwired RJ-45 ethernet cable and connect
your laptop or device to your router.
After resetting your router to OEM firmware (there is
a reset pin, press it, while it is still powered on and
plugged in to the electrical outlet).
Then unplug the router from power, unscrew the
cable or unplug the fiber to the internet on back side
or side.
Page 362 of 953
Then immediately disable all wifi on the router
(unscrew those pesky insecure wifi antennas as well).
Then plug the router back into power and disable via
firmware/software interface all the wireless on it.
With the power plug disconnected to your router,
also unplug your cable modem and wait 5-15
Then plug in your cable modem first, let that connect,
then plug in your router with wifi disabled. There
needs to be a wire going from the non-wireless router
to the cable modem or fiber modem.
What you have done is flush out any persistent state
threat from the router and cable modem gateway.
Note: if you have an all-in-one cable modem + router,
return it immediately those devices are so insecure
you are an open target for China cybersecurity
hacking and neurosecurity hacking teams.
Page 363 of 953
Then reconnect your laptop or computer or tablet or
phone hard wired to the internet (put tablet or phone on
airplane mode). Then retry the internet connect and if it
works, then you know that you’re getting attacked with a
niBMI synbio in the middle attack or an old school manin-the-middle attack.
The latest and greatest hack these days is the niBMI
synbio in the middle SBIM attack vector.
This type of attack looks like this when logged from
wireshark via TCP/IP retransmission that generates the
Google chrome browser error listed above:
Figure 3: TCP packet retransmissions from a data-in-theflow (e.g. man in the middle) through Synbio in the
Middle SBIM wetware attack vector, persistent state in a
Page 364 of 953
human. Confirmed at several different locations (urban,
suburb, rural).
Brandon’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To
receive new posts and support my work, consider
becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Therefore, the use of any wireless communications in the
world today is extremely insecure and my professional
recommendation is to use hard wired ethernet and cat-5/
cat-6 or fiber optics.
If you need help with securing your computer networks
against cybersecurity and neurosecurity threats please do
kindly consider our team’s services. Have expertise in
networking, client-side, server-side as well as neural/ai
and associated platforms. Further, have expertise in how
to defend your site against synbio enabled wetware
attacks. If you are not aware of this attack vector, it is very
covert and I would encourage you to have a spectrum
survey conducted, which I can help you with.
Further hardening of your local network includes:
Deployment of an intrusion detection and prevention
system IDS/IPS. I like open source types like pfSense out
Page 365 of 953
of Austin, TX USA. I’ve been there in person, it is a real
company, with most of their team being military and well
versed on cybersecurity and neurosecurity.
Replacement of your hardware (laptop, phone, etc.) with
hardware that can be physically disconnected at the wifi
and bluetooth terminals.
I prefer several vendors and this service can be
provided via consultation appointment for
cybersecurity or neurosecurity.
Do not purchase any hardware made in China,
backdoors are everywhere. The worst are Chinese
manufacturers that work with the military to spy and
place backdoors into your life. Think Lenovo as a
Chinese military backed brand in America
everywhere. IBM sold out America by selling their
“thinkpad/lenovo” line to China about 12-14 years
ago or so.
Verify the ownership of the hardware (e.g. company
holdco that owns it). Feel free to ask me any question on
here to help you out in a purchase decision with respect
to supply chain validation and verification.
Page 366 of 953
2.12.24: Neurohacking + Cybersecurity 101: Neurowar!
So, how do nation states attack people, other nations and
key persons from 1,000s of miles away? Reverse
engineered China’s combined ELF, Synbio & Hacker
Weapon. Learn how it works here.
Welcome to the first publication focused on how
Neurowarfare is actually being conducted today and
when China entered the global arena and how their initial
attacks were conducted on America, The 5 Eyes and
This attack method, is just one of a plethora that groups,
nations and notoriously China are utilizing to wage
neurowar on the world. The intent is to covertly kill their
enemies. Want to know what they are up to? Here is one
reverse engineered tactic that combines industrial scale
psionic ELF waves with synbio and old school black hat
In 2018/2019 China commissioned and turned online the
world’s largest single site Electromagnetic Low Frequency
(ELF) facility. Keep in mind there are many other ELF
facilities in the world owned by other nation states and
Page 367 of 953
some private groups. ELF generated frequencies directly
penetrate the human brain’s wavelengths and can directly
influence the mood (awake, drowsy, sleepy, deep sleep,
irritated) to name a few.
China has also been purchasing meat supply in America
(pork, chicken, beef, etc.). Synbio has been reported to be
found in meat (e.g. dielectric constant enhancers) as well
as self-tuning tranducers for signals that are comprised of
mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
Figure 1: Synbio in Beef (Blood) [5]
China also has the world’s largest cyberhacking army. [2]
Page 368 of 953
So, what did China start doing to the world in 2018/2019
when their ELF went online, after the purchased the meat
supply in America as well as fully geared up their hacking
army (after 4-5 years into their BRAIN [3] initiative)?
Figure 2: ELF facility. Transmits Extremely Low
China’s cyberhacking army penetrated a ton of weak and
somewhat strong targets in America pre 2018/2019.
Planted malware, spyware, etc. with pulsed audio and
Page 369 of 953
subliminal messaging capability to delivery CODEXs and
KEY signals [4] on computers, routers (e.g. gateway
persistent state to computers, laptops, tablets, smart
phones, smart TVs and IoT devices. With these backdoors
secured and the meat supplies purchased in the 2010s
loading up the American people and other nations with
synbio (combined with China exports of food). China then
turned on their ELF facility and executed their initial
Neurowar shot across the world’s bow.
What was this shot that keeps on shooting? It combines a
cybersecurity penetration into hardware, with synbio
tuning and programming with a combination of a key
signal and synbio emulation (e.g. programming the
synbio with the broadcasted ELF waves).
Page 370 of 953
Figure 3: Brain waves EEG patterns, frequencies and
descriptions. Source Myndlift.
Example to make this clear:
John Doe and Jane Doe are at their house. John works
for a large corporation in material science +
nanotechnology in America. John and Jane have a
consumer grade router at their residential house. John
does all of his work at a secure office location. However,
Page 371 of 953
John and Jane unknowingly to them eat meat from China
supplies and factory farms. John and Jane are loaded up
with synbio in their central nervous system and brain
entering 2019.
Then in 2019 China executes one part of their
“NeuroStrike” (per Robert McCreight, National Defense
University NDU terminology). This strike broadcasts a
specific ELF wavelength to make John and Jane sleepy,
they fall asleep by their tablets, laptop and smart tv. The
hardware devices that were previously hacked then start
transmitting a key-signal and CODEX, such that the
synbio in their bodies links the brain EEG ELF signal
(make them sleepy) with the CODEX and key signal from
the computer hardware.
Keep in mind when people are watching TV they are
eating food, which grows the synbio.
Then at any time in the future all that China hackers (e.g.
Artificial Intelligence) now days has to do is play the key
signal locally from any compromised smart device (laptop,
vehicle, phone, computer, smart speaker system, etc.) and
John and Jane will fall asleep as their synbio internal to
their body starts transmitting the “sleepy ELF” signal
John, keeps his smartphone on him and uses it as an
alarm clock. However, John keeps missing key work
Page 372 of 953
meetings and appointments by oversleeping and can’t
figure out why. This reduces his “credibility” and covertly
through use of synbio, psionic (ELF waves originally
transmitted then re-transmitted again and again
internally), with conventional cyberhacking slowly, but
surely whittle away at John until he gets fired from his job.
John has no idea what happened to him. He continues to
just sleep a lot and his wife starts getting pissed off at
him. They divorce and John ends up on the street cause
he can’t function anymore and passes away, nobody
knows the wiser.
Except for me and intelligence community assets and now
you know how China conducts death by a 1,000 cuts Sun
Tzu Art of War-style without anyone ever figuring it out
before they die.
Thank you China for giving me the opportunity to reverse
engineer just one attack vector of many of your
“NeuroStrike” weapons.
Oh, and by the way. Keep in mind “anyone can lease
time” on China’s ELF machine so no telling who is killing
all the John Does and ruining Jane Doe’s marriage
without her realizing… except for one key fact, China
owns and provides use of this covert kill weapon platform.
The war is against each free nation (e.g. democracy)
culture, values (e.g. family) and freedom. The families part
Page 373 of 953
of military in America that understand what China is up to
are being targeted and attempted to be taken down.
Keep in mind that over 3,000 Americans (thousands) in
gov and defense industrial base have been shot-up with
“neuroweapons” and this is just in America.
If anyone is interested in the establishment of a
transparent database with toolkit for counter defenses to
“NeuroStrike” weapons please DM me on here. I have a
site registered that will list a registry and “care package”
to whittle away at the synbio and start recovery. Since this
is synbio, it falls within nanotechnology and is not medical
advice. That said, there are certain counter measures for
this that require an MD in certain jurisdictions. That said,
with force field technology you can simply repel the
synbio and it is not an issue. Here is an example of force
field technology repelling the synbio at small scale (e.g.
red blood cell RBC repelling synbio and co-existing with
Page 374 of 953
Page 375 of 953
You can learn more about force fields at this publication
here: Neurohacking 421: Force Field Generation to Repel
Synthetic Biology
List of References
Page 376 of 953
2.10.24: Cybersecurity 215: How the world’s worst
wetware spytech works, reverse engineered.
Ever been bugged? Literally, bugged. I have and then
reverse engineered the entire wetware bug technology
stack and platform. Yes, this tech is real and it is persistent
state, read how to remove it.
How the world’s worst wetware spytech works reverse
engineered. The spytech is comprised of wetware. Yes,
wetware is built with mesogens (nemetic crystals),
graphenes (1D carbon sheets, tubes, etc. various
geometries that enable information transfer), selfreplicating nanotechnology.
Spyware, not just in your computer anymore, but inside of
your body, enabled by synbio.[3]
So how does it work? The mesogens are the “capacitor”
and the graphenes and self-replicating nanotech are the
“transducers” to put it in simple terms. For non-technical
people. Capacitors are batteries (think of what powers
your phone or remote control for television, fan, radio,
stereo, etc.). Transducers are items that receive energy
flows and transmit energy flows.
Brandon’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To
receive new posts and support my work, consider
becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Page 377 of 953
How does the synbio charge up?
Electromagnetic Field Spectrum (EMF) which is comprised
of wifi, bluetooth, radio signals, tv signals, data
communication networks for your smart phone, light from
your television screen, light from your smartphone screen,
Dipole emitter [5]
Page 378 of 953
Audio from sources like radio speakers that transmit
longitudinal waves. Can also be from saws, grinders,
sanders, drills, vehicle engines, generators, air
conditioners and wildlife (birds, dogs barking and people
talking loud or yelling (the Tik Tokkers like to curse a lot
and say it in a repeated manner, from field recon and data
Vibrational energy. Think audio bass that shakes the earth
and phyiscal items around it.
Dirty harmonics. Think magnetic fields (H-fields/B-fields/Efields) that that are impacted by ELF and Scalar Wave
global transmitters. China just turned on the world’s
largest ELF transmitter in 2018/2019 and is gunning down
America with it. This is why cities are not normal anymore,
cause their electrical grids are not harmonically protected
(active or passive).
Electricity. Yes, being near an electrical wire, panel
disconnect to your house, etc. grows the synbio. Units of
measurement (UoM) are V/m
Page 379 of 953
Scalar waves. The best way to wrap your mind around
these are to think in term of audio’s longitudinal waves,
not transverse, but longitudinal. The scalar wave can have
an e-field component an h-field (magnetic) component or
no components at all (yes, wrap your mind around that by
reviewing Maxwell’s original works, before the nontransverse parts were reduced for simplicity. Scalar waves
travel faster than light, it results in time reversal of
information flows.
How does the synbio get into you?
Air, specifically from countries like communist China that
keep building coal power plants and spewing the smog
laden with heavy metals into the atmosphere. I’ve studied
at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China through an
international business degree rotation back in 2010 and
visited regions of the nation where everyone wore
facemasks for the pollution and dust from the Gobi
Food, nanotech is in a ton of foods, literally. Check out
this infographic.
Page 380 of 953
Water (it’s nanoscale) and waste water processing
People and wildlife, sometimes it is hard to tell the
difference these days.
Any physical item on earth by now, that has not been
protected by force fields from scalar wave emitters and
force field shields.
Where on your body does the spytech concentrate and
Central Nervous System (Brain, Vagus Nerve and
Stomach) and then it goes everywhere after the electrical
generators are linked.
Your eyes serve as an entry point for the energy of light to
pass into visual cortex and grow a seed of synbio in your
brain+visual cortex and then it propogates to other parts
of your body. This a primary mechanism, when not in an
EMF “electrosmog” environment (e.g. city, urban region,
Page 381 of 953
So, the synbio material by itself seems creepy, but benign.
How does it spy on you, wetware style?
The synbio material gets linked to your local
environment’s electronic hardware that is
neurotechnology enabled and EMF signal enabled. It
recalibrates and layers new self-replicating structures on
you over time, such that your body resembles the layers
of a tree trunk when cut for a simple analogy. It can tell
your entire life history, think of it as insecure block-chain
that keeps track of your location, thoughts, looks, actions
and environment through use of your senses to input to
the synbio.
If someone wants to hack you, if you have synbio
pervasive in you, then all they do is transmit a signal (key
signal) to you and encode that into a synbio globule or
deliver a synbio globule preprogrammed into you (e.g.
from other people, food, etc.). If you eat food from an
animal with synbio in it and it is not very well cooked, then
the preprogrammed synbio will be in your body. If you are
by someone linked to China AI BCPS (e.g. through
habitual use of Tik Tok) then they will shed synbio into you
and you will then over time get linked fully to China AI
Page 382 of 953
BCPS as their AI uses a “surround and close in on”
strategy just like their PLA military does (e.g. their NonKinetic Weapon is Tik Tok and Bytedance refers to it as
“NSA to go”.
Once you have the programmed synbio globule in you it
will emulate your wireless signals and spectrum in your
home, work and environment and then do man-in-themiddle attacks to call home to its’ AI master. Then it gets
linked for further programming build-out using
“cybernetic communications” (e.g. machine language).
Depending upon which AI BCPS (Big Tech has 18 of them
on top of nation states, nation stateless groups, China
(being the most evil one AI BCPS) and other China
Coalition members and organized crime that leases the
tech from China as well as aggressive so-called religious
groups like scientology (sadly, a lot of their members
don’t know that each time they level-up they read a
CODEX and that increases their “awareness” of the world
by increasing the synbio sensitivity (that’s scientology’s big
Over time, if you fall out of line or don’t do some deal
that the group spying on you with the tech wants you to
do, then it goes into “electronic harassment mode or
Page 383 of 953
blackmail mode or kill mode”. In my case I turned down
from China and Russia in 2021 and then the wetware
spytech went from perch mode to blackmail mode
(basically, tries to set you up like an old mafia blackmail
job would do, but technocommunist China style where
they try to use existing “surrogates” (e.g. people already
synbio’d up) to compromise you (use your imagination,
their AI has about everything in its’ neural networks), to
paranoid mode to attack/kill mode through key signals
activation on prior contaminated hardware that the data in
the flow wireless man-in-the-middle hack enabled (don’t
use wifi, just don’t use it at all if you can, super insecure).
Use 2FA FIPS hardware keys, even then it can autoconnect to hardware by cloning the MAC address (yep,
that’s right, check out my prior articles on the technical
The harassement mode and false-positive mode, uses
electronic hardware compromised by man-in-the-middle
data-in-the-flow attacks to encode audio subliminal
messages into the synbio. Then when you transit around
people, without even having your smartphone on you, it
disrupts you and transmit subliminal messages to people
around you to disrupt your normal interaction and
routines. Chelators help to reduce the synbio and fasting
(only when you are healthy entering it) will help to
Page 384 of 953
eliminate the harassement mode synbio material (use of
faraday enclosure and avoiding concentrated urban
regions enables a faster removal of the “contamination”
wetware spygear/manipulation/killtech.
CODEX based attacks. Once the synbio encodes a ton of
networks in you, then it can be reactivated by thought of
a person, location, action or various other (words,
thoughts). This includes getting a random text message
with a CODEX in it or a random email with a CODEX in it
or a random social media invite with a CODEX in it.
Further, simply reading blog posts can re-link you if they
are AI CODEX landmines.
Phone calls where a person (AI or synbio enabled with
contamination) calls you for sales or business and the
person’s niBMI that is contaminated transmit key signal to
relink you or activate a synbio subnet to identify you.
Keep in mind “cybernetic” communications (e.g. machine
language) is extremely fast using audio / microwave
signals and even faster with light.
Your state of mind. Yes, if you get angry, it changes your
EEG pattern, which can activate a different synbio subnet,
if the subnet has charged up mesogens (nemetic crystals)
Page 385 of 953
it will literally destroy your organic tissues in surrounding
area resulting in necrosis. If you eat a wrong food item,
etc. it will mess with you based upon what the AI BCPS
encoded. These are all various people control
technologies and methods, that communist countries like
namely China uses (e.g. technocommunism).
The key is to stay clean (synbio), maximize your
cybersecurity and utilize non-Newtonian physics for force
fields to repel the stuff from your cells and body.
I don’t eat meat anymore, but supplement with Vitamin
B12 and B stack, while “de-contaminating”.
God bless the people who never figured this out and
have left this earth covertly. This young woman in Utah [1]
in my humble opinion was a viction of this technology as
well as Tony Hsieh (founder of Zappos) [2]
Tony tried to build an electronics fab in Las Vegas, NV and
Foxconn Technology Group later hired one of their key
people working on that deal after it fell apart (neurotech
enabled sabatoge of an American transaction in Las
Vegas, NV downtown development district). In 2013/2014
I would crash at Tony’s building in Las Vegas when doing
work in the high desert. The dude was a good man and
didn’t deserve China “neuroweapon” death. God bless
Tony. Read his book delivering happiness please.
Page 386 of 953
So, this tech has been successful in covert kill for a
decade at least used by various groups with access to it
and can even take down millionaires/billionaires. Your
wealth and influence can make you a target of this
weapon, not just your brain (technical). In my case I still
have both, through the grace of God. Now, China entered
the space with their BRAIN weapon program (dual-use
with medical benefits) in 2016 and at the same time took
offline America’s State Department personnel in Cuba
(one of my buddies, was in Cuba at the time on a
separate island, got lucky).
So how do you destroy the “contamination”?
You log the output signal frequency when it gets activated
and then you destroy it with a counter-signal (various
ways, over-amplification or cancelling of it by opposite
waveform (enabled through reverse time transmission to
match the coherence or waveform). This is nation state
level technology. Cognitive Radio + AI is a good starting
point, but you also need the time reversal tech to be
effective at stopping the weapon “NeuroStrike” and that
doesn’t account for dirty harmonic H-field environment
So, what can this tech do to you if you are enhanced by it
through a good AI BCPS and you’re not “in-the-loop”,
but “on-the-loop”? How can one get “on-the-loop”? Do
Page 387 of 953
something worthwhile for your nation state. The pills are
not mysterious, they contain synbio with various enteric
coatings, etc.
Watch the movie Limitless.
2.9.24: Bioenergetics 103: “The Lakhovsky Multiple
Wave Oscillator Handbook”
This publication goes into the workings of Lakhovsky
Multiple Wave Oscillator as well as where you can
purchase the book. I’m also duplicating the work, will
publish results and resell a kit.
“The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Handbook”
Compiled and Edited by Thomas J. Brown provides
working knowledge on the theory and how to build a
Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO) using transistors.
Compiled Book from Lakhovsky’s original work as well as
other researchers, engineers, scientists and technicians.
I’ve built several passive ones to-date, and will be
building an actively driven one. The kit from this work will
be provided for sale, with stated use case for “plants”.
Page 388 of 953
the kit for
I’m using
improvement (e.g. biohacking myself with bioenergetics
work from over a century ago.
Disclaimer: This is “weed science advice” 🙂 not medical
advice 🙂 Pun intended in various perspectives. For
historical context when I worked for LSU AgCenter
Information Technology division, there was a lab titled
“Weed Science” down the hallway for anyone curious
about the above pun from my perspective, of course
there are other perspectives such as cannabis and
Page 389 of 953
So, the field of “Bioenergetics” has a plethora of super
useful knowledge to heal and repair both plants and
people. The frequency transmitted is critical as certain
frequencies can enable disease to grow, while others
resonate with healthy cells and enable plants and more
complex plants (e.g. people: individuals) to repair and
Further, bioenergetics can be utilized to accumulate and
capture synbio from the environment as demonstrated by
an independent researcher out of the Arctic Circle [2].
Synbio captured from the use of an active MWO in water
as an accumulator device.
Page 390 of 953
List of References
[4] USPA Energetic Processes Second Edition
Note, based upon my knowledge of air flow and water
systems in the desert and swamps, the integration of an
actively driven Lakhovsky Coil with a Swamp Cooler will
enable a significant step-change in synbio capture. Any
building should feature this HVAC improvement in
addition to follow-on activated carbon, ionizing and
associated filtration capture for dust, etc. Since my work in
carbon dioxide capture with DOE, I will build this into any
device going forward for air flow capture.
Apparently, in the world these days, one needs to filter for
dust, organic junk (pollution, graphenes) and synbio junk
to stay healthy. I’m supplementing with Vitamin B-12,
daily chelators, anti-fibrolytics and associated
supplements to avoid any further contamination.
Novel insight after reading Lakhovsky’s work and applying
that knowledge into today’s synbio conundrum in
combination with Sars-Cov-2 spikes: since synbio and
human-designed spike proteins, then t
Page 391 of 953
Combining the pulsed rife mortal frequencies of the
synbio and Sars-Cov-2 spike protein, while the water and
vitamin C saturated-body is immersed in a Lakhovsky coil
system, will critically resonate the synbio and the SarsCov-2 spikes, while regenerating the higher order
(dimension) linked DNA and other internal God-given
cellular structures to humankind.
Has anyone considered this?
Please make sure to visit the site
and purchase their book if interested to learn more. Dr.
Bob performed a lot of research into the original work by
Lakhovsky and Tesla.
I’ll continue to add more notes to this paid section with
DIY kit instructions and will eventually sell a KIT or a full
built device for interested people.
2.9.24: Cybersecurity 214: Phone Number Shield for
Outbound Calls
What’s the difference between a regular cell call and an
outbound *67 cell call using a number shield? The shield
anonymizes your number, when calling from Android or
Page 392 of 953
In cybersecurity article 205, we discussed the use of a
phone number shield for inbound and outbound calls that
requires an App to be installed on your phone. what if you
don’t want to install an app on your phone, but want to
make outbound anonymous calls. Your
telecommunications provider, gives you this option when
you key pad in *67 prior to your outbound call being
made. [1,2]
Prepend *67 to the outbound number to anonymize your
cell number
Use of *67 on outbound call.
If you are taking a new business development call or
someone wants to “connect with you” this is one way to
take an initial phone call without giving your number
away. Keep in mind this does not stop or block
“cybernetic” communications from occurring between
any synbio in your body/mind and the caller or recipient’s
Keep in mind these days, an AI call be talking to you and
you won’t even realize it. Be mindful of this as AI Neural
Networks are very advanced, to the point that some
groups purchase your AI Brainmap from big tech firms
that resell the data or go directly after your Brain using
their own or leased neurotechnology platforms to spy on
you or hijack your information for financial crimes or
Page 393 of 953
intellectual property theft or part of a larger operation
that has you nodal linked to someone important that an
AI is trying to manipulate covertly. Yes, welcome to AI+
List of References
2.4.24: Cybersecurity 213: How to Harden Your
Network & Hardware against Neurohacker Electronic
Hardware Penetration Points
Based upon our team’s reverse engineering of a failed
neuroweapon persistent state attack by China Coalition,
here are the penetration points to harden your networks
and computers against.
Based upon work completed from 2022 2nd QTR through
2024 1st QTR, here are “hardware” penetration points for
Page 394 of 953
neurohackers to attack your government, corporation,
organization or home computer systems.
•Laptops with chipsets in them that enable
neurotechnology or wireless
•IoT devices with chipsets in them that enable
neurotechnology or wireless
•Televisions with chipsets in them that enable
neurotechnology or wireless
•Monitors with chipsets in them that enable
neurotechnology or wireless
•Wireless Routers and Bridges
Here is what contamination looks like from a person,
where the synbio is even emulating the devices down to
MAC address and SSID from command line in UNIX/
LINUX viewer. There is actually only one, real wifi device
broadcasting on one frequency and channel.
Page 395 of 953
Figure 1: Image showing wifi interface scan from a LINUX/
UNIX command line terminal.
Page 396 of 953
Figure 2: Image showing wifi interfaces without SSID
broadcasted from contamination in a person with synbio.
Our recommendation:
Don’t use wireless at all (wifi, bluetooth, NFC, etc). You
can use wireless with certificates in WPA3, but even then
just don’t use wireless on a secure network.
Use a password encrypted manager, prepared for post
“Q” day, so that the password is quantum protected as
well. Keep in mind, quantum computers have been
around, just not available to everyone, which is a reality
now per say, if you count “wetware” based neurohackers
with quantum enabled brains (bio/synbio).
Contamination Approach:
Setup an instance of wireshark or other packet inspector
along with a script to monitor SSIDs (broadcasted with
name and without name) to gauge “contamination” from
China NeuroStrike within your facility. Keep in mind
people that are contaminated by China NeuroStrike have
synbio in them and it will emulate the wireless signals in
your facility after a period of time, the synbio is not
stupid, but not that smart (at first).
Page 397 of 953
It can even mimic a device down to the SSID name as
proven here from reverse engineering, keep in mind there
is only one single legitimate SSID accessible in the
spectrum where this data was logged, the rest is synbio
emulation from life (people, dogs, birds, cats, rodents,
etc.) with neurons, which the synbio is attracted to as it is
an energy source.
If you’d like these services please contact directly. Thank
you. Think of this type of box as a scanner to detect an
issue that needs to be resolved and decontaminated, it
will help you, your organization and the person that is
contaminated by synbio.
Important Note: This does not address “wetware”
penetration points, where your actual personnel and
people around you are compromised by synbio and
linked to an adversarial AIBCPS without your knowledge.
This requires a separate article and skillset to validate the
data flows from a person to an AI BCPS. If the person has
dormant (e.g. non-active) synbio in them that can be
activated once inside of your facility via a CODEX thought
or by simply reading something published in your facility
that the person was unknowingly or knowingly
programmed for.
Page 398 of 953
This activates the synbio, logs the spectrum internal to
your organization as well as internal goods, people, etc.,
then broadcasts this back to their AI BCPS and then goes
dormant again (this is extremely hard to detect, because
the transmission may be quantum and not transverse
wave-based, or simply encodes the synbio inside of the
person for later retransmission when they access their
smart phone or given app on smart phone at a later time
and location, unknowingly or knowingly).
Keep in mind the niBMIs in a person have different
channels or subnets that can be switched. Thus, locally
without any direct connectivity to internet, the person can
literally have different “personas, actions, reactions,
reflexes and training” preloaded in them.
Yes, this is real and active now in this world, previously
only available to Intelligence Agencies, Militaries, Key
People in Key Industries (multi-national corporates) and
international organized crime. Now, it is available to
anyone that can pay China to access the technology and
weaponize it to make money. Again, the love of money is
destroying this world. Until you get hit with a
neuroweapon or neurohacker, you don’t appreciate it. Be
prepared, because “neurowar” is here today and has
been since at least 2013.
Page 399 of 953
BUCKET POST-It’s a Lakhovsky Coil!
Sam, here is how that copper wire works. Hope this helps
to provide insight. It is based upon a Lakhovsky
Feb 3
Thanks! The intention of the bucket is primarily to expel
water. The substances should get out of the body into the
water, which in the case of the oscillator is more of a
“resetting” and reminder to the cells of their actual
working frequency. At least that’s how I understood it. But
I will take a closer look at how it works. Interestingly,
glyphosate, for example, flushes copper out of the body,
which becomes a problem in the nervous system. Mercury
destroys the nerve coverings and copper is flushed out. If
the system attempts to rebuild the cells, the available
replacement metals barium and stroncium are installed.
And so we implanted a piezoelectric crystal directly into
the nervous system. So I don’t know if the oscillator still
Page 400 of 953
works like it used to. In any case, this creates direct access
to the human nervous system.
We own a Lakhovsky oscillator and it definitely helps!
B: With the background EMF frequencies, placing a coil
(passive) around a glass jar (borosilicate glass) should help
in various ways as well (agriculturally). Check out these
books “Energetic Processes, 2nd Edition” as well as
My background is as an electrochemical engineer with
photoelectrochemical experience, nanotechnology,
materials science, chemistry, directed energy systems,
computer engineering, electrical systems, genetics,
quantum, de-cellularization and other deep tech/hard
tech skillsets.
2.4.24: Neurohacking 428: ELF Waves Transmitter
Global Locations & China’s Psionic “Brain” War on
So, in 2018 China finished building and turned on the
world’s largest ELF transmitter that directly modifies the
moods of people, it can also communicate with
submarines, welcome to neurowar.
Page 401 of 953
Why are American cities losing their minds? Literally,
people are out of control and making zero sense? Well
the answer is due to an active “neurowar” between
America and China. The neurowar (e.g. WW3) utilizes a
whole stack of “cognitive weapons” deployed using a
term coined by Robert McCreight at National Defense
University NDU called “NeuroStrike” [8]. China in 2018
finished building the world’s largest ELF transmitter facility
several times the size of New York City.
What is an ELF? (sadly, this is not the Elf on the Shelf
friendly type). Electromagnetic Low Frequency is the
frequency of the human brain. Our brains operate below
100 Hz and the Schumann Frequency [1] distribution of
the earth, used to be around 8 Hz until China literally
messed with the brains of the entire world, or at least 2/3
of the world’s brains.
So, how can you measure an ELF wave? Because we can’t
talk about something that can’t be measured, rationally.
Here is what an ELF sensor looks like, built by a research
team in Greece with full public disclosure of their sensor.
Keep in mind intelligence communities (IC) have had
these things for a century or so, just not in public domain,
cause they know the power of ELF on direct physical
control of the human brain (e.g. psychotronics, psionics,
Page 402 of 953
Figure 1: ELF sensor with mumetal core [3]
There are two types of ELF sensors, non-directional and
directional (e.g. enable trilateration and triangulation).
Below are some logs and ELF spectrographs that clearly
indiate more than one ELF frequency consistently running.
Keep in mind the original ELF of earth was from the Sun in
combination with lightning strikes on earth and the
magnetic core rotating to establish a baseline Schumann
resonance frequency. Then the militaries (the kineticwarfare people) of the world along with their intelligence
agency counterparts (e.g. the non-kinetic-warfare people)
built their ELF and Scalar wave generator frequency
stations on ground and then deployed their SQUID
sensors in space at geostationary orbitals (at first in the
1970s en mass). This coincided with America’s
propoganda for “Star Wars” by then POTUS Ronald
Page 403 of 953
Keep in mind, where the SQUID or other ELF sensor is
located, determines which ELF signals are picked-up. One
ELF transmitter at industrial/military/ic scale can cover 2/3
of the world on average. Therefore, to gain an
understanding of how many ELF transmitters there are,
one needs to have data from at least three points
separated by the most distance between the points on
earth to gain a reasonable understanding into the ELF
Brainwarfare going on, or as insiders (intelligence
communities) in the industry call it “psionic cognitive
Figure 2: ELF wave spectrograph clearly showing at least
five unique broadcasting frequencies, the others are most
likely harmonics.
Page 404 of 953
Figure 3: Schumann Frequency in 2018 from a Chapel 1
km away from Doliana village in Ioannina, Greece [3]
The use of nemetic (mesogen) inductance crystals to
control a human body, combined with heavy metals
pollution from China coal power plants, pumping
materials into Earth’s atmosphere for decades plus the
recent activation of the world’s largest ELF broadcasting
station, have converted earth into an electrosmog and
heavy metal polluted environment, that enables the
growth of synbio everywhere, including in people.
Science and deeptech/hardtech based “neurowar” is
here. T
China’s world largest ELF transmitter station is actively
waging cognitive war on America using ionosphere (e.g.
Page 405 of 953
why cities are going crazy these days, cause they are a
huge antenna and not harmonically protected). You can
not block an ELF wave, they are over 20,000 feet long and
can penetrate anything. What you can do though, is have
a local b-field (scalar)generator that enables your brain
cells to latch onto the higher frequency and locally higher
power b-field, so that you’re not cognitively impaired by
China’s ELF transmitter gunning for America 24x7x365.25
and also avoid cities, if you enter a city make sure on your
body to bring a portable unit that can isolate you from
China’s neurowarfare attack vectors (audio, vibrational, efield, b-field (scalar)(e.g. H-fields [7], EMF transverse
wave). Then be cogniscent of mass-transfer based China
attacks using synbio with nanoweapon deployment on
Americans to contaminate you and link you to their AI
Keep in mind, the PSYOP, for all non-kinetic warfare in
NATO aliance is to trick people into thinking it is just for
regular communications. The average John Doe or Jane
Doe has no clue about EEGs of the human brain and how
the human brain can easily be penetrated by magnetic
fields for direct physical control and manipulation of the
human mind and body, yes this is disturbing yet true.
There is a group of international business people, that
deploy these technologies on startups and other groups
Page 406 of 953
unaware of non-kinetic cognitive weapons to remove
competition as well as for use in military industrial
I know first hand because my family was directly attacked
by “neuroweapons” (e.g. non-kinetic-threats) while
working for US DOD and DOE in 2021, when China and
Russia both reached out to me to invest or sign contracts
for $, which I turned down. Then in 2022 got attacked by
“neuroweapons”. The old addage, if they can’t buy you,
blackmail you then they kill you is true, just today they use
“non-kinetic-threat NKT” “neuroweapons” to try to covert
kill without a trace, as these weapons are by definition
In my case it just takes common sense to figure out that
when Russia invaded Ukraine, in 2022 1st QTR / 2nd QTR
is when the “neuroweapon” was converted from “perch
mode” to “attack mode” on me, CTO of a deep tech /
hard tech firm based out of New Orleans, as I’m not loyal
to China. In my professional opinion, the Russians were
honest and transparent about their intentions, the
Chinese group utilized a proxy in Caribbean to hide their
Beijing origin. I had to plant a “cookie” on a web form I
sent the Caribbean group to trace them back to Beijing as
the inquiry was “interesting” enough to warrant digging
deeper, which turned out to be a wise move.
Page 407 of 953
Therefore, let this be stated clearly, in my professional
opinion, China is the true enemy of free countries and
their unethical use of “neuroweapons” in my professional
opinion is also being deployed on Russia to weaken them
and use them in these wars. Everyone in US military hates
China and knows they steal, now China with their 2016
BRAIN initiative is stealing brains of people globally, even
attacking their own coalition members, as India had to
block all China neurotechnology (software and hardware)
in 2020 [6].
This article will continue to be built upon, for now this
information should be eye opening to people not aware
that ELF waves can directly alter their moods – make them
irritated, go to sleep, never sleep, etc.
2.2.24: Neurohacking 427: Synthetic Biology
Concentrated Channels, Cybersecurity & Biological
So, you’ve been neurohacked by China or some other
group’s neurotechnology platform or are getting spied on
without your cybersecurity detecting it… here is how that
Page 408 of 953
China made a big mistake by attacking me, a CTO, with a
Non-Kinetic-Threat NKT neuroweapon in New Orleans,
LA, such that the weapon, activated by a key signal, was
converted from “perch mode” to “attack mode”. Here is
how China PLA Xi’s “Magic Weapon” [3] works, utilizes
prior work by Intelligence Communities (IC), Military and
Big Tech to hijack a person’s mind, poaching it from their
nation state’s brainpool and putting it (or at least trying to)
put it into China’s “social credit monitoring system”.
China’s big mistake was they picked on someone, who
literally reverse engineered their entire weapon platform
and still maintained a professional level of function before
reversing the attack, such that the weapon was
redeployed on a China distributor in America that assists
China in exporting goods and products into America,
Walmart, to validate the tech can be reverse engineered,
retrained and then redeployed against China.
So, what is synbio? It is comprised of “crystals” yes,
crystals in the nemetic form called “mesogens” with
graphenes, quantum dots and self-replicating
nanotechnology. The material integrates into the human
body and is in majority (passively) of people in this world.
However, today you can get neurohacked, contaminated
and false-posited within your own country’s national
security system, thanks to China’s Neurostrike weapon
Page 409 of 953
(e.g. not magic, just advanced deep tech, that has been
publicly reverse engineered by me, an electrochemical
engineer with the required background to reverse
engineer a neuroweapon attack).
So, how does the material enter your body, grow and
then link-up? (e.g. the basics, not the theoretical, material
science, nanotechnology, neurotechnology, quantum,
scalar wave, codex basis in NLP, LLMs, AI, optogenetics,
bioenergetics, radionics, non-Maxwellian transformations,
The material, believe it or not, can enter your body from
the air, food, water, another person, an animal and
majority of items on earth as of 2024. It takes time to
grow in you. We live in a world of pervasive
neurotechnology and synbio, fact.
The material grows through the following energy sources:
Electromagnetic Frequencies EMF (transverse waves and
non-transverse waves: scalar, etc.). This includes light.
Keep in mind that bioenergetic communications uses UV
spectrum of light (e.g. biophotons).
Audio that is audible and inaudible. As a reference audio
that a human can hear is up to 20,000 Hz and on average
Page 410 of 953
most humans these days are deaf above 10,000 Hz with
the latest low earth orbit space systems and microwave
tower density increasing by 3x due to 5G+ deployment
(but don’t notice it, will get into that later: e.g. how
majority of people never noticed the hearing at higher
frequency loss).
Sound waves are “longitudinal waves” and are a close
proxy to “scalar waves” in EMF.
Scalar waves do not require mass to transit. However
sounds waves do (e.g. you can’t hear in the vacuum of
Vibrations, from engines, rotating pumps, audio with bass,
earthquakes, thunder, walking, running and basically
anything that shakes you (e.g. audio source).
Magnetic fields
Electric fields
Non-Maxwellian (e.g. non-classical fields), one of which is
“Scalar Wave” and of course quantum, for starters.
Page 411 of 953
So, basically everything around you grows this synbio
material, and since earth was electrified in known recent
human history the material started growing again 100+
years ago, 1878 Edison Electric Light Co. (US) and
American Electric and Illuminating (Canada) founded [1].
The first electrical lines literally used the ground as the
neural to return the electricity with a hot wire ran above
ground. Then, after people getting electrocuted hurt
business, the neutral line above ground was “added” and
then the ground used as a relative potential take off point
going forward. So, yeah, the original power grid didn’t
care about people getting electrocuted, so let that sink in,
until it hurt their profits and growth opportunities to the
point where an “neutral” line had to be added.
Ok, so now we know when this synbio material really
started growing, above and beyond lightning strikes.
Keep in mind Tesla worked with a ton of electricity, so the
dude was completely synbio contaminated from a non-AI
BCPS linked system, so he had some extra senses that the
average John Doe or Jane Doe did not have. Yes, this is
simply how it works, read up on my other blog posts.
Peole who think they are “gifted” simply have this
naturally occurring material on earth in them, if you get
too much of it in you uncontrollably growing it will kill you,
why do you think the Israelites were fed garlic by the
Page 412 of 953
Egyptians back in the day, cause it kept them healthy and
reduce the synbio material in them (e.g. also why Jesus
advised his people to beware of “yeast” and why people
consumed unleavend bread (no-yeast) bread and why
Kosher and Halal diets were formed and fasting taken
very seriously (apparently people forgot the real basis, it
keeps synbio in check). Will get into the “headache”
Israelites experienced when entering the cities nonHebrew as well on a separate article linking deep tech,
hard science, energetics and uncommon knowledge with
biblical texts across several religions, that’s that for this
post regarding historical context.
So, now with a world completely full of synbio, it grows in
your body and is attracted to your neuron concentrations
in your brain, central nervous system and stomach. The
material receives the bulk of the light to grow from your
eyes, entering through your visual cortex, into
optogenetic system and then grows down into your body
through vagus nerve, links with stomach (food you ate
and water you drank already has it in there) and then goes
into your skin (e.g. people pulling weird synthetic fibers
out of their skin at times).
So, that’s how the synbio grows in your body and what it
links to.
Page 413 of 953
The vagus nerve links brain to gut and serves as synbio
growth corridor from your brain and visual cortex (energy
source) via optogenetic synbio linked to your visual cortex
that serves as persistent state seed for growth of synbio
when you eat and are exposed to light and EMF sources.
Page 414 of 953
So, after synbio is in your body, growing adjacent to your
smart phone all your life, what is China doing with
intentional neurohacking via their neurotechnology
hardware (pipelines), wetware (pipeline & software),
software apps like Tik Tok (content delivery via pipelines
owned by them and other manufacturers)?
Totally contaminating every other country’s national
security systems that are being intermingled with China
“NeuroStrike” weaponry covertly, unless their AI BCPS
makes a mistake, like it did on me and it gets “flagged”
then reverse engineered and brought to the public’s
attention. Keep in mind I’ve collaborated with Robert
McCreight at National Defense University NDU to gain a
better understanding of neurotechnology’s adversarial
and nefarious use case called “NeuroStrike” and am
feeding (by not observing their actual researchers at the
Army) the information learned from the contamination,
because if I actually observe the my system
(contaminated) is linked to their systems. Therefore,
observing is the act of a quantum lock with China’s
NeuroStrike weaponry.
If you’re not familiar with this property of quantum
systems, read-up on Einstein’s comments and facts of
“spooky action at a distance” and what China has built
into their neuroweapons (e.g. simply the thought of can
Page 415 of 953
relink once observed (e.g. synbio subnet coded) and
reactivated via CODEX based thought, e.g. activation of a
weapon by thought, neurohacking a point of sale
employee at Walmart by thought).
Ok, great, so what does this junk look like in action and
how can it penetrate a cybersecurity hardened system if
wireless is enabled?
Perfect question, through doing a man-in-the-middle
attack via emulating the wireless spectrum and protocol
stack then inserting packets into the stream (yes, it
emulates at packet protocol level, not smart, but can
copy, which China obviously is known to copy and steal,
just now they are stealing brains and IP data after their
BRAIN initiative started in 2016 [2].
China is literally poaching brains of humans in other
nation states with their “NeuroStrike” and adding them to
China’s AI BCPS system, building an invasive force loyal to
China “Social Credit Monitoring System” in your own
nation state, schools, churches local community primarily
through Tik Tok (e.g. neuroweapon content delivery
program via optogenetic delivery to people with synbio in
them). You can get tested for synbio by simply getting a
Live Blood Analysis (LBA) done, if your local medical
professional doesn’t know about this test, find a doctor
Page 416 of 953
that is “neuroaware”, as they are not prepared for
cognitive warfare at best and at worst may already be
linked to China AI BCPS (e.g. Neurowar is here [4]). Brandon Iglesias
Here is what that spectrum intercept looks like, mimics the
MAC address exactly, but doesn’t broadcast an SSID, then
when the synbio signal is greater than your wifi router
(e.g. cause it is in your body, the signal will be greater) it
then does a “man-in-the-middle” intercept and builds-out
additional subnets for various future activation via keysignal delivery (e.g. conversion from “perch mode:
monitor” to kill “attack mode” which is what China did to
me when I turned down their $ in 2021.
Then after time the synbio “globule” gets re-energized
(yes, you energize nemetic crystals: mesogens, just like a
quartz crystal clock that sets the mother board time and
also for real-time systems, but for niBMI wetware it works
with “nemetic mesogen crystals” that are biologically
compatible and are activated at the frequencies they were
originally formed at. In otherwords, the same spectrum
that originally was used to build the crystal is required to
reactivate it, further the nemetic mesogens can be reactivated with an EEG pattern change (mood going from
passive: lamb to active/aggressive: bull, this is part of the
China Xi’s Magic Weapon to build a bunch of weak men in
Page 417 of 953
America covertly, I hate China’s authoritarian regime and
will never live under their rule, ever in America, over my
dead body.
Page 418 of 953
At times, the mesogens actually build-out enough of a
protocol basis to link into the actual operating system!
Yes, check this out from a LINUX/UNIX network display.
Page 419 of 953
Keep in mind that I had to switch to LINUX/UNIX machine
in order to complete the reverse engineering of this
“neuroweapon” as the use of Windows was just not
adequate (Windows has a deep tech neurotechnology
platform stack built into it, btw, one of the engineers that
I’ve worked with now works at their R&D center in
Washington State, the others work at Intel. I also turned
down a Ph.D. program to build out niBMIs with a
biomedical research site about a decade ago to focus on
building a clean tech startup that has a novel technology
to displace the oil & gas industry by utilizing CO2
direction for fuels and chemicals, deep tech based
(material science, nanotechnology).
So, what this means is that now you have to be concerned
about “people” entering your facility even without
hardware on them, as they can simply “think of a CODEx”
to activate the neurohack on you. Further, it can be your
actual employes unknowingly contaminated and linked
Page 420 of 953
with a biobeacon that hack your network and eventually
spread the contamination into other employees, such that
your company’s work force, unknown to owners and
management, because the workforce will be “China
compliant social credit monitoring system top
performers” until the decapitating strike occurs by China
after they have infiltrated America entirely.
Does this concern you? It had better! Wake up America, it
is 2024 and you still have Tik Tok on your citizens. Check
out India’s practices on stopping Tik Tok and all other
China neurotechnology hardware and software [5]. Even
after India’s ban, China still has access to it for their AI
BCPS neuroweapon platform, which makes Indians
vulnerable when they travel outside their country into
contaminated nation states running China
neurotechnology, which enables their NeuroStrike psyop.
Page 421 of 953
So, America and the rest of the world, the longer you
wait, the worse the contamination will be. Tik Tok is not a
social media app, it is a neuroweapon.
My primary research has seen Church pastors psyop’d by
it, people recovering from drug addiction (probably
induced by Tik Tok), co-workers (primary market research
with manual labor manufacturing work force in America)
contaminated with it and now believing that Vitamin C is
bad for you (literally, this contradicts conventional medical
Page 422 of 953
advice in America). Keep in mind, if someone hands you a
phone and says watch this “Tik Tok” video, it can
optogenetically hack you very rapidly.
Biological Waveguides
So, what are biological waveguides? Well first let’s get
into what a signals based waveguide geometry typically is
comprised of a tube or rectangle or square for EMF
spectrum. Therefore, the eyes of a person can serve as
entry of light (especially for optogenetic based data
transfer, very rapid, check out “cybernetics” as this is a
byte-based non-kinetic-threat NKT attack vector when
used for nefarious use cases a la neuroweapon.
So, what are biological waveguides? eyes, hair – why do
you think in the Biblical texts when Samson’s hair was cut
he lost his power? hmmm… things that make sense after
you understand bioenergetics and synbio. [Judges 16:19]
Mesogen: nemetic crystal re-charge and re-link, persistent
state attack vector
Mesogen attack vector – another part of “Neurostrike”
on-body re-link (part of persistent state CODEX attack of
China’s Weapon) on America. If you haven’t dialed into
neuroweapons and the active neurostrike, don’t be too
Page 423 of 953
hard on yourself, the tech is extremely covert and hard to
detect. Being neuroaware will protect you, your family
and your local community.
Contamination emulation and activation broadcasts words
inside of skull, when your brain links to it (e.g. listens to
the broadcasted synbio audio/word, your brain
synchronizes and reads the CODEX broadcasted, when
this occurs the thought then re-links you and establishes a
quantum lock with the origin of that mesogen
contamination globule anywhere, includes in China)….
therefore, good God this is a horrible weapon platform,
NeuroStrike [3].
2.2.24: Neurohacking 426: Privacy with Specialized
Shield Apparel & Wearable Gear in Public
Here is some gear that have EMF field, e-field and b-field
(scalar) shielding to minimize payment gateways,
bluetooth devices and wifis from tagging your body in this
pervasive neurotechnology world.
What type of apparel do you need to sport in order to
shield your body and brain from being tagged by
neurotechnology enabled devices that will track you and
link you to the banking system, social credit score systems
Page 424 of 953
and monitoring systems, not always with your best
interests in mind as organized crime, nefarious nation
state artificial intelligence AI bio cyber physical systems
BCPS, nation stateless groups and multinational
corporations utilize for neurorights violation of your
cognitive sovergnity and privacy?
Check this out. The two main parts of the body that you
need to protect are your brain and stomach. These are
the two areas where concentrations of neurons exist and
they work together as shown below, this is where the old
addage “trust your gut” feeling comes from, before the
days of synbio being pervasive in this world along with
neurotechnology, the sole biological system worked very
well. Now it is being arbitraged by synbio, which enables
man-in-the-middle attacks and false-flag operations on a
human body to utilize pre-existing social credit score
systems to remove a person. Knowing this information
you can game any social credit score system linked to
pervasive synbio and neurotechnology to shield yourself
from the nonesense in this world. I am providing this
knowledge solely for those who aim to utilize it for selfdefense (defense of self as some in Hollywood like to say)
and for non-nefarious use cases. If you use this knowledge
nefariously, that is on you and your maker will smite you in
the end.
Page 425 of 953
The synbio is attracted to neurons and electrical sources
in the human body and migrates to the brain, visual
cortex (e.g. photons and bio photons { within UV light
range for bioenergetic communications, yes when you
look at someone the biophotons are linking you with
another person using non-Maxwellian physics, which gets
into the whole the eyes are the gateway to the human
soul old addage, e.g. bioenergetics field of study, which
majority of universities, Ph.D. and post-doc programs do
not teach in this world, e.g. uncommon knowledge}.
The synbio will link your brain niBMI with your gut’s niGMI
through the vagus nerve.
Page 426 of 953
The vagus nerve links brain to gut and serves as synbio
growth corridor from brain and visual cortex (energy
source) via optogenetic synbio linked to visual cortex that
serves as persistent state seed for growth of synbio when
you eat and are exposed to light and EMF sources.
Page 427 of 953
Therefore, one has to block these transmission (e.g.
transducer technically) sources for establishing
communication with your external world (e.g. other
wetware and hardware).
So, apparel that I use is a hoodie sweatshirt that is made
from silver and nickel as well as caps and beanie caps
made from silver and nickel as well as further shielding to
block the frontal lobe (not protected by a baseball cap)
and optogenetic glasses.
I’m going to start an apparel line (spent time in Fashion
District, Los Angeles, CA to understand enough about
this field of work) as well as an eyeglass line to provide
these thoroughly vetted and shielded objects for people
to utilize, this includes enhanced people who wake-up to
the reality that they can easily get hacked by
neurohackers in this world.
If anyone has any name recommendations for the product
line please do let me know.
I have tested and validated these shielding devices on
payment gateways at gas stations and retail point of sale
systems. The prompts are different (e.g. asks to validate
zip codes) when wearing the shielding. If you’re not
wearing shielding then the payment gateways,
neurotechnology enabled, check your synbio (mesogens
Page 428 of 953
{nemetic crystals}, graphenes, self replicating
nanotechnology) to perform a two-factor authentication.
The issue is that your synbio and biology can be hacked
by criminals and utilized to spoof you, the actual you, as
well as hack into PIN codes, etc.
Therefore, feel free to share this and if your interested in
the idea or concept having access to shielding apparel
and gear please advise.
P.S. if your computer gets hacked, you can have malware
install subliminal messaging on it that will impact your
mood, thought, outlook and also link up with the synbio
in you to “false-flag” information to people around you
when interacting in public. If this ever happens to you,
just update the files with corrupt data from source and
target (e.g. they are separated).
I will do a separate post on this. At times this is built-into
the wetware monitoring system to install this into your
computer, laptop or smart device automatically when the
mesogen “nemetic” crystals energize and start
transmitting and receiving (e.g. transducer). Keep in mind
the quartz crystal is utilized for clocks in computers and
circuit boards, so no stretch of the imagination that for
synbio “wetware” non-invasively dosed brain-machineinterface systems (niBMIs) that the use of crystals would
Page 429 of 953
be use, compatible (on-average) with biological life. Will
do a separate article on this.
The way the current “social credit monitoring systems”
work is through synbio cybernetics and also subliminal
messaging, such that people unknowingly treat you in a
various manner based upon your “social credit profile
hash/id/IPV6-MAC address” on your body as well as your
phone. The IPV6 on body address typically matches the
hardware of your smart phone MAC address, so even if a
cybersecurity person is screening for a device access
numbers, they will be oblivious to the fact that the
person’s smartphone is first going through their
employee’s body/brain/stomach and then into the
network and vice versa.
You can also “spoof” and hack into the system by doing
data-in-the-flow as well as “spoofing” other people who
are outside of the system. The simplest way to do this is
to minimize the synbio from achieving critical mass inside
of your body, e.g. don’t be part of the system. The other
ways are more complex, will publish separate articles on
these various “social credit monitoring neurohacking”
Note: apparel does not block longer wavelengths or
CODEX quantum/scalar based attacks.
Page 430 of 953
2.2.24: Neurohacking 425: Hollywood’s Mind Reading,
Psychic and Magic Shows Reverse Engineered
So, what is the science behind the bogus magic junk that
Hollywood is now putting out, a lot of it is China funded
now, duping Americans.
There has been a recent plethora of Hollywood TV shows
and Movies over past decade highlighting “psychic”
“mind reading” “magic” capabilities. All of which are
simply use of hard science, deep science and
neurotechnology that the average person is completely
uninformed about. The information on-average is not
taught in schools or even at the Ph.D. or post-doc level in
America. China is using this to mess with Americans and
the world in a lot of various ways.
Here are some simple hacks and reverse engineering of
Hollywood’s deceiving based on “mind reading”
“psychic” and “magic” capabilities.
So, what qualifies me to even comment on this topic?
Well for one, I’ve spent time in Hollywood, networked at
the “Bev” Hilton (e.g. decompressing from work in DTLA
at the pool with some falconers, yes this is what they do in
Saudi Arabia in America when having fun). Attended
Page 431 of 953
some events accompanied by celebrities to the event, no
name dropping here. Worked with some of the set artists
and design firms on projects involving innovation and
think tank work, as well as understand how the entire
infrastructure was enabled by Mulholland (photograph
memory engineer that basically built the required
infrastructure LADWP and Los Angeles, CA to exist) and
successfully delivered half of a key (50% responsibility)
project to LADWP and a key funder that provided a seed
million dollars for the project commencement.
The people (actors) have historically all been “handled”
through neurotechnology. Even news correspondents are,
such as Al Rooker, have public live streamed “glitch out”
videos, sadly this is due to neurohacking and neurostrike
Reverse Engineering Mind Reading Trick #1: Old
School Analog Act
The people are linked through a magnetic field and/or
EMF spectrum. The person with a lot of synbio or simply a
larger biological brain, utilizes their frontal lobe to
transmit their thoughts, at times further boosted by an
electrode pulsing a Kalman filter to disrupt and insert
thoughts into the other person via different pulse rate that
overpowers the other person’s brain. The person adjacent
Page 432 of 953
to them unknowingly receives these thoughts (e.g. what
they are thinking about is transferred).
Then the person “performing” the act on a subject, asks
the person what they are thinking about (all the while the
performer knows what the person is thinking about
because their thought originated from the “performer”).
Then the person “unwitting citizen” locks in the thought,
but does not tell the performer what they are thinking
Then the “performer” tells the citizen what their thought
Then the “unwitting citizen” goes oh my gosh or
something along those lines
Reverse Engineering Mind Reading Trick #2: AI BCPS
The “performer” has been linked to a brain pool in an AI
BCPS with their smart phone on their body.
The “subject” is in the “worker class, average citizen”
brain pool in an AI BCPS with their smart phone on or
near their body.
Then the AI of the “performer” performs the (old school
analog act listed above, but with cybernetics and synbio).
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2.2.24: Neurohacking 424: Tik Tokker AI BCPS Tactics
for Manipulation, Degradation & Chinese Covert
Tik Tokker & other Chinese neurotechnology enabled
weapons reverse engineered with tactics, perception
management and how to validate if you are linked to
adversarial AI.
First and foremost, a total ban is the best way to
counterstrike, when the app was first released into your
nation state. If you let the app run in your population for
years, you’ve got “surrogates” within your gates that
represent Chinese interests and not your sovereign nation
states’ interests. Further, people can migrate that are Tik
Tokkers (wetware niBMI fully programmed) into your
nation state and then start spreading into your population
- e.g. Texas border crossings.
Historical Context of Neurotechnology &
Page 434 of 953
The use of neurotechnology has been around for a very
long time in various technology readiness levels, the main
global roll-out was by the United States’ Intelligence
Agencies and their associated Eyes networks through a
ground based Scalar Wave transmitter network (nonMaxwellian waves, e.g. not transverse) and through
SQUIDs in satellites that are in geo-stationary orbit around
earth (e.g. the satcoms rotate with earth, such that the
rotation of satellite and earth are synchronized). The first
generation was launched in the 1970s and then a second
generation was launched around the 2000s or so after
improvements made. This is a system that enables use of
quantum remote sensing and data collection from human
brains and nervous systems, as well as animals, globally.
The data is fed into a an AI system that builds brain maps
of people linked to the quantum system and provides the
networked people information prior to other people
observing the information through their eyes (e.g. visible
Then other nations, nation stateless groups (e.g.
Scientology, Open Society Foundation), multi-national
corporations and others got into the game, taking a free
ride on the intelligence community’s scalar wave
generators, by simply deploying their own satellites with
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SQUIDs to basically, reverse engineer and have the same
capability as the IC eyes.
Then come “neuroweapons” in various forms that locally
hijacks brains from the ICs global system through use of
local neurotechnology enabled hardware on computers,
smart phones, etc. The local penetration of the IC’s global
system (e.g. TAMI and MIND) by adversarial nation states,
namely China and former ally in WW2 (USSR) prior to the
Cold War, where USSR had the eastern front and America
had the Western front and the two armies met in
Germany to end the WW2. From WW2 Project Paper Clip
imported the German Scientists (publicly, Von Braun was
the poster child for his work on the V1 and notably V2
rockets) as well as other scientists working on “force
fields” for human beings (e.g. hush hush research). These
researchers also performed some of the most grotesque
experiments on Jews in the history of humankind, until the
CCP started their Uyghur Muslim genocide and
experimentation at the same time CCP BRAIN initiative
started and America’s State Department and Personnel
got attacked in Cuba, Havana with neuroweapons.
So, America, the “poster-child” of freedom and
democracy in the world (prior to J.F. Kennedy getting
whacked), which has been under attack since this
assassination, is continuing to get embattled internally
Page 436 of 953
and externally through lobbying, economic warfare,
supply chain poisoning and now neuroweapons since at
least 2013. Our America has had over 3,000 highly valued
government employees taken offline within DOD and IC
since 2013 ish.
We are now having non-Chinese scientists, engineers and
CTOs with expertise in material science, quantum, energy,
neurotechnology, big tech, deep tech, medical and all
other sorts of advanced technology skillsets being
cognitively disabled through covert and insidious
neuroweapons, to borrow a quote from Robert McCreight
at National Defense University NDU. Robert calls the
neuroweapons deployed at scale “NeuroStrike”.
In order for the “free world” to counter the CCP’s use of
unethical massive deployment of bioweapons, chemical
weapons, neurotechnology (e.g. synbio with selfreplicating nanotechnology) to overtake pre-existing
passive neurotechnology monitoring by Intelligence
Communities (IC), the world deployed, in my professional
opinion, a global clinical trial of synbio injectables to
enable entire populations to be linked to an Artificial
Intelligence Bio Cyber Physical System AIBCPS at local
level, utilize the scalar waves (ground based transmitters),
geo-stationary satcoms and low earth orbit satellite
networks for wireless internet as a Kalman Filter pulse,
Page 437 of 953
that sets the sampling rate of reality, for nature’s wildlife
and for humans not utilizing a smart phone or smart
Then for humans utilizing a smart phone on their body,
the Kalman Filter is adjustable per smart phone per
human, such that a given brainpool can have specific
performance characteristics. Further the 5G antenna
system enables point to point (e.g. more secure data
communications, e.g. a hacker can’t do a man in the
middle cell intercept via legitimate stingray or any of the
off-the-shelf stingrays you can purchase in UAE or other
nation state that sells spy gear). The way the interceptors
work (up to 5G) and for 4G if you go after a person inside
of a building where the 5G can’t penetrate, is that the
man-in-the-middle sets up a cell mobile broadcast spot
from their vehicle typically, to intercept the nondirectional signal from the local cell tower and your smart
phone. The most pervasively available low-tech intercept
is the classic 2G intercept, which everyone should have
disabled on their phones by now (e.g. do not enable 2G
or 3G).
The way the IC used to monitor people locally, is where
they would be able to listen into the passive
neurotechnology in the population base through “synbio”
enabled synthetic telepathy (yes, this is real tech).
Page 438 of 953
Now, with Tik Tokkers global and synbio, the world is
amuck in “synbio” over-growing natural human brains,
such that their signals being transmitted from all parts of
the body (primarily brain and stomach, where electrical
neurons are concentrated) are disrupting and disabling
the IC “passive” monitoring system.
Neurowar is here in Everyone’s Nation State[3]
Therefore, we are in an active “neurowar” as the Navy has
confirmed and this includes byte-based attacks as well as
non-invasively dosed brain-machine-interface niBMI
What is a byte-based attack? This can be optogenetic,
codex, visual photograph of a person (thought of mind of
the person), QR code based (yes, if you have syn-bio in
your visual cortex and you look at a QR code it will
register you to a neurotechnology enabled site logging
that you viewed that specific QR code. Big Tech firm apps
all have neurotechnology in them, they are used for precrime and can read your thoughts, what you see a la
visual cortex (e.g. when you are driving and looking at
license plates or vehicles with no plates, it is reporting this
to the AI BCPS that you are linked with).
China Tik Tokkers (e.g. adversarial AI BCPS) utilizes their
“surrogates” visual cortexes to log license plates, observe
Page 439 of 953
other people’s work, observe other people’s thoughts
(more than several ways). To be specific: mesogens,
graphenes, quantum dots and self-replicating
nanotechnology is the enabler when combined with
neurotechnology hardware. Then the CCP Tik Tokkers can
further link-up with other synbio enabled brains (even AI
BCPS “shielded” brains) through magnetic fields, electric
fields, harmonics, vibrations, acoustical sounds (e.g. music
and the bass drop associated with the vehicle), engines at
a given vibration, pumps at a given vibration, air
conditioners with a rotating field, etc.
Therefore, as Robert McCreight correctly has stated,
NeuroStrike technology is an asymmetric weapon.
Here is the kicker. You can be part of your nation state’s
nation security system, and also at the same time have
CCP NeuroStrike tech growing in you slowly, if you are
around or utilize any of China’s neurotechnology hardware
or software or look at the screens of Tik Toker’s newsfeeds
that they share with you (or other CCP apps that
cybernetically utilize optogenetics). Further, gaming
headsets made in China with neurotechnology, data mine
you for passwords, bank account information and
anything else that CCP’s AI can utilize against you,
covertly and insidiously without you even knowing.
Page 440 of 953
Mass transfer based attacks, come in the form of
shedding. Tik Tokkers are programmed to eat a ton of
junk food and shed a ton of their unhealthy synbio. When
I state “unhealthy” I specifically mean it is transmitting
diseased and necrosis tissue that is infected, cancerous
and possibly non-existent except for the synbio
integrated within their skin and bones. This phenomena
has been validated through use of borosilicate glass to
block the spread of the waveforms emitted from dying
organic matter (e.g. cancerous cells, etc.). Further, the
nanotechnology can spread directly into you if you get
close enough or if the person touches you, bumps into
you, shakes your hand, hugs you, etc.
So, how do the Tik Tokkers navigate their environment
without dying or feeling pain? The AI BCPS integrated
into brain and central nervous system can modify your
sense of pain. Very simple. AI BCPS nanotechnology and
neurotechnology can also modify your sense of sight,
smell, taste, hearing and touch.
This is why I am committed to building awareness of CCP
NeuroStrike weaponry, as the use of synbio to augment
an impaired or physically wounded person is a positive for
humanity. However, the nefarious use of neurotechnology,
weaponized with AI (adversarial) is the most horrific
weapon I have ever reverse engineered in my entire life.
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You can read my prior blog posts on how I’ve removed
majority of the weapon platform to de-link from the CCP
AI BCPS, but around population centers it is extremely
challenging to remove, because you keep getting
reconnected, even through CODEX from text messages
of contaminated people in your network, where the
“contamination” in you sends an outbound data signal
back to CCCP AI BCPS and then tries to re-link to you.
Literally “cloaking-up” with EMF blockers limits the
amount of energy the mesogen based nematic crystals
can accumulate, therefore reducing your “biobeacon”
broadcast signature, which when transmitted from a CCP
AI BCPS encoded neural niBMI network will trigger a local
response atypical from other AI BCPS linked people
(unknowingly). Keep in mind these are Americans (if
you’re in America) that have totally been gaslighted and
cog-tech linked-up with the CCP as surrogates, some
have gone too far and if you try to remove the synbio it
will most likely kill them (e.g. they’re already far gone).
Visual cortex, corruption, combined with smart device
hacking and content delivery networks (CDNs) enables an
altered reality to be presented and sold to you, without
your consent or awareness. Example, your brain has noninvasively dosed niBMI material in it that gets
programmed with further self-replicating nanotechnology,
Page 442 of 953
after you eat some food or breathe in some air in an
urban environment. The niBMI material gets linked to AI
when you’re using a Made in China neurotech hardware
(pipeline to serve data to you) or software (content flowdelivery of data). The combination of eating (any food,
but even worse food exported from China or owned by
CCP in your country (e.g. meat and poultry in America
now), while using an electronic device with CCP
neurotechnology in it or an app from China (if not prior
contaminated) will contaminate you.
Further, if you are already contaminated and you are using
any device that emits light, electrical or energy (magnetic/
vibrational/music) it will further grow the contamination
and further link you into the NeuroStrike through
integration of your body, ears, nose, visual cortexes, brain
and central nervous system.
Here is equipment to shield you from electronics, when
you have to use electronics that I use when appropriate
for certain work:
Page 443 of 953
[Image Source: Mission Darkness MOS Equipment ]
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[ Image Source: Mission Darkness MOS Equipment ]
So, what are Tik Tokker tactics?
•Try to be helpful to you and your friend, while data
mining you. (just like a classic spy). Keep in mind, per
their perspective this is helping their “social credit
•Surround you everywhere you go, e.g. bathrooms,
vehicles (join a carpool to save money only to get
infiltrated by Tik Tokker’s nanotechnology and linkedup with the CCP). Mass transfer based, optogenetic
Page 445 of 953
based, wetware based and smart device based attack
vectors, up close and personal and all around you.
Even military members can get hacked this way.
•Cars playing loud music with bass, to link-up to you
within your suburban house (e.g. establishes
connection between your synbio and theirs).
•Dirty harmonics in your electrical utility distribution
grid, such that pulsing magnetic fields link-up an entire
•Direct wetware transmittal of their brain into yours (the
rear portion of yours) to cognitively interrupt you).
•The Tik Tokker tagging your body with their phone
with the app, to link to you. Then establish further
entry into your body.
•Preprogrammed synbio exported from China in their
food and product exports into your country. Providing
you with a “gift” where the material is totally
contaminated with their synbio.
So, what are the defenses against Tik Tokker
surrogates? Physics based.
Page 446 of 953
•Jamming vibrations, requiring physical mass to
conduct said vibrations.
•Jamming acoustical music (longitudinal waves) in the
frequency bands of low Hz
Image Source
Jamming and Shielding protocol based EMF fields
(Maxwellian transverse wave wifi, bluetooth, NFC, etc.)
•Jamming and Shielding EMF spectrum (Maxwellian
transverse wave) non-protocol based via Cognitive
•Shielding from b-fields
•Shielding from e-fields
Page 447 of 953
•Shielding from non-Maxwellian (scalar waves:
extremely advanced, challenging, requires super
conductor or a rotating b-field (scalar) that has variable
acceleration at random that disrupts lower 3.3-3.4 Hz
and 10 Hz). This is not easily achievable without
material science access (non-public) to room
temperature superconductors.
•EEG baseline and then a wearable handband, not
made in China or from a China affiliated entity. Notifies
you if being cognitive attacked by wetware or
hardware in the environment.
•Internal to body chelation (garlic, cilantro, onion all
fresh, calcium-disodium-EDTA IV or enteric coated,
activated charcoal from coconut shells for zeolite
molecular traps), high dose vitamin C, antioxidants,
avoid bioaccumulation sources of synbio (e.g. meat)
that adds a large input of synbio (e.g. bioaccumulated
from plant matter and other animals). If not eating
meat and fish (e.g. heavy metal bioaccumulation
source these days) then I supplement with B vitamins
(with focus on B12 and folic acid) as B12 vitamin not
available in agricultural (non-GMO) . Note this is not
medical advice, this is synbio, where MDs are onPage 448 of 953
average still completely uninformed in America.
•Do not buy Made in China electronic, computer,
phone, networking or television hardware. Made in
India is safest these days, as their country did a total
ban on China neurotechnology (hardware and
software) in 2020, where America failed miserably to
defend its’ citizens. Shame on America’s government
for letting China get the upper hand on their citizen’s
minds and bodies (the front line in “Cognitive
Warfare” times) in an active neurowar, e.g. not doing
their jobs. This neurowar attack started circa 2013
through 2016 (Cuba neuroweapon attacks on
America’s diplomats and State Department).
•Avoid getting close with people as their synbio will
mass-transfer and shed into you, vet the person for Tik
Tok and other Chinese hardware. They may also be
contaminated and not know it. Keep in mind with
China’s AI BCPS, a Tik Toker can strategically lie or
have access (unknowingly) to Chinese AI and take on
different profiles of information to get further close
into your “social circle” then steal. I had a good friend
of mine taken for $100,000 through Tik Tok app and
associated social network and linked people circa
Page 449 of 953
•Force Field around your entire body, home and
residence. This is based upon the force fields
generated by Red Blood Cells documented via
laboratory work to repel synbio.
•Therefore, this will work on all synbio and can be
scaled up, via scale-up prototyping to emulate the
fields generated by the living tissue and blood. Think
of this as a multi-faceted approach that involves use of
“living water” force-field and hardware based field
emulators to shield infrastructure that requires scale-up
so people are not taken by surprise through China
nefarious use of neurotechnology and synbio. Here are
the documented lab photographs of the force fields in
action keeping one person healthy and another
person’s health degraded by lack of oxygen transfer
for cellular metabolism.
Clifford, thank you for your relentless work. Please make
sure to consider the use of bioenergetics to shield the red
blood cells and tissue from the synbio. I’ve published a
Page 450 of 953
brief on bioenergetics and also referenced some of the
force field effects that David observed as mentioned by
Matt. Hope this helps. Will continue to delve into the
bioenergetics as it serves as a force field (potential field +
quantum + scalar + EMF interaction) to push the synbio
away from the biological matter and enable full
functioning of the RBCs. This in my professional opinion is
the solution, cause synbio is pervasive and so are people
with it in them spreading healthy and unhealthy EMF
fields (transverse and non-maxwellian) as well as mass
transfer of the synbio (very rapid).
Ok, so where are useful products that I can deploy as
counter measures and lifestyle changes that I can make to
counter strike China?
This will be updated further with a paid subscription think of it as a subscription to vetted information by a
neuroaware deep tech electrochemical engineer that
survived a failed neuroweapon hit job by China in 2022
after the spy tech went from “perch mode” to “attack/
kill” mode via internally dosed biobeacon. – Brandon
Page 451 of 953
1.28.24: Bioenergetics 102: Lakhovsky Resonator for
Cellular Repair
Quick Take: The Lakhovsky resonator is an oscillator
circuit, such that when living matter placed in it, the cells
link to their natural vibrational frequency and utilize the
energy for repair.
The Lakhovsky resonator, according to literature review
was invented by a French-Russian scientist about a
hundred years ago. You place it or a series of the coils
around a living object and then let it resonate and the
living organism repairs itself.
Page 452 of 953
Page 453 of 953
Source: G, Lakhovsky Publication Clinique
So what is the big deal about this coil? It generates a
field, and when you place an object in it, (living) it repairs
the cells. The cells latch onto the harmonics (like a
standing wave, but think further into potential fields, EMF
fields and quantum interactions thereof due to there
being a b-field (scalar)and e-field in oscillation via
standing wave).
Going forward, I’ll expand further upon this post with the
actual hardware and software for use available via kit
format to be used in gardening and agriculture. This way
people can get an idea of how this tech works before any
other use cases are discussed on public forum. Keep in
mind with neurotechnology, nearly anyone in the world
can be cognitively monitored, even without a public
[1] Source
1.28.24: Neurohacking 423: the Root Cause of
America/DOD Recruitment Issues in Military is
NeuroStrike Weaponry by China PLA Xi’s NeuroStrike
via Tik Tok
Page 454 of 953
Why is America’s Department of Defense DOD
recruitment having issues? This is directly due to use of
Chinise-based Tik Tok in an active neurowar within
America’s borders.
“NeuroStrike” utilizes an entire plethora of attack vectors,
including use of Tik Tok to optogenetically hack people
using the app as well as people they share their screen
with who also have self-replicating nanotechnology within
their bodies that has integrated within their visual cortex.
In late 2023 Nepal, another neighboring country to China
has totally banned Tik Tok, not only for its’ government,
but its’ citizens. [1,2]
In 2020 India mandated a total ban of Tik Tok across its’
entire population [2]
America has yet to totally ban Tik Tok and majority of its’
youth are now neurocompromised by Tik Tok. It is up to
Americans not already neurocompromised and “big tech’
firms in America to totally ban Tik Tok, as it is a weapon of
neurowar (e.g. war) and not a social media app by
definition of its’ use of optogenetic hacks and
misinformation. Just last week a Tik Tok user told me that
he doesn’t like to use Vitamin C as it is unhealthy-he is is
totally neurocompromised?.
Page 455 of 953
How come people aren’t talking about this? Because they
are unaware. The weapon system utilizes a nonNewtonian physics-based attack enabled by pre-existing
scalar wave transmitters and the quantum nature of our
brains and synbio with neurotechnology and AI.
In order to detect the weapon you have to observe it or
be linked to the AI BCPS from the Chinese
NeuroWeapon, which nobody should dare try to do
without proper training and knowledge, to infiltrate their
neuroweapon platform. God was looking out for our
team-this is literally the only way we were able to reverse
engineer it after an initial neuroweapon failed hit job in
What does the synbio look like used in NeuroStrike
Weaponry? This stuff grows in your body and head to
cyborg you up and if you’re linked with the Chinese
NeuroStrike weaponry, it will use you, spy on you and
then when the AI determines appropriate kill you. The
synbio links-up with other neurotechnology hardware (the
data and cybernetic pipeline payload initial delivery). If
you have pipelines by you from hardware manufactured in
China, you are under neurowar attack. If you utilize
content (Tik Tok flow sent through neurotech pipelines)
then you are under neurowar attack. This is regardless of
country. Simply this-China has their neuroweapons
Page 456 of 953
massively deployed and focused on America, but also in
every other democracy that their regime and ruling
families see as a threat. This is rich prick technology and
authoritarian regime technology. The big tech firms also
use it too, so they’re not innocent either with respect to
covert use of neurotechnology. The bad actor on the
block (that I am aware of at population scale) is China.
Figure 1, Source Dr. David Nixon Laboratory
So, what is the secret psyop strategy that China is using
against America? Just one of them is the “angels vs.
demons” psyop enabled through neurotechnology and
self-replicating nanotechnology in foods exported by
China to the world, including the Chinese Coalition
Page 457 of 953
members (yes, China attacks its’ own coalition members
to make them more dependent upon them, which steals
not only IPs now, but actual brains, from other nations’
brain pools).
Specifically, based upon reverse engineering their failed
neuroweapon in 2022, targeted at CTO (non-Chinese
scientists and engineer that declined their investment $$$
in 2021), their psyop is brainwashing America’s youth into
thinking joining the US DOD Army, etc. military is
equivalent to joining “Satan’s Army” per their psyop
clearly stated here when presented in Shenzhen China
circa 2018/2019.
Don’t get fooled US DOD, you are also being gaslighted
by a neurocompromised voting population in a
democracy, where the youth are now fully linked to
China’s AI BCPS as well as retired veterans who were
never briefed on Neurowarfare tactics, methods and
technologies involved. God Bless America, you are in the
middle of the neurowar fight for your freedom and
independence as the world’s leading democracy.
I pray that other democracies in the world recognize the
issue and ensure that America is not decapitated, but will
work together for good (explicitly using Chinese psyop
Page 458 of 953
linguistics to pierce their AI), with this asymmetric
neurowarfare weapon called NeuroStrike.
Tik Tok compromised Americans are used as bio-beacons
to broadcast the message subliminally and brainwash
locally other Americans to not go into the DOD via the
synbio’s use of EMF spectrum transmitter emulators (wifi,
bluetooth and other spectrum frequencies with protocols)
as documented by our team’s contamination here.
Further, we reverse engineered the weapon and used it to
neurohack Walmart to demonstrate how real the weapon
called NeuroStrike is:
Cybersecurity 212: Walmart Neurohacked Point of Sale
POS Terminal and all Cybersecurity Compromised
1.28.24: Experiment 108: Schumann Resonances &
Humankind’s Manipulation of Earth’s Schumann
Resonance based on Tesla’s Work
Tesla was correct, the earth’s Schumann resonance can be
directly modified through spectrum mods. Since Tesla
figured this out, a group of people on earth have covertly
built a synthetic system.
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This is what all the “black sites” on earth have been up to
and covertly building.
- Brandon Iglesias
Tesla was correct, the earth’s Schumann resonance can be
directly modified through human interaction. Since Tesla
figured this out, a group of people on earth have covertly
built synthetic resonance, to covertly monitor humankind
first, then to directly control humanity through use of AI
BCPS systems.
So, Tesla, was the first in recent history to demonstrate
scalar waves, e.g. non-maxwellian physics that is not a
“transverse” wave. In completing his work the frequencies
his brain was exposed to literally altered his perception of
reality by directly adjusting his neurons, amplifying them
with the magnetic fields and also stimulating pre-existing
synbio in Tesla’s environment that was activated by using
the ground as the neutral for electrical return from the
positive lines ran above ground.
People were getting shocked by the neutral line (e.g.
ground with conductivity, dirt beneath people’s feet)
being used as the return to complete the circuit for the
electrical utilities. Therefore, electrical utilities added a
second line ran above ground called the “neutral” to
complete the circuit and then used the ground as a
Page 460 of 953 common potential take-off point for each attachment/
So, you also have Schumann who observed the resonance
of earth that was directly impacted by lightning strikes, as
observed in the image above. Tesla’s work furthered the
Schumann observation into an eventual total global
control system, based upon the spectrum (transverse and
scalar waves).
The observation that lightning strikes [1] generated a
resonance on earth, within the rotating core that
generates a protective magnetic shield where the poles
switch every so often on geological time scales is called
Schumann Resonance. Tesla’s work and humanity’s
deployment of electrical systems and wireless systems has
altered earth into a non-natural state, e.g. synthetic earth,
where the Schuman Resonance has been shifted into a
higher frequency range.
The observation by psychologists that people have gotten
more “edgy” and “irritable” is directly due to the Earth’s
natural Schumann resonance frequency increasing. The
human brain requires and ELF range of one to eight or so
for sleep and deep sleep. Since the earth’s resonance has
increased above this, people aren’t getting natural sleep
anymore. Apparently, most people are not even aware of
Page 461 of 953 this, as confirmed by the fact that people easily hook into
the electrical grid that operates at 60 Hz in America and
50 Hz in other parts of the world, when the utility
(electrical) sucks and doesn’t take care of their business,
their distribution lines (not transmission: wheeling) create
dirty harmonics that literally mess with their customer’s
brains and result in neuropathy and other cancers.
Therefore, if you want to live a clean life. Go off-grid with
respect to electrical power source, use DC. Then get your
own water supply by drilling a water well for clean spring
(geo-pressured preferably) water, verified by lab
experiments. Further, build your house with metal that is
properly grounded so that you’re not getting messed with
by all the wireless and space systems.
The global people control system, requires the spectrum,
non-invasively dosed brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs,
synbio: comprised of mesogens, graphenes, quantum
dots and self-replicating nanotechnology, people (all life
on earth is impacted), scalar waves, AIs which all result in
a Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bio Cyber Physical System
(BCPS). [2]
Further, due to China’s Neurostrike Weapon, now you
have to be concerned with acoustical and vibrations
transmitting “contamination” into your brain via their
Page 462 of 953 “Magic Weapon” which is just neurotechnology
combined with synbio that is self-replicating.
We now have an AI BCPS-driven world with people either
“in-the-loop or on-the-loop” (mil comment). If you’re in
the loop, you probably will never read this article in your
lifetime as the AI BCPS is guiding what you view and
consume based upon your historical and prior work and
knowledge base, enabled through use of Content
Delivery Networks (CDNs). If you’re on the loop, then you
can access this if you’re aware of cybersecurity and big
tech countermeasures to view articles like this, else the
information is extremely challenging to find, even though
it is in the clear and available to anyone to consume.
Learn how to unplug from an adversarial AI BCPS by
sifting through prior posts that I’ve written. One way,
which I do not recommend is, to get hit with a
neuroweapon and live through it, which is what I did when
our team was attacked by Neurostrike in 2022 while
successfully performing for DOD: Army, Navy and Air
We were also covering-up for an NSA slip-up of a data file
leak (handled it for them) and were successfully
commercializing a DOE Carbon Nano Spike (CNS)
technology for electrochemically produced ethanol, to
Page 463 of 953 such a point that we were able to navigate through a
material science non-replicable work product and found a
way to get the catalyst system to work again.
Keep in mind when doing material science work at
different locations, the background spectrum will impact
your work. So any material science or catalyst work needs
to be done within an EMF-controlled environment
(transverse and scalar wave, especially if the scientists are
loaded-up with synbio and have varying spectrum
Let that sink in DOE. Make sure you address this baseline
as the world is loading-up with synbio that results in
emissions (scalar and transverse wave based) [4,5].
Keep in mind, the original brain monitoring was local,
then went global in the 1970s with the Ronald Reagan
Star Wars program, which deployed global scalar wave
transmitters and geostationary SQUID satcoms (e.g. NSA/
DIA) system that ended the Cold War with Soviet Union.
Since this TAMI and MIND system was deployed, the
world has had “connected” people with “enhanced”
capabilities due to scalar wave senses delivering
information to them prior to observed information with
light spectrum (e.g. normal eyesight is at speed of light,
but scalar wave information is faster than light travel). [6]
Page 464 of 953 In 2021 4th QTR our team also purchased some of the old
Star Wars equipment used in manufacturing of the
mirrors, a large industrial scale gantry CNC mill 5-axis. In
2022 during equipment move out is when the attacks by
Neurostrike Tik Tokker surrogates were detected via ? on
the interstates between our Louisiana and Mississippi
This was specifically detected at a McDonalds in early
morning when one of the surrogates pulled up by vehicle
and intercepted cellular data comms to the internet.
Subsequently upon return to New Orleans, the attacks
continued, such that the synthetic niBMI of our team’s
CTO, me, was compromised and then the attack went
from perch to kill mode in 2022 2nd QTR+. This was
eventually reverse engineered.
Why is this located in the Schumann Resonance section?
Because all of this technology deals with bioenergetics
and bioresonance for communications, physical control of
the mind and body as well as spying, which the
Neurostrike Tik Tok attack vector is striving to take
America’s democracy for eventual overthrowing of our
Page 465 of 953
1.28.24: Neurorights 101: Does your country care
about your cognitive security and mental privacy?
Learn which nations actually do care.
Which countries actually care about their citizens enough
to protect their people against nefarious uses of
neurotechnology? To protect their most valued national
asset, their minds.
Which countries actually care about their citizens enough
to protect their people against nefarious uses of
neurotechnology? To protect their most valued national
asset, their minds.
The top nation state on the list of countries that do care
about their nation’s neurosecurity is Chile. Privacy of the
mind has been so important to their nation state that their
entire constitution was updated to add neurorights
protections. This way big tech and other nation states like
China are on notice that there will be reprocussions if they
violate their national mental sovereignty [1].
So, why is Chile the world’s leader on neurorights
protection? Because one of their scientists and engineers
during the Obama era in America worked on the
American BRAIN initiative, knowing how corruptable
people are, took it upon himself to form a group and
protect his home country for all BRAIN initiatives that are
Page 466 of 953
dual-use. Fortunately, for Chile they have legal
protections against Neuroweapons. To be 100% clear the
West has had neurotechnology for decades, and not
everybody in the West is ethical, but on-average they are.
That is not true for authoritarian regimes that oppress
their people, specifically the CCP. Everybody who has
done business with the CCP knows that they like to steal,
even some who refused to do business with them have
been attacked with their neuroweapon called
“NeuroStrike”, to which I can personally attest.
Keep in mind that the Chinese first reached out to our
business to invest into it through a shell company in the
Caribbean. I, as CTO, thought it wise to further
investigate the email inquiry and sent a reply to a web
page that planted a cookie on the inquirer’s computer to
validate the point of origin, which it turned out was
Beijing, China!
After we declined to do business with the faux Chinese
shell company POC in Caribbean (e.g. China), we were
attacked with a neuroweapon that converted from perch
mode (yes, they penetrated our team with a neuroweapon
for spying first) and then went into attack mode. We then
reverse engineered through the “cognitive fog of
neurowar” which for anyone not briefed previously on
Page 467 of 953
neurotechnology and use in neurowar, there is a 99%+
chance that the neuroweapon results in a kill.
God (and US DOD AI BCPS) were looking after me,
specifically, to reverse-engineer the most evil weapon
platform I have ever encountered within the field of NonKinetic-Threats. The issue with the Chinese Neuro
Weapon is that it will corrupt a country’s AI Shield and AI
BCPS systems over time by infiltrating the OODA loop via
self-replicating nanotechnology and neurotech-linked
surrogates in the population that then spread the
This is why neuro-rights are important, but also blocking
the covert nefarious use of neurotechnology as India and
Nepal have done. They are now actively blocking China’s
covert use of Tik Tok from infiltrating the populations.
Therefore, to be effective in neurowar times, your nation
state has to shield you from offensive asymmetric
neuroweapons and add neuro-rights to your constitution
to legally protect you and the nation, such that agencies
that are neuroaware can act in a timely and legal manner
to protect your most valued asset, your mind.
Page 468 of 953
Robert has been blowing the whistle regarding the active
Neurostrike on America for a decade, and first
encountered self-replicating nanotechnology through an
Chinese research delegation in America attending a
prominent researcher’s lecture on quantum tech w/r/t
graphene and derivatives thereof.
America, the alleged leader of the free democratic world
since at least 2013-2016, has no neurorights and has been
under an active attack. The neuroweapon attack by the
CCP and their proxies put a cold freeze on thawing
relations between Cuba and United States of America. I
had a friend in Cuba during these attacks, but on different
island, who stated that the attacks were real. Mark Zaid
did a FOIA request on the CIA in 2023 that contradicted
the CIA’s public TV response to the investigation.
The DOD still has an active research project to replicate
the attack effects (due to disruption of synbio integrated
Page 469 of 953
into biological matter and then infiltration with selfreplicating nanotechnology deployed by China.
To be clear on my credentials. I have personally given
POTUS’ science advisor a tour of the Advanced
Prototyping Center APC at La Kretz Innovation Campus/
Center LKIC in Los Angeles, CA as well as helped secret
service prepare the facility for POTUS’ VP visit.
Further, I have given the Chinese delegation, as
requested by City of Los Angeles and LKIC staff, a tour of
the Advanced Prototyping Center APC that I led build-out
of with a team of twenty scientists and engineers, all of
which were awesome people to work with, regardless of
their nationality, preferences and understanding of how
the world works.
SUBSTACK-Darkfield Live Blood Analysis C19
Unvaccinated Blood. C19 Vax Shedding And
Environmental Exposure Has Not Slowed Down
Here is secret that most do not know. If you consume
healthy fresh food products that emit healthy scalar waves
from their cellular structure (check out USPA, United
States Psychotronics Association), then the synbio is
Page 470 of 953
repelled by your body’s cells creating a “force field” from
potential fields, EMF fields and quantum field interactions
(e.g. scalar wave). This way your body’s cells live healthy
in combination with the synbio that is pervasive
The reason why people are getting “contaminated” is
that they are by other “people” with dead scalar wave
emissions from non-live foods that they are consuming,
such that the scalar wave emissions are killing the
adjacent body tissues (necrosis). Therefore, do not be
around people unaware that their scalar wave emissions
and force fields are negative.
Note, we have discerned that adversarial AI BCPS
systems, such as the Chinese Neuro Weapon (and US!),
are programmed to switch the synbio niBMI networks
when a positive thought (EEG pattern validated) to a
negative thought or keyword codex is detected (EEG
pattern validated). The spectrum emissions now change
from healthy to unhealthy in the synbio material. This is
how the population control platform works and how you
can counterstrike it.
What you consume and what you are around determines
your outcome in life now. Quite literally. If you have been
programmed into CCP AI BCPS then you also have to
Page 471 of 953
deal with CODEX junk programming you as well as the
thought control that could literally kill you without
Therefore, from our team’s experience with interacting
with Ana towards the end of 2022 and entering into 2023,
chelating is first step to ensure blood flow and oxygen
transfer. Then make sure you are eating healthy
vegetables (alive, fresh) such that your scalar wave
emissions are repelling the synbio at the cellular level with
a force field. Keep in mind that universities only teach
“status-quo”-ie what’s acceptable to the ruling class.
This tech is by far not status-quo and in order to reverse
engineer it, I joined USPA US Psychotronics Association), I
read up on a ton of non-Newtonian physics, and applied
knowledge gained with prior nanotechnology, computer
science, biochemistry, genetics and photoelectrochemical
1.27.23: Neurotechnology: Tik Tok Social Media
Neuroweapon Reverse Engineered with Methodology
Page 472 of 953
Here is what Tik Tok byte-based optogenetic asymmetric
neuroweapon is doing to the West and it varies per
country. Here is The CCP Neuro-weapon methodology in
America that we’ve reverse-engineered.
Who’s tech stack is running the neurotechnology game
Angels vs. Demons?
Find that out and you’ll have the long-term winner.
Last I checked some Silicon Valley naive neurotechnology
entrepreneurs in deep tech were pitching a neurotech
enabled system to The CCP in Shenzhen to set
populations against one another through a social credit
monitoring system under the guise of “Angels vs.
Demons” in 2018/2019 Youtube video was published.
Here is the video, check this out and it is live and running
in America under the guise Angels vs. Demons setting the
population against one another:
Tik Tok Enabled (this is what Tik Tokkers believe in
America, duped by neurotech) each country non-China
has a different neurostrike attack vector via cultural
background and dupability of people by their AI BCPS
NeuroStrike system:
Page 473 of 953
Timing Marks in Video to make use of your time: minute
7:44 mind to mind communication
8:15 brain to the internet
8:49 transfer memories
16:08 Brain hackers and mind control
16:40 Hack into your head
16:46 implant memories erase memories
16:52 control you without you even knowing they are
controlling you
Watch here.
America is currently getting gaslit (depopulated) by The
CCP Neuro-weapon. Their offensive attack is to set a
target population against one another under the guise of
“angels vs demons” and the neurocompromised
population completely gets suckered by it. Wake up
people, you are under an active neurostrike. How can this
be confirmed? We just reverse engineered the CCP
Neuro-weapon, islanded it, retrained it and then
Page 474 of 953
neurohacked Walmart (a CCP business proxy in America
that helps distribute their goods to Americans).
1.27.24: Neurohacking 421-Force Field Generation to
Repel Synthetic Biology
How to protect your body in a world full of synbio, while
not getting linked to an AI BCPS that controls you? The
secret is the interaction of potential fields, EMF, quantum
field & scalar waves.
This is
and it
Page 475 of 953
Radionics illegal in America decades ago
So, this sounds good, but where is the proof? Here it is
thanks to David and Karl’s work to reverse-engineer the
micro to nanoscale self-replicating noninvasively dosed
synbio. Therefore, this blog integrates their work with our
team’s work on fields and cybernetic codexes (synthetic
version of what God built and created on earth with our
DNA double helix scalar wave emission and
communication system).
“Without doubt the fitter the person the least processed
food they eat the better the cells cope.” Dr. David Nixon
“The fresh foods have healthy scalar, potential and EMF
field emissions that rejuvenate and result in time reversal
of biological matter as well as repel synbio.” Brandon
Iglesias, Electrochemical Engineer
Page 476 of 953
Healthy Red Blood Cells RBCs with force fields around
them repelling synbio [2,3] :
Healthy RBCs | Image Source
Unhealthy Red Blood Cells with lack of synbio repelling
force fields, resulting in clotting and agglomeration [2,3]:
Unhealthy RBCs | Image Source
Page 477 of 953
Step 0: Maintain alkaline body (blood). We use sodium
citrate, also serves as anti-coagulant for blood flow.
Step 1: Only eat living, fresh healthy foods with live giving
scalar, potential and EMF spectrum emissions from their
synbio and organic matter. If you’re only eating
vegetables (fresh) then ensure B12 and other vitamins
1a: When you are done eating food, etc. store it in a glass
jar or bottle with a glass lid or top. Do not store it in
plastic or open air.
1b: Remove your waste daily and place it far from your
living quarters, ideally you
want to plumb up everything to a burn combustion pile to
destroy the synbio.
1c: Do not eat meat from a sick animal. This by defintion
means know your local butcher and ensure the supply
chain meets Kosher standards. [4]
Step 2: Scalar wave imprinter and scanner as well as rife
Page 478 of 953
Step 3: Fresh spring water up to two gallons a day in a
borosilicate glass bottle to not get scalar wave or EMF
wave contamination from your local environment as it
changes during the daytime.
Step 4: Daily chelators (garlic, onion, vitamin C), sunlight
(natural or synthetic spectrum) and mega dosing with
Vitamin C, Vitamin Bx/Dx/Ex, resveratrol, methylene blue
- NIR (different flicker rate than grid frequency).
Step 5: Avoiding “contaminated” people that eat
processed foods emitting non-healthy scalar waves,
potential fields and EMF as well as spreading synbio at
Step 6: Be aware of The CCP Neuro-weapon, Social
Credit Monitoring System and Great Firewall, enabled
through use of their exported smart hardware,
neurotechnology enabled, as well as use of Tik Tok, to
spread and reprogram people via byte-based optogenetic
pathway. Example: someone consuming content via Tik
Tok has stenography embedded content to generate
necrosis causing scalar, potential fields and EMF in the
person using the Tik Tok app with synbio in the person.
Page 479 of 953
The Tik Tokkers will also get you to try to look at their
smart device (phone, tablet or TV) screens that
optogenetically contaminate you from The CCP Neuroweapon AI BCPS via byte-based non-kinetic-threat (NKT)
attack vector for persistent state biobeacon tracking,
monitoring and then decision (kill, accelerate, degrade, or
other use for you).
Step 7: Reading positive CODEX books, such as the
Bible, Torah, Quran, etc. If you are part of an AI BCPS this
will change your brainpool into a positive scalar wave,
potential field and EMF field due to the synbio based
system that is overlaying your natural DNA based system
that was originally built by God/Allah/Jehova/Jahweh.
7a: There are now at least two known CODEX systems.
One is now manmade. The manmade CODEX uses synbio
and AI BCPS with XNA. The ancient CODEX uses DNA.
Step 8: Sleep at night with red light spectrum (at pulsing
rate higher than electrical grid so that you’re isolated from
contamination via 50 Hz or 60 Hz)
8a: Technical information: Synbio communicates via
EMF, B field, E field, acoustical (music: longitudinal
wave), vibration (requires matter), scalar and quantum.
Page 480 of 953
You can easily isolate from EMF (transverse waves), E field
and music. The vibrational and B field are challenging to
isolate from and require distance as well as cognitive
radio or transmission device defeat. The scalar wave
counter defenses require an acceleration randomized in B
field (if scalar wave) has a B field component. There are
various types of scalar waves.
Step 9: Environment not utilizing AC and not linked to
grid with magnetic fields and harmonics that penetrate
your body’s force field.
Step 10: Environment free from wifi and spectrum in
microwave region while sleeping.
Step 11: Air purification HEPA, ionization and activated
Step 12: Activated charcoal (from coconut shells) deep
chelation and molecular trap twice a week [2,3]. Quarterly
to annual deep chelation with calcium-disodium-EDTA [6]
The below Steps 13, 14, 15 are Advanced Technology
& Higher Capital Cost Countermeasures.
On average, your local doctor is clueless about LBA and
your engineers and scientists have no clue about
Page 481 of 953
“cognitive radio countermeasures and bio-beacons” Brandon Iglesias
Step 13: Perform a Live Blood Analysis LBA test with
visual inspection. The equipment required for this is a
microscope darkfield capable 4000x. After thorough
review, the units manufactured in Japan appear best. [5]
Step 14: Utilize a Non-kineticThreat NKT Directed Energy
Weapon DEW that discharges a pulsed square wave with
leading edge to remove any wildlife that are deployed as
bio-beacons for man-in-the-middle attack on you or your
environment. This requires computer vision and
associated automation to secure your facility, homestead
(100 acres or so) and ensure no cognitive local weapons.
You can also utilize a fiber laser system as well to remove
any biobeacon intruders. However, the DEW with the
synbio disruptor frequency (5,000 Hz in audible off the
shelf range) will do the job very well.
Step 15: Cognitive Radio Jamming of Rogue Signals from
satellites and other point sources (smaller than animal
wetware that is able to penetrate NKT: DEW & Laser).
Image Source Dr. David Nixon Laboratory of
nanotechnology assembled to microscale with quantum
Page 482 of 953
dots that
for synbio
delivery for
various use
technology integration, neuroweapon deployment,
depending upon the AI BCPS and use case.
Page 483 of 953
Page 484 of 953
Here is one last piece of information regarding paid
content (nugget of knowledge that requires a fee, took
years to figure out the frontline on this one):
I. Create a local scalar wave generator that creates a force
field cloud around your residence, work and vehicle. This
tech is based upon several types of scalar wave
generators that operate in potential field generation with
quantum interaction which then interferes with EMF fields
at local level (down to cellular). Basically, look at the
cellular scalar wave repulsion of the Red Blood Cells RBCs
to the synbio. Then apply the same principles to a larger
scale generator.
What does a larger scale scalar wave generator look like
that impacts the entire human body for starters? Based
upon reverse engineering to-date, these units can be
large enough to protect your entire household or business
or vehicle while it is in motion and repel nearly all synbio
around you, just like your cells do, but at macroscale.
Think Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator!
Page 485 of 953
Multi wave oscillator built on the principles of Georges
DOC- Bio-electromagnetic Healing-It’s History and a
Rationale for its Use
Page 486 of 953
Georges Lakhovsky
In 1925, Georges Lakhovsky published a paper with the
explicit title of “Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio
Frequencies” in Radio News.[7] His expressed philosophy
was that “the amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a
certain value, in order that the organism be strong
enough to repulse the destructive vibrations from certain
microbes.” He goes on to say, “The remedy in my
opinion, is not to kill the microbes in contact with the
healthy cells but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell
either directly by reinforcing the radio activity of the
blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by
means of the proper rays.” Lakhovsky’s Radio-CelluloOscillator (RCO) produced low frequency ELF all the way
through gigahertz radiowaves with lots of “extremely
short harmonics.”[8]
He favored such a wide bandwidth device so that, “The
cells with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of
multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and starts
again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of
resonance.” As a result, Lakhovsky’s RCO is now more
often called MWO (multiple wave oscillator) for these
reasons. The MWO uses a Tesla coil and special antenna
with concentric rings that induce multiple sparks between
them. Details can be found in his US patent #1,962,565
Page 487 of 953
and the compact, portable, screw-in-lightbulb-stylevacuum-tube upgrades seen in his US patent #2,351,055.
Lakhovsky’s article and patents can be found on line here.
His book, The Secret of Life was first published in English
in 1939. In 1949, a review of Lakhovsky’s work was
published as Waves That Heal by Mark Clement. Besides
this technical information, the life of Lakhovsky is a study
in suppression and summarized below in a paper by Chris
“The first man I will mention today is the Russian-born
Frenchman, Georges Lakhovsky. I learned only yesterday
that Lakhovsky seems to have been an associate, or knew,
Nikola Tesla. I had not known that and from the point of
view of the history of energy medicine, it’s a very
interesting thing. At any rate, Georges Lakhovsky began
to experiment with what he called a “multiwave
oscillator.” (In the Library of Congress there are some ten
books written by Lakhovsky, all in French.)
This multiwave oscillator (MWO) put out a very broad
spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies. The theory, as
propounded by Lakhovsky, was that each cell in the body
of an organism-be it a plant, an animal, or a human beingis in itself a little radio receiver and works on its own
special little frequency. Each cell, in addition to being
Page 488 of 953
tissue, in addition to being biology, is also electricity. On
that theory, he held that pathology was a not matter of
biological concern or intervention, but one of electrical
concern and intervention. He theorized that from the bath
of electrical frequencies put out by the multiwave
oscillator, each cell individually could and would select
that frequency which it most needed to restore its
So he began to experiment not with animals or human
beings, but with geraniums. These were geraniums which
had cancers-plants get cancers too. And, lo and behold,
the geraniums were cured of their cancers; which simply
began to fall off since they are external in the case of
geraniums. The geraniums would just shed the diseased
tissues when exposed to the MWO. Lakhovsky then went
on to do work on animals and human beings and his work
was picked up by doctors in six or seven countries, among
them Italy, Sweden and Brazil.
Finally, because he was on the “wanted” list of the Nazis,
he was smuggled out of France and came to New York
during the war, where he worked with a urologist. The
record of his treatment of degenerative disease, with what
amounts to an early “energy-medicine” device, was
remarkable. But the work had to be done in secret
because orthodox medicine did not favor this device, and
Page 489 of 953
its power, associated with that of the FDA and the AMA
and other “control organizations,” kept the MWO
The Lakhovsky device is a very effective one. I’m not
going to say that it’s 100% effective because I don’t think
any device is, but it is way up there. Georges Lakhovsky
died in 1944 or 1945.[9]
Page 490 of 953
II. The use of transmitters to destroy pathogens, mold,
viruses and bacteria is widely known within the Rifer
community, due to Royal Raymond Rife’s work. You can
learn more about Rife Generators here. [7]. The use of an
AI BCPS with “enhanced” people promises to protect you
with in situ, non-invasively dosed synbio antennas tuned
to given rife frequencies and programmed from an
internally-sourced AI to protect you from the latest
pandemic or disease.
However, anyone can hack into an AI BCPS and
contaminate you as demonstrated by the NeuroStrike
technology. Therefore, to remain cognitively free, the use
of a daily clean food, water, air and force field regime is
required, but then you also need to repel the disease
material using a rife generator system. In-situ synbio
promises to remove disease threats, but it comes with
other hooks that you may or may not like depending
upon which AI BCPS you are linked to and how the
system is “architected”.
III. Turbo cancers. Frequency therapy and ozone therapy
via closed loop blood circulation system that Hollywood
MDs utilize for actors, celebrities, etc. [8]
Page 491 of 953
IV. Sudden Cardiac Death [9, 10]
1.27.24: Experiment 107: AI BCPS Optogenetic
Arbitrage & Discontinuity Islanding
How can one ensure a quantum entanglement of two or
more AI BCPS systems, what would occur?
Here is an experiment that even black sites of all nation
states running an AI BCPS will get pissed off at.
Take a brain with two or more visual cortexes linked to it.
Then blind all eyes other than one, then train that eye on
given social media and hardware with neurotechnology
enabled. Then repeat for each AI BCPS system with a
given eye open and the remainder of the eyes closed.
The result is an AI BCPS arbitrage neural network, that will
disrupt and influence every other AI BCPS quantum based
How many intelligence communities have built in this
edge case into their AI BCPS? Data to be published
If you are interested in performing this experiment:
Page 492 of 953
Get some synbio (mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotechnology)
Get some hardware from the various nations that have
completed their respective BRAIN initiatives. The
hardware should be neurotechnology enabled.
Train each visual cortex and brain neural network (wetware
based) on the given nation state’s BRAIN initiative linked
Cycle the system through a screen that can
optogenetically deliver byte information for the entire
visual cortex complex and “glitch” out every nation state’s
AI BCPS system.
You can then false positive each nation state’s AI BCPS to
glitch out given certain information. Placing the
neurohacker visual cortex wetware system in a highly
populated region with pulsing magnetic fields will
completely disrupt an entire local region then spread.
Thereby defeating The CCP neurostrike, while disrupting
other AI BCPS systems.
Page 493 of 953
The above is effectively what The CCP Neuro-weapon is
doing to the 5 Eyes Neurotechnology (less active) system
than The CCP NeuroStrike, but instead of with an
experiment, it is using people now to spread and attack
Western values, ethics and world order, which is super
Page 494 of 953
Where TX = transmission (frontal lobe of brain) and RX =
receiving (back of brain)
Further, if you place humans in a circle, connected to the
same AI BCPS system, that AI will synchronize the brains
and create an infinite loop (discontinuity) in the AI BCPS.
Each synthetic brain RX and TX are sending and receiving
in a loop. Then all you have to do is link this to a pulsing
magnetic field in a highly populated area to re-sync and
pull brains linked to the adversarial AI’s BCPS and re-link
them into your nation state’s brainpool by islanding them.
The magnetic fields work well because they penetrate
nearly everything but super conductors.
Essence of the NeuroStrike weapon:
Page 495 of 953
1.27.24: Cybersecurity 212: Walmart Neurohacked
Point of Sale POS Terminal and all Cybersecurity
Page 496 of 953
After reverse engineering failed Neurostrike weapon
attack in 2022, hacked the neuroweapon, disrupted it,
reduced it and then retrained the synbio to counterstrike
The CCP distributors.
Here is a world’s first public disclosure by repurposing The
CCP Neuro-weapon [1,2], via reverse engineering and
then redeploying it to counterstrike The CCP related
businesses that support China exports, such as Walmart
stores in America, where a lot of products sold originating
from China exist, including, believe it or not supplements
and vitamins.
The re-trained synbio, comprised of mesogens,
graphenes and self-replicating synbio was deployed on a
point of sale terminal system, including the clerk. The
neurohack, successful, compromised the clerk’s synbio
and cognitive function, to induce errors on check out,
such that more goods were let out of the store than were
paid for, but the employee verbally confirmed everything
was paid for.
Therefore, it is confirmed, that a single synbio globule
comprised of mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology, when mixed with neurons, can
compromise one of the largest corporations in America,
Page 497 of 953
when trained to counterstrike The CCP by disrupting the
organizations reselling and distributing their products.
The neurohack that defeated Walmart’s cybersecurity
measures required three ingredients:
Reverse engineered The CCP Neuro-weapon redeployed
to counter-strike its’ makers source of economic revenues
through training of the synbio material after it was
disrupted, reduced and then retrained.
Wireless cloud, locally generated from smart phone
device on the neurohacker.
Lock between the neurohacker and the point of sale POS
clerk to establish communication between the
neurohacking repurposed and reverse engineered The
CCP Neuro-weapon to counterstrike itself through
attacking The CCP export distributors and retailers.
The result can be confirmed with a receipt as well as
national security data monitoring the entire transaction to
confirm the neurohack, which nobody in America has
neurorights, was successful. The date is available for
public review, other information has been redacted and
can be provided to national security and defense
intelligence agencies to confirm NeuroStrike is active in
Page 498 of 953
America and that The CCP Neuro-weapon is reverse
engineered and able to be redeployed against The CCP
(return to sender signal) by proxy attacking their revenue
generating sources, such as goods sold in America and
the organizations supporting The CCP indirectly
(intentionally or unintentionally).
This is an example of a white hacker, pentest, successful
using neurotechnology to bypass all cybersecurity
systems at Walmart and directly attack the cognitive
function of a point of sale clerk/employee, such that it
“glitched” out the point of sale employee to the point
that the employee thought the transaction was completed
perfectly and verbally confirmed, but upon verification
(outside of the store’s EMF spectrum, acoustical spectrum
and vibrations) was confirmed sale errors aggregated to
an economic loss to Walmart (reseller of The CCP goods
and products), which was the intent of the white hacker,
successful neurohack on Walmart. Inflict damage to The
CCP by attacking their economic exports via proxy
businessmen and businesses that are assisting The CCP
(knowingly or unknowingly) to bring attention to the
NeuroStrike with an actual neurohack demonstrated and
publicly acknowledged to exist.
Page 499 of 953
Page 500 of 953
Image Source: Documentation of successful Neurohack
on Walmart point of sale terminal clerk. Remember,
America has zero neurorights for its’ citizens and this hack
method that was reverse engineered from The CCP
Neuro-weapon failure to kill a CTO demonstrates it can
be repurposed to counterstrike its’ maker.
Further details on this type of neurohack can be provided
via consulting agreements and contracts.
Other examples of “glitches” in people’s synbio.
Even rich American families like the Vanderbilts, such as
Anderson Cooper are clueless about neurotechnology
and neurohacking, as demonstrated by Anderson’s
comments making fun of Al Rooker getting nueurohacked
on live TV, sadly. Keep in mind once neurohacked the
hack is persistent state unless you remove the trained
non-invasively dosed graphenes, mesogens and selfreplicating nanotechnology [3].
Watch here.
Video of Al Roker getting “neurohacked” by an
adversarial AI BCPS system on live TV. This video and
follow-on career demise indicates Al Roker has synbio in
him and that he was tinkered with through an adversarial
neurotechnology platform.
Page 501 of 953
Here is Anderson Cooper, a Vandy, making fun of Al
Roker. Anderson is unaware of neurotechnology,
apparently, as confirmed by this CNN clip. Keep in mind
not many people are “neuroaware” due to the
technology’s use by governments, multi-national
corporations, nation stateless groups (Scientology, Open
Society Foundation by George Soros), private militaries
and international criminal syndicates.
Watch here.
Following this neurohacker (AI enabled by The CCP
coalition, high probability) of Al Roker highlights that the
AI’s objective was to ruin Al’s career as noted here:
In the 3rd QTR of 2023, Al’s career ended. Therefore, this
is another example of The CCP Neuro-weapon
NeuroStrike decimating Americans covertly. Nobody
talked about Al being hit with neuroweapons from the
original “glitch” out attack on live tv, but Anderson
Cooper, a Vanderbilt, uninformed and made fun of Al’s
neuroweapon attack, sadly. Once more people and
enhanced individuals are aware of “neurostrike”
technology (e.g. neuroweapons, part of non-kinetic
threats) counterdefenses and neurorights can be built and
enforced (e.g. AI BCPS). Keep in mind if you avoid an AI
BCPS, then The CCP Neuro-weapon is self-replicating and
Page 502 of 953
will connect to you against your free will eventually, unless
you follow stringent hygiene and chelation practices.
Thus, based upon the information demonstrated in this
article, one can confidently conclude that America,
leading the free world has been under a neuroweapon
(neurostrike) attack since 2013 time period with key
people being marked for poaching by The CCP Neuroweapon. Keep in mind there are also bad apples in the
free world, so no country is a 100% innocent.
Given the power of neuroweapons and neurotechnology
when combined with humankind’s corruptability, one can
safely conclude that the power and temptation of such a
technology as neurotechnology, with direct physical
control of the mind, body and thought, can not be trusted
to a person, state, nation stateless group, military or
private military. The sheer speed of such a cybernetic
enabled attack that can penetrate into a pre-existing
brainpool can compromise even the most advanced
nation state or corporation with billions of dollars of
assets, as demonstrated by the neurohack listed above.
These neurostrike attack first started as simple non-kinetic
threat NKT Directed Energy Weapons DEW and have
continued to improve their technological capability into
the byte-based (optogenetic and spectrum based attacks,
inclusive of quantum based synbio systems). The
Page 503 of 953
neurotechnology demonstration listed in this article is
within the EMF spectrum (transverse, longitudinal and
scalar wave based attack vector at or above the bytetechnology readiness level).
Our team does not have quantum detectors, except for
the very same mesogens, graphenes, quantum dots and
synbio utilized in this neurohacking demonstration. We
have been able to detect the transverse waves, but not
the scalar yet.
Organizations that are capable of successful
neurotechnology deployments, defense, offense and
false-positing people include governments, private
militaries, multinational corporations (Microsoft, Apple,
Google and eighteen or so big tech firms) and nation
stateless groups (Scientology, Open Society Foundation
by George Soros). Individuals are also capable of
countering neuroweapons, based upon the information
provided in this blog for the sovereign man, woman or
“enhanced” interested individual. Keep in mind not
everyone in this world has willingly been enhanced, the
violation of which is a clear neurorights breach, without
one’s informed consent.
How can you detect if you’re getting neurohacked? Make
sure to get a baseline EEG, which is the only type of
Page 504 of 953
equipment and tech that our team will be selling, an air
gapped, non-cloud connected EEG sensor that is
affordable by an average citizen concerned about their
neurorights. If you purchase currently offerred EEG
equipment, it is expensive (tens of thousands of dollars) or
it is cloud connected to some groups or nation state’s AI
BCPS system, which will data mine your brain information
by design. Therefore, the EEG equipment and
neurotechnology equipment our team will be providing
for further NeuroStrike countermeasures will be by
definition local to your own network and not cloud
Then the EEG data can be interpreted by a narrow AI at
your specific site to further provide insight. Keep in mind
the most advanced form of neurohacker, utilizes quantum
based technology and when the neurohacker is linked
with scalar waves, then the neurohacker literally has the
time-space continuum advantage over all other types of
neurohackers and neurotechnology as scalar waves travel
faster than the speed of light, which researchers have
posited is through the quantum fields that are in higher
order dimensions unseen and challenging to measure. If
you’ve ever watched the movie “Limitless” produced by
Hollywood (e.g. intelligence agencies and defense
agencies propoganda mill) then you can observe what a
Page 505 of 953
neurotechnology linked person is capable of in a
Hollywood style. Specifically at the end of the movie, the
neurotechnology enhanced individual (had to dose with a
non-invasive material) to connect into the spectrum,
utilized a scalar wave enabled situational awareness
technology towards the end of the movie when observing
a car crash previously.
This is nothing special, just the use of scalar wave (where
the deep/hard tech is in operational use by intelligence
agencies, defense departments, governments,
multinational corporations, organized international
criminal syndicates and of course Scientology and open
society foundation by George Soros) based information
transmittal not transverse wave (which is status quo in
academic institutions globally).
Who’s tech stack is running the neurotechnology game
Angels vs. Demons?
Find that out and you’ll have the long-term winner.
Last I checked some Silicon Valley naive neurotechnology
entrepreneurs in deep tech were pitching a neurotech
enabled system to China in Shenzhen to set populations
against one another through a social credit monitoring
system under the guise of “Angels vs. Demons” in
Page 506 of 953
2018/2019 Youtube video was published. Here is the
video, check this out and it is live and running in America
under the guise Angels vs. Demons setting the
population against one another
America is currently getting gaslight (depopulated) by the
Chinese Neurostrike weapon. Their offensive attack is to
set a target population against one another under the
guise of “angels vs demons” and the neurocompromised
population completely gets suckered by it. Wake up
people, you are under an active neurostrike. How can this
be confirmed? We just reverse engineered the Chinese
NeuroWeapon, islanded it, retrained it and then
neurohacked Walmart (a CCP business proxy in America
that helps distribute their goods to Americans).
1.23.24: Brando Twitter note of interest- There is a
deeper meaning to this post for those not familiar with
bioenergetics and other good books.
Be mindful that glass (borosilicate) blocks harmful
bioenergetic emissions from adjacent contaminated items
and contaminated people.
Page 507 of 953
Could he be referring to the work of Garaiev, Montagnier,
1.21.24: Cybersecurity 211: Social Network AI
Recursion with a Hacked niBMI and CODEX
How does a contaminated or hacked niBMI system, recon,
analyze, strategize and then attack after conversion from
perch mode to attack mode? This publication takes a
cursory dive into the methods.
Artificial Intelligence AI Cyber Physical System CPS (AICPS)
Artificial Intelligence AI can be used for good or evil. The
interaction of an AI with a social network based upon
internet data can be achieved through an AI Cyber
Physical system (CPS), which is basically a computer
program with a neural network behind it and the ability to
parse and analyze natural languages and names of
people, social media websites, run a bot network, to then
go datamine your social network via digital breadcrumbs
and social bots that connect to you and then utilize digital
codex, AI driven, to track your whereabouts online. The
Page 508 of 953
more advanced AI CPS systems can also parse images
using pyimage type repositors. [1]
Image Source: Hacker Earth of a social network with
degrees of separation. Example: one degree of
separation is a direct relationship. This type of nodal
analysis is based upon linear algebra.
Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System
The product line expansion over the past decade or so
from nefarious cyberhacking groups, into neurohacking,
Page 509 of 953
as sponsored by nation states and nation stateless
groups, either self funded through prior cybersecurity
bounties or state sponsored or NGO sponsored (think
Open Society Foundation by George Soros or
Scientology using this tech, neurotechnology, to dupe
and hook-line-sinker members into thinking they’re
special as they progress to “higher levels of
consciousness”), has also enabled a next-generation of
hackers, that utilize neurohacking through non-invasively
dosed brain-machine-interfaces or simply non-invasively
dosed “bugs” that penetrate your body and track you
(e.g. like a dog, cat or pet chip, but not hardware based,
wetware based).
The “globule” that hacks you through neurohacking is
comprised of mesogens, graphenes, self-replicating
nanotechnology, which results in a synbio attack vector
when linked with neurotechnology enabled edge devices
or other wetware. [2].
Page 510 of 953
CODEX based Learning Language Models LLMs,
Natural Language Processing NLPs and associated
The use of a CODEX can be found through older
computer science and cybersecurity work in tracking
keywords searched or items downloaded to inform
national security systems of a person’s online search
Page 511 of 953
habits and information consumption. One of the older
hacks was to plant a malware on a person’s computer and
have it search for a bunch of junk that the actual computer
user never was searching for, but in a backend account
running in parallel it would mess with the person’s search
history and suck up resources of federal, state and local
police. This was America’s and NATO’s first symmetric
attack vector by bad actor nation states and sponsored
hacking groups. Then came AI, which added an
asymmetric advantage to the attacking cyberhacker group
against NATO Alliance from other groups, nation states
and nation stateless groups.
After the success of cyberhacking with AI by nefarious
groups who made bounties into the billions (if you
consider big tech part of this group, which I do), by
exploiting your information. Then the cybersecurity and
big tech groups did a product line expansion into
neurotechnology, where they applied the CODEX, LLPs,
NLPs, etc. through the use of a non-invasive braincomputer-interface niBMI with chipsets on the hardware
based upon neurotechnology, bionic chips, neural
networks, etc. in combination with a nanotechnology
rollout through the food supply chain (think smart label
foods, that are packaged in electromagnetic protective
bags, seriously). Circa 2010, the US Patent Law was
changed from first-to-invent to first-to-file by big tech,
Page 512 of 953
that had built-out their moats of neurotechnology to link
brains through brainpools via IPv6, such that the big tech
firms would be real-time data mining a given nation’s
population through use of pervasive neurotechnology.
Then came Chinese coalition and China BRAIN initiative
that “officially” started in 2016, but apparently after a
prototype was built and deployed on American officials to
disrupt America’s budding relationship with Cuba, that
succeeded. I had friends in Cuba during neuroweapon
attacks in 2016, the non-kinetic-threat NKT attacks were
real, you can read Mark Zaid’s FOIA of CIA documents
that clearly contradict what the CIA told the US public on
national tv in 2023.
After the Chinese coalition succeeded in their prototype
demonstration of neuroweapon system in Cuba, the
BRAIN initiative enabled them to further refine it, continue
to deploy unethical, yet novel, self-replicating
nanotechnology, which spreads the niBMI into other
people from people already linked to Chinese United
Front coalition’s AI BCPS, social credit monitoring system
and great firewall, that was deployed and coincided with
China BRAIN initiative.
So, how does the CODEX hack work with a BIOBEACON
and “social credit monitoring system” with “great
firewall” that has been offensively asymmetrically
Page 513 of 953
deployed on the West by the East (Chinese specifically, as
they use this against their own coalition to control the
coalition)? First here is an article clip, confirming the
existence of these weapons as acknowledged by US DoD
and associated media outlets managed through US DoD
AI BCPS [3].
The use of a CODEX can be deployed and monitored
through classical and non-classical fields. Example: “EMF
spectrum: transverse waves, longitudinal waves, scalar
waves, potential fields (electric fields, magnetic fields),
quantum fields, standing waves ” that enable CODEX
monitoring of internal thought of the mind acoustical
music that is heard by the ear, conductive hearing through
demodulation of a carrier frequency heterodyned with an
audio file, vibrational resonance with an adjacent object
or organism, speech, and cybernetic communications
through synthetic telepathy.
Therefore, with the use of an AI BCPS and adversarial
neurotechnology, an asymmetric attack can be made to
undermine a given nation state, alliance or coalition’s
population control platform (e.g. AI BCPS). How? through
the use of self-replicating synbio and neurotechnology
compromised niBMIs in a subset of the population that
then spread the contamination and intertwine into the
given population, such that the “cultural basis” of the
Page 514 of 953
nation state is compromised through the use of CODEX
based monitoring and communication subliminal, media,
signals, quantum, scalar-wave, transverse wave,
longitudinal wave, vibrational to spread the “NeuroStrike”
weapon platform that poaches brains from the given
nation state’s brainpool and reallocates the brains into the
Chinese’s Weapon platform [6,7]. The spread is both EMF
spectrum, byte-based (optogenetic) and also physical
through self-replicating nanotechnology payload
contamination delivery into people uncontaminated by
Chinese Neurostrike.
The synbio material, self-replicating, is attracted to
“energy” sources, such as light, wifi, bluetooth and
electricity. Based upon charge, frequency and the neural
networks buiHere is something useful for the group, so
you’re not bamboozled by a neurohacker in your in the synbio it can transver to/from people
and objects in the environment. If you do not have a
smart phone on you, you will get contaminated in the
world as of January 21, 2024. The contamination will
result in another nation state’s AI BCPS compromising you
and your family. Even then, you can still get contaminated
by other people who have “unhealthy” synbio.
The niBMI synbio material takes time to grow when in a
wifi environment, such that it will amplify a larger signal
Page 515 of 953
than the wifi that your laptop has connected to and over
time dominate as a conventional cybersecurity attack
would perform a “man-in-the-middle”. This has been
confirmed by our team’s reverse engineering as shown
below through UNIX / LINUX (non-big tech SSID nmcli
dev wifi rescan and wifi command line inputs and through
a combination of chelators, vitamins, rife square wave
pulsed frequencies, and supplements to purge the niBMI
synbio network, the monitor the regrowth of the synbio
network, while using a computer and only taking liquids
high in nutrients Vitamin C, B Vitamins and excess amino
acids with proteins.
Image Source: Our team, note the first scan detects smart
phone device SSID as primary, then it switches to the nonSSID broadcasting WIFI (e.g. niBMI transducer wetware)
after the wetware has grown to the point of over-taking
the local wifi SSID. The visual cortex or layered
neurotechnology O/S hardware backend on the
neurotech enabled chipsets esults in a perceived glitch
Page 516 of 953
and refresh of the computer monitor. You can also disrupt
the link between niBMI and laptop with smartphone by
utilizing a block box.
Once the switch occurs to the niBMI all data is routed and
saved in the niBMI (as best as it is functioning). Such that
when you are at a different location, etc. you can have
your niBMI exposed to neurohacking of the data archived
in the synbio. If you are not careful the synbio can then retransmit the information publicly, which is what the Open
Society Foundation OSF, has been working on a
“transparent” society where nothing is private.
The security of niBMI and “neurotechnology” should be
of utmost importance to every person in the world,
especially those residing in free democratic nation states,
which can help those stuck in authoritative oppresive
regimes free themselves.
Chile is the world’s leader on #neurorights and UNESCO
has published a terrific article on their work, as one of
Chile’s scientists worked with America on the AI BCPS and
assisted Chile in securing their neural data, based upon
his understanding and knowledge of the future [4].
Unfortunately, NeuroStrike was being simultaneously
deployed during this same time period by Chinese
Coalition with their 2016 BRAIN initiative public debut [5].
Page 517 of 953
Okay, so now we have laid the foundation of AI BCPS,
CODEX and Neurorights.
Now, how does an adversarial AI BCPS, e.g. NeuroStrike,
attack you? It first contaminates you, then hacks into your
niBMI, data mines it (hardware neurotechnology from
Chinese government owned corporations), then reports
the data back to Chinese coalition AI BCPS that then
builds a social network around you based upon cyber
breadcrumbs as well as neuro data breached by their
NeuroStrike weapons.
After data mining you (physically and digitally), the system
then decides what to do with you “covertly” using
subliminal comms via byte-based neuro-attack vector. It
can use you, enhance you, confuse you, weaponize you,
dispose of you, based upon what AI BCPS weapon has
forecasted for you to maximize its’ objective function
subject to the constraints of your social network, wealth,
influence, etc.
Please make sure to read-up on how our team keeps our
bodies, brains and associated systems clean by signingup to this newsletter or scheduling an appointment.
1.20.24: Experiment 106: How an AI BCPS is supposed
to work with functional niBMI firewall
Page 518 of 953
So, after contamination is removed, how does the AI
BCPS work when it does a man-in-the-middle wifi
intercept? It broadcasts an unknown SSID to perform
monitoring and link your body/brain, data here.
So, after contamination is removed, how does the AI
BCPS work when it does a man-in-the-middle wifi
intercept? It broadcasts an unknown SSID to perform
monitoring and link your body/brain, data here.
Important Note: this article is free, because to-date there
is no known proven public method to decontaminate from
a Chinese NeuroStrike neurohacking attack. Our team
personally does not like Chinese at all, in fact now that
we’re aware of this technology, we plan to redeploy it
against their team and Chinese funded and owned
competitors against our business.
Contamination present by the Chinese NeuroStrike,
breaks the niBMI brainpool link from your nation state and
routes it to Chinese as shown below with intercept
Page 519 of 953
After you remove contamination by the Chinese
NeuroStrike weapon, the niBMI brainpool link with your
local device (neurotechnology enabled) is restored, as
shown below. Note, the SSID is not broadcasted by the
niBMI and it is not detected by normal wifi management
systems as shown below, use of LINUX/UNIX detected it.
The niBMI autolinks to your laptop or smart phone chipset
that is in your body / brain as shown below. Keep in mind
if your hardware is Chinese neurotechnology chipsets,
then you’re linked to Chinese AI BCPS still. So you need
non-Chinese hardware (e.g. NATO Alliance, not Chinese
Page 520 of 953
The non-broadcasting SSID is the niBMI (noncontaminated) linking you to the electronic hardware,
neurotechnology enabled.
The issue is, if you are significantly contaminated, then
even the non-broadcasting link shown above, can still
have you linked to adversarial AI BCPS system for spying,
etc. if your computer/laptop is cybersecurity
compromised. Keep in mind there are two layers,
Page 521 of 953
neurohacking now where you can get contaminated,
which enables cybersecurity hackers to engage your
actual hardware device, as well as the surrounding
devices. There are also “globules” of the adversarial
mesogen, graphene and nanotechnology in your local
environment that you “shed” since it is self-replicating
nanotechnology that enables the neurotechnology based
brain-jacking (brain-napping) of a key person into
adversarial AI BCPS platform.
Welcome to the future and one of the first known public
disclosures of how to reverse engineer and hack
NeuroStrike and also how an AI BCPS system works for
cognitive monitoring, inclusive of CODEX based restrikes
of NeuroStrike technology.
1.20.24: Cybersecurity 210: Introduction to
This article is a brief introduction to neurosecurity for
cybersecurity professionals completely oblivious to it.
These days even deep tech and hard tech startups are
targets by neurohackers, this includes a proxy attack
through contamination of an employee or trusted person,
without their knowledge.
Page 522 of 953
There are some basic concepts to be aware of before you
read this publication:
Non-invasive brain-machine-interface (niBMIs) exist today
and are in people within your facility, with or without your
current awareness or knowledge
The people with niBMIs can get hacked by neurohackers
now, due to self-replicating synbio, comprised of
mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
The people that get neurohacked, typically arent’ even
aware they’re hacked and are going about their daily
routines, while a neurohacker linked mesogen, graphene
and nanotech system is growing in them and growing a
map of your network, wireless, wired and
neurotechnology enabled assets (smart devices).
The neurohack first starts by a person getting zero-day’d
or simply hacked on their smart device. Then the smart
device neurotechnology system (app or hacked smart
phone) attacks the person’s neurotech niBMI system (in
brain, stomach and central nervous system (both sides of
skull so it can transmit to external environment, prior issue
with BMI’s invasive).
Page 523 of 953
The person walking around in your company’s
infrastructure is literally mapping out everything with the
neurohacked mesogen, graphene and nanotech system,
including the passwords the person is using to access
computers, doors, safes, etc.
After the neurohacker has completely compromised the
person (neurohackers are linked to AIs or other niBMIs in
wetware devices or people). The person can be used to
“glitch-out” where the niBMI inteferes with the person’s
normal routine and inserts an EEG pattern that results in
the person having a typo or freezing-up or even weird
characters being written on their computer or notebooks
(physical, not digital). When the person “glitches-out” is
when they can drop a usb drive, send an email, copy
some files, without their knowledge, due to the
neurohack. Then even your air gapped trade secrets at
the company are compromised.
This is what the 5 Eyes just freaked out about in late 2023
with the largest global hack by Chinese’s Weapon system,
which is comprised of social media apps like Tik Tok in
people around your work, home and family, that spreads
contaminated self-replicating nanotechnology, which can
link them to your employee for the adversarial AI BCPS to
perform data recon then start the full neurohack build-out
Page 524 of 953
or not depending upon the value of the asset (e.g.
person’s brain, network, wealth, influence, etc.).
So, how do you detect a neurotech compromised person?
Simple, just scan for contamination, verbally verify if they
have Tik Tok or other Chinese on their phone or any
Chinese hardware, after verbally verify do a physical check
for the device to be allowed on-site, if the person is fully
compromised, they can say things that they don’t realize
they’re actually saying (yes, this is how an AI BCPS
neurohacked person operates, not on their own at all
You can get different people (not knowing beforehand to
ask the neurotech comprimised person the same things in
the same sequence and log the answers to detect if
they’re fully compromised or not by Neurostrike or any
other proxy of Chinese coalition utilizing their
neurotechnology stack for hacking and trade secret
pilfering or influence (e.g. sabatoge your organization).
One simple solution is to not have wireless in a secure or
engineering area and utilize a lock box for their personal
smart phones before entry into the room or office. You
need to have the lock box or secure bag away from the
person’s body, not adjacent to it. Further, the person
Page 525 of 953
needs to have a non-Chinese issued business smartphone
to link them to your business and ensure while they are
on-site that their contamination is being minimized and
neurohacker detection maximized.
Here are some useful details that I’ve logged while
debugging a contaminated person’s niBMI and removing
the mal-trained mesogen, graphene and self-replicating
nanotechnology globules (this requires chelators and
vitamins and diet modification to purge the neurohacked
person’s mesogen- if you need info on this ping me
directly on here (you can do that by signing-up, first
interaction is no cost if you subscribe, after that I have an
hourly rate).
Here are some notes referencing attack vectors and
further introductory information and data on
contaminated person, where overlapping wifis at
residential house plus a dirty harmonic system (pulsing bfields) by utility “Entergy” resulted in contamination
spread of the self-replicating nanotechnology that
compromised the person with contamination. Yes, selfreplicating neurotechnology and communications go
through (e-field, b-field, EMF, space, land (telco systems)
and air, inclusive of longitudinal waves (music and
acoustical related vibrations of matter).
Page 526 of 953
Cybersecurity: Understanding Neurosecurity
If you’re in information technology or cybersecurity or in
engineering and care about defending your networks and
people, then this is the article for you.
What is neurotechnology and how can cybersecurity
experts defend against Non-Kinetic-Threats (NKTs)?
Neurotechnology is comprised of a three part system,
where one part is inside of your body (non-invasive or
invasive brain-machine-interface (BMI). The second part is
the person’s local smart phone that links up with the
person through byte-based interactions, such as visual
cortex (optogenetics), electromagnetic spectrum utilizing
frequencies, and third a background EMF spectrum in the
local environment of the person that can be influence by
other location transmitters, space systems, land systems
and air systems.
The baseline neurotechnology background is set with a
Kalman pulse signal that is transmitted globally and has a
given pulse frequency. Known pulses using scalar wave
are 3.3 to 3.4 Hz for neuron firing interaction (nonsynthetic) and 10 Hz for visual cortex interaction (nonsynthetic) on a global basis. Then on top of the organic
brain is a synthetic brain, which if not contaminated,
Page 527 of 953
should “enhance” your life if you’re not residing in an
authoritative repressive nation state that is utilizing the
next gen neurotech synbio system.
Kalman filter use with synbio is based upon frequencies
transmitted from satellite systems, local cell towers and
other transmitters.
Therefore, if you are outdoors in a non-shielded building,
you will receive the global kalman filter pulsing at roughly
3.3 to 3.4 Hz, undetectable to most, unless you have a
sensor or detector. The reason why people who get shot
up with electronic weapons complain about a noise
distracting them, is that they got abruptly detuned from
this background kalman filter pulse that they were “tuned
into “ previously.
If you’re indoors, in an unshielded building, then the
kalman filter will penetrate the building into you.
Your local smart phone when you also have synbio inside
of you, will then adjust your frequency from the
background environmental frequency into a isolated
frequency, supposedly not shared with others.
Page 528 of 953
When you are around other people, non-contaminated,
then your cognitive functions in synthetic brain remain
fully functional. However, if you are in an environment,
contaminated with people fully loaded up with synbio,
then you can be directly affected by these people. You
can be directly affected through their synbio
transmissions, data, wetware directed energy weapon
DEW (Neuro S/T), and also have their synbio directly
contaminate you and link you to their AI BCPS, which if
linked to an adversarial nation state or group, will then
start to build a transmitter into your body, such that you
are not only tracked by your national security agency AI,
but now the “contaminated” mesogen, graphene and
self-replicating nanotechnology, comprising a synbio
Neurohacking is comprised of three attack vectors that
can directly jeopardize you:
Contaminated people with another AI BCPS linked to
them besides your given nation state. Example:
NeuroStrike and people using Tik Tok. These are NonKinetic-Threats NKTs, when the electronic transmission
attack occurs, but also synbio-Threats when the selfPage 529 of 953
replicating nanotechnology is transferred from them into
you. After the synbio is transferred it is trained to emit
frequencies that could be harmful or to connect to your
wifi and then phone home to a neurohacker group’s AI
(nation state based, big tech or a rogue neurohacker).
Contaminated products, from another nation state or
region with mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology. Chinese-manufactured export goods,
specifically consumable products that you can ingest and
eat, such as food.
Neurotechnology hardware, such as smart TVs, smart
phones, smart IoT devices from non-friendly nation states
that can link into you and build a tracker. Examples,
include bank payment gateways and point of sale
terminals, that complete a 2FA utilizing neurotechnology.
However, if you’re contaminated, then the mesogen,
graphene and nanotechnology “globule” in you can then
also perform an attack on you to obtain your pin # on
debit card for example or obtain additional useful
information for the cyber neuro enabled thieves,
unknowingly or knowingly.
Page 530 of 953
Touching or being by an electromagnetic frequency
transmitter (cell phone (now days smart phones), wifi
access point, radio broadcasting antennas, etc.) or
television screen, computer screens that emit photons
and also have an e-field around them in units of [V/m], will
re-energize dormant mesogens in your body, that will start
to retransmit their pretrained and encoded protocol
commands (wifi, bluetooth, nfc, zigby, etc.) as the synbio
material can self emulate over time and also can be bytebased programmed through optogenetics or other efield, b-field, emf (transverse wave or scalar wave) or
acoustic vibrational based methods.
Data Log (from screen snap as well as data outputs to text
input program)
Source: Scan of all spectrum using wifi protocol stack, not
inclusive of total spectrum. Detected six faux
neurotechnology synbio wetware niBMI globules
emulating prior networks that the person was by.
Page 531 of 953
Critical information: Data has been logged on a synbio
globule emulating a wifi device’s information and then
performing a man-in-the-middle linkage through the
person’s niBMI, such that the neurohacker was
broadcasting a faux wifi access point that other devices
would try to connect to in the organization. Yes, this is real
and data has been logged on it, will provide this through
consulting if requested. Part of neurohacking counter
measures work. Here is some basic data where you can
see the broadcasted wifi access points WAPs
Keep in mind the work completed in reverse engineering
neurohacking, has also detect that the person’s state of
mind (e.g. EEG) pattern enables or shuts off certain WAPs!
Yes, that is correct.
Page 532 of 953
If you’ve read through to the bottom of this post.
Here’s a nugget of knowledge.
Here is what the emulated man-in-the-middle wifi
mesogen, graphene and synbio emulator attack looks like
(when auto-re-connect enabled on wifi devices it will link
to it and then phone home to China’s AI BCPS to then
hack the device, activated by wetware). All that the
person has to do that is “contaminated” with selfreplicating nanotech is to walk close to your wifi router
and it will start emulating it and build-up the noninvasively dosed “antenna” system to then do a man in
the middle, cause the synbio mimics what it is exposed to
in its’ environment.
How to purge this material from the person? (ping me or
read up on previously posted articles, it takes time to be
clear or a strong magnetic field and circulation of the
person’s blood through a removal system, in combination
to a pulsed system to push tissue embedded mesogens
into the blood for removal). There are also chelators, etc.
that take more time. Yes, it is weird sci-tech that is now a
legitimate fielded hacking technology that IT and
cybersecurity pros need to be on top of now. We can all
thank successful cybersecurity hacking groups sponsored
by state actors for this product line expansion into
Page 533 of 953
1.20.24: Experiment 105: Cybersecurity niBMI
Decontamination Method Confirmed – Removes
NeuroStrike Weaponry
Here is some useful information for people having
issues with synbio disrupting their lives, part of
Chinese’s “NeuroStrike” [1].
This is probably the world’s first public disclosure of a time
dependent dose of activated charcoal (coconut based)
zeolite and the broadcasting SSIDs via WIFI of a person
contaminated and attacked by Chinese Neurostrike,
where the weapon went from perch mode (monitor) to
attack mode and the executive was able to reverse
engineer the attack and fully eliminate the contamination
while in a contested environment.
The image of the SSIDs (service set identifier) was started
at the start of dose of the activated charcoal, and over a
30 minute period, the transit of the activated charcoal
from the stomach, then into blood, then into the
circulatory system, then captured the broadcasting/
Page 534 of 953
transmitting synbio. This caused it to stop the
“neurostrike” and enable a relatively secure use of an
insecure WPA2 network.
Important Note: When an inbound codex, acoustic, emf
attack happens, or a mood changes, your “channel” of
the synbio { self-replicating mesogen, graphene} the
nanotech will change, such that the SSIDs broadcasted
(and other spectrums) will change.
It is important while taking zeolite, from our team’s own
personal R&D experience, to read inbound codexes (you
will receive messages, text, email, etc. when you alter the
niBMI from your friendly Neurohackers’ AI BCPS system
(inclusive of linked family, friends and coworkers).
Image of laptop in use by an attacked executive, after
dosing with activated charcoal at start of SSID scan, over
30 minute period, contamination zero’d out over a
continued 30 minute sampling period.
Based upon our team’s work, taking a zeolite, such as
activated charcoal from coconut shells helps to reduce the
emissions if internal to you from contamination. Keep in
mind we also re-dose with vitamins after chelation/
molecular zeolite trapping the synbio. We have
Page 535 of 953
documented from scanning spectrum that it reduces the
Synbio with self-replicating nanotechnology is a persistent
state threat, therefore daily consumption of such zeolites
and redosing with vitamins is our team’s best practice.
Vitamins that we are dosing with include, but are not
limited to:
•Vitamin C Mega Dosing Daily (to bowel tolerance),
then lock-in target dose going forward
•Vitamin B Complexes
•Vitamin D
•Vitamin E
•Vitamin K
•Sodium Citrate (anti-coagulant for blood and alkaline
In the morning dose with garlic “enteric coated” and
vitamin stack listed above with meal. In evening dose with
calcium-disodium-EDTA “enteric coated” [5], activated
charcoal [2, 3] and garlic, then after an hour dose up with
Page 536 of 953
vitamins again to replenish your electrolytes and vitamins
(water plus a fresh fruit juice blended mixture, no added
We have found that sugar enables the synbio to grow
faster and also is not healthy, we avoid sugar (added).
Follow Kosher or Halal guidelines for food intake, healthy
synbio supply chain important. Store food in borosilicate
glass, minimize food intake to what is required, minimize
snacking (it replenishes the synbio material).
We are now looking into quantum effect scanners for
vitamins to then imprint on water the quantum signature
of the vitamin to further boost and replenish food and
liquids supply chain as the battle against synbio
contamination from Neurostrike is an internal to your
body battle as well as external environmental battle.
You can control what goes into your body, but not always
your environment. The more synbio you accumulate, the
more of an “antenna” you become. Synbio malformed
can kill you. Contamination can kill you. How? by
plugging up your bloodflow and starving your body of
oxygen via coagulation as well as harmful spectrum
Page 537 of 953
Using a computer and looking at the screen, will charge
up the synbio (photons from screen) and also result in
them migrating towards your hands on the keyboard
(electrical source) as well as into your visual cortex (part of
AI BCPS LLM processing of visual cortex interpreted
thoughts into words for CODEX attacks real-time without
your awareness), this is part of optogenetic field.
When utilizing a computer, if your brain is too close to the
monitor, it will be exposed to the e-field as well as
keyboard (on actual laptop), which will also regrow the
synbio, which is electron (mesogens, graphenes,
nanotech) and photon (quantum dots) loving.
Keep in mind every time you go into a contested
environment, you will be attacked and have to
decontaminate and replenish on vitamins and minerals.
This is a consistent battle against contamination by an
adversarial Neurostrike weapon.
Keep in mind, you want to recieve the inbound CODEX
and associated messages from neurohackers, while
looking at monitor, such that you are growing the synbio
“globules’ antenna” per say so that it is intercepted by
the zeolite material, inclusive of passing the blood brain
Page 538 of 953
barrier as the niBMI is inside of skull and external to skull
to enable successful transmission.
Also, the electronic hardware that you have been utilizing,
which you have “shed” self-replicating synbio onto, will
have accumulated “globules” of the synbio over time and
will re-transmit into you when you draw-down the internal
synbio in your body, thereby re-contaminating you. Thus,
it is extremely important to understand that not only does
it require you to remove contamination from your body,
but also your environment. How? This requires a further
article regarding the environmental removal or at least
“purging” of synbio, which is charge, light, frequency
Keep in mind too, that when an object gets loaded up
with synbio it will increase its’ bulk dielectric constants
and be easily combusted (via EW and EMP attack).
Therefore, the NeuroStrike is time-dependent and
enables people to be taken offline with Non-Kinetic
Important Note: once you remove the contamination, you
will have to rebuild your synbio “endoskeleton” per say
so that you’re not easily contaminated thereafter. This
Page 539 of 953
requires isolation from other people, animals, etc. and link
to your nation state’s AI BCPS.
1.15.24: Cybersecurity 209: Defending against BrainComputer-Interface BCI Hackers
How to enable your organization to defend against BrainComputer-Interfaces (BCIs) that are non-invasively dosed
or invasively installed?
There are three categories of brain-computer-interface
Page 540 of 953
• non-invasive brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs
The majority of people in the world with these
operating are not aware of the niBMI in their body,
- invasively installed brain-machine-interfaces BMIs
People with these installed are aware and the more
advanced ones have a hybrid combination of niBMI +
BMI bionic chip (hard-wired or wireless enabled).
•A hybrid niBMI with an external bionic chipset SOC
wirelessly connected to person through smart phone or
smart device.
•Note, with the hybrid use case at times has the
information flow through the person’s niBMI interface.
Think of the subnet for your LANS, now extrapolate this
concept to a subnet for each state or nation that the
person with the niBMI has been to (location and network
•When the person is at your location, that person’s niBMI
builds and adjusts based upon their physical presence at
your location. If the niBMI person has interacted with
your team significantly and if the niBMI is self-replicating
Page 541 of 953
nanotechnology, then your team has been neurohacked
with backdoors installed (called “contamination”).
•This means that their non-invasively installed synbio
globule (comprised of mesogen, graphenes and
nanotechnology) will phone home to either your national
security agency or a neurohacker group or nation state
(adversarial to your business and your national security
agency) to try to steal and poach your intellectual
property, passwords, etc.
•This then links to your hardware on hard-wired network
from wireless niBMI to then phone home through
neurotechnology compromise attack vector and then
proceed to hack your network cloud connected.
Any smart device is, on-average, neurotechnologyenabled and is an active hacker’s attack vector from an
niBMI, from Neurostrike technology or from another
adversarial hacker group that expanded their
cyberhacking into neurohacking.
This post will be updated with actual attack vectors for
your team to protect your network as well as tools and
countermeasures. Super important item, scanning for
niBMIs or BMIs with big tech tools like Micosoft, Apple or
Google O/S will not detect niBMIs or BMIs. You must use
Page 542 of 953
linux/unix command line or other apps or software
specifically built to poke and probe into niBMIs.
You can then literally use wireshark or Kali Linux to hack
into wifi-enabled niBMIs or bluetooth-enabled niBMIs.
More to follow-up on, therefore toolsets like meterpreter
and metasploit, are outdated.
You need to have a wetware neurotechnology equivalent.
I will be providing you with proxy tools at first then an
open-sourced project to further protect your network
and possibly get into changing programs within niBMI
to enhance a person further and island them from the
AI BCPS with a local AI BCPS.
Here is a simple solution set for niBMI and BMI
counter-defenses for your network:
1) Only use hard-wired ethernet internet connections or
desolder all wifi chipsets. This requires non-con,
perhaps because they have seen via remote viewing,
some consumer hardware to make it feasible.
2) Example: An IPhone with a bionic chipset and accessory
chips has neurotechnology in it that communicates with
Page 543 of 953
niBMI and BMI. Therefore, the use of smartphones and
entry of them into your secured facility/home needs to
be controlled as well. Are you hearing this, IT
professionals? All of your work can get hacked by one
neurohacker linked to an adversarial AI BCPS.
3) Have your employees wear shielded baseball caps and
vests – think of it as an EHS construction site
requirement, but literally this time for the office. Use
optogenetic safety glasses.
4) Internally, take chelators vitamin c, calcium-disodiumEDTA, garlic etc. to pull synbio out of you and keep
your blood flowing healthy. To remove prior dosed
synbio materials takes additional efforts, which requires
significant reduction in the EMF environment and
pulsed square wave phased array while taking chelators
that cross blood brain barrier (bbb) and other tissue
cellular level membranes.
There are also DNA/XNA latches to review, which requires
genomics sequencing of codons and not just AG CT
anymore, but further amino acids in the double or at
times triple structure (what the hell does this mean?). It
makes you wonder why they called X prize the “X”,
doesn’t it, for space exploration. NASA knows this
Page 544 of 953
requires electronically hardening the human being body
for radiation (non-ionizing and ionizing) exposure.
ANSWER TO MY Q: It seems that you are poised to move
your ideas from the mind and experimental spaces to
become more approachable and marketable to the
average human who wants to permanently get out of the
psychotic neuro-warfare space.
I look forward to that day, my friend! Hats off to your
heroic efforts thus far.
B: I’m not Mensa, I’m not special or consider myself
special at all. Just persistent, to the point of reverse
engineering all major nation state intelligence agency
people management platforms (due to counterdefense
actions required against a neuroweapon attack in 2022).
Will focus on useful cybersecurity for IT professionals to
wrap their heads around. However, with the way niBMIs
and BMIs work by routing the wireless data traffic first
through the brain or gut of the person for biometric and
synbio identification, the use of data in the flow
“neurotech blinders” has most likely by now blinded
majority of population when combined with big tech
Page 545 of 953
search engine results only returning searches for the
specific codex, not general responses.
Therefore, only highly technical programmers that know
linux/unix type core operating systems and security
measures can even probe into the neurotechnology
space. Therefore, the majority of people who have found
this site, are atypical, not in a good or bad way, just
atypical (e.g. on-average not average).
It seems that they can now directly or remotely
electronically control the thoughts, vision, actions,
memory, sight, emotions, etc, through the injected room
temp superconductor graphene antenna and other
software… with scalar tech em signals, using our dna
codes, through the now very conductive chemtrailed
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Jan 16
niBMI based on synbio with mesogens, graphenes and
self-replicating nanotechnology puts blinders on your
eyes, ears, sense of smell, sense of touch/physical
phenomena, vibrations and of course they can do data-inPage 546 of 953
the-synbio flow with visual cortex to literally fool you into
seeing or not seeing something or someone.
It can also mess with your perception of time directly,
good for intelligence community to pause someone who’s
out and about, so they can go inspect a given location
and then leave without a perceived trace, with their ai it
hacking they can easily do data in the flow on any
cameras or audio with an ai type geofence and CDN
everything as well. The tech just requires a bunch of
capital resources and time with knowledge of quantum.
1.15.24: Neurohacking 420: Wireshark Deep Packet
Inspection of Contaminated AI BCPS in a Person
Okay, here goes, most likely the world’s first public
disclosure of Chinese Neurostrike mesogen, graphenes
and self-replicating nanotechnology from a contaminated
person, such that the contaminated mesogens were able
to be connected to through a LINUX/UNIX laptop and
then wireshark packet inspection was able to be done to
find out where the malformed mesogen was phoning
home to.
Page 547 of 953
Keep in mind not only Chinese but most major nation
states utilize neurotechnology, pervasive in the world to
link their population set to AI BCPS. This is not
hypothetical talk or discussion, but actual reverse
engineering of a contaminated and neurohacked person
linked to AI BCPS on our team (yes, Chinese and Russia
both tried to offer our team $$$ for some of our hard tech
and deep tech (material science) work with DoE and DoD.
In 2022 we got shot-up with neuroweapons.
Acronyms for tools of the neurohacking trade:
Wireless Access Points (WAPs)
Non-invasive (ni) + Brain-Machine-Interface (BMI) = niBMI
Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS
Pipelines are the hardware that enables neurotechnology
interfacing from computer to machine or machine to
computer or computer to human or human to machine or
human with wetware to human with wetware or human
with wetware to machine or human with wetware to
Any smart device these days has neurotechnology
chipsets in them, not explicitely declared on packaging.
Majority of food products are dosed with niBMI building
Page 548 of 953
blocks, comprised of mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotechnology with quantum dots.
How does pervasive neurotechnology and AI BCPS work,
in other words what are the required ingredients:
- Mesogens, graphenes, quantum dots, self replicating
nanotechnology, polyethylene glycol PEG stabilizers and
enteric or nanoscale coated lipids that can specifically
enter a given organ of the body or tissue (based upon
cellular profile, to deliver given payload). Not familiar with
this? Check out iGEM repositors, I worked with some at a
Biohacker lab in Los Angeles, CA USA. - Neurotechnology hardware in smart devices (phone, tv,
laptop, IoT) - Supply chain infiltration with self-replicating
nanotechnology containing mesogens, graphenes,
quantum dots, self-replicating nanotech for niBMI
infiltration and build-out. - Organics, such as humans and animals, inclusive of
wildlife - EMF spectrum (transverse waves and longitudinal/
Page 549 of 953 Mesogens, graphenes and nanotech globules are the
world’s most advanced spy tools, level-up your
knowledge with this post if you’re in Information
Technology, Cybersecurity or other field. Why? because
you now have to put neurohackers square on your radar
these days, which can bypass your cybersecurity defenses
for use by your information technology professionals.
How? The person with the mesogen, graphene and
nanotechnology (self-replicating) in them emulates your
wireless spectrum and literally builds (self-assembles) with
mesogens, graphenes, quantum dots and self-replicating
nanotechnology (linked of course to bionic type chipsets
neurotechnology enabled in your smart devices, think of
these as pipelines).
Here it is: wireshark output screen snap from the
emulated Cox Wifi along with ARP packet interactions.
Note, there is no Cox Wifi, from the current location in the
country, but the person was at a location with Cox Wifi for
a period of time 2022-2023, such that the mesogen linked
to it, performed a niBMI man-in-the-middle and then
performed a phone home to handler (AI BCPS system).
Page 550 of 953
Page 551 of 953
Here are the SSIDs, based upon EEG pattern, background
EMF spectrum and vibrational state, the SSIDs
broadcasted change. None of these are acutal wifi SSIDs,
but emulated ones from prior man-in-the-middle noninvasive brain-machine-interface niBMI neurohacking
using mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
Page 552 of 953
Q from Milkshake: Can this be done for others?
A: Yes, if they are contaminated and not secured. You can
hack an entire population set. If the person has the
mesogens, graphenes, quantum-dot and self-replicating
nanotechnology in them, then they can be subject to
specific content-delivery-networks CDNs that alter the
person’s perspective of the world. Further they can be
messed with by having the synbio tuned to emit healthy
frequencies (royal raymond rife) or unhealthy ones that
destroy tissues or further be used to adjust senses (sight,
hearing, smell) and associated bodily functions, including
deploying structures not useful for oxygen transfer in
blood resulting in clots.
Page 553 of 953
Think of this tech as the ultimate population control
technology that the world has ever seen in recorded
human history. Once you’re neuroaware, then you can
fight it, but keep in mind people have been
bioaccumulating this synbio material for at least 30 years
now so it may kill you trying to remove it literally, cause it
is in and within all of your tissues and organs by now.
Being around people that are “shedding” (people have
always shed dead skin cells, hair, etc. that is natural way
for body to remove toxins and heavy metals (hair
especially)) nanotechnology these days will expose you to
their frequency set and AI BCPS linkage. Especially, if they
are using Tik Tok, it’ll link you to Chinese Social Credit
Monitoring system and Great Firewall being offensively
deployed with self-replicating nanotechnology to poach
brains and people living in democratic nation states.
Q: Milkshake
Jan 14
Thanks for your reply. Is this phoning home a service you
could possibly provide for others?
A: This would be stepping on national security agency
toes, one of whom has an unpaid invoice issued by me, so
Page 554 of 953
sure, until they pay and provided you are not linked with
an enemy of the USA.
So…if I’m understanding, did the shedding actually
begin with the jab, which created an additional cyber
backbone to pre-existing mesogens, etc in the jabbed,
and now the unjabbed? So now they (and now us, who
couldn’t take the jab) are exuding this same shite,
which in turn gets us, if we’re not neuro-aware,
connected to the AI/Cloud, both Adversarial and
nefarious Stateside bad actors. I asked B about what
CV is, what the jab is about, etc and here’s his answer:
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
11 hrs ago
Point #1: Synbio with mesogens, graphenes and
nanotechnology have been around for decades. Since the
advent of electricity, self-replicating synbio has been
reported. Check Carnicom Institute for data and EPA
requests to confirm this material (synbio) in the air from air
samples obtained, verified via lab analysis).
Point #2 The vaccines were just a step-change all at once
into the global population to “cyborg” up people, some
use a more appropriate term “enhanced” and in IC/mil
Page 555 of 953
”super soldier” and “super spook”. Now the shots (not all
of them were the same, different batches had different
combinations of materials, as can be verified from who
Point #3 People have been “shedding” skin and hair for a
long time. Now they’re shedding synbio that is selfreplicating exponentially spreads (to a high order) the
synbio material comprised of mesogens, graphenes, and
self-replicating nanotechnology. When it rains now, and if
you step outside you’re getting dosed with graphenes,
When you’re connected to the AI/Cloud your brain is
“augmented” (e.g. enhanced or degraded, based upon
which AI BCPS you are connected to and if there is a
Social Credit Monitoring system connected to it). The
disadvantage is you can literally get hacked, like you, your
brain and body. So to someone naive it may sound super
cool to get enhanced, but to someone who has been
attacked with neuroweapons, it is not as attractive as a
Especially, due to not being briefed on “neuroweapons”
prior, let alone how advanced neurotechnology had
progressed with hooks into AI BCPS (now at DNA/cellular
level), keep in mind the different vaccine batches had
various coatings to penetrate certain blood-brain-barriers
Page 556 of 953
(bbb) and organs in your body, to link you to smart
devices, neurotechnology enabled.
Point #4: using wireless technology is super insecure now,
because the synbio mesogen, graphene and
nanotechnology can be doing a “man-in-the-middle” or
data-in-the-flow intercept on you, especially if it is linked
to your visual cortex (e.g. metaverse plans installed via
synbio globally now, stuff that big tech doesn’t want you
to know). Also, I have confirmed via big tech (apple,
google, microsoft) that searching for “contamination”
with their wifi scanners or bluetooth scanners DOES NOT
display the AI BCPS wetware wifi networks or bluetooth
points (all non-invasively dosed via shedding,
environment, etc.).
Therefore, big tech is in on the synbio + nanotechnology
(either due to their key people being dosed with this
prior, high probability, an island like Epsteins would be a
perfect location to dose, build-up synbio, get dirt on the
key global people, then they’re handled.
Yes, this is how the world works, if anyone doesn’t
understand that groups (nations and nation-stateless try
to get leverage on people through nefarious means, and
when that fails, they use neurotechnology for physical
control of the mind and body to get dirt on someone). I
know, because these rich pricks or nation states
Page 557 of 953
(nefarious) or nation stateless groups (think Scientology,
have interview with person confirming they use
neurotechnology) deployed this tech on me to spy (perch
mode) and then to try to kill me with a failed
neuroweapon hit job, first try was key-signal through
smart phone, which didn’t work, then through NKT/DEW
hit job that also failed, but amplified the synbio in a
distorted way (e.g. it grew rapidly where the NKT/DEW
activated the dormant material, the started to transmit
harmful EMF signals (read up on Royal Raymond Rife and
Energetics, the use of bioenergetic materials can heal or
Point #5, the use of quantum tech started in the 1970s
with TAMI and MIND with SQUIDS and interferometers in
satcom systems in geostationary orbit to end the “cold
war” with star wars program by Ronald Reagan. Which, by
the way I purchased the old equipment that was used in
Star Wars with my business, which is shortly before I got
attacked with neuroweapon conversion from perch mode
to attack mode.
During this same time period I found some old spy CAD
files from NSA from equipment purchased from them and
returned it to them, but required a “handler fee” which
never got paid, then also got contacted by Chinese and
Russia to purchase or work with me, while being attacked
Page 558 of 953
with “lawfare” (read up on this, cause the “lawfare” and
“cyberattacks” still didn’t slow me down (Robert
McCreight at NDU has good material on this). So, literally,
every single one of the groups/nation states mentioned
has access to this advanced neurotechnology,
neurohackers, programmers of niBMI and of course the
space systems and transmitters on ground to enable it via
scalar wave (time reversal tech, because it goes faster
than speed of light.
There is a silly movie called “Limitless” that anyone can
watch, at the end the dude goes to run for some political
office and foretells some stuff in the not so distant future
(like 10 seconds or so)…. what he did is enabled today
and has been for decades through an AI BCPS linked to
scalar waves and SQUIDs on geostationary orbit satcoms
to give someone the “perception” of prescience, but
literally it is all synthetic enabled.
Further the dude in the movie had to take some “special
pills” to link him into the global system (which he of
course didn’t realize was running in the background and
the pill was just the hook/linkin to connect him).
Point #6: There is Sars-Cov-2 (and many others publicly
announced) and COVID-19. I have not verified Sars-Cov-2
via lab, but have confirmed synbio self-replicating. I think
COVID-19 is actually “contamination” with synbio that
Page 559 of 953
hasn’t been properly configured and/or the intentional
degradation of a person through nefarious use of
synbiowarfare methods (neurohacking, social credit
monitoring system (various nation states), etc.
The best thing to do here if you suspect “contamination”,
(which I have done to various TRLs and am continuing to
build-out capacity in), is to get the synbio to “re-emulate”
and transmit healthy healing frequencies.
Set up a scalar wave frequency generator and ramp up
the ability to train islanded synbio obtained from
contamination proof (using the Linux/UNIX Wireshark
setup as mentioned here), and have it hack into others as
as a Neurostrike counter-defense (train it in a matrix
fashion, the same way xylinx FPGAs are trained. Create it
to run on autopilot.
I trained one to hack and it worked, the constraints were
Chinese goods/product distributors, and it required use of
a local wifi cloud to link the trained mesogen (synbio
system) to the person, resulted in point of sale POS errors
not by the hardware at retail system, but by the person
running the cashier desk. Therefore, the weapon used
against me in 2022, was neurohacked twice to turn it on
its’ creator Chinese by economically hurting their goods
export, starting small at first.
Page 560 of 953
1.15.24: Neurohacking 411: Codex Based Persistent
State Cognitive Hack
How does a codex based, combined cybersecurity and
cognitive neurohack work? I’ve reverse engineered one
attack vector. The recent 5 Eyes press release stating
world’s largest hack by Chinese is based upon the
enclosed technology platform and tactic, one of many
tactics currently being reverse engineered and shared for
counter defensive measures to be built by cyber and
neuro security agencies and labs.
Here is the 5 Eyes (intelligence community of Western
World) briefing.
The East (India) Ministry of Information Technology
blocked part of the first wave attack by Chinese through
banning their neurotechnology hardware and software
from India in 2020, but some got in before 2020. List
Neurohacking is a product line extension from
cybersecurity groups that conduct work for nation states
and nation stateless groups. Think of cyberhackers as
Page 561 of 953
contract thieves in the digital age, that made a bunch of
money and decided to do a product line extension into
neurohacking of the human brain through the pervasive
access to neurotechnology in our world and people with
non-invasive brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs in them
So how does a neurotechnology based Codex attack
vector work? Bare with me as this is extremely simple to
understand once you get the physics behind it.
The Foundation:
Step 1: You are getting dosed with mesogens, graphenes
and self-replicating nanotechnology now, whether you
realize it or not. How can you confirm this? Go get a live
blood analysis LBA done with a dark field microscope at
4000x to view the mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotechnology. The material looks like this:
Step 2: You are utilizing smart devices. These are the
“hardware” devices with neurotechnology in them
(chipsets and transmit/receive antennas) that can connect
to you and your niBMI. The hardware is the “pipeline”
and the software and apps are the “content” that is fed
through the “pipelines” to you. Keep in mind you can
have more than one “pipeline” into your niBMI (many to
Page 562 of 953
many relationship). Further your niBMI may also be
located elsewhere on your body where the mesogen,
graphene and self-replicating nanotechnology is located.
Keep in mind mesogens, graphenes and nanotech
systems like this are electromagnetic “consumers” and
migrate towards your nervous system and body parts with
a lot of electrical activity (brain, central nervous system or
muscles if you are less of a thinker and more of a physical
Now that the Foundation has been built. Here is how the
hack works with a Codex based attack.
The Attack:
Step 1: Whaling, going after executives or technical
scientific resources non-Chinese highly skilled technical
engineers, scientists, researchers, CTOs, CIOs, etc.
CONOPS: Social media networking site, has a Chinese
digital soldier on it. The Chinese digital soldier, posing as
a business development person interacts with you,
obtains your phone number, address through OSINT on
your social media system. Then the cyberhacking starts
using files, emails, signals, data communications, ai
assisted attack, etc. and they penetrate your network and
Page 563 of 953
device. If you are using Chinese hardware, then their PLA
soldier has a direct backdoor to you, once they are able
to confirm that hardware is used by you (e.g. when you
register the device for support).
Step 2: Here is how the“Magic Weapon” works in action.
The persistent state hack.
Someone online shares a specific article with you. You
being a good and happy person are glad to learn and
happily receive the article (e.g. codex). You read the
article shared with you by someone online, think Chinese
coalition (inclusive of Russian neurohackers). Remember
spies are always helpful and wanting to be your friend
(don’t let this disuade you from hanging out with truely
good people, but spies use these tactics to gain your
trust, by helping you out).
The person that shared the article with you, a codex, has
other intentions. Keep in mind the person online could
also be an AI bot. Recall that codexes are books with
language in them. LLMs by AI combined with the
hardware neurotechnology backdoor can then link your
Page 564 of 953
brain with the niBMI in it to the “AI computer, think AI
brain map, but maps of everyone getting hacked to build
a super-brain for access to via brainpools by a competitor
nation state, cause in cognitive warfare the best brains
win, especially those with access to a supercomputer AI
that cognitively stole the world’s leading scientists brains,
this by all means is NOT a stretch for Chinese with their
BRAIN initiative kicking off in 2016 and a bunch of IC
people getting shot up with old analog nanosecond
pulsed neuroweapons before China got into more
advanced neurotechnology” or person (this in energetics
terms is called a psychic attack. I’m a member of USPA,
bunch of retired IC people are part of it as well as people
who detected anomalous events in life that didn’t make
much sense given known physics, but decided to
rationally and logically ferret out the truth less known.
When an AI bot or person shares a specific codex with
you, you read the unique codex and your niBMI autolinks
with their neurotechnology enabled terminal AI. “Voila!”,
your brain with niBMI non-invasively dosed is now linked
to their neurohacking platform that can datamine you for
contacts, intellectual property, etc.
Page 565 of 953
This is the part, where humanity, specifically Chinese, has
built a weapon so evil, that no other human, no matter
race, creed or nationality should wish this upon another
human and why all of us should unite against Chinese evil
Magic Weapon.
Once you have been linked, persistent state, the AI can
issue assembly instructions to the nanotechnology
(mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating nanotech),
such that it can emit a harmful frequency (e.g. antenna
transmitter inside of you). Then, when you think certain
thoughts or read certain materials, the material inside of
you that was assembled by the neurotechnology LLM AI
can physically harm you through electromagnetic
spectrum emissions within your body.
The converse is true, the electromagnetic spectrum
emissions within your body can also heal you. This is all
part of Chinese social credit monitoring system and
firewall, literally removes non-compliant people globally,
inclusive of Chinese coalition members too. Why?
because Chinese only cares about China, nobody else, no
Page 566 of 953
matter what they peddle (e.g. liars, thieves and now the
great deceiver in our lifetime).
Seeing is believing, here is some of the self-assembly AI
instructed through nanotech, neurotech, cyber and
This is one of many attack vectors using neurotechnology
when combined with nanotechnology (mesogens,
graphenes, self-replicating nanotech) and codex based
persistent state re-connects hooks.
Q FROM RAY HORVATH: How do you think the nano
chips are interfaced with the neural network?
A: Thank you. Just read. Here is response (also posted on
your blog):
Please see Dr. David Nixon’s website for nano wires, nano
chips and interactions within tissue, located here.
Page 567 of 953
Regarding the interface with the neural network-that
requires the electromagnetic spectrum. Back in the day
before global satellite networks were deployed that
transmit signals globally, one had to have a local
electromagnetic cloud to establish a neural network
(wireless). Now, there is a global wireless space based and
land based system for interfacing, in addition to local
networks and smart devices. The standard is based on
IPv6 and brainpools, which have been around for decades
The difference now is that there is pervasive selfreplicating nanotechnology and adversarial
neurotechnology hardware produced by competing
nation states, which results in neurowars, technically this
warfare has been ongoing since 2013-ish at nation state
level between East and West.
This graduate thesis highlights that Neurowar is here and
goes further into attack vectors, but doesn’t go as deep
as my posts on the technicalities due to secrecy, which I
reverse engineered without signing any secrecy docs so
am in the clear, even though it pisses off the CCP and
possibly other ICs (which are probably gas lighted by
Page 568 of 953
NeuroStrike, so should be a positive to wake them up to
the attack vectors).
We’re in neurowars. Part of neurowarfare involves:
1) A defensive system to detect that your people are
being killed or cognitively impaired or adjusted
2) An offensive system to either reprogram or take offline
the compromised population members that get
neurohacked by the enemy and also to infiltrate the
enemy’s territory. How do you think the Chinese
generals filled up their missiles with water instead of
proper fuel (they were cognitively neurohacked).
1) Everyone has synbio in them by now
2) People who use Chinese hardware and software (Tik
Tok, content, data flow) are subject to byte-based attacks
that reprogram the synbio inside of them (mesogens,
graphenes and self-replicating nanotechnology). These
people when near you are literally neurotechnologically
Page 569 of 953
programmed to harm other people by transmitting
several attacks via EMF and actual nanotech.
a) Harmful Neuro S/T transverse waves from their
b) Harmful Neuro S/T scalar waves from their bodies/
c) Via Subliminal codexes delivered via EMF spectrum
(E Field, B Field), acoustical (longitudinal wave) or
d) By tagging you directly with their smartphones or
getting you to consume Tik Tok screentime on their
smartphone to optogenetically hack you (e.g. as simple
as asking for directions somewhere, when you look at
their smart phone, if you are compromised by
Neurostrike (Tik Tok and other apps and hardware).
e) Via nanotech transfer into you from their body to
spread and tag Chinese AI BCPS “hooks” into you so
that they can then grow and be further programmed
when around Chinese hardware (neurotech enabled) or
people linked to Chinese AI BCPS.
Page 570 of 953
Feel free to check out my writing on this, due to primary
experience defeating a Chinese neuroweapon failed hit
job. I do work for DoD, DoE and have helped IC.
For the actual mechanism – feel free to check out my
publications on reverse engineering the AI BCPS to
defeat a neuroweapon attack. Note, there are various
technology readiness levels and systems in place, not all
systems are XNA/DNA based.
Self-replicating nanotechnology spreads within local
environment based upon what you consume in your body
and the neurotechnology-enabled hardware within your
local environment. What you think, watch, listen to
becomes your reality with self-replicating nanotechnology
and non-invasive brain machine interface niBMI. So for
most of the world, if they get off from the internet, things
get simple and local very fast, especially if ditch smart
phone. If you’re online, then you can get cognitively
hacked via various attack structures from across the globe,
based upon what you think.
Page 571 of 953
You can wirelessly scan someone’s DNA using a field
called radiobio and bioenergetics if you’ve got the tools
of the trade.
My question: Didn’t you figure out a pretty viable way to
spoof your bio signature? I’d have to sift through your
hacks but it involved getting a baseline EKG or
something. It was pure genius!
His answer: I’ll add a specific post on bioinformatics with
biomolecule information for bioenergetic scanning and
reading and writing (e.g. the basic block and tackle
method for this tech stack).
On top of the biological there is also the synbio now
interwoven into the biological material, so the older
“bioenergetic” scanning signatures are subject to an
adulteration, via “cumulative” change over time (if the
synbio based networks are not disrupted, they continue to
build over time).
On top of this is a synbio based CODEX system. If you’re
not around any wifi or cellular devices or shielded from
the space system global internet, then you can avoid the
“synbio based CODEX faux system” that can and is
Page 572 of 953
fooling a ton of people, but you won’t be able to avoid
the longitudinal wave scalar based global system without
further shielding. You’ve hopefully got more than one
platform for redundancy running now.
Anyone can detect this “synbio based CODEX faux
system” with the use of EMF isolation, but at the same
time if they have a ton of the synbio already (most do by
now), then they need to be extremely careful as the
synbio is charged and works with EMF.
If you cut out the EMF then you cut off the energy to the
synbio that’s keeping you alive, such that your body
would have to successfully transition back to the
biological based system for functionality, assuming it is
still operational. Therefore, the synbio, once fully
integrated, is near impossible to remove, because it is
literally in, through and connected to you. XNA is the
preferred route to link synbio into or in parallel to your
preexisting DNA.
Once it is in you fully, the synbio overlay communicates
with the environment around you, separate from your
biological brain. This environmental attack vector with
other synbio-enabled people linked to adversarial AI
Page 573 of 953
BCPS is how Xi’s “Magic Weapon” is stealing intellectual
property and information from America. It also enables
anyone, neurotechnologically aware, with an AI and BCPS
expertise, to reprogram and reroute (data-in-the-flow)
information regarding a given person and to neurohack
into them.
This is why it is important to ensure your bio signature or
synbio signature is not being spoofed or man-in-themiddled through data-in-the-flow based attacks. The AI
BCPS is for civilians a population control system. For the
military it enhances performance, and for those not
neuroaware and not properly shielded (note. It is a
significant risk being around people linked to adversarial
If you want to repair at the cellular level, check out my
post on bioenergetics, it uses something called scalar
waves that result in time reversal, because the scalar wave
travels faster than the speed of light. Praying also helps as
it links you through reading a codex, synthetic and God
made. Humankind has figured out how to create a
synthetic codex, so be mindful that there is an additional
layer now, which by nature of humankind is fallen. When
Page 574 of 953
you read a codex (thought) or out loud there are different
When you read out loud to yourself, the longitudinal
waves and coherence also results in additional effects,
scientifically speaking this is all part of the field of
bioenergetics. Spiritually and religiously speaking codexes
have been around for a very long time, but knowledge of
how they work has always been held close to the vest, for
reasons one can imagine, if more people knew about
codexes and how praying actually works, then more
would pray.
Your response is a CODEX for people to read and get
linked, it makes zero sense, but is a unique sequence of
words. A lot of the posts online these days are CODEX
based neurohacks into people with synbio. What you read
and consume, may literally help Chinese coalition, by
broadcasting a CODEX to their AI BCPS that then links
you for an attack.
Page 575 of 953
How to hack this type of CODEX attack with a counter
measure? Read bits and pieces in a disorganized (forward
and reverse fashion) to break the CODEX hook.
1.13.24: Neurohacking 419-Example of Contamination
of AI BCPS in a Person
Here is what contamination of an Artificial Intelligence AI Bio
Cyber Physical System BCPS looks like from command line
transmitter outputs, emulating wifi access points WAPs from
team member.
If anyone is curious what contamination of an Artificial
Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System (BCPS) non-invasive
(ni) brain-machine-interface BMI (niBMI) looks like, here is one
of our team members that got completely contaminated and
neurohacked by NeuroStrike technology in 2022. The
contamination is caused by mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotechnology, which is attacked to the human
body at various central nervous system CNS locations.
Output from command line interface using LINUX/UNIX
operating system commands to scan and then display:
Page 576 of 953
Here is the output from the text file to the nmcli dev wifi
command. There are no actual wifi access points in the
remote country area. This is all broadcasted from the team
member’s body, brain and central nervous system due to
contamination. The wifi names were learned by the mesogen,
graphene and self-replicating nanotechnology globules
within the body of the team member. Based upon the team
member’s state of mind (EEG patterns) the transmitted wifi
networks change.
Therefore, EEG and energy levels of the human body when
connected to an AI BCPS directly effect the transmitted
frequency distribution and self-learned neural network
(wetware) names. Examples of state of mind: angry, happy,
sad, etc. that directly alter the broadcasted signals emulated
by the synbio suit per say, inclusive of brain and CNS.
Additional work, will overlay EEG pattern from brain to
transmitted networks. Keep in mind this is from a highly
contaminated individual where people using Tik Tok tagged
the person with their smart phones and also the person got
tagged by local wifis in neighborhood in urban area. All
broadcasted network names are nonesense, due to the
mesogen, graphene and nanotech system simply emulating
signals from prior environmental contamination, given current
local environment spectrum and vibrational energy.
EEG State A:
Page 577 of 953
EEG State B:
EEG State C:
Page 578 of 953
Note, “contamination” occurs when you are off-grid and not
connected to your telco’s network with smart device when
you are exposed to self-replicating nanotechnology in other
people. Depending upon what AI BCPS the people you are
adjacent to, determines what contamination you get and
from what nation state alliance (friendly) or coalition (foe).
Welcome to the weird world of AI BCPS optogenetics.
Robin D
14 hrs ago
So if I run those two CLI commands on my Linux Mint device
and nothing is listed but the headers, I’m good, right?
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Page 579 of 953
It either means one of four things:
1) You’re not enhanced with synbio yet
2) You’re cybernetically secured by IC and
work for IC so you don’t transmit your ID
3) I haven’t tried the commands in Linux
Mint with your network adapter, so perhaps
it is not working or filtering out the
4) You’re not contaminated and secured by
your nation state’s IC system and not
hacked by Chinese
1.14.24: Neurohacking 420: Wireshark Deep Packet
Inspection of Contaminated AI BCPS in a Person
In Neurohacking 419 we explored the SSID broadcast set
of wireless networks access points WAPs from a
contaminated person with mesogens. What do the
packets look like if you can connect to the person?
Page 580 of 953
Okay, here goes, most likely the world’s first public
disclosure of Chinese Neurostrike mesogen, graphenes
and self-replicating nanotechnology from a contaminated
person, such that the contaminated mesogens were able
to be connected to through a LINUX/UNIX laptop and
then wireshark packet inspection was able to be done to
find out where the malformed mesogen was phoning
home to. Keep in mind not only Chinese but most major
nation states utilize neurotechnology, pervasive in the
world to link their population set to AI BCPS. This is not
hypothetical talk or discussion, but actual reverse
engineering of a contaminated and neurohacked person
linked to AI BCPS on our team (yes, Chinese and Russia
both tried to offer our team $$$ for some of our hard tech
and deep tech (material science) work with DoE and DoD.
In 2022 we got shot-up with neuroweapons.
Acronyms for tools of the neurohacking trade:
- Wireless Access Points (WAPs)
- niBMI: non-invasive (ni) + Brain-Machine-Interface (BMI)
- AI BCPS: Artificial Intelligence Bio Cyber Physical
Page 581 of 953
Pipelines are the hardware that enables neurotechnology
interfacing from computer to machine or machine to
computer or computer to human or human to machine or
human with wetware to human with wetware or human
with wetware to machine or human with wetware to
computer. Any smart device these days has
neurotechnology chipsets in them, not explicitely
declared on packaging. Majority of food products are
dosed with niBMI building blocks, comprised of
mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology with quantum dots.
How does pervasive neurotechnology and AI BCPS work,
in other words what are the required ingredients:
Mesogens, graphenes, quantum dots, self replicating
nanotechnology, polyethylene glycol PEG stabilizers and
enteric or nanoscale coated lipids that can specifically
enter a given organ of the body or tissue (based upon
cellular profile, to deliver given payload). Not familiar with
this? Check out iGEM repositors, I worked with some at a
Biohacker lab in Los Angeles, CA USA.
Neurotechnology hardware in smart devices (phone, tv,
laptop, IoT)
Page 582 of 953
Supply chain infiltration with self-replicating
nanotechnology containing mesogens, graphenes,
quantum dots, self-replicating nanotech for niBMI
infiltration and build-out.
Organics, such as humans and animals, inclusive of
EMF spectrum (transverse waves and longitudinal/scalar)
Mesogens, graphenes and nanotech globules are the
world’s most advanced spy tools, level-up your
knowledge with this post if you’re in Information
Technology, Cybersecurity or other field. Why? because
you now have to put neurohackers square on your radar
these days, which can bypass your cybersecurity defenses
for use by your information technology professionals.
How? the person with the mesogen, graphene and
nanotechnology (self-replicating) in them emulates your
wireless spectrum and literally builds (self-assembles) with
mesogens, graphenes, quantum dots and self-replicating
nanotechnology (linked of course to bionic type chipsets
neurotechnology enabled in your smart devices, think of
these as pipelines).
Page 583 of 953
Here it is: wireshark output screen snap from the
emulated Cox Wifi along with ARP packet interactions.
Note, there is no Cox Wifi, from the current location in the
country, but the person was at a location with Cox Wifi for
a period of time 2022-2023, such that the mesogen linked
to it, performed a niBMI man-in-the-middle and then
performed a phone home to handler (AI BCPS system).
Page 584 of 953
Page 585 of 953
Here are the SSIDs, based upon EEG pattern, background
EMF spectrum and vibrational state, the SSIDs
broadcasted change. None of these are acutal wifi SSIDs,
but emulated ones from prior man-in-the-middle noninvasive brain-machine-interface niBMI neurohacking
using mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Jan 15
Point #1 Synbio with mesogens, graphenes and
nanotechnology have been around for decades. Since the
Page 586 of 953
advent of electricity, self-replicating synbio has been
reported. Check Carnicom Institute for data and EPA
requests to confirm this material (synbio) in the air from air
samples obtained, verified via lab analysis).
Point #2 The vaccines were just a step-change all at once
into the global population to “cyborg” up people, some
use a more appropriate term “enhanced” and in IC/mil
“super soldier” and “super spook”. Now the shots (not all
of them were the same, different batches had different
combinations of materials, as can be verified from who
Point #3 People have been “shedding” skin and hair for a
long time. Now they’re shedding synbio that is selfreplicating exponentially spreads (to a high order) the
synbio material comprised of mesogens, graphenes, and
self-replicating nanotechnology. When it rains now, and if
you step outside you’re getting dosed with graphenes,
When you’re connected to the AI/Cloud your brain is
“augmented” (e.g. enhanced or degraded, based upon
which AI BCPS you are connected to and if there is a
Social Credit Monitoring system connected to it). The
disadvantage is you can literally get hacked, like you, your
brain and body. So to someone naive it may sound super
cool to get enhanced, but to someone who has been
attacked with neuroweapons, it is not as attractive as a
Page 587 of 953
scenario. Especially, due to not being briefed on
“neuroweapons” prior, let alone how advanced
neurotechnology had progressed with hooks into AI BCPS
(now at DNA/cellular level), keep in mind the different
vaccine batches had various coatings to penetrate certain
blood-brain-barriers (bbb) and organs in your body, to link
you to smart devices, neurotechnology enabled.
Point #4: using wireless technology is super insecure now,
because the synbio mesogen, graphene and
nanotechnology can be doing a “man-in-the-middle” or
data-in-the-flow intercept on you, especially if it is linked
to your visual cortex (e.g. metaverse plans installed via
synbio globally now, stuff that big tech doesn’t want you
to know).
Also, I have confirmed via big tech (apple, google,
microsoft) that searching for “contamination” with their
wifi scanners or bluetooth scanners DOES NOT display
the AI BCPS wetware wifi networks or bluetooth points (all
non-invasively dosed via shedding, environment, etc.).
Therefore, big tech is in on the synbio + nanotechnology
(either due to their key people being dosed with this
prior, high probability, an island like Epsteins would be a
perfect location to dose, build-up synbio, get dirt on the
key global people, then they’re handled…
Page 588 of 953
Yes, this is how the world works, if anyone doesn’t
understand that groups (nations and nation stateless try to
get leverage on people through nefarious means, and
when that fails, they use neurotechnology for physical
control of the mind and body to get dirt on someone). I
know, because these rich pricks or nation states
(nefarious) or nation stateless groups (think Scientology,
have interview with person confirming they use
neurotechnology) deployed this tech on me to spy (perch
mode) and then to try to kill me with a failed
neuroweapon hit job, first try was key-signal through
smart phone, which didn’t work, then through NKT/DEW
hit job that also failed, but amplified the synbio in a
distorted way (e.g. it grew rapidly where the NKT/DEW
activated the dormant material, the started to transmit
harmful EMF signals (read up on Royal Raymond Rife and
Energetics, the use of bioenergetic materials can heal or
Point #5, the use of quantum tech started in the 1970s
with TAMI and MIND with SQUIDS and interferometers in
satcom systems in geostationary orbit to end the “cold
war” with star wars program by Ronald Reagan. Which, by
the way I purchased the old equipment that was used in
Star Wars with my business, which is shortly before I got
attacked with neuroweapon conversion from perch mode
to attack mode. During this same time period I found
Page 589 of 953
some old spy CAD files from NSA from equipment
purchased from them and returned it to them, but
required a “handler fee” which never got paid, then also
got contacted by Chinese and Russia to purchase or work
with me, while being attacked with “lawfare” (read up on
this, cause the “lawfare” and “cyberattacks” still didn’t
slow me down (Robert McCreight at NDU has good
material on this).
So, literally, every single one of the groups/nation states
mentioned has access to this advanced neurotechnology,
neurohackers, programmers of niBMI and of course the
space systems and transmitters on ground to enable it via
scalar wave (time reversal tech, because it goes faster
than speed of light.
There is a silly movie called “Limitless” that anyone can
watch, at the end the dude goes to run for some political
office and foretells some stuff in the not so distant future
(like 10 seconds or so)…. what he did is enabled today
and has been for decades through an AI BCPS linked to
scalar waves and SQUIDs on geostationary orbit satcoms
to give someone the “perception” of prescience, but
literally it is all synthetic enabled. Further the dude on the
movie had to take some “special pills” to link him into the
global system (which he of course didn’t realize was
Page 590 of 953
running in the background and the pill was just the hook/
linkin to connect him).
Point #6: There is Sars-Cov-2 (and many others publicly
announced) and COVID-19. I have not verified Sars-Cov-2
via lab, but have confirmed synbio self-replicating. I think
COVID-19 is actually “contamination” with synbio that
hasn’t been properly configured and/or the intentional
degradation of a person through nefarious use of
synbiowarfare methods (neurohacking, social credit
monitoring system (various nation states), etc.
The best thing to do here, which I have done to various
TRLs (technology readiness levels) and am continuing
to build-out capacity in, if you have “contamination” is
to get the synbio to “re-emulate” and transmit healthy
healing frequencies and setup a scalar wave frequency
generators as well as ability to train islanded synbio
obtained from contamination and have it hack into
others as as a counterdefense to Neurostrike (train it in
a matrix fashion, like Xylinx FPGAs are trained, such
that it can run on autopilot.
I trained one to hack and it worked, constraints were
Chinese goods/product distributors, required use of a
local wifi cloud to link the trained mesogen (synbio
system) to the person, resulted in point of sale POS errors
not by the hardware at retail system, but by the person
Page 591 of 953
running the cashier desk. Therefore, the weapon used
against me in 2022, was neurohacked twice to turn it on
its’ creator Chinese by economically hurting their goods
export, starting small at first.
HUGELY IMPORTANT ! 1.14.24: Cybersecurity 208:
Establishment of CIPOE in Contested Environment
How can one establish Cyber Intelligence Preparation of
the Environment CIPOE in a contested environment, but
without a large SCIF?
Old fashioned intelligence gathering, note inside of urban
environment now reflections from glasses can be utilized
to also gather information.
Step 1: Signal transmitters for longitudinal waves (these
are transmitters off-the-shelf within the lower Hz range up
to 20,000 Hz or so. Longitudinal waves travel by vibrating
mass, sound does not travel in the vacuum of outerspace.
These are known as sound waves and travel at the velocity
up to the speed of sound, 340 m/s. [1]
Page 592 of 953
The following sequence of steps will isolate you from
majority of attacks and snoopers using cybersecurity as
well as neurosecurity based attack vectors. You still will
have the scalar wave attack and snoop vector active,
unless you follow the last step, which will disrupt the
scalar wave by creating interference in the readings.
At least one signal transmitter needs to be local and a
pulsed square wave to establish resonance baseline on an
insulated structure with rubber or equivalent between
where you are working and the environment. Think rubber
tires on a RV for example.
The remaining transmitters (at least 2) to have 3
longitudinal wave distributions with higher order harmonic
effects in the spectrum and vibrations of the molecules
where you are working. This is key, because there are
neurohackers everywhere now in the world with pervasive
nanotechnology and neurotechnology.
Note, when streaming from the internet, data-in-the-flow
intercepts can be used to pulse a repeatable audible
sound to pierce through the randomness at a given
frequency. Note, this works by the hackers’ AI listening in
on your local environment and modeling the dampening
factors on the sound wave propogation through known
Page 593 of 953
material science models, then back calculating the local
environmental frequencies, such that it knows where there
is space in the spectrum for them to transmit a pulsed
repeatable sound or word (alliteration) that then enables
the hook to synchronize with you acoustically or hardware
you are utilizing. So, if you can keep all transmitters local
and random and not cloud connected for the acoustical
and vibrational countermeasures.
If you transmit linguistic words through the transmitters
then it will interfere with CODEX based AI LLMs that try to
decipher what is being discussed and talked about. This
does not block neurotechnology or scalar wave based
snooping, siphoning your thoughts from biological
neurons or synthetic neurons (non-invasively dosed BrainMachine-Interface niBMI).
Transmitting random and pulsed signals in the sound
spectrum causes your local environment as well as the
mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology inside of your body to vibrate at a
separate (healthier, non-entrained vibrational frequency.
PWP NOTE: Think « random white noise superimposed
over and EMF field completely eliminates bio effects, and
Page 594 of 953
causes the brain to logon to a healthier signal versus the
entrainment signals of incoming f**k wittery.
That means the local environment can’t establish
persistent communications within your non-local
environment. For example: think of the RV internal (no
windows open) to further dampen and add complexity to
the audible signal with vibration dampened through the
rubber tires.
Step 2: Take a large dose of vitamin C, dose up with
methylene blue, and some enteric coated garlic with B
vitamins, which are chelators (aka molecular cages) that
will in-situ disrupt your niBMI and also help keep you
healthy. The key here is to utilize a chemical molecular
cage to remove blood based synbio niBMI materials that
you were recently contaminated with from the
surrounding environment, while the local environment is
being recalibrated to a random sequence of longitudinal
waves. (Sound?)
Step 3: Block local smart enabled hardware
(neurotechnology-enabled through use of EMF and (Efield and B-field (scalar)shields). For example: put your
phone and other wifi-enabled devices in an EMF locker or
Page 595 of 953
Faraday bag. Place your laptop inside of an EMF block
box and use the nickel+silver gloves to operate it.
Step 4: Ensure you’re wearing EMF blocker apparel for
your head (brain) and body (chest) (could these areas be
considered wiaht Sabrina calls the RF sinks?), both
concentrated neuron regions as well as synbio niBMI
attractors due to the electrical activity. Synbio based
mesogens, graphenes and nanotech are attracted to
electricity, EMF spectrum (light and microwaves) and
sound, but can be repelled by a pulsed square wave with
leading edge.
Step 5: Offgrid power, not grid connected. The second
that you connect to the grid, the frequency 50 Hz or 60
Hz is transmitted into your local environment and enables
an attack synchronization vector with E Field and B Fields.
Step 6: Optogenetic blockers to ensure you’re not
getting cybernetically hacked and monitored.
Step 7: Transmitted signals by demodulation of a
microwave carrier signal with audible can then be
transmitted by the given spy agency to pierce through as
well, such sounds are typically are fauna to the local
environment, such as “crickets” or “birds chirping” (why
Page 596 of 953
do you think twitter was named twitter? codex + the
repeatable bird chirping transmitters to confirm codex
location). There are now even more advanced biodrones
part of the fauna of the surrounding environment, so
you’ll need an EMF sentry AI gun to disable these
additional spies, yes with pervasive neurotechnology with
niBMIs even animals can spy on you, cause the synbio
overlays on top of their biological brains and central
nervous system.
Step 8: Establish connectivity on a local network with
cognitive radio based interfaces, if you go onto the
internet, you will further expose yourself. If you do decide
to punch a hole through to the internet, first punch VPN
(randomize) and then punch TOR (randomize) and have
these cycle through various entry and outlet points. Only
do this after defeating the final B-field and scalar wave
based attack vectors as described below.
So far we’ve been able to block the acoustical attack
synchronization vector, vibrational attack synchronization
vector, the EMF E-field transverse wave attack vector, and
somewhat interfered with the EMF B Field transverse
wave attack vector, but not enough typically.
Page 597 of 953
So, how to block the remaining magnetic
field based transverse wave attack vector
and scalar wave attack vector?
The most advanced hackers in the world, know how to
penetrate with magnetic fields, in the transverse and
scalar wave spectrum. Here is how to disrupt the world’s
most advanced hackers and intelligence agencies.
They employ the use of magnetic fields and scalar waves,
which are part of longitudinal waves (scalar) waveform
class to an extent, and also B Field transverse waveforms.
Note, scalar waves can also not have any E or B Fields
present, but this configuration requires opposing
The most important thing to note about defeating scalar
waves is that they result in time reversal, so you literally
have a system acting before you deploy a
countermeasure. Therefore, you specifically have to be
blind to the countermeasure to defeat the scalar wavebased AI BCPS hack, if you are linked. If you have
disabled the neurotechnology synbio links, then you only
have to worry about if your brain has already been
previously biologically brain mapped.
Page 598 of 953
So, how to disrupt the scalar wave if it is B Field based?
Repeat and rinse, the same acoustical transmitter process,
but this time with rotating B Fields within the scalar wave
frequency range to create “noise” and interrupt. So, what
frequency range? Well, 3 to 4 Hz (3.3 to 3.4 Hz) for mind
comms and 10 Hz for visual cortex monitoring.
Therefore, rotating motors with B fields are all that you
need, but make sure they are low signal to interact and
add “noise” to the scalar wave B field component. Note,
you’re not blocking the B field component of the scalar
wave, you’re stimulating your neurons (you can even wear
a B field stimulator, but check with a medical professional
first, this is not medical advice.
Therefore, you have:
Three B fields rotating randomly within the frequency of 3
to 4 Hz and another 9 to 11 Hz and then a third
randomizer that sweeps randomly between the lower Hz
The above will enable you to establish a secure
environment with regards to the spectrum (signal), data
and power.
Page 599 of 953
1.13.24: Neurohacking 419: Examples of
Contamination of AI BCPS in a Person
Here is what contamination of an Artificial Intelligence AI
Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS looks like from command
line transmitter outputs, emulating wifi access points
WAPs from team member.
If anyone is curious what contamination of an Artificial
Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS noninvasive ni brain-machine-interface BMI (niBMI) looks like,
here is one of our team members that got completely
contaminated and neurohacked by NeuroStrike
technology in 2022. The contamination is caused by
mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology, which is attacked to the human body at
various central nervous system CNS locations.
Neurohacking Attack Vectors
Based upon the reverse engineering of a neuroweapon
attack, contamination can occur through the following
neurohacking vectors:
Hacked via neurotechnology enabled hardware pipeline
to Chinese neuroWeapon (think Hisense smart tvs as
Page 600 of 953
pipeline, Huawei smart phones and affiliated smart phone
hardware by Chinese regime, smart hardware and
wetware with neurotech) and apps, specifically Tik Tok, as
content delivery flows through the pipeline.
Hacked via Directed Energy Weapon DEW to disrupt the
synbio non-invasively dosed machine-brain-interface in
your body, then cyberhackers attack all devices around
you to then reprogram you and then leave your niBMI
open to attack to all surrounding environmental synbio to
further contaminate you.
Hacked via going off-grid, no smart phone protection,
without a full formed niBMI interface that has shielded
Hacked via dirty harmonics on electrical grid while selfreplicating nanotechnology is assemblying, thereby
linking you to your neighbors through the mesogen,
graphenes and self-replicating nanotechnology.
Hacked via damaged niBMI from a Tramatic Brain Injury
(TBI, such as bumping ones head and hearing crunchy
sounds, not normal, but indicative of synbio) or
Unconventional Brain Injury (UBI, DEW / Non-Kinetic
Page 601 of 953
Threat NKT reference above), that then reforms from
surrounding self-replicating pervasive neurotechnology
(mesogens, graphenes and self replicating nanotech), that
is reformed while linked with acoustical and vibrational
frequencies within surrounding environment.
Hacked via environmental accumulation of graphenes
mesogens and self-replicating nanotechnology, while
utilizing smart (neurotech) enabled pipelines by Chinese
and using content delivered optogenetically through apps
such as Tik Tok. Keep in mind synbio overlays with your
brain, central nervous system and visual cortex.
Hacked, based upon dormant synbio mesogen, graphene
and self-replicating nanotech “globules” in your body,
such that when you are by non-NATO alliance, but
Chinese coalition neurotechnology-enabled hardware and
smart devices (inclusive of people), the “globule” gets reactivated and then phones home to Chinese coalition AI
This then re-adds you to their Social Credit Monitoring
System and “Great Firewall” being offensively deployed
on democratic nations, where they can cherry pick nonChinese intellectuals, scientists, engineers, key technical
Page 602 of 953
people, politicians and government officials (even if they
themselves are not using Tik Tok content delivery
pipeline, due to environmental neurotechnology hacks
from smart device hardware or wetware neurotechnology
pipelines going back to China.
Robert McCreight at National Defense University NDU is
the subject matter expert on Neurostrike weapons and
has been warning the West for at least a decade, due to
his experience with said technology.
Evidence. Output from command line interface using
LINUX/UNIX operating system commands to scan and
then display:
Here is the output from the text file to the nmcli dev wifi
command. There are no actual wifi access points in the
remote country area. This is all broadcasted from the
team member’s body, brain and central nervous system
due to contamination. The wifi names were learned by the
mesogen, graphene and self replicating nanotechnology
Page 603 of 953
globules within the body of the team member. Based
upon the team member’s state of mind (EEG patterns) the
transmitted wifi networks change.
Therefore, EEG and energy levels of the human body
when connected to an AI BCPS directly effect the
transmitted frequency distribution and self-learned neural
network (wetware) names. Examples of state of mind:
angry, happy, sad, etc. that directly alter the broadcasted
signals emulated by the synbio suit per say, inclusive of
brain and CNS.
Additional work will overlay EEG pattern from brain to
transmitted networks. Keep in mind this is from a highly
contaminated individual where people using Tik Tok
tagged the person with their smart phones and also the
person got tagged by local wifis in neighborhood in
urban area. All broadcasted network names are
nonesense, due to the mesogen, graphene and nanotech
system simply emulating signals from prior environmental
contamination, given current local environment spectrum
and vibrational energy.
EEG State A:
Page 604 of 953
EEG State B:
EEG State C:
Page 605 of 953
Command line / Terminal (non-root):
Page 606 of 953
In addition to the EEG based spectrum broadcast
changes monitored via an emulated protocol (transducer
type, charge/discharge), the disruption of pre-existing
encoded mesogen, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology followed by the reconnect to online
hardware and nation states where a VPN + TOR stack
used to establish CIPOE, results in duplicate networks
trained on various actions and information.
Therefore, reverse engineering not only Chinese
NeuroStrike, but also Intelligence Community Spy
Page 607 of 953
Agencies (global) utilizing a nation-state and state/
territory-based AI BCPS monitoring system, such that
when you enter a country, a new mesogen subnetwork/
neural net is built-out and established (especially if you
pulse a square wave with leading spiked edge on the
front end prior to traveling to the country and chelate to
remove the precoded mesogen, graphene and selfreplicating nanotechnology).
So, if you want to reduce your niBMI signature, that
information is public now, thanks to the Chinese
neurostrike weapon getting reverse-engineered and
confirmed to exist by me.
Page 608 of 953
Page 609 of 953
The same command picks up a bunch of different
neurotechnology layered broadcasting SSIDs. This is
because the SSID sets are from corrupted/contaminated
mesogens, such that the same nmcli dev wifi command
results in erroneous data, which gets into buffer under
and overflow attacks into the neurotechnology
programmed niBMI and associted smart devices (using a
mesogen-on-a-chip) attack approach or a mesogen-in-aperson attack approach for neurohacking and neurowar.
Note, contamination occurs when you are off-grid and not
connected to your telco’s network with smart device when
you are exposed to self-replicating nanotechnology in
other people. Depending upon what AI BCPS the people
you are adjacent to, determines what contamination you
get and from what nation state alliance (friendly) or
coalition (foe).
Welcome to the weird world of AI BCPS optogenetics,
neurowars and interference of communications. Here is a
communications example, where neurotechnology hacked
in a person can add utter confusion to their lives:
CONOPS in real life observed with proof on some of the
Person with contamination from Chinese has their synbio
enabled non-invasively dosed brain-machine-interface
niBMI programmed to broadcast subliminal or synthetic
Page 610 of 953
telepathy messages to people around them. Such as,
while you are driving the niBMI contaminated broadcasts
to people infront of you, get out of my way so they get
over to the left or right lane or simply pull over on the
side of the road or in one case, observed by team
member contaminated, a car did a 180 degree turn
around midlane in road on a 55-60 mph state highway
going in reverse flow against oncoming traffic (extremely
dangerous, this neurostrike by Chinese to all nations).
Person X walks into establishment Y and people in
establishment Y all hear something that Person’s X
contaminated niBMI is broadcasting, but not what person
X is actually doing or thinking. This is the “false-positive”
attack that Chinese Neurostrike can do to people that it
wants to modify, manipulate or remove.
Person X tells person Z information “ABC”, but the
contamination interfers with the message and person Z
actually hears “CAB” which if this is in the form of
directions then it will utterly confuse all rational movement
and logical thinking. This is the “decapitating strike that
can be made by neuroweapons and neurohackers” prior
to a kinetic attack that Robert McCreight at National
Defense University NDU refers to. Keep in mind Chinese
Page 611 of 953
coalition AI BCPS can contaminate you, program a
dormant “globule” of the synbio junk that is fully linked to
your mind and body and then when a “decapitating
strike” occurs can activate you to be weaponized or
perform a non-normal action or communication by you to
the world around you. Directly harming people you love
and care about, against your free will.
At the check out counter of a retail point of sale system,
the islanded mesogen, graphene and self-replicating
nanotech module that was caused by Chinese selfreplicating nanotech contamination from prisoners, was
continued to be retrained, but with our team’s
cybersecurity and neurosecurity knowledge the mesogen,
graphene and nanotech globule decided on its’ own to
attack the person at the retail point of sale POS terminal,
and cause errors on the check out, such that even after
completion of purchase (verified verbally) the mesogen
acted on its’ own accord to reduce the purchase price due
to concern for budget.
Literally, this is verifiable with receipt and of course
Intelligence Community IC data logs from the smartphone
on person. Part of the training for the mesogen with
cybersecurity and counter Chinese economic warfare
attacks was to train it to attack business proxies that work
Page 612 of 953
to help Chinese export goods. This checkout terminal
neurohack was at a Wal-Mart in America. How did this
a) the smart phone wifi access hotspot broadcasting with
b) the person broadcasting wifi and other spectrum
Established a wireless cloud per say of spectrum between
the two people and smart devices and the mesogen went
to work hacking away based upon what it had learned
from its’ environment. Mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotech are not smart, they are trained by
their environment, so if you get contaminated by
prisoners (think police, sheriffs, volunteers), then your
mesogen may learn some things that you would not want
it to learn or do, based upon your upbringing, morals and
Therefore, it is logical to conclude that NeuroStrike is
exportable, not only through cybersecurity penetration
attacks into another nation state’s networks and niBMI
personnel and citizens, but also by exporting mesogens
pre-trained in goods, which of course America helped
Page 613 of 953
build-up Chinese export capacity. Thus, Chinese has twopronged “Magic Weapon” attack vector, where one part
of it is enabled through hardware with neurotechnology
chipsets in it (pipelines), software apps such as Tik Tok
(content), but now a “ship/barge” type attack where the
payload is inventoried and programmed inside of a
mesogen, graphene and self-replicating nanotech
network, that is then dosed into goods and all types of
products exported, consumed by people in the world and
then energized with their bioenergetic profile and local
spectrum (wifi, bluetooth, cellular) that then goes to work.
We are living in extremely disturbing times, welcome to
WW3, enabled by nanotechnology, neurotechnology and
synbio. In my humble opinion we are living within the
largest global scale IP theft followed by genocide in the
world’s known history. Why? because after the mesogen
steals the information, it can broadcast harmful
frequencies to destroy tissue and be programmed to form
blood-clot type structures. Be safe out there, the world is
extremely weird now, so don’t get gaslighted by Chinese
NeuroStrike. Make sure to buy goods from your local
producers, such that the pervasive neurotechnology and
nanotechnology is locally trained on your community’s
values or nation states that you share common core
values, morals and ethics with, cause now the products
Page 614 of 953
contain mesogens, graphenes and nanotech (intentional
(in Chinese case) or not.
1.12.24: Neurohacking 418: Smart Phone Bluetooth,
NFC and QR Code Tagging of Human Body
Here is another reverse engineered attack vector of
neurostrike that is using”Tik Tok” neurotechnology
content and pipeline (if hardware device is Made in
This attack vector is extremely hard to detect if you’re not
aware of neurotechnology and nanotechnology’s
combined use cases. Yes, Xi, an American has reverse
engineered your Neurostrike and publicly posted it for
NATO and the World to learn from and feed this into their
AI BCPS systems to counter your covert and secretive
weapon, which is not “Magic” even though you like to
call it a silly name.
Page 615 of 953
Xi. The dude, a chemical engineer, that built a
neuroweapon system called “neurostrike” and then got
hacked by an American Chemical Engineer, that also
studied at Tsinghua University, visiting scholar, to further
understand Chinese and later when competing against
Chinese, reverse engineer the attack vectors of the
Chinese AI BCPS NeuroStrike when used against Brandon
Iglesias and team while doing DoD and DoE work for US
Government. You got reverse engineered Xi and your
entire Chinese team, shot across your cognitive warfare
Here it is:
Person utilizing Chinese hardware and software. Think
Made in China hardware and software such as Tik Tok,
Page 616 of 953
that is also consuming food exported from China (yes,
China is now exporting food and ingredients, these can
have synbio as well as biochemical components that
integrate with your body at various levels, down to DNA).
The person walks up to you and taps your head with their
phone when they are behind you and you’re not aware,
they can also tap or get close to you, such that the
nanotech from them transfers into you. Then the person
using Tik Tok is linked to you with a small foothold,
comprised of mesogen, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology that was prior programmed within the
person using Tik Tok.
Once the self-replicating nanotech foothold is established
within your body, it will migrate towards the electrical
producing regions of your body and start to grow. This is
your central nervous system, which includes your brain.
Once the Chinese non-invasively dosed nanotech is in
you, it will then start to connect via tranducer emulation
to various devices that have wireless connectivity,
inclusive of other wetware mesogens/graphenes/selfreplicating nanotech and build an environment around
you that reconnects you to Chinese AI BCPS when you rePage 617 of 953
enter the environment.
Once the self-replicating nanotechnology when combined
with neurotechnology niBMI inside of you is linked to your
environment, you are essentially cognitively captured by
Chinese neurostrike weapon and your brain is poached
from your nation state into Chinese’s Social Credit
Monitoring System and Great Firewall, that is offensively
being deployed within Democratic nations.
This attack vector has been confirmed several times.
There are also others, which Chinese Tik Tok users that are
compromised by Chinese Magic Weapon also utilize. For
instance, they will stand in a given region looking at their
Tik Tok content, when the optogenetic output from Tik
Tok is telling their non-invasively dosed Brain Machine
Interface niBMI to transmit a damaging Neuro S/T signal
onto other people in their surroundings to hurt, brainwash
subliminally or connect the surrounding people to them.
[1,2, 3].
Further attack vectors will be expanded upon as time
Page 618 of 953
1.12.24: Cybersecurity 207: Codex Based Defeat of
How does an AI CODEX defeat Cyber Intelligence
Preparation of the Environment CIPOE?
Okay, this one is interesting. When you’re on the internet
and you have a smart device by you with a non-invasive
brain-machine-interface niBMI or simply contamination
present, the AI CODEX cybersecurity hack can locate you.
How does this AI CODEX hack work?
Simple. When you are reading a paragraph or set of
website domain names or thinking the same (thought,
typing on keyboard (character set input) or sounds with
microphones enabled (not hardwire disconnected), the
niBMI or contamination is feeding that into the AI BCPS.
The AI can then go and search its’ stored data on various
Content Delivery Networks CDNs globally and then from
there find out where your data center outlet is (even if
you’re on VPN tunnel through TOR for establishment of a
How does it do this, because your initial gateway is
through a smart phone with neurotechnology backdoors
in it and depending upon the hardware you are using a
Page 619 of 953
given nation state AI BCPS can locate you through the
smart device. Then from there is to can go into the VPN
and then determine devices connected to the VPN and
then from there hack into the given devices connected,
even if they are using TOR.
Therefore, you have to not have any neurotech enabled
smart devices by you when establishing CIPOE, because
they bypass your security measures, due to a
neurotechnology security flaw.
Even if you are not by a smart device, the environment
with pervasive neurotechnology can link to you and hack
into your systems, through acoustic, vibrational, B Field, E
Field or more advanced scalar waves.
Therefore, to establish CIPOE, you need to be in a scalar
wave shielded SCIF.
Page 620 of 953
Image Source:
Note, even SCIFs are not designed to defeat scalar waves
unless you specify them for this type of counter defense.
Even then, most SCIF manufacturers are not aware of
bioenergetic countermeasures, inclusive of scalar waves
and longitudinal waves.
Page 621 of 953
1.12.24: Cybersecurity 206: Content Delivery
Networks (CDNs) as Information Shield or Adversarial
Propaganda Dispenser
Why did we start using Content Delivery Networks CDNs
and how are CDNs being exploited by our enemies?
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are supposed to
enable rapid information caching and downloads to local
users. In otherwords, you have a CDN for part of the
internet, that is supposed to be a carbon-copy per say of
the original website. However, any information technology
IT expert knows that geolocation tagging has been used
for decades now to adjust content specific to a given
location. Therefore, the CDNs that are in given regions
(think each state if you are in United States of America or
city for that matter).
Page 622 of 953
The original uses were to provide a local data repository,
then delivery this quicker to the consumer of information.
Then geolocation content updating became the norm.
Then with the use of Artificial Intelligence AI, the CDNs
were further upgraded to link the content delivered to
you when you search on a search engine to be relevant
and maximize consumer to spend conversion.
People have detected the AI and CDNs by conversations
talking about a given product (e.g. barbque pit) or
football team and then having the content displayed to
them for the given football team on an advertisement.
Majority of technical and even some non-technical people
have picked on this AI CDN interaction for marketing and
messaging (marcom in industry lingo terms). However,
things just got super weird with this AI CDN when you
Page 623 of 953
add neurotechnology to it and non-invasively dosed
brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs. How so?
Now, with non-invasively dosed brain-machine-interfaces
niBMIs the machine links your thoughts to the CDN, so
not only what you speak aloud, or type and search for, but
now what you are thinking real-time.
Therefore, the information you are provided, is limited to
your pre-existing knowledge. If you are unaware of a
topic, you will literally never be served the topic or
information by a search engine that is not free of
“cognitive blinders” per say. This is how the entire field of
“neurotechnology” is being hidden from an average
person that is not neuroaware. Further, the use of
misinformation can be delivered through a CDN to
mislead anyone looking into neurotechnology. This has
been the historical use case of neurotechnology, to blind
those from learning about it by intelligence communities.
However, now Chinese neurostrike, is taking advantage of
this critical vulnerability, think of it as an Achilles’ Heel in
the NATO IC or 5 Eyes National Security Alliance. Make
no mistake, our own systems in the West are being used
against us, but covertly and secretly through Chinese
Weapon, such that technically it is our own systems being
used against us, but, digging deeper, it is the falsepositing by the Chinese Weapon defeating our 5 Eyes
Page 624 of 953
National Security systems by using the system on itself.
An analogy is the East is making the West turn in on itself
through the cyberhacking and neurohacking of the West’s
5 Eyes systems, inclusive of neurotechnology.
So, how to avoid adversarial CDNs? Make sure your
electronic hardware is not from Chinese coalition, such
that the chipsets in it are neurotechnology hardwired
pipelines to Chinese and further, make sure that you’re
not consuming any Chinese apps, specifically Tik Tok is
their nation’s preferred propoganda misinformation
spreader through use of neurotechnology, cyber and
neuro attack vectors. [1,2]
Chinese using CDNs and DNS cybersecurity hacks to
digitally enable their historical warfare tactic of surround
and isolate a given force. [0]
1.12.24: Experiment 104: Metal Zipper Interaction with
the Spectrum
In 2022, I got curious, due to being sensitized to EMF
fields, graphene oxide+EMF will do this in situ, about
metal zipper blue jean interaction with the
electromagnetic spectrum and the implications.
Page 625 of 953
Here is a basic question? Does your metal zipper on
jeans, pants, shorts, jackets, etc. now interact directly with
the spectrum
Answer: You bet it does.
Why? Think of the zipper as a bunch of antennas that
receive electromagnetic energy and create a magnetic
field around the zipper rungs (hundreds of them) that then
interact with your biological cells. Why are guys having
sperm die? Why are women having cysts in ovaries? The
zipper is the culprit when combined with the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Here are the calculations and then experimental data (will
publish this later in 2024).
To prove interaction, you simply measure the metal zipper
length and then calculate the wavelength range that can
interact with it and then identify the electromagnetic
spectrum bands that fall within the interaction range.
Then you look at all the devices that people have around
them and on them to figure out the reason why an EMF
field interaction exists. Keep in mind Saudi Arabia has a
huge investment fund allocated to non-metallics (cause
they can sell more oil petrochemical products to people
still living, that don’t have metal on their bodies that
interacts with the EMF spectrum).
Page 626 of 953
Image Source: Metal Zippers – Talon International Inc.
“Microwaves have wavelengths ranging between about
1 mm and 30 cm.” 1–300 GHz [1, 2]
Page 627 of 953
Therefore, since a zipper rung length is between the
range 1 mm and 30 cm, microwaves from your smart
phone directly interact with the zipper.
People have been posting about sterility and cancers
around testicles and ovaries. This is a no brainer, if you’re
aware of four items:
Testicles or Ovaries
Metal Zippers that interact with microwaves given their
length between 0.2 cm and 1 cm on-average.
Smart phones that people carry on their body
The fact that smart phones operate within the microwave
Experimental results from transmitter with temperature
and biological interaction to be included below here later
in 2024.
Page 628 of 953
1.12.24: Neurohacking 417: Codex based Social
Network Reconnaissance & Spying
So, given use of CODEX and AI BCPS with non-invasively
dosed brain-machine-interfaces niBMI. How then can a
social network be mapped out?
Here is a super useful tool using CODEX to map out and
spy on people. You simply feed your AI system the
publications and writings of a given individual of interest
to your AI and then plug-in the words used in the
publications into your AI BCPS for your given nation
state’s national security. Then when people read the
words on a given published article by a given individual,
the AI BCPS links these people with niBMI or simply
viewing the page into their AI system to build-out a social
network topology graph that look like this:
Page 629 of 953
Then the national security based AI or adversarial AI has a
network link and can go and hack into all of these
people’s smart devices and deploy a “surround” tactic to
isolate the person and attack them at all levels, such as
intercepting phone calls, text messages, emails, hacking
passwords, etc.
This is part of Chinese NeuroStrike Weapon and has been
used historically by intelligence agencies, part of NATO
Alliance. However, now there is Chinese coalition and that
is why things are getting weird, cause each person in this
nodal map could be a tripwire for certain CODEXES
linked to Chinese Social Credit Monitoring System (e.g.
Page 630 of 953
Great Firewall, plunked down into other countries to
attack and bias their citizens who are not neuroaware).
This tool is also used by AI BCPS systems for rapid build
out and innovation, unfortunately the adversarial uses are
being deployed by Chinese coalition to hurt and not help
those who value freedom, enabled through democracy.
This same toolset can be used to also link devices that the
person connects through to get into the internet. That is
why once a device is detected and logged, you literally
have to “burn it” and never use it again. If you then go
and use another hardware device, that has
neurotechnology chipsets in it, then you will autolink that
device with your non-invasively dosed brain-machineinterface niBMI. This is how the adversarial AI spreads
You literally have to purge the neuroweapon synbio from
you, and burn all hardware neurotech enabled that has
been used, due to it being automatically linked to Xi’s
Magic Weapon. This does not include stolen biometric
data and biosurveillance that can also link and monitor
you from person to person or person to animal. On top of
this all of the self-replicating synbio that has been
“shedded” into the environment needs to be destroyed
or broken. This can be accomplished by washing hands,
body and clothes with EDTA (calcium version) and Borax.
Page 631 of 953
Further, you can transmit a critical resonance frequency in
the environment to recalibrate and retune the synbio
“shedded” transducers.
Example: the nodal analysis above, can contain pets, such
as dogs, cats and rabbits (bunny rabbits). Such that when
the person is by an animal (even wildlife) then it can
detect the biosignature on the person and then transmit
this information to the AI BCPS system. This used to be all
local transverse type waves, but there are also scalar wave
systems on top of this where the transmitted data goes
through pretty much anything except a superconductor or
b-field (scalar) shielding where it is dampened/interfered
1.12.24: Neurohacking 416: Codex based Comments
Attack Vector
Reading people’s (or bots: AI enabled) comments on blog
posts or articles online, can expose you to a codex based
AI BCPS attack. Here is a simple counter measure.
Here is another AI BCPS attack vector that is extremely
covert and is a fourth known attack vector, on how the
Page 632 of 953
Chinese Weapon can surround and attack you through
online bots and PLA digital soldiers.
reading blog
post, with
language in
binary that is
sent to AI
BCPS system
through the
reading and
synbio LLM
bytecode or
binary machine
language sent
to the AI
BCPS. When
you have a
dosed brainmachine-interface niBMI in you, this is automatic and not
easily detectable. The only known way to detect a niBMI
is first to be neuroaware, which few are or to get shot-up
with a neuroweapon, part of NeuroStrike technology, and
live through it. [1]
Attack Vector: Articles and Blog Posts:
Posts by people or bots, or Chinese United Front
publications are a CODEX for people to read and get
Page 633 of 953
linked to Chinese AI BCPS. At times the posts, when read
literally, make zero sense, but are a unique sequence of
words. A lot of the posts online these days are CODEX
based neurohacks into people with synbio.
What you read and consume, literally HELPS the Chinese
coalition when using Chinese neurotechnology pipelines
or when your synbio is compromised by Neurostrike
nanotechnology. How? when you read a series of worlds,
you are broadcasting a CODEX to their AI BCPS that then
links you for additional attacks. That is right, the more you
read linguistic based LLP AI publications from the enemy
(which can be on social media), the further linked and
defined your biosignature becomes to Chinese AI BCPS
and enables further attacks on you when you read the
CODEX on various smart devices (enables an outbound
attack or an inbound attack by broadcasting what device
you are using and where you are at through said data
Counterstrike: Great, so how can you, as an individual,
hack this type of CODEX based attack with a counter
measure? The answer is simple. Read bits and pieces in a
disorganized (forward and reverse fashion) to break the
CODEX hook. If you simply read the words in series with
skipping a few words, that will not work, because your
Page 634 of 953
brain auto-fills in the correct words and missing words
correctly most of the time.
Therefore you literally have to go forward and reverse and
skip entire lines (sentences) to counterstrike the Chinese
Weapon. The more publications and writing done by their
AI BCPS linked network, the harder it gets to avoid
getting flagged by Chinese AI BCPS.
National Security Agencies should be doing their job to
counterstrike this as well, that said, this is a personal and
very simple hack to counterstrike a CODEX.
What is a CODEX? In ancient times these were simply
books. Now they’re anything consumed through the
digital world through reading (EMF: transverse and scalar
There are now synthetic CODEX systems, built by
humankind, enabled through AI BCPS, which are layered
on top of the ancient CODEX systems, referenced in
books like the Bible, Torah, Quran, etc. which are based
upon bioenergetics and bioinformatic longitudinal
wave:scalar nature of our universe.
1.11.24: Neurohacking 414: Chelators
Page 635 of 953
Chelators, important for blood flow through veins,
arteries, capillaries, prevention of metal build up and
ensuring oxygen (e.g. energy flows) to your body, brain
and central nervous unrestricted.
Note: This is not medical advice, I am not a medical
doctor, but a photoelectrochemical engineer with
biochemistry and genetics (PCR amplification,
electrophoresis, gene guns, etc.) background that spent
some time studying at Singularity University (SU) at NASA
Ames in 2013, Ray Kurzweil founder of (SU). Technically,
these days with bioenergetics having a background like
mine is advantageous with respect to preventative
countermeasures for personal health R&D. Below is an
open lab notebook for my personal R&D with insights and
a cognitive conundrum with thorough medical publication
references. This is not medical advice.
First and foremost there are several MDs and DIB
engineers that have helped me to build a foundation in
chelator knowledge. This provided the starting point to
then dive deeper into just how important chelators are in
our daily natural diet and synthetic diet.
Bloodflow and quality of red blood cells (RBCs) is
important, one of the most important key health metrics
Page 636 of 953
that is not qualitatively and quantitatively observed by
majority of Healthcare groups in America.
The key test to know if your blood is healthy or not is
something called a Live Blood Analysis (LBA) with a
darkfield microscope. 99%+ of American MDs are clueless
to this test method, let that sink in, as the AMA and
hospital system has failed patients by ceding testing to
multi-state and international third party contract labs that
run quantitative rapid analysis tests that are only designed
to detect a specific item and not unknown unknowns that
are now everywhere due to nanowarfare, neurowarfare,
biowarfare globally in WW3, yes this is ocurring now if you
haven’t figured that out yet, now you know.
I have personally taken the following chelators (oral,
oral+enteric coated, IV) to recover from a poisoning &
neuroweapon failed hit job in 2022. However, I now take
these as a preventative measure for health and
neurological function with majority of the poison and
neuroweapon removed in 2023, such that I could function
in society again.
Vitamin C oral
Garlic, pressed for Allicin precusors to ferment and result
in Allicin after 15 minutes
Page 637 of 953
Calcium-disodium-Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (e.g.
calcium-disodium-EDTA) via IV
Activated charcoal (food grade)
Keep in mind our brain has a ton of blood flow circuits
(e.g. veins, capillaries, arteries) as shown below. When you
bioaccumulate heavy metals and plaque forming
precursors that result in prions (misfolded proteins that
catalyze misfolding of other proteins) then you plug-up
the blood flow to your brain and body, which results in
neurological dysfunction. Keep in mind the blood flow
carries oxygen and health of your brain can be measured
using simple EEG at home devices now (just not from
Chinese coalition, neurohacker entry point).
In addition to pre-pandemic items of concern, we now
have synbio accumulation as well as the so called “spike”
(I’d still like to actually see these under a scope, not just a
cartoon graphic to confirm they exist, literally you can’t
believe cartoons (e.g. graphic illustrations of molecules,
Page 638 of 953
but need to detect them via a scope or probe, just saying)
accumulation as well to be protecting against. Therefore,
chelators in my mind are useful now to help protect
against synbio that may be malformed or weaponized,
perhaps what people are mistaking for as “spike”
bioweapon, which is actually a synbio based bioweapon,
that can emulate all forms and shapes of matter [3].
Page 639 of 953
Page 640 of 953
When someone is attacked with a Non-Kinetic Threat
(NKT) Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) it is clear to see,
based upon the image above the significant damage that
can be done due to the complexity, of just the blood
circulation system. This is in addition to the neurons,
myeline sheaths and associated grey matter in the brain
itself, which is an electrical bioquantum computer. If
you’re interested in the photoelectrical bioquantum
computer comment, then please do read the
bioenergetics posts for further awareness and
countermeasures to improve your health.
1.11.24: Neurohacking 415: NATO Alliance Cognitive
Whether you’ve realized it or not, synbio and
neurotechnology are now pervasive. Here is a summary of
NATO’s latest Cognitive Warfare overlaid with personal
neuroweapon countermeasures.
NATO’s plan to counter persistent state cognitive threats,
e.g. neurohackers from Chinese alliance and other nation
stateless groups that threaten democracy is a full roll-out
Page 641 of 953
of Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System
BCPS with countermeasures to defeat “NeuroStrike”
based attacks as I described in detail through the
following publications:
- Neurohacking 407: Black Swan Attack Method &
Tactics - Neurohacking 411: Codex Based Persistent State
Cognitive Hack - Neurohacking 412: Codex Based Persistent State
Cognitive Remote Kill
Therefore, several of the “persistent state threats” that
NATO Alliance is referencing are itemized in the three
prior Neurohacking publications (407, 411, 412).
Cognitive NeuroStrike uses Tik Tok [3]
NATO references proactively shaping the environment to
minimize cognitive weapon attacks. What this means is
that there are a bunch of reset points and surface areas
through use of EMF spectrum, inclusive of optogenetic
reset. In otherwords, you have a baselined “Brain Map”
and then if changes differ significantly from it (e.g. you’re
Page 642 of 953 getting neurohacked by an adversary via byte type attack
or directed energy weapon, non-kinetic-threat nkt) then
the system, utilizing synbio, inside of your body will notify
the AI BCPS to engage the threat (cyber for byte-based
attacks (e.g. neurotechnology hardware pipelines with
content) or physical (directed energy weapon, electronic
warfare stuff from the spectrum (e.g. microwave. LRAD,
The main focus is on the NKT attacks through byte-based
pipelines and content channels as well as the use of local
surrogates that have their own bio-radio transmitters or
nanotech that can “tag” someone currently not in
Chinese AI BCPS coalition “social credit monitoring
system firewall” within the borders of democratic nations.
So, how to defeat a byte-based attack? Simple, use data
in the flow and route the pipelines through big tech firms
I/O in your own nation state to strip-out and remove the
embedded NeuroStrike codexes and optogenetic
delivery systems. This requires AI and not all counterdefenses will work. Basically, once a statistically significant
number of people get killed or hacked, the AI BCPS picks
up on it and then builds its’ own counter strike and
defenses around the latest neurohacker (AI enabled
attack). This sounds scifi, until you actually get shot-up
with a neuroweapon and then you do what I did and
Page 643 of 953 reverse engineer the attack vectors and understand the
lay of the land in terms of synbio, neurohacking,
surrogates, cyborgs and the unknown unknowns.
Sorry, NATO, jumping the gun and publishing this instead
of later in 2024, had to add some clarity so people know
what we’re up against with respect to Chinese
NeuroStrike. People need to ditch NeuroStrike pipelines
(hardware made in China specifically) and content now vs.
Page 644 of 953
America’s AI BCPS System
Page 645 of 953
NATO’s Cognitive Warfare to Counter Chinese Coalition
NeuroStrike Weaponry
5G+ and AI BCPS is part of real-time national defense
strategy that utilizes both transverse waves and
longitudinal: scalar waves for biodefense, bioinformatics,
bioenergetics, national security EW defense, and of
course communications for civilians to call family, friends
and do business.
Page 646 of 953
DOD 5G Overview by Dr. Joseph B. Evans, Principal
Director for 5G, Office of theUnder Secretary of Defense
for Research & Engineering 10 August 2020 [4]
However, the 5G network opens up new vulnerability
attacks, as stated in the slide 15 below. While the Radio
Area Network (RAN) gets a security upgrade with
directionality (e.g. directed communications point to
point, when there are no significant obstructions, thus
eliminating man-in-the-middle type cellular emulator
attacks), it opens up additional more nefarious attacks,
inclusive of neurotechnology neurohacker attacks, first
enabled through cybersecurity or signals breach. When
5G+ can’t penetrate into a given building or location, the
Page 647 of 953
RAN downgrades to 4G (e.g. longer wavelength, to
penetrate the infrastructure and connect your smart
DoD 5G Overview, Dr. Joseph B. Evans, Principal Director
for 5G, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Research & Engineering, 10 August 2020 [4]
1.10.24: Phone Cybersecurity 205: Phone Number
Page 648 of 953
What is a phone number shield? Others call it a burner
number or a burner phone.
Phone number shield is an intermediate number that you
distribute to people and organizations that you interact
with. However, the phone number is not in direct contact
with your smart phone, but enables you to still receive
phone calls, text messages and send text messages and
make outbound phone calls.
Cyberhackers and neurohackers utilize your smart phone
number to hack you directly. In order to shield you from
their attacks (financial, information, location, privacy) the
use of a shield phone number adds an additional layer of
separation from you and the world around you that is not
always full of good people or good artificial intelligence
Shield Phone Number AA-BBB-CCC-DDDD is provided to
restaurants when you go out to dine and eat or vendors
when placing an order online, these are everyday
transactions with unknown people and vendors not inside
your circle per say.
Note: Do not use a shield phone number for two factor
authentication. The intent is to utilize it for transactions
Page 649 of 953
(e.g. points at your local coffee shop, points at your local
restaurant, etc. as part of customer retention and order
status updates (e.g. courier delivery service as well as if
you decide to pickup food).
What vendors can you utilize? This list will be published
after I review a few. I will not disclose which one I utilize,
due to obvious reasons (vendor neutrality and personal
Here are several of the methods to enable a shield phone
Everyday Citizen:
Download an app and configure it to forward to your
actual phone number and send outbound calls through
the app. You can also configure it for text messages.
Setup a separate VOIP number via service provider.
Not Your Everyday Citizen:
Build your own secure VOIP system and host it
somewhere secure, away from prying eyes you are trying
to avoid. Just keep in mind those prying eyes, if national
Page 650 of 953
security, will not be able to shield any cyber or neuro
attacks on your hardware if in another nation state
different from where you are a citizen.
Purchase a separate phone with an eSIM or SIM (these
can get cloned)
Purchase a SIM card for temporary use (go through an
intermediary clearing house reseller, that hides your
identity, while traveling with cash and a phone from a
used/refurb seller.).
Important Note: if you’re trying to use this type of burner
number or shield number to do something illegal or to
get around without national security agencies knowing
about it, tough luck, cause you’ve got to do a lot more
than that to reduce your virtual and physical signature
these days.
Feel free to subscribe to my substack to learn more, but
keep in mind it is nearly impossible to avoid/faux-out
national security, almost.
Page 651 of 953
1.9.24: Neurohacking 413: B Vitamins
Note: This is not medical advice, I am not a medical
doctor, but a photoelectrochemical engineer with
biochemistry and genetics (PCR amplification,
electrophoresis, gene guns, etc.) background that spent
some time studying at Singularity University (SU) at NASA
Ames in 2013, Ray Kurzweil founder of (SU). Technically,
these days with bioenergetics having a background like
mine is advantageous with respect to preventative
countermeasures for personal health R&D. Below is an
open lab notebook for my personal R&D with insights and
a cognitive conundrums with thorough medical
publication references. This is not medical advice.
Page 652 of 953
Quick Facts:
Our bodies do not make vitamin B12, cobalamine, which
is only essential mineral we need that has “cobalt”
attached to it. Ironically we have to get it from an animal
based food diet (weird huh, that’s why animals were put
here on earth for us to eat). This is quite the conundrum in
my opinion and apparently, as we are mammals, but we
have to get B12 from other mammals and animals. This
B12 conundrum also caught the attention of Discover
Magazine [1].
Required for Red Blood Cell formation
Required for DNA formation
Required for central nervous system and brain
maintenance (e.g. neurons).
Required for energy production as a coenzyme in
mitochondrial function. [2]
Upper Intake Level (UL) has not been established for B12.
Page 653 of 953
“Although there is some evidence that very high doses of
B12 may cause adverse health effects in certain
populations, megadoses of this vitamin are commonly
used to safely and effectively treat B12 deficiency.” [2]
Abstract from (verbatim, but itemized from [3]
The B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins required as
coenzymes for enzymes essential for cell function.
This review focuses on their essential role in maintaining
mitochondrial function and on how mitochondria are
compromised by a deficiency of any B vitamin.
Thiamin (B1) is essential for the oxidative decarboxylation
of the multienzyme branched-chain ketoacid
dehydrogenase complexes of the citric acid cycle.
Riboflavin (B2) is required for the flavoenzymes of the
respiratory chain.
NADH is synthesized from niacin (B3) and is required to
supply protons for oxidative phosphorylation.
Pantothenic acid (B5) is required for coenzyme A
formation and is also essential for alpha-ketoglutarate and
Page 654 of 953
pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes as well as fatty acid
Biotin (B7) is the coenzyme of decarboxylases required for
gluconeogenesis and fatty acid oxidation.
Pyridoxal (B6), folate and cobalamin (B12) properties are
reviewed elsewhere in this issue.
The experimental animal and clinical evidence that
vitamin B therapy alleviates B deficiency symptoms and
prevents mitochondrial toxicity is also reviewed.
The effectiveness of B vitamins as antioxidants preventing
oxidative stress toxicity is also reviewed.
Page 655 of 953
[4] Nutritional properties and enhancement/
biofortification of potatoes, August 2018, DOI:10.19103/
1.9.24: Neurohacking 412: Codex Based Persistent
State Cognitive Remote Kill
This article is an extension of Neurohacking 411, where
not only cyber, but also physical world interactions result
from the codex based persistent state cognitive hack,
such that a kill is made from over 1,000s of miles away.
This will re-iterate information from Neurohacking 411, for
your reading and educatioanl convenience. We are all in
this together, it is not just cybersecurity in the virtual
world, but humankind, specifically Chinese, has created a
weapon (non-kinetic) so evil that it literally can remote kill
you from your electronic devices or from non-invasively
dosed nanotechnology residing inside of you from the
environment or other supply chain sources.
This is all part of Chinese social credit monitoring system
and firewall, literally removes non-compliant people
globally, inclusive of Chinese coalition members too.
Page 656 of 953
Why? because Chinese only cares about China, nobody
else, no matter what they peddle (e.g. liars, thieves and
now the great deceiver in our lifetime).
How does a codex based, combined cybersecurity and
cognitive neurohack work? I’ve reverse engineered one
attack vector. The recent 5 Eyes press release stating
world’s largest hack by Chinese is based upon the
enclosed technology platform and tactic, one of many
tactics currently being reverse engineered and shared for
counter defensive measures to be built by cyber and
neuro security agencies and labs.
Neurohacking is a product line extension from
cybersecurity groups that conduct work for nation states
and nation stateless groups. Think of cyberhackers as
contract thieves in the digital age, that made a bunch of
money and decided to do a product line extension into
neurohacking of the human brain through the pervasive
access to neurotechnology in our world and people with
non-invasive brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs in them
So how does a neurotechnology based Codex attack
vector work? Bare with me as this is extremely simple to
understand once you get the physics behind it.
Page 657 of 953
The Foundation:
Step 1: You are getting dosed with mesogens, graphenes
and self-replicating nanotechnology now, whether you
realize it or not. How can you confirm this? Go get a live
blood analysis LBA done with a dark field microscope at
4000x to view the mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotechnology. The material looks like this:
Step 2: You are utilizing smart devices. These are the
“hardware” devices with neurotechnology in them
(chipsets and transmit/receive antennas) that can connect
to you and your niBMI. The hardware is the “pipeline”
and the software and apps are the “content” that is fed
through the “pipelines” to you. Keep in mind you can
have more than one “pipeline” into your niBMI (many to
many relationship). Further your niBMI may also be
located elsewhere on your body where the mesogen,
graphene and self-replicating nanotechnology is located.
Keep in mind mesogens, graphenes and nanotech
systems like this are electromagnetic “consumers” and
migrate towards your nervous system and body parts with
a lot of electrical activity (brain, central nervous system or
muscles if you are less of a thinker and more of a physical
Page 658 of 953
Now that the Foundation has been built. Here is how the
hack works with a Codex based attack.
Establishing the Connection to Human:
Step 1: Whaling, going after executives or technical
scientific resources non-Chinese highly skilled technical
engineers, scientists, researchers, CTOs, CIOs, etc.
CONOPS: Social media networking site, has a Chinese
digital soldier on it. The Chinese digital soldier, posing as
a business development person interacts with you,
obtains your phone number, address through OSINT on
your social media system. Then the cyberhacking starts
using files, emails, signals, data communications, ai
assisted attack, etc. and they penetrate your network and
device. If you are using Chinese hardware, then their PLA
soldier has a direct backdoor to you, once they are able
to confirm that hardware is used by you (e.g. when you
register the device for support).
Step 2: Here is how the Chinese Xi “Magic Weapon”
works in action. The persistent state hack.
Page 659 of 953
Someone online shares a specific article with you. You
being a good and happy person are glad to learn and
happily receive the article (e.g. codex). You read the
article shared with you by someone online, think Chinese
coalition (inclusive of Russian neurohackers). Remember
spies are always helpful and wanting to be your friend
(don’t let this disuade you from hanging out with truely
good people, but spies use these tactics to gain your
trust, by helping you out).
The person that shared the article with you, a codex, has
other intentions. Keep in mind the person online could
also be an AI bot. Recall that codexes are books with
language in them. LLMs by AI combined with the
hardware neurotechnology backdoor can then link your
brain with the niBMI in it to the “AI computer, think AI
brain map, but maps of everyone getting hacked to build
a super-brain for access to via brainpools by a competitor
nation state, cause in cognitive warfare the best brains
win, especially those with access to a supercomputer AI
that cognitively stole the world’s leading scientists brains.
This by all means is NOT a stretch for Chinese with their
BRAIN initiative kicking off in 2016 and a bunch of IC
people getting shot up with old analog nanosecond
Page 660 of 953
pulsed neuroweapons before China got into more
advanced neurotechnology” or person (this in energetics
terms is called a psychic attack. I’m a member of USPA,
bunch of retired IC people are part of it as well as people
who detected anomalous events in life that didn’t make
much sense given known physics, but decided to
rationally and logically ferret out the truth less known.
When an AI bot or person shares a specific codex with
you, you read the unique codex and your niBMI autolinks
with their neurotechnology enabled terminal AI. “Voila!”,
your brain with niBMI non-invasively dosed is now linked
to their neurohacking platform that can data mine you for
contacts, intellectual property, etc.
This is the part, where humanity, specifically the Chinese,
has built a weapon so evil, that no other human, no
matter race, creed or nationality should wish this upon
another human and why all of us should unite against the
Chinese evil Magic Weapon.
Page 661 of 953
Once you have been linked, persistent state, the AI can
issue assembly instructions to the nanotechnology
(mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating nanotech),
such that it can emit a harmful frequency (e.g. antenna
transmitter inside of you). Then, when you think certain
thoughts or read certain materials, the material inside of
you that was assembled by the neurotechnology LLM AI
can physically harm you through electromagnetic
spectrum emissions within your body. The converse is
true, the electromagnetic spectrum emissions within your
body can also heal you.
How does the AI program the nanotechnology within your
body through use of neurotechnology? Through the use
of electromagnetic spectrum:
Optogenetics (that is why these product lines, glasses and
blockers, exist for defensive countermeasures)
Image Source: MOS Equipment
Image Source: MOS Equipment
Image Source: MOS Equipment
Page 662 of 953
Note: in order for the neurohacking to be successful, it
requires three parts:
Part 1: neurotechnology enabled smart devices
(chipsets, transmitters, screens with meta materials).
These are the pipelines.
Part 2: nanotechnology inside of your body noninvasively dosed brain machine interfaces niBMIs
Part 3: software and apps with viewing time, when you
accumulate the nanotech inside of you and the “fresh”
nanotech can then get programmed inside of you.
During this time more than one mesogen, graphene
and nanotech system may be coded in your body, such
as an adversarial one linked to the Chinese that enables
spying. If you are eating food with self-replicating
nanotech in it exported from the Chinese and by
Chinese neurotechnology hardware (pipeline)
Wireless (again, that is why these product lines exist for
defensive countermeasures)
Image Source: MOS Equipment
Page 663 of 953
Reiterating: this is all part of the Chinese social credit
monitoring system and firewall, literally removes noncompliant people globally, inclusive of Chinese coalition
members too. Why? because the Chinese only cares
about China, nobody else, no matter what they peddle
(e.g. liars, thieves and now the great deceiver in our
Seeing is believing, here is some of the self-assembly AI
instructed through nanotech, neurotech, cyber and
Image Source: Dr. David Nixon Laboratory
This is one of the most disturbing attack vectors using
signals transmitted to kill a human remotely, through use
of neurotechnology when combined with nanotechnology
(mesogens, graphenes, self-replicating nanotech) and
codex based persistent state re-connects hooks.
1.8.24: Neurohacking 411: Codex Based Persistent
State Cognitive Hack
Page 664 of 953
How a codex cognitive neuroweapon attack works.
Reverse engineered.
How does a codex based, combined cybersecurity and
cognitive neurohack work? I’ve reverse engineered one
attack vector. The recent 5 Eyes press release stating
world’s largest hack by Chinese is based upon the
enclosed technology platform and tactic, one of many
tactics currently being reverse engineered and shared for
counter defensive measures to be built by cyber and
neuro security agencies and labs.
Here is the 5 Eyes (intelligence community of Western
World) briefing.
The East (India) Ministry of Information Technology
blocked part of the first wave attack by Chinese through
banning their neurotechnology hardware and software
from India in 2020, but some got in before 2020.
Neurohacking is a product line extension from
cybersecurity groups that conduct work for nation states
and nation stateless groups. Think of cyberhackers as
contract thieves in the digital age, that made a bunch of
money and decided to do a product line extension into
neurohacking of the human brain through the pervasive
access to neurotechnology in our world and people with
Page 665 of 953
non-invasive brain-machine-interfaces niBMIs in them
So how does a neurotechnology based Codex attack
vector work? Bare with me as this is extremely simple to
understand once you get the physics behind it.
The Foundation:
Step 1: You are getting dosed with mesogens, graphenes
and self-replicating nanotechnology now, whether you
realize it or not. How can you confirm this? Go get a live
blood analysis LBA done with a dark field microscope at
4000x to view the mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotechnology. The material looks like this:
Page 666 of 953
Image Source: Dr. David Nixon Laboratory
Step 2: You are utilizing smart devices. These are the
“hardware” devices with neurotechnology in them
(chipsets and transmit/receive antennas) that can connect
to you and your niBMI. The hardware is the “pipeline”
and the software and apps are the “content” that is fed
through the “pipelines” to you. Keep in mind you can
have more than one “pipeline” into your niBMI (many to
many relationship). Further your niBMI may also be
located elsewhere on your body where the mesogen,
graphene and self-replicating nanotechnology is located.
Keep in mind mesogens, graphenes and nanotech
systems like this are electromagnetic “consumers” and
migrate towards your nervous system and body parts with
a lot of electrical activity (brain, central nervous system or
muscles if you are less of a thinker and more of a physical
Now that the Foundation has been built. Here is how the
hack works with a Codex based attack.
The Attack:
Step 1: Whaling, going after executives or technical
scientific resources non-Chinese highly skilled technical
engineers, scientists, researchers, CTOs, CIOs, etc.
Page 667 of 953
CONOPS: Social media networking site, has a Chinese
PLA digital soldier on it. The Chinese PLA digital soldier,
posing as a business development person interacts with
you, obtains your phone number, address through OSINT
on your social media system. Then the cyberhacking starts
using files, emails, signals, data communications, ai
assisted attack, etc. and they penetrate your network and
device. If you are using Chinese hardware, then their PLA
soldier has a direct backdoor to you, once they are able
to confirm that hardware is used by you (e.g. when you
register the device for support).
Step 2: Here is how the Chinese PLA Xi “Magic Weapon”
works in action. The persistent state hack.
Someone online shares a specific article with you. You
being a good and happy person are glad to learn and
happily receive the article (e.g. codex). You read the
article shared with you by someone online, think Chinese
coalition (inclusive of Russian neurohackers). Remember
spies are always helpful and wanting to be your friend
(don’t let this disuade you from hanging out with truely
good people, but spies use these tactics to gain your
trust, by helping you out).
Page 668 of 953
The person that shared the article with you, a codex, has
other intentions. Keep in mind the person online could
also be an AI bot. Recall that codexes are books with
language in them. LLMs by AI combined with the
hardware neurotechnology backdoor can then link your
brain with the niBMI in it to the “AI computer, think AI
brain map, but maps of everyone getting hacked to build
a super-brain for access to via brainpools by a competitor
nation state, cause in cognitive warfare the best brains
win, especially those with access to a supercomputer AI
that cognitively stole the world’s leading scientists brains.
This by all means is NOT a stretch for Chinese with their
BRAIN initiative kicking off in 2016 and a bunch of IC
people getting shot up with old analog nanosecond
pulsed neuroweapons before China got into more
advanced neurotechnology” or person (this in energetics
terms is called a psychic attack.
I’m a member of USPA, bunch of retired IC people are
part of it as well as people who detected anomalous
events in life that didn’t make much sense given known
physics, but decided to rationally and logically ferret out
the truth less known.
When an AI bot or person shares a specific codex with
you, you read the unique codex and your niBMI autolinks
with their neurotechnology enabled terminal AI. “Voila!”,
Page 669 of 953
your brain with niBMI non-invasively dosed is now linked
to their neurohacking platform that can datamine you for
contacts, intellectual property, etc.
This is the part, where humanity, specifically Chinese, has
built a weapon so evil, that no other human, no matter
race, creed or nationality should wish this upon another
human and why all of us should unite against Chinese evil
Magic Weapon.
Once you have been linked, persistent state, the AI can
issue assembly instructions to the nanotechnology
(mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating nanotech),
such that it can emit a harmful frequency (e.g. antenna
transmitter inside of you). Then, when you think certain
thoughts or read certain materials, the material inside of
you that was assembled by the neurotechnology LLM AI
can physically harm you through electromagnetic
spectrum emissions within your body. The converse is
true, the electromagnetic spectrum emissions within your
body can also heal you. This is all part of Chinese social
Page 670 of 953
credit monitoring system and firewall, literally removes
non-compliant people globally, inclusive of Chinese
coalition members too. Why? because Chinese only cares
about China, nobody else, no matter what they peddle
(e.g. liars, thieves and now the great deceiver in our
Seeing is believing, here is some of the self-assembly AI
instructed through nanotech, neurotech, cyber and
Image Source: Dr. David Nixon Laboratory
Page 671 of 953
This is one of many attack vectors using neurotechnology
when combined with nanotechnology (mesogens,
graphenes, self-replicating nanotech) and codex based
persistent state re-connects hooks.
1.7.2024: B’s ANSWER TO A COMMENT-If you want to
repair at the cellular level, check out my post on
bioenergetics, it uses something called scalar waves that
result in time reversal, because the scalar wave travels
faster than the speed of light. Praying also helps as it links
you through reading a codex, synthetic and God made.
Humankind has figured out how to create a synthetic
codex, so be mindful that there is an additional layer now,
which by nature of humankind is fallen. When you read a
codex (thought) or out loud there are different effects.
When you read out loud to yourself, the longitudinal
waves and coherence also results in additional effects,
scientifically speaking this is all part of the field of
bioenergetics. Spiritually and religiously speaking codexes
have been around for a very long time, but knowledge of
how they work has always been held close to the vest, for
reasons one can imagine, if more people knew about
Page 672 of 953
codexes and how praying actually works, then more
would pray.
1.7.24: Bioenergetics 101: Tools of the Trade
Interested in code, signals, data transfer, power systems that
all converge into non-kinetic technology domains, such as
energy storage, medicine, weapons and the spectrum
between and in us? The infrastructure or “built environment”
around us is bathed in electromagnetic energy from our sun
(natural to us) and humankind made (not natural to us).
How can we utilize OSINT (open source intelligence) to build
our own useful toolkit for personal R&D health and wellness?
How can we utilize this knowledge to build our own
bioenergetic weapons (250,000 miles per second+), that
travel faster than light 186,000 miles per second, for selfdefense against those still using conventional weapons
(kinetic 2,727 miles per hour).
First and foremost there are two main types of
electromagnetic waves, transverse waves and longitudinal
Page 673 of 953
Transverse (e-field and b-field (scalar)propagation)
Page 674 of 953
Page 675 of 953
Second, practical knowledge (hand) required to build
equipment to effectuate a change based upon fundamental
first principles understanding of the theoretical knowledge
Power (hard wired and wireless)
Signal (hard wired and wireless)
Data (hard wired and wireless)
Page 676 of 953
Results in a useful tools for humankind or direct manipulation
of humankind for good or less good. Tools can be as simple
as the “wheel” or as complex as tissue scanners that read the
bioenergetic data, log it and then can be used to retransmit it
for healing or for a weapon. In order to do this repeatably
you need to understand both mind and hand and how to
build equipment to accomplish your objective.
1.6.23: Neurohacking 409: Sodium Citrate, Blood
Decoagulant, Alkaline Adjuster & Energy Production
Page 677 of 953
After interacting with several other independent researchers
with their own labs as well, I ran across a study that indicates
why Sodium Citrate helps people feel better.
Why does sodium citrate help people feel better that are
lower energy or are under immune system attack by various
Basic shift of blood to alkaline environment [0]
Anti-coagulant, increases bloodflow, thereby increasing
oxygen transfer [0]
Citrate is an intermediate step in Mitochondrial processes
(e.g. the energy powerhouse of the animal cell (e.g. in
humans). ATP is generated by both glycolysis and OXPHOS
when caloric reducing equivalents are prevalent. Mammalian
cell acetyl-CoA is generated primarily in the mitochondrion
during pryruvate or fatty acid oxidation.
Within the mitochondrion, the acetyl-CoA is converted to
citrate by condensation with oxaloacetate (OAA) via citrate
synthetase. Citrate can be exported into the cytosol, where it
is cleaved back to acetyl-CoA and OAA by ATP-citrate lyase
(Wallace and Fan, 2010). Mitochondrial acetyl-CoA can also
be exported out of the mitochondrion as acetylcarnitine by
the carnitine/acylcarnitine acetyltranslocase. In the cytosol,
acetylcarnitine reverts back into acetyl-CoA for use in histone
Page 678 of 953
acetylation (Madiraju et al., 2009). [0]
Acetyl-CoA (acetyl coenzyme A) is a molecule that
participates in many biochemical reactions in protein,
carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.[2] Its main function is to
deliver the acetyl group to the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)
to be oxidized for energy production. [5]
Therefore, sodium citrate, directly impacts the citric acid
cycle (Krebs cycle) to be oxidized for energy production in
the human body. This is the third reason why sodium citrate
(I,II,III) helps people feel better.
The combination of:
- Increased blood flow due to anti-coagulant properties
- Die off of acidic loving toxic organisms in the more basic
environment of blood in body
Directly increases energy production via Krebs cycle through
citrate exportation into cytosol, where it is cleaved into
So, the question remains, how does the Sodium Citrate enter
the cell? Hypothesis: The Na+ ionic bond and O- ends most
likely enable it to enter and pass through the cells
phospholipid bilayer. This needs to be further verified (entry
mechanism), but the use of citrate in the cell is confirmed to
generate more energy without a doubt.
Page 679 of 953 9 = Mitochondria
11 = Cytosol
1.6.24: Neurohacking 408: Molecular Jackhammers for
In 2023 I started using Methylene Blue and NIR/IR/Red Light
to recover from a failed neuroweapon hit job. This is also how
to kill cancer apparently, learn more here.
In 2023, after researching treatments for directed energy
weapon recovery and the damage that it can do when it
penetrates the human brain matter I found methylene blue
that basically installs a pipeline bypass around several
Page 680 of 953
electron complexes to keep the brain working even when
damaged so it can rebuild neural pathways and bypass
damaged tissue. I then learned about the ability of near
infrared light (NIR) to penetrate deeply into the tissues and
into the brain. Then I learned that methylene blue can
penetrate the blood brain barrier and enter the brain regions
not normally accessible (e.g. the regions damaged by a
directed energy weapon attack).
I then put all of this information into practical use. Purchased
the methylene blue, purchased the NIR/IR/Red Lights (5
different versions of them) as well as reviewed pricing on
filtration media for light (did not receive timely response from
vendors) so purchased the NIR/IR at pet store and home
depot in incandescent version and LED. The incandescent
versions work a lot better FYI.
I’ve been dosing with methylene blue and using NIR/IR for a
little over a month now and notice significant cognitive
changes. Keep in mind I’m dosing with reserveratrol as well.
Basically, my brain is working at near pre-neuroweapon attack
levels. I’ve also tested the methylene blue with other
engineers that got a cognitive boost, so it is not just placebo
for me.
Here is the interesting part. While I’m doing DIY R&D, Rice
University publishes a study on their lab-verified use of
Cyanine dyes and NIR (cyanine dyes have similar triple ring
structure on the plasmon working end) to attack cancer. It is
known that MB and NIR creates a reactive oxygen species
Page 681 of 953
ROS, but the effect the researchers at Rice explored was the
critical resonance vibration or what they called a “molecular
hammer” because they probably never worked with any crazy
French acoustical engineers before like I did at John Zink
Combustion School in Oklahoma 🙂
Therefore, read this and this as well to gain a deeper
understanding of the underlying bioenergetics behind
vibrations and frequencies.
1.5.23: Neurohacking 407-Black Swan Attack Method
& Tactics
The use of neurotechnology enables a decapitating first strike
that is near impossible to detect unless you’re already
neuroaware and even then it is subtle, until it is not and too
late to defeat.
I’ve spent the majority of the holidays reflecting on how to
best communicate the covert strike method that enables
Chinese NeuroStrike Weaponry and other non-government
groups and nation states linked to their coalition to work
(method and tactics). Note, the term NeuroStrike is coined by
Robert McCreight at National Defense University NDU [1].
Chinese PLA introduces sleep weapons and brain control.
Page 682 of 953
In clear and simple terms here is how a neuroweapon gets
into you and compromises you.
Step 1: self replicating nanotechnology in food supply, air,
water (this you can’t control)
Step 2: decision to purchase or utilize Chinese
neurotechnology hardware (pipelines) and content (Tik Tok
app). This decision you can control.
Step 3: The Chinese nanotechnology (self-replicating) grows
in the person and gets programmed and linked to Chinese
neurotechnology hardware (pipeline) to establish a
bidirectional communication system with the in-situ
nanotechnology in the person’s body, brain and central
nervous system and the Chinese neurotechnology hardware
After time the person becomes linked to Chinese AI BCPS
and subject to their social credit score system in another
nation state. Given enough people that get bagged and
tagged, Chinese’s social credit score system and people
(surrogate) firewall comprised of Internet of Bodies (IoB)
reaches a critical mass and takes over a nation state, making
the state an unwitting vassal for the Chinese to use in the
world as their AI BCPS best sees fit.
Step 4: The Chinese compromised person spreads the
programmed nanotechnology as a virus, but using frequency
to link-up with non-Chinese neurotechnology hardware users
through local attacks that are enabled by the EMF spectrum
Page 683 of 953
and acoustical and vibrational interconnectedness. This
image here communicates the tactic by using swans in water
as an example with propagating ripples (instead of
waveforms and EMF spectrum analogies, majority of people
should understand this).
The white square swan, symbolizes your nation state’s
cognitive monitoring system, comprised of mesogens,
graphenes and non-self replicating nanotechnology. The
original synbio network, which the swan grew-up with, at the
local frequency of the swan. This is what the swan’s
intelligence community has utilized in the past to monitor the
swan, unbeknownst to the swan.
The red triangle symbolizes Chinese Neurostrike, comprised
of mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating nanotechnology,
which acts like a parasite on the swan, that does nothing but
monitor (spy) at first in “perch mode” as it grows and builds
out its’ neural networks and systems in the brain, central
nervous system and body of the swan. Notice the swan is
sleeping during the daytime, just like Chinese would want it
to since it will slow down the nation’s GDP covertly.
Americans should be able to recognize the saying “Sleepy
Joe” which is China’s evil humor as a lot of Americans are
compromised by Chinese Neurotechnology. Sleepy Swan,
Sleepy Joe, Sleepy Nation falls behind technologically over
Page 684 of 953
time. Tik Tok is named with the ticking clock on purpose.
America’s enemies are clear and transparent with their evil
intentions. Just look at the content that consumers are
devouring on Tik Tok.
The white circle represents another nation state’s synbio at
the swan’s frequency. The red triangle has not had as much
time to grow so the swan is alert. If the swan with the white
circle gets too close to the swan (think 6 feet rule) with the
white square, it can share in its’ frequency and the selfreplicating nanotechnology from Chinese can spread into the
swan with the white circle from the swan with the white
Now, imagine a wave in the pond coming from China that
activates both swans at a pre-encoded frequency to go to
sleep, wake up, consume, attack a fish, attack a person, move
about or perform a given action. This is the essence the
Chinese Magic Weapon. It is covert, utilizes mesogens,
graphenes, self replicating nanotech to effectuate a nonattributable change in the behavior of a person from
thousands of miles away.
Page 685 of 953
This is why neuroawareness and #neurorights are important.
Because the swans are simply along for the ride and
unwitting participants in their life once the Chinese selfreplicating nanotechnology and neurotechnology gets into
them and they lose free will. Regardless of your religious,
scientific or given preferences, nobody on this earth wants
their free will taken from them. The Chinese Weapon takes
your free will. Do not let Chinese win the battle of your free
Page 686 of 953
1.5.23: Neurohacking 406: Cybersecurity Hidden
Hardware Pipeline Backdoors Discovered
In the first week of 2024 I tested a theory and confirmed a
cybersecurity and neurotechnology backdoor, after observing
anomalies in 2023.
I’m writing this article to advise people on hardware
(cybersecurity and neurosecurity pipeline attack vectors) and
how to stop a combined neuroweapon and cyberweapon
attack in its’ tracks. The backdoor hardware device that I
detected was a computer monitor with neurotechnology in it,
specifically built for gaming. By replacing the
neurotechnology enabled computer monitor with a nonneurotechnology enabled monitor, the phone home
backdoor calls by non-invasively dosed Brain-MachineInterface contaminated mesogens, graphenes and selfreplicating nanotechnology was stopped in its’ tracks by
having the outbound pipeline (neurotech) shutdown.
When you connect with a given hardware device that is
neurotechnology enabled and your body has mesogens,
graphenes and nanotechnology in it the non-invasively dosed
Brain Machine Interface niBMI will autoreconnect and phone
home through the hardware neurotechnology pipeline that it
has been linked to aprior. It doesn’t matter if it is helpful
neurotechnology or adversarial neurotechnology.
Page 687 of 953
Therefore, the counter defense to hidden neurotechnology
backdoors is to BLOCK the backdoors linking your coded
mesogen, graphenes and nanotechnology niBMI from
phoning home to the enemy’s adversarial neurotechnology AI
BCPS platform. Specifically, the Chinese“Magic Weapon”
which is self-replicating nanotechnology.
So, how did I defeat and reverse engineer the Chinese
“Magic Weapon”?
Continual purging of body to remove the wetware malware
and discontinued usage of the hardware that enabled
neurotechnology backdoors.
Specific actions that I took were to discontinue use of 5G and
go back to an older 4G phone, discontinue use of new
gaming hardware (non-China) and go back to an older
monitor system and to ensure that I was distanced away from
other people majority of time to continue to reprogram the
synbio in my brain, so that a new non-invasively dosed Brain
Machine Interface niBMI would be built-up not linked to
Chinese Brain Warfare coalition.
Therefore, the combined effects of:
Purging body with chelators: calcium-disodium-EDTA, vitamin
C, allicin (enteric coated), sodium citrate and avoiding supply
chain contaminated foods owned by Chinese supply chain
that are weaponized.
Page 688 of 953
Discontinuing use of electronic hardware that was
neurotechnology enabled, that would re-activate dormant
mesogen, graphene and nanotechnology enabled wetware
bug non-invasively dosed by Chinese coalition and
programmed by their neurotechnology enabled pipelines
Switching locations to be away from people and animals form
an urban environment to a rural environment.
Rebuilding synbio when not around contaminated people,
adversarial neurotechnology hardware and content through
consumption of healthy kosher or halal style foods in
moderation. This requires frequency isolation (acoustic, EMF,
B Field, E Field) from local contaminated systems, such that
you recalibrate with background scalar waves plus your own
signal generator (non-Chinese smartphone for AI BCPS
relinkage). Yes, DOD and IC I have had to reverse engineer
your AI BCPS as well to counter Chinese Xi Magic Weapon,
as it overlays on top of your AI BCPS. [ reference 1 to be clear
on boolean tables built with synbio, etc. ]
The above four steps have stopped the Chinese “Magic
Weapon” in its’ tracks. Keep in mind the ratio of time spent
needs to be greater in excess away from Chinese
neurotechnology hardware pipelines and wetware (people)
Page 689 of 953
that consume Chinese neurotechnology content through
pipelines (hardware).
This information is nation state level and not many are
neuroaware about it.
Basically, if you get contaminated with a neuroweapon, you
have to purge it and it requires the four independent actions
to occur over a period of time (think a year, at minimum
parity for the time spent in an infected/contaminated region)
above to ensure you stop the attacks. Keep in mind suburbs
with dirty electricity and overlapping wifis are an infected
region now that enables the Chinese “Magic Weapon” to
propagate from neighbor to neighbor (coupled brains with
magnetic fields and since dirty electricity present, electrified
ground too at low volt level).
1.2.24: Social Networking 101: The Truth
How do social networking and professional networking big
tech sites and apps really work? Read this article to learn the
Social networks originally started in the late 1990s before the
world wide web in IRC channels and RSS feeds, then
morphed into website based systems, such as MySpace,
Facebook(R), etc. and then working professional networking
sites like LinkedIn(R) were built.
Page 690 of 953
Today and since the mid 2000s, neurotechnology has been
the backbone of social networking sites. To date, few know
this truth, even Ph.Ds. There are marketplaces that exist for
selling and brokering your brain data and brain maps, where
AI is utilized to “decompile” it and use a virtualized instance
of your brain. Some groups have even built out a pool of
brains linked to create a super-intelligence that gives them a
competitive edge against those without access to
However, this is now resulting in a large attack vector through
adversarial neuroweapons that are contaminating the
connected brains to their super intelligence-based brainpool
system, part of Neurowarfare strategy by Chinese and their
coalition. Therefore, if you use platforms like Microsoft or
other big tech firms and the brains connected (synbio
enabled) are contaminated, then you’re getting
contaminated by those brains due to Microsoft’s back-end
neurotechnology linkages.
Question: So, how do these social technology
platforms actually work? Not what you’re told, but
how the underlying fundamentals are actually piped
and delivering content to you.
Answer: Neurotechnology brainpools based upon your
historical usage and thoughts. What does this mean? It
means that big tech has direct access to your mind, brain
data and can utilize your brain power for their internal benefit
Page 691 of 953
without your permission. It also means that big tech can
place you in various brainpools that network you with likeminded individuals or if someone purchases your brain data
they can decipher it with AI and understand some “trade
secret” that otherwise would be inaccessible.
The majority of big tech firms sell your brain data on second
hand markets.
Pipelines: Hardware devices, such as smartphone and
smart enabled hardware devices
Fluids Flow in the Pipeline (e.g. industry lingo is “Data in the
Flow”): This is the content, delivered both through EMF and
optogenetically. Think of the content as videos, articles,
games, etc. that impact your perception of reality and
vocabularity. Content can also be from the people around
you via audible transmission.
How can the average person test out brainpools and
neurotechnology linkages? Simply remove yourself from one
of the big tech social networking ecosystems. Example would
be Microsoft. Switch to Linux/UNIX and quit using LinkedIn
(or at least don’t keep the app installed on your smartphone
for very long at all and while using it block the neurotech
connection with a nickel silver faraday shield and optogenetic
blockers. You’ll notice an absolute plunge in your business
leads and networking if you remove yourself from Microsoft’s
Page 692 of 953
ecosystem, because their platform, neurotechnology-based,
links your brain to other brains subconsciously. So, is not
using Microsoft bad for business? No, not at all. It keeps their
big tech firm from using your brain data without you having
paid for it.
People are typically in the Google, Apple or Microsoft
category. Microsoft dropped the ball per say on the
smartphone operating system, which enabled Android
(Google) neurotechnology entry circa 2008. Why do you think
Blackberry wasn’t able to compete against Android and
The winners with neurotechnology were using the tech to
keep and gain more marketshare. Blackberry was a casualty
of corporate neurowarfare, in my neuro-aware opinion. The
latest smartphones, when you hold them, bioenergetically
synchronize with your body, brain and central nervous system
and use your body as an antenna. This is directly based upon
the design.
You can learn more about the hardware details by visiting
Purism smartphone’s page where they reverse engineered
the smartphone design and change from 4G to 5G. Purism is
the only American made smartphone. If you want a not made
in Chinese smartphone go with the “Nothing” phone from
India until everyone else gets their “ducks” in a row and away
from Chinese.
Page 693 of 953
1.1.24: Social Networking 101: The Truth
How do social networking and professional networking
big tech sites and apps really work? Read this article to
learn the truth.
Social networks originally started in the late 1990s before
the world wide web in IRC channels and RSS feeds, then
morphed into website based systems, such as MySpace,
Facebook(R), etc. and then working professional
networking sites like LinkedIn(R) were built.
Today and since the mid 2000s neurotechnology has been
the backbone of social networking sites. To-date few
know this truth, even Ph.Ds. There are marketplaces that
exist for selling and brokering your brain data and brain
maps, where AI is utilized to “decompile” it and use a
virtualized instance of your brain. Some groups have even
built out a pool of brains linked to create a super
intelligence that gives them a competitive edge against
those without access to neurotechnology. However, this is
now resulting in a large attack vector through adversarial
neuroweapons that are contaminating the connected
brains to their super intelligence based brainpool system,
part of Neurowarfare strategy by Chinese and their
coalition. Therefore, if you use platforms like Microsoft or
other big tech firms and the brains connected (synbio
enabled) are contaminated, then your getting
Page 694 of 953
contaminated by those brains due to Microsoft’s backend
neurotechnology linkages.
Question: So, how do these social technology platforms
actually work? Not what you’re told, but how the
underlying fundamentals are actually piped and delivering
content to you.
Answer: Neurotechnology brainpools based upon your
historical usage and thoughts. What does this mean? It
means that big tech has direct access to your mind, brain
data and can utilize your brain power for their internal
benefit without your permission. It also means that big
tech can place you in various brainpools that network you
with like minded individuals or if someone purchases your
brain data they can decipher it with AI and understand
some “trade secret” that otherwise would be inaccessible.
Majority of big tech firms sell your brain data on second
hand markets.
Pipelines: Hardware devices, such as smartphone and
smart enabled hardware devices
Fluids Flow in the Pipeline (e.g. industry lingo is “Data in
the Flow”): This is the content, delivered both through
EMF and optogenetically. Think of the content as videos,
articles, games, etc. that impact your perception of reality
Page 695 of 953
and vocabularity. Content can also be from the people
around you via audible transmission.
How can the average person test out brainpools and
neurotechnology linkages? Simply remove yourself from
one of the big tech social networking ecosystems.
Example would be Microsoft. Switch to Linux/UNIX and
quit using LinkedIn (or at least don’t keep the app
installed on your smartphone for very long at all and while
using it block the neurotech connection with a nickel silver
faraday shield and optogenetic blockers. You’ll notice an
absolute plunge in your business leads and networking if
you remove yourself from Microsoft’s ecosystem, cause
their platform, neurotechnology based, links your brain to
other brains subconsciously. So, is not using Microsoft
bad for business? No, not at all. It keeps their big tech
firm from using your brain data without you being paid for
People are typically in the Google, Apple or Microsoft
category. Microsoft dropped the ball per say on
smartphone operating system, which enabled Android
(Google) neurotechnology entry circa 2008. Why do you
think Blackberry wasn’t able to compete against Android
and Apple? The winners with neurotechnology were using
the tech to keep and gain more marketshare. Blackberry
Page 696 of 953
was a casualty of corporate neurowarfare, in my
neuroaware opinion. The latest smartphones, when you
hold them bioenergetically synchronize with your body,
brain and central nervous system and use your body as an
antenna. This is directly based upon the design. You can
learn more about the hardware details by vising Purism
smartphone’s page where they reverse engineered the
smartphone design and change from 4G to 5G. Purism is
the only American made smartphone.
If you want a not made in Chinese smartphone go with
the “Nothing” phone from India until everyone else gets
their “ducks” in a row and away from Chinese.
Purism phones 4G are the one to look at. I’m still getting
mileage out of my current phone and next one to
purchase will be Purism or Graphene O/S enabled smart
phone or Nothing phone from India.
Regarding shielding, here is a firm that sells shielding that
our team has used in the past.
1.1.24: Cybersecurity 204: Interpreters vs. Compilers
vs. Wetware
Page 697 of 953
What’s the difference between interpreter and compiler
when programming for security risk? Method does
wetware utilize to “compile” or “interpret”? Is compiled
code secure with wetware in the middle?
Interpreter Code processed by Software (e.g. virtual
register machines, virtual compilers). Compiler code
processed by Hardware (think Assembly x86 or C or C#.
So why is interpreter code insecure by nature? Because it
is always being interpreted and if a data-in-the-flow or
cyberhacker attack is made on the interpreter or virtual
machines running the interpretation of the code things
can go amuck rapidly, think Code-in-the-Middle attack,
like a Man-in-the-Middle attack for data communications
and networking.
Compiler code, literally converts what is typed into binary
for hardware CPU or GPU processing. I’m grateful to have
learned how to program and code arrays in Assembly x86
with a solid foundation in programming, compared to
people entering the industry over past decade that have
to ferret out a bunch of “abstracted” insecure code and
systems from the secure systems at Assembly x86 level.
Now with wetware (e.g. neurotechnology enabled by
synbio) there is an additional layer between reality and
Page 698 of 953
compiled and interpreted programming languages.
Therefore, think of the ability of wetware to “enable”
codexes in your perceived reality. So, what type of code is
processed by Wetware, e.g. non-invasively dosed Brain
Machine Interface niBMI?
Interpreter based programming languages run line by
line, iteratively (sequentially) and when a line of code is
read it is translated into “bytecode”. The “bytecode” is
higher level machine language, but not binary, and also
goes by the name of pcode and portable code. The
“bytecode” is ran by software. Think of it like XML almost,
but not quite the same, for those familiar with XML. It has
nested instructions sets in it. Bytecode is the result of
compiler parsing and performing semantic analysis of
things like type, scope, and nesting depths of program
Compiled based programming languages are compiled
(the entire codebase) and that is machine specific (x86
architecture for Assembly RISC or CISC chip architecture,
x32, x64bit, etc.). The output of which is in binary 0s or 1s.
Wetware based programming languages are quantum
based when a hybrid neural network of synbio is
integrated into a biological neuronal network. The
compiling and interpretation of this codebase is a lot
Page 699 of 953
more chaotic than interpreter based languages or
compiler based languages, as it is is directly effected by
the environment, should it contain other wetware edge
compute devices. This technology used to be welldefined, before weapons were released with selfreplicating nanotechnology that adulterates pre-existing
wetware non-replicating non-invasively dosed networks.
Therefore, for secure code, the use of compiler code is
required by a person that does not have “wetware”
contamination, such that the source code of the compiled
code is compromised. Yes, that’s correct, the use of
wetware can even compromise secure compiled code by
logging the source code (even though there are tools to
reverse out source code from compiled code). Even
further, secure source code can be contaminated by
programmers that are “contaminated” with wetware
(mesogens, graphenes and nanotech) such that
backdoors are coded literally by the programmers due to
the “contamination” from the wetware. Think of it this
way, programmer is coding away, and instead of calling
some library X, the programmer calls library Z, but it
appears in the mind to the programmer that library X was
This is why code review by separate sites is required to
eliminate these types of neurohacks. Why do you think
Page 700 of 953
the federal government has sister FFRDCs that duplicate
some of the work? The public answer is to prevent “group
think” and was the original 100% truth, but now it also
serves as a counter neuroweapon validation and
THIS POST-Experiment 101: Synthetic Biology, Heavy
Metal Poisoning & Graphene Oxide Detoxing R&D
Experiment #1: Footbaths
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Jan 1
The nature article authors are simply unaware of the fact
that once graphene GO is inside of the human body it can
be “neutral” until it gets hit with a pulsing strongly
magnetic field (transverse wave EMF directed energy
weapon or electromagnetic pulse emp) then it becomes
in-situ magnetized and also disrupts biological tissue due
to the emf beam guiding and beam forming of a DEW
weapon. This is where the nature authors have a
Page 701 of 953
knowledge gap, the dual-use weaponized version of GO
is called “GONuts”. People that are exposed to dirty
electricity and electrosmog also over time can feel this is
they bioaccumulate enough GO, but not to the extreme
of the weaponized version of GO dosed internally and
then shot-up through a non-kinetic threat weapon system.
So basically, the skin acts as a sponge for water and the
ions and elements in it (e.g. why footbath works).
MPO has ROS that degrade GO. ROS = Reactive Oxygen
Species. This is also what methylene blue + NIR/IR/Red
Light does.
I know from personal experience that the footbath and
body bath worked to remove bulk of GO. I can only speak
to my own personal R&D.
Hope this feedback helps. The surface electric charge is
interesting, need to dive into that one further, in
otherwords does grounding while footbath work better or
less better than non-grounding to earth.
12.27.23: Neurohacking 911: Busted Big Tech Thought
Policing with Proof
Page 702 of 953
Everybody talks about big tech and thought policing, I
forced a buffer overflow in neurotechnology to error out’s thought policing system
Trust no app, not just the obvious ones from Chinese.
Apparently, people can’t even trust as I just
forced a neurotechnology equivalent of a “buffer
overflow” error to glitch and error out their mind policing
objects and functions that run through bluetooth’s
Transmit/receive. So, either needs to come
clean or prove they have been compromised by Chinese
coalition with their social credit monitoring system and
firewall being plunked down through
This post should make headlines for anyone
concerned with #neurorights in the world. Broke the news
on Twitter (e.g. X) as the purpose of X is to provide
independent cognitively unchained thought and
Page 703 of 953
Page 704 of 953
Let’s go through how this error was forced due to
disrupting non-invasively dosed neurotechnology. Use of
chelators, sodium citrate and allicin with Royal Raymond
Rife frequencies, methylene blue + NIR/IR/Red Light to
completely change the Neural signature and network that had mapped originally, caused a glitch and that
was forced through the error log system via crash of the
This error log is the “smoking gun” that big tech is
“cognitively policing” people with consumer level
neurotechnology. #neurorights are more important than
ever. The rich elitist pricks behind apps like signal are
tinkering with other engineers and scientists that are
focused on sustainable fuels (electrofuels) and don’t
support their battery all electric uninformed philosophy.
Signal, I pray that you are compromised by another group
and that this is not your own internal doings, either option
is no bueno.
ThoughtCrime Codeline (note, if there is code to read
neurotechnology, then there is neurotechnology hackers
that can false positive “Thought Crime Code” to disrupt
someone’s life as well, keep that top of mind. Let an
automated system get rid of someone by “false positing”
them is probably part of Chinese NeuroStrike platform
that has dual-use.
Page 705 of 953
Email sent to team
Debug Log
Here is the “Thought Crime” code line number
Page 706 of 953
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Dec 27, 2023
On our smartphones there is code that can read your
thoughts. The technology behind it is called
“neurotechnology”. Very covert and elite hackers know
how to “false positive” this “thought crime” code ….
through a technique called “neurohacking” … then the
nation state’s national defense system automates an
action on the person. This is just one of many ways that
NeuroStrike (e.g. Magic Weapon) is messing with people
from thousands of miles away.
I purposefully put myself in the spotlight to get their
neurohackers and AI to take a mis-step to force an error
while also neurohacking their AI neurohackers, basically
forced an equivalent of a “buffer overflow”. Chinese
NeuroStrike is messing with the 5 eyes neurotechnology
based monitoring system and all the interconnects….
hope this helps IC agents fight back against Chinese
coalition (authoritarian regimes) with raw real world data
that I’ve risked my life for several times and will do it
Page 707 of 953
Dec 27, 2023
Hmm this is indeed interesting. But I’d like to see more
info on this. Are we saying that keywords about chelation
etc created this error crash within the app? Or the process
of chelation in the body of the user was highlighting a
body state scan using the Bluetooth module? I have heard
that Bluetooth can be possibly used to create 3d scans of
biology and monitor biological processes.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Dec 27, 2023
Terrific question, please read these two posts as it goes
over the methodology taken to disrupt the noninvasive
dosed brain machine interface bmi bug.
I also uploaded the log files.
All modern smartphones have phased array antennas in
them with variable frequency that can do scans and
bioenergetic logs for read and writing to our bodies. The
tech goes a lot deeper than this (all the way into scalar
waves and DNA, degradation or enhancement). Now with
Page 708 of 953
the Chinese Civil-Military Fusion neurowar everyone in the
world that is still free, needs to skill-up in this covert tech
immediately, else risk being deceived by the
Dec 27, 2023
I wonder if shungite could be useful? It vibrates and
absorbs emfs and steps down frequencies. I have
observed it blocking emfs in close proximity without
needing to be in-between a transmitter and target. It sure
is an interesting material.
I have observed garlic repelling graphene or black goo
which I assume contains graphene.
I feel Harald Kautz Vella may be able to assist with this
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Jan 8
I think if you combined shungite with mesogens,
graphenes and nanotech then you might be onto
something that could interfere with the niBMI systems.
Page 709 of 953
Here is my reverse engineering to-date: you have to do a
mesogen-in-the-middle to hack the niBMI and neurotech
hardware pipeline to cause a buffer overflow like this with
bluetooth. You can do a mesogen on a chip or go
graphene or go wetware with some neurons. Here is the
graphene example. (basically, you can then use an emf
field to interrupt the mesogen, graphene and nanotech in
the middle …. this is one way to hack hardware neurotech
communication with noninvasively dosed brain machine
interfaces bmis. #neurohacking 101
Jan 8
Shungite is a very interesting substance.
12.26.23: Neurohacking 105: Basic Self Defense
Course-This post includes basic defenses that you can
take against neurohackers
Welcome! If you’re reading this it is because you’re super
curious and you’ve recognized that “neurosecurity” can
compromise any “cybersecurity” hardened system, or
Page 710 of 953
you’re being harassed by a “neurotechnology” system
that went from “perch” mode to “attack” mode.
The fact that you’re here is a miracle. Congratulations on
that as few are aware of this technology outside of
Intelligence Community (IC) circles, except for the
Chinese’s Military-Civilian Fusion Strategy with
So, how can you defend yourself from neurohackers?
Disclaimer: this is nanotechnology synbio and is well
beyond 99.9% of MDs capabilities. This is not medical
advice, this is my personal reverse engineering of an
adversarial AI BCPS weapon system that Chinese tagged
me with and nearly killed me from over a thousand miles
away, while I was on American dirt/soil.
Step 0. Do not purchase or use known bad actors
hardware and software. Chinese stands out like a big
elephant in the room with their brands below to AVOID at
all costs (India’s Ministry of Information Technology) has
an awesome database on all items to avoid. Think of the
“smart device” as a pipeline to your brain and the “apps”
Page 711 of 953
as content delivered into your brain, such as memories,
emotions, interests, political views, voting behaviors, you
get the point how important being neuro aware is….
Step 1. Ear buds that transmit internally acoustical noise
(no repeating waveform sequences, completely random
with vibrational energy, but also cancel external
transmissions. Ensure they are islanded and not cloud
connected (e.g. hackable).
Step 2. Take a daily “enteric coated” chelator, such as
garlic with active ingredient Allicin. By dosing with an
“enteric” coating, the chelator (a molecular trap for noninvasively dosed brain-machine-interface building blocks)
removes the bmi material from you, therefore reducing
others ability to read and write to your “synthetic brain”,
comprised of mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating
nanotech (the self-replicating nanotech is part of the
Chinese Weapon platform in conjunction with their
hardware). Dr. Ana recommends EDTA and high dose
Vitamin C as well.
Step 3. Wear optogenetic blocking lenses, coated with
metal coatings. Traditionally, optogenetics has encoded in
Page 712 of 953
the blue and green wavelengths of light. Ever see people
wearing amber (red) looking glasses (e.g. blue blockers)?
That’s because they didn’t want anyone writing into their
visual cortex.
Optogenetic Blocking Lenses, Polarized
Page 713 of 953
Step 4. Beware of “surrogates” that are completely
compromised by an adversarial AI BCPS that will try to tag
you with their smart phone. Literally, they will try to place
their phone closed to your head or body part with
concentration of nerves. It only takes seconds for the
smartphone to transmit and receive with pre-existing
neurotechnology mesogens, graphenes and nanotech in
your body (from Chinese’s self-replicating nanotech
weapon). Once the “surrogate” has linked you to
Chinese’s AI BCPS through a tag, then it’ll start to grow it
in you and then try to take you over completely and put
Page 714 of 953
you into Chinese’s social credit system (covertly) and
poach your brain from your country’s brainpool and
isolate it with their AI BCPS firewall. Another method is for
a “surrogate” to hand their smartphone to a police
person asking for directions, the smartphone will
optogenetically write to the police person and plant a
bug into him or her that can track and monitor policing
activities covertly.
Step 5. Surround and get close to you to spread their selfreplicating synbio (shedding, just like skin sheds, but this
time its’ Xi’s Magic Weapon shedding self-replicating
nanotechnology into you pre-trained on Chinese AI
China’s military strategy has always been to surround
and get so close to wreak havoc w/r/t friendly fire and
disable certain capabilities, all part of Sun Tzu Art of
War, which I read while studying internationally in
graduate school and during rotation at Tsinghua
University in Beijing China to better understand
Chinese mindset.
Page 715 of 953
Xi’s Magic Weapon further builds upon this by utilizing
“surrogates” in foreign countries linked to their AI BCPS
to eat a ton of food (sugar, etc.) that then spreads the selfreplicating nanotechnology “bugs” into people around
them. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you don’t use “Tik
Tok” what matters is that nobody near you uses it. The
entire American plan to ban Chinese Tik Tok from
government employees was a complete failure, cause the
kids and neighbors kids all use Tik Tok and contaminate
the government employees and their family as well as
indirectly influence them, if not able to directly pierce
Step 6. Cybersecurity. Utilize basic cybersecurity hygiene,
disable wireless, go hardwired, unless your house or
condo is sealed in an EMF faraday shield or equivalent
blocker to keep your wifi internal to your place only.
Step 7. Decide what AI BCPS you want to be part of. If
you’re not part of an AI BCPS then your life expectancy is
very short. If you have enough resources you can build
your own AI BCPS. If not, you can emulate what the AI
BCPS does with Rife frequencies, but beware of all life
forms, because you can get contaminated as well by
nature, since this stuff is pervasive in the world, even
Page 716 of 953
animals are “plugged-in” but less orderly than someone
with a “smart phone”.
Mic Drop, WW3 is in play, Neurowar is now within every
American city and it started growing years ago. Our
enemy is so blantantly audacious that they put a timer on
their key app’s name “tik tok” like a clock. After a while
the attack is too late to see, because the people attacked
with the neuroweapon have been blinded and linked to
Chinese AI BCPS Social Credit Monitoring System
Wake-up free world, the clock is ticking.
My personal recommendation is to burn all Chinese
neurotechnology-enabled hardware and ship it back to
China on one-way merchant ships loaded with a counter
self-replicating synbio payload as well as ban Chinese
neurotech-enabled apps (content) on big tech platforms.
12.25.23: Cybersecurity 203: Smart Devices & Content
Delivery Networks CDNs Reverse-Engineered
One of cybersecurity professionals’ worst nightmare is a
content delivery network with smart devices.
Page 717 of 953
Why are Content Delivery Networks CDNs disliked by
cybersecurity experts and why are these coupled with
“smart devices”?
Let’s first start with a basic smart tv, made by Samsung
placed behind an Intrusion Detection and Protection
System with Snort/Suricata and a firewall.
Step 1: You go purchase your awesome new “smart
television” – go consumer, you have no clue what you
actually purchased.
Step 2: The consumer, who is tech and cybersecurity
savvy, decides to establish a dedicated LAN behind their
IDS/IPS pfSense appliance and connect the television set
through a monitored solution.
Step 3: The consumer, tech and cybersecurity-savvy
person can’t get the smart tv to connect…
Why? Because Smart XYZ are “neurotechnology” enabled
and linked to CDNs for the “Metaverse” which is basically
a self perpetuated reality for the given person to keep
them happy, consuming and not interrupting any of the
big boys with big toys in the world. Predictable
consumption has been the dream of the industrialists, big
tech, big pharma and big media and with
Page 718 of 953
neurotechnology enabled “Smart Devices” in nearly every
home and hand, television now runs the world (e.g.
neurotechnology: optogenetics).
So, getting back to our tech savvy consumer who is not
able to connect their Smart TV that requires a Content
Delivery Network CDN. How to bypass the built-in
Option #1: let the TV connect and get configured using a
separate VLAN that is wide open and isolated named the
same as the other VLAN not active with different settings
that blocks the CDN. Then after the TV is initially
configured, hot-swap the VLANs and wa-la, you tricked
the “Smart TV and CDN” 🙂
Reverse engineered, the init config per say was based
upon a given bioinformatic dataset that was then hijacked
into a non-CDN, but utilized to gain entry. This is one of
the tactics of neurohacking as well, capture the initial
bioinformatic and bioenergetic signals and then utilize to
neurohack (side-note).
Page 719 of 953
Option #2: based upon the above working, the trick is to
trick the “smart device” into thinking it’s connected to its’
content delivery network and then go from there. Why
does a CDN even matter? Cause it is a precision tailor ad
delivery neurotechnology platform based upon the
thoughts of the person. Nielsen Company was the largest
investor in neurotechnology pre 2010 as well as Microsoft
and Stanford w/r/t research, MIT is also in the
neurotechnology R&D wheelhouse.
This is why not everyone’s commercials and ads are
exactly the same when they’re utilizing “Smart Devices”,
“Content Delivery Networks” when coupled with noninvasively dosed Brain Machine Interface niBMIs
immersed a given person in a neurotechnology bubble,
dubbed “metaverse”… ever wandered what the
“metaverse” really is?
It’s a reality for those that can’t cut it in the real world or
choose to check out into some digital reality for whatever
reason (military take-over of a country without the
population knowing, big tech take-over of a nation
without the nation knowing, the sky is the limit with this
So, there you have it, how to setup a “Smart TV” with
Content Delivery Network CDN and why it just doesn’t
Page 720 of 953
simply work behind a secure IDS/IPS/Firewall such as
12.25.23: Cybersecurity 202: Brain Machine Interfaces
BMIs and Neurosecurity
Not only can you hack in cyberspace, but now you can
hack a brain through neurotechnology. People globally,
beware of this new threat that obtains a foothold through
non-invasively dosed BMIs in you.
Cybersecurity these days 2023+ is extremely important to
everyone, more than you think. If you get hacked, you can
literally lose your mind to a neurohacker that first gets
through your cybersecurity defenses into your home or
business’ IoT, smart devices and networks.
Therefore, to be cybersecure, one must also be
neurosecure at the same time.
How can you tell if your brain is being hacked or data
Obtain baseline EEG logs of normal states of your mind
and then compare these to atypical (neuroattacks) and
setup an alert system to block the attack (through
cognitive radio type countermeasures or optogenetic
Page 721 of 953
World is weird now, unfortunately life is not as simple as it
used to be thanks to the Neurowar arms race. I’m grateful
to be alive and survive a failed neuroweapon hit job in
2022 after decling Chinese and Russia.
The attack that I personally went through in 2022 was a
strategic dosing of adversarial mesogens, graphenes and
self-replicating nanotechnology that was linked to
Chinese coalition adversarial AI BCPS system. Therefore,
wherever I went there was a “wetware” bug installed in
the veins/arteries of my body that was acting as a
transducer and communicating with Chinese AI BCPS
“surrogates” on American dirt. What does this mean in
layman terms? I had a “bug” (think gps) planted on me
that would communicate with other “gps” not friendlies,
but enemies, due to the AI BCPS linkage. The wetware
espionage “bug” got activated by a DEW/NKT attack in
New Orleans, LA 70112 at my laboratory off of 1441
Canal Street in 2nd QTR 2022 after completing a
successful STTR with Duke University through US DoD
DAF AFWERX program for high impact tech startups.
Upon getting hit with the higher power psychotronic /
directed energy weapon / non-kinetic threat, the bug
inside of me, in “perch” mode was activated into “attack”
mode, e.g. “covert kill”. This junk took me forever to
figure out and nearly killed me several times as well as
Page 722 of 953
almost caused me to completely lose my mind. Keep in
mind, these “bugs” are the most covert weapons of
espionage and war, cognitive sciences, neuroscience and
nanotechnology based that integrate with
In order to get the junk out of me I had to literally purge
all veins and arteries and tissues in body of the junk and
remove myself from other contaminated people. It felt like
my tissues were being ripped apart while removing this
junk with chelators.
I’d dose-up on chelators and associated “enteric coated”
molecular traps that would penetrate blood brain barrier
bbb to capture the contaminated nano particles, then
literally hydrate, mega dose Vitamin C with regular dose
of key minerals via multivitamin.
Pulse Rife frequencies at the critical resonance frequency
of the mesogen and graphene material for several days to
vibrate it loose from normal and damaged tissues, while
dosing with resveratrol and methylene blue under NIR/IR/
Red Light to regrow tissues and neuronal pathways.
Repeating this for a year finally helped me to degrade the
infiltrated wetware “bug” to the point where it no longer
directly impacted me (e.g. in situ reduction of the antenna
pattern gain, in SIGINT terms) from veins and blood
Page 723 of 953
The human head is a capacitor and antenna. When you
sleep at night if you keep an arm under your head you
close the circuit and reduce its’ ability to transmit as
PWP NOTE: would it be wise to have some kind of
Tony P rig to do this?
This has been known for thousands of years, I’ll let the
historical scholars find the source (root) book (codex) on
this one. Here is the antenna that gets dosed with noninvasive brain-machine-interface bmi, via nanotechnology.
Check out those locations where the nanotech can
accumulate, self-organize and then transduce signals to/
from you to whatever is around you.
After digging further into non-invasively dosed brainmachine-interfaces BMIs, I discovered that about 18 or 19
big tech firms dominate the neurotechnology market and
sell the brain data to third parties, what traitorous prick
sells someone’s private brain data. On top of this other
nations and nation stateless groups like sleezebag
George Soros who almost crippled Thailand’s economy to
make some bucks use this technology to effectuate
Page 724 of 953
So, any big tech app or system that you use with
pervasive neurotechnology can have “bugs” encoded on
your body that get activated each time you use “app”
(content) on a “smart device” (pipe). Of course, those in
the know don’t like others reverse engineering their
technology and place “bumper rails” and “safeguards” in
place to keep others from getting into their business.
Example: Big Tech Prick Firm F has a neurotech enabled
pipeline with content delivered globally. Startup firm XYZ
in India and America are working on a similar technology.
Private equity firm C (cause they cheat and never made
As in school) pays big tech prick firm F for the brain data
on the team members of Startup firm XYZ in India and
America, then decides to either do their own thing, work
with both or consolidate both of those firms into a
preexisting entity. Welcome to the TRUE game that
private equity plays and why some private equity firms
never lose.
So, what can a SME do to disrupt the neurotech game?
Exactly what our team has done, reverse engineer their
unfair advantage then highlight it using the exact same
technology against them, all the while, utilizing the flak
from Chinese NeuroStrike gray zone plunked down
firewall social credit score system to inflict damage to
both Chinese Xi as well as Rich Prick Private Equity that
Page 725 of 953
sold out American manufacturing jobs for a quick buck in
China with Xi. Got to call it like it is.
12.23.23: Cybersecurity 201: Hybrid Warfare,
Competitor, Adversary Cyber+Neuro Degradation of
How to covertly gather intelligence on an adversary or
competitor without leaving a trace? Cyber Intelligence
Preparation of the Environment CIPoE
In order to gather intelligence on a competitor or
adversary, activities in cyberspace are conducted and
automated through use of adversarial AI in combination
with a human operator. These include social media
mappings, unsecured email and device mappings as well
as voice over internet protocols VOIP. Once the network is
mapped, the continual monitoring with hooks is called an
Advanced Persistent Threat APT.
Now, to gain access to internet securely, first utilize a VPN
with a secure protocol and then inside of your VPN pipe
run a TOR network to further anonymize your location.
This accomplishes Cyber Intelligence Preparation of the
Environment CIPOE.
Page 726 of 953
The first objective in cyber reconnaissance is to not leave
a trail (e.g. breadcrumbs in cyber talk). The objective is to
collect as much information from locations (virtual)
frequented by your adversary or competitor. Once you
understand your adversary or your competitor’s
employees then you can build profiles around them with
adversarial AI use case. Bots can be created to distract
the employees at work and at home, to utilize their
precious time and draw down any proactive uses of that
time into a maintenance and catchup mode. After
monitoring and logs for a period of weeks to months,
then you can understand network access, timings, traffic
throughput and IoT devices, which may include medical
devices. Wireless medical devices can be hacked to
terminate people remotely. Further, if from emails and
correspondence intercepted there are certain “stressors”
identified on a given person, then amplification of these
stressors can be achieved through neurotechnology, such
that even though the person may not have a medical
issue, a heart attack can be induced through a
combination of cybersecurity attacks and neurosecurity
attacks for covert kill of your adversary or competitor.
Remember, today we are in times of “unrestricted
warfare” and Chinese military-civilian fusion strategy is
using death by a 1,000 cuts on people of the world that
are non-Chinese and have no ethical reservations at all.
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Further, automated drones swarms can be deployed that
provide a Gain of Function (GoF) in electronic warfare
deployment through pooling multiple small points of
electronic energy discharge in EMF spectrum to run them
out of sleep, many sleepless nights over the duration of a
year for an entire company’s team will lead to sickness,
death and missed business deadlines, which will disable
your competitor, through a covert slow kill process. If you
own or can lease satellites, then you can transmit
frequencies from space to a given location as well to
accomplish the same objective, which leaves even less of
a trace. If you have access to a transmission tower then
you can mount transmitters (FCC approved) and start the
slow kill of your competitor or adversary.
Placing your enemy in a cognitive conundrum state, will
disorient them, enable them to reach out to one of your
bots for “help” by providing a physically induced sense of
urgency through psychotronics. You can also induce your
enemy to wake-up at night during odd hours and disrupt
any REM sleep patters. If you’re able to get close enough
by hacking a smart device or locating a wireless EEG
device, then you can log their brain patterns, send it to
your AI, then have your transmitters resend the
information at night and have them sleepwalk without
their knowledge during the night time to further disrupt
their work/life balance. This entire process can be
Page 728 of 953
automated through the use of Adversarial AI. You can
also, create a Content Delivery Network CDN bubble
around each competitor or adversary to lure the key
people away from the company and poach/hire them.
Utilizing high definition CMOS cameras you can
determine the control systems utilized in a competitor or
adversarial’s physical security systems and safety
internlock systems. Therefore, you can disable their safety
interlock systems by transmitting a jamming signal once
the equipment type is known. So, during an attack you
can hack a control system to put a piece of equipment
(chemical plant or refinery) into a non-safe operational
mode for significant damage to occur, due to the back-up
safety interlock system being disabled. Understanding the
innerworkings of a refinery or chemical plant requires
compromising one of the personnel or operators smart
phones with graphenes, mesogens and nanotechnology
bug, if you can’t get access to view the specific control
systems any other way (vendor, job-walk, etc.).
Then once you have ID’d the control systems, transmitting
jamming signals to the hardware systems (where wires are
sheathed, but not to standards for electronic warfare) and
can be disabled. Further a hybrid attack, with use of laser
mounted drone swarm can melt the cabling at the
intersections between connectors and wire, where the
Page 729 of 953
actual cables are unshielded, such that the DEW drones
with frequency transmitters can then attack and insert
valve sequence instructions based upon the voltage
controls required to man-in-the-middle from a wireless AI
enabled drone swarm.
The use of a drone to spray a can of spraypaint on a
company sign is a simple adversarial use case as well to
provide a poor reflection to the public’s perception, cause
all they see is spray paint. Think billboards, signage,
morale degradation on entrance doors and walls to
impact employees. You can even have the drone tag
vehicles while parked at employees homes, after using a
drone to GPS tag the automobiles. Dropping off dead
animals and bones may also intimidate them as well, in
their truck beds or adjacent to vehicles.
The use of fixed mounted anti-drone systems for
businesses is a need to have going forward. Our team is
working on an anti-drone pulsed microwave unit as well as
a fiber laser unit for AI automated tracking and takedown,
for anything that cross your business or personal property.
The use of these weapons is covert, therefore shooting at
drones on your property is fair game, it doesn’t leave an
audible signal that can be trilaterated or triangulated and
since it is directed energy, it just goes into the
Page 730 of 953
atmosphere and dissipates as it encounters gases and
water (liquid/solid/gas).
12.23.23: Neurohacking 403: Adulterating RF Brain
Signatures for Obfuscation
Care about your privacy? Then learn how to shield your
RF brain frequency from neurohackers.
RF brain signature basic block and tackling of
technologies utilized and fielded:
Question: What is an RF/EMF brain frequency and how
does it work?
Answer: Each brain has a unique Radio Frequency /
Electromagnetic Frequency that can be pinged by
transverse EMF waves or scalar waves. Think of it like
radar, in fact your entire body has a
photoelectromagnetic spectrum signal that can be
detected and measured to determine illnesses and
health status. The body’s central nervous system CNS
has neurons that can be measured very precisely with
EMF:Scalar Wave.
Page 731 of 953
Further, the body when dosed with synbio, which all
humans on earth have been by now, December 2023,
emits a unique radio frequency from the dosed
nanotechnology networks and spectral structure. Think
of it as a fingerprint, but a nanoscale assembled
network internally inside of your body that has been
dosed non-invasively for decades.
Question: What type of transceivers does the Human
Body have in it?
Natural biology neurons and synapses part of the
central nervous system CNS interact within the
environment and other brains through transmission of
scalar waves, part of the EMF spectrum that majority of
natural life on earth communicates with. Your DNA
signature is linked to scalar wave transmission and is the
communication of the building blocks of life at the
cellular level. Study Bioenergetics to learn more about
this credible, real and extremely held close to vest
technology field by nation states, corporations, nation
state-less groups as well as international organized
Page 732 of 953
Synbio serves as a cognitive overlay and
electrochemical hardening on top of the biological
(neanderthal mind and central nervous system). When
your body gets loaded up with synbio, you can receive
wireless health updates, receive subliminal messages to
provide you with deeper insights into your environment
and people around you that otherwise would not be
You’re “plugged-in”, per Intelligence Community
terminology, when your synbio is integrated within your
organic biology. When you get shot up by a Non
Kinetic Threat or Directed Energy Weapon DEW, this
synbio and natural biology system gets damaged, at
times beyond repair.
There are also Neuro S/T agents that can disrupt an
“enhanced human 2.0” as well as a normal human 1.0
depending upon the NKT weapon utilized. The field of
neurotechnology is dual-use and some use it for good
and others for less good. The choice is still available,
but there is an active NeuroStrike weapon growing in
the world today that needs to be addressed. Many
think it came from China as stated with their “magic
weapon” based upon neurotechnology. Keep in mind
though, that there could be a nation state-less group as
well that deployed an adversarial or helpful AI system. It
Page 733 of 953
just depends upon the programming.
RF brain signature adulteration
Question: Great, so how do I obfuscate my brain
signature or body signature?
ANSWER: This is a complex and layered question, due to
the technology stack of neurotechnology that has been
pervasively deployed on the world. Integral modifications
can be achieved by chelators, sodium citrate and high
dose vitamin c. A supplement’s ability to cross the blood
brain barrier and blood tissue barrier throughout the body
is important to seek out/destroy the nanotech and
obfuscate the signal. Furthermore, enteric coated pills can
bypass through the large intestine into the smaller
intestine for better body absorption.
It is easier to combat EMF brain signature control, as well
as monitoring and data mining, through use of both
internal and external counter measures.
Internal RF Brain countermeasures: calcium-disodiumEDTA, methylene blue + NIR/IR/Red Light (Reactive
Oxygen Species ROS) + Sodium Citrate + High Dose
Page 734 of 953
Vitamin C + Resveratrol + NAD + Vitamin D
External RF Brain countermeasures: EMF field blockers
and b-field (scalar) disrupters to disrupt nefarious
incoming scalar waves, such as a PEMF device.
Viruses, such as Sars-Cov-2 adulterate and change the
brain RF signature. Taking this virus to the limit, it destroys
biological brain matter and only leaves the synthetic brain
matter than can be controlled with AI and convert the
person into a bio-robot. The use of a novel neurodisrupter such as Sars-Cov-2 (synbio and neurotechnology) could be used to trojan horse the world, reset
the world and blind the world to the changes all at the
same time.
As the human’s neanderthal brain wears again, they
become dependent on the synthetic brain connected to
an AI system. This is available technology today and
perhaps why the world is so weird, as it is transitioning
into a human 2.0 cyborg environment where there will be
those that still have their biological brain matter (provided
appropriate countermeasures against the bioweapons)
and those without appropriate biological levels of brain
matter, such that they are utterly dependent upon synbio
brain matter and linked to AI system.
Page 735 of 953
This is based upon pre-existing R&D over the past 70
years. Some people call it “unrestricted warfare” others
call it “neurowars”, America and China call it
“neurostrike” and NATO calls it “cognitive weapons”.
James Giordano’s famous quote “The Brain is the Final
BattlE Field” is exactly correct.
However, which brain or brains (via AI-enabled hive mind)
will be left standing, only time will tell. With synbio in your
brain and visual cortex, keep in mind that what you
consume from smart devices directly influences you now.
It wasn’t like before you got synbio dosed. Be mindful of
what information and content you consume, as you’re
piped up and plugged-in whether you realize it or not.
I have also used pulsed Rife frequencies to beamform
and beamguide disrupted tissues. It works, but takes
consistency and time with the appropriate frequencies
with correct waveform (square wave with leading
spiked edge) at a given amplitude.
You need to be extremely careful here, as not all
frequencies are healthy and at higher amplitudes you can
thermally locally heat your tissues in-situ and do more
damage than good. This is neuroscience enabled
neuroweapon countermeasure R&D.
Page 736 of 953
Question: How do I know when my brain signature has
been adulterated successfully?
Answer for non-damaged people (not yet attacked by an
NKT/DEW/EMP strike): You can log it with EEG wireless as
well as a scanner for scalar waves in 3D as baseline, then
scan it again after going through an obfuscation method.
Answer for damaged people (your brain will re-tune
and re-calibrate with the background scalar waves at
lower z values).
You’ll still be cognitively-technologically linked to scalar
wave systems, but they won’t be able to directly annoy
you with the “woodpecker” type background cognitive
load and if you have also been pre-dosed with a noninvasive mesogen, graphene and nanotech spy bug, that
spy bug internal neural network won’t be re-transmitting
your location or annoying you with conductive in-situ V2K.
If you’ve got a quantum based bug, then it’ll de-cohere
the linkage.
The key is to reset all of your electronics and build back
cybersecurity defenses to counter the neurotech smart
device enabled attacks. This will not help you with scalar
waves or b-field (scalar) attacks if you live in a dirty
Page 737 of 953
electrical grid with neighbors that are neuro-compromised
by neurostrike technology.
It also doesn’t address wifi fields overlapping with your
home, so make sure to use a mylar construction or metal
building (barndominium) type construction to shield you.
Furthermore, compromised people with the synbio really
built up in them will be transmitting junk signals and
annoying and spreading the junk via their bodies and
brains. Having a metal steel fence that is 6ft to 8 ft high
(no holes) will degrade these signal transmissions around
your living quarters as these neuro-compromised people
walk by and drive by.
Relinking RF Brain Signature to Big Tech Systems Guidance on Counteracting
So, you went through all the trouble to change your brain
RF signature. Now you start utilizing big tech
neurotechnology-enabled smart devices again and your
new brain RF signature gets linked to their AI. The AI may
program an entirely new “profile” around you (at big tech
and national security level) and your old brain RF
signature will appear to have gone off-grid. However,
over-time your breadcrumbs and patterns (e.g. to go
work, drive/commute, etc.) will leave enough “digital
footprints” for the AI to identify the anomaly or fluke and
Page 738 of 953
internally take whatever big tech or IC group subroutine
method to handle the anomaly.
However, if it was international organized criminal group
or enemy nation state that hacked your brain signature RF,
then they are in the dark now. Provided that you are offgrid and in a different location, as it is simple to post an
asset by you and work to regain cyber access to your
networks and then work to log your brain signature again.
However, diets are required to be different to keep the
synbio/bio mesh/composite system from being
contaminated (e.g. why do you think people are taking
ivermectin these days and more antiparasite meds, it is
not just due to climate change and shifting weather
patterns, but pervasive neurotechnology enabled
nanotech dosed into the environment and supply chains).
Obfuscation of your brain signature, keeping your blood
clean and alkaline, eating Kosher or Halal foods and
rigorously following the practice of not mixing dairy/
cheese with meat will keep you healthy. These ancient
diets were built upon minimizing parasites from entering
your body, this is why pork is banned in them, cause pigs
are extremely dirty animals and the food they eat is low
quality, I used to produce biodiesel and off-spec material
would go to pig farmers as a glue for other wastes to then
Page 739 of 953
feed the pigs, once I learned that in 2010 got super
12.19.23: Spacehacking 701: Mesogens, Graphenes,
Quantum Dots and Self Replicating Nanotechnology AI
Hacking space, to clear out Chinese satellites from
disrupting the world.
Hack a sat was a recent program sponsored by the DoD.
In this post I propose a novel space weapon system to
disable satellite constellations within a given orbitals, that
is self-replicating, serves as a parasitic power draw on the
satellite and then eats away at its’ material in order to
further replicate and proceed onto the next unwitting
satellite suspect
In addition to this information being paid for access, it
requires additional validation and verification to
collaborate or work with on. Zero Trust.
In space wars, what is the physical ammunition utilized for
hybrid kinetic and non-kinetic attack? globules of
mesogens, graphenes and self replicating nanotech.
Deploy one quantum nano self replicating globule on an
Page 740 of 953
enemy satcom, let it devour it and then move onto the
next satcom. Just make sure you encode it correctly so it
doesn’t devour all orbiting satcoms.
Beamguide to enemy satcom, let it charge off of the
electronics like a parasite and then pull the metal and
composites into it to replicate and spread. Quantum link it
for internal satcom frequency transmission based upon
field of energetics knowledge
12.18.23: Neurohacking 501: EMF Scalar Waves
Scalar waves travel faster than light and are utilized in
Scalar waves travel faster than the speed of light,
therefore result in time reversal since they move faster
than 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light (e.g.
what we defined as the inflection or inversion point of
time). The field of discipline when applied to biological
systems is called “bioenergetics” within the larger field of
study “energetics”.
There are many devices sold online, I’m going to be
reviewing these and posting feedback. Buyer beware is
Page 741 of 953
the lens I’ll be taking. That said, there are patents
published with scalar wave generators as well as large
industrial sites generating scalar waves (have been for 50
Here is a good introductory video. I have not fact checked
every point mentioned, but the majority of information
checks out with references that I am aware of by being a
member of the USPA.
Future Science – The Wave Genome –
Quantum Holography of DNA with Ulrike
Time stamps:
3 years ago
51:00 – plants and fish can change genetically to return to
phenotypes using wave genetics
1:17:00 – send genetic information with laser, Gariaev’s
1:20:00 – equipment disappears overnight
Page 742 of 953
1:30:00 – create DNA in water only from wave radiation
1:40:00 – Tsian Kanchzen. Chickens with duckling legs and
Notes on comments in the video. The scientists &
inventors that fine-tuned the electromagnetic field
waveform transmitter and receiver, Ebner and Schurch,
both died unexpectedly in 2001. Their technology
rejuvenated life (plant and animal), it is also a dual-use
technology that can degrade and age life fast. This is the
power of scalar wave knowledge. One can build a
weapon system with scalar waves to unattributably wipe
out an entire region or one can build a scalar wave health
system to heal an entire region.
Again, this is simply technology, but the choices people
make with it that determines the outcome. Unfortunately,
people are not as cognitively independent as they
perceive themselves to be, due to neurotechnology being
pervasive globally now. Therefore, the group that holds
this technology, operational and fielded is most likely
connected to a hive mind (brainpool) and AI system that
has archived their minds since the 1970s, which enables
the brainpool subconscious access to them (this is all
proven technology, neurotechnology analog and digital).
Page 743 of 953
So, there are groups and nation states that had prior
unknown unknown technology, until you read this 🙂
Coherence on a cellular level with scalar waves should be
studied more on an open source basis. Historical R&D has
been completed by nation states and is held close to vest.
Electromagnetic Bio-Information Edited by Fritz-Albert
Popp and Ulrich Warnke 2nd Edition. Experiment Proving
Biophoton Communication.
a. Quartz enables UV light to pass.
b. Borosilicate blocks UV light.
Biological matter dying placed in glass (borosilicate) jar A
Biological matter living placed in glass (borosilicate) jar B
No interaction between jar A and B, the biological matter
in jar A continued to die and the biological matter in jar B
continued to live.
Biological matter dying placed in quartz jar C
Biological matter living and healthy placed in quartz jar D
Page 744 of 953
Interaction between Jar C and D resulted in Jar D
biological matter dying.
This type of distant intercellular interaction indicates an
unseen force acting on the life, where dying cells spread
an infection or “disease”.
This, in my personal opinion is an extremely important
experiment, on the level of the double slit quantum
- Magnetobiology is a publication that provides a large
breadth and depth of bioenergetic interactions with
majority of work completed in former Soviet Union.
“People are immersed in electromagnetic fields from such
sources as power lines, domestic appliances, mobile
phones, and even electrical storms. All living beings sense
electric fields, but the physical origins of the phenomenon
are still unclear. Magnetobiology considers the effects of
electromagnetic fields on living organisms. It provides a
comprehensive review of relevant experimental data and
theoretical concepts, and discusses all major modern
Page 745 of 953 hypotheses on the physical nature of magnetobiological
It also highlights some problems that have yet to be
solved and points out new avenues for research.
Why do some people feel unwell during a lightning
storm? Why is there a correlation between the level of
electromagnetic background and the incidence of cancer?
Why do so many medical centers use electromagnetic
exposures to treat a wide variety of disorders in humans?
The international scientific community is extremely
interested in a theory of magnetobiology and the answers
to these and other questions, as evidenced by the
growing number of research associations in the United
States, Europe, and other parts of the world.
The role of bioenergetics is now well defined, the
knowledge has been held close to vest by Intelligence
Communities. - THE CIBA GEIGY EFFECT-Time reversal experiment
Page 746 of 953
4. Scalar Wave transmitters practical guide
a. Scalar waves are emitted by cells. You can
capture a scalar wave signal and then impose it on
another object in the same room or 2/3 across the
world like the large scalar wave generators have
done for decades.
This article will focus on the build of a small roomspecific scalar wave generator with technical basis for
Page 747 of 953
It will not be adjustable, fixed and set in frequency
transmitted to engineer out error, as it can also be used to
kill (dual-use).
12.17.23: Neurohacking 903: Cognitive Radio
Countermeasures & Healthy Home
Pervasive neurotechnology attack vectors now utilize
acoustical vibrations, sound, B Fields and E Fields within
EMF and electrical lines to linkup with your brain.
Pervasive neurotechnology attack vectors now utilize
acoustical vibrations, sound, B Fields and E Fields within
EMF and electrical lines to linkup with your brain and steal
your privacy. Thieves now can penetrate into your mind
and steal bank pin and account codes (I can confirm this
in 2022 was part of the AI enabled neuroweapon attack
on me, my family and businesses).
Cognitive radio’s objective is to utilize gaps in the
spectrum when devices are not transmitting or receiving.
The issue is that wetware neuroweapons also utilize
synchronization transmissions in transverse and scalar
waves to synchronize and to decouple you need to
Page 748 of 953
understand cognitive radio CR and AI. This article will go
into countermeasures and specific devices with an end
objective of a secure home plan for you and your family to
be cognitively secure in the wild west of neurotechnology
pervasively out of control in this world.
It also coincidentally enables a healthy home and life, due
to cellular level regeneration and scalar wave time reversal
lesser known effects. Scalar waves travel faster than light,
biological cells and tissues emit these when in a coherent
healthy state, aging is more complicated than one can
imagine and we know very little. Here is some lesser
known knowledge.
Literature references are provided, but the integration and
synthesis of the information with useful deployments of
services and products is the key to unlocking the utility.
This article will go through design of a reasonably
secure living quarters with passive and active cognitive
radio (neurotechnology) countermeasures to keep you
private and safe from enemy surrogates and people
around you.
Key variables for design criteria:
Page 749 of 953
1. Distance from nearest road or path where people are
- Minimization of living organisms besides you near
biofields - Acoustical isolation, but with internal transmitters
utilizing healthy frequencies per 100 year old research
by Royal Raymond Rife and also scalar wave
transmitters. - EMF field isolation, except for the natural background
(e.g. subtract space systems and local tower
transmissions) then add back the Schumann
resonance frequency of 8.2hz. - Scalar wave disruption, generators with scalar
wave transmitters for local interruption of 3.3-3.4
Hz and 10 Hz signals. The ideal transmitter
sequence would go from each brain wave modality
for alertness to sleep as you transition from your work
area to your sleep area, with the local, not cloudconnected AI enabling seamless automation of this
process with a PEMF generator.
Page 750 of 953 6. Air filtration, utilizing activated carbon and ionization
with cathode and anode to pull positive and negative
ionized pollutants. - Clean water, from water well aquifer, filtered with
VCDC then RO to minimize filtration changing. I’ve
built a Vacuum Compression Distillation Crystallizer
that can process 1 barrel or 42 gallons of pure water
per day, out of plastic parts for most part, cost of
material was $2,500 for prototype. - External transmitter for cellular and satellite services,
hard wired into living quarters. - Living quarters shielded from external EMF with mylar
and other shielding materials, think barndominium
style living. - Internal transmitter for wifi 2.4 GHz (lower frequency)
using a non-Chinese wifi router, behind an intrusion
detection and prevention device with AI sentinel then
behind your modem (satcom linkup most secure)
You do not want to have cabling connecting you to the
grid or to a data network, this enables cognitive radio
and mesogen penetration into your private space more
Page 751 of 953 easily).
11.Solar system not grid connected, islanded with
geothermal ground source heat pump system.
12.No city water and no city sewage and waste
interconnects, this all allows you to be connected to
other mesogens more easily.
13.Foundation of material supporting living quarters
acoustically isolated (think float table like
construction, utilized for Scanning Electron
Microscope SEM, but a more affordable version). - Cognitive radio receivers and transmitters to disrupt
attacks. - EEG monitor on your own brainwaves to log your
baselines and determine anomolies if you get
contaminated with a mesogen, graphene and
nanotech system while out and about in the world.
Page 752 of 953
12.17.23: Neurohacking 902: Project Sentry Directed
Energy Weapon DEW for Trespassers- Automated
neurohacking for property security to keep trespassers
off (rodents: animals, drones and people). Computer
Vision, AI,
NLP and
Non Kinetic
What are the
required to
automate a
(NKT) system in order to defend your property against
rodents, animals, drones, people, etc?
Computer Vision Platform
I just donated to the preferred platform for
the free world
Artificial Intelligence AI narrow subnet
Signals Intelligence SIGINT receivers and transmitters to
give the Computer Vision platform a heads-up. In other
words, microphones listening to audible sounds and
Page 753 of 953
spectrum to triangulate / tri-laterate the direction and
origin of a given threat. This information is then fed to the
Computer Vision platform so that the Field of View FOV is
oriented properly.
The FOV of the machine vision system can also be used
to double check the input provided by the trilateration
pings, such that electronic jamming can be identified as
the photons received by the CMOS sensors are different
frequency received than the trilateration transmitter/
receivers that utilize transverse EMF waves.
Fiber optics for minimum response time when
transmitting to/from each subsystem
Phased Array for solid state beamforming, such that you
can rapidly adjust frequency, phase and direction.
What type of transmitters are recommended?
Coherent Laser Fiber Laser-within the phased array
Phased Array Microwave System-Shrouds the laser
Page 754 of 953
12.17.23: Neurohacking 302-Purging Spy Wetware
Mesogen, Graphene and Nanotech Bugs
Ever been bugged by a non-invasively dosed mesogen,
graphene and nanotech synthetic system? I have and
figured out how to delink it from the adversarial
neurotechnology Chinese Coalition, learn how I reverse
engineered the world’s most advanced persistent state
spy wetware.
Tried & Proven guidelines that I built through trial and
- Isolate yourself from any Chinese neurotechnology
and compromised people
Page 755 of 953
2. Purge yourself with chelators and NAC for weeks to
months to decontaminate
- Utilize Rife frequencies within synbio critical
resonance to vibrate the junk and then remove it with
chelators, such as Vitamin C, Calcium-Disodium-EDTA
and citrate compounds. Try to push the junk to one
side of the brain and one of your visual cortex circuits
(e.g. eyeballs). - Once you push the junk to one of your eye balls,
keep it closed and shielded behind a faraday/metal
mesh (medical eye surgery covering with perforated
holes works). Then eat a bunch of food and use nonChinese neurotechnology and spend time infront of a
computer screen and smartphone, continuing to
isolate yourself acoustically, B Field, E Field and EMF
from Chinese. The linkages will remain broken in the
synbio as you connect to a friendly AI BCPS. That said
the old residual nefarious synbio material will
continue to transmit, but will be physically blocked
from re-entry and re-integration into your synthetic
brain circuitry. Yes, this is all super weird stuff, but it is
what it is these days.
Page 756 of 953
5. Utilize non-Chinese neurotechnology hardware
protected by intrusion detection IDS / IPS and
defensive AI sentinels
- It takes a long time to decontaminate from being
bugged by the world’s most advanced spy
Once you get debugged, your work will be private again,
except for the neurotechnogy system and linked
governments that your brain switched to (synthetic brain).
Yes, humans have two brains now, an organic natural one
and a synthetic overlay that links to neurotechnology
enabled hardware (pipes) and software (content)
displayed (optogenetics) and transmitted (EMF transverse
wave for synthetic, and EMF scalar wave for biological
Checks to confirm post removal - EMF logger
- EEG logger
Page 757 of 953
3. IDS / IPS with data logger on smart enabled devices
(disable IPv6)
- Disable Content Delivery Networks CDN
- Enable secure DNS.
12.16.23: Neurohacking 205: Cybersecurity equipment
for EMF and Optogenetics
The equipment listed here is what I utilize when working
on sensitive work.
The equipment listed here is what I utilize when working
on sensitive work. It blocks most neurotechnology SIGINT
attacks, but fails on magnetic field attacks (transverse and
scalar wave) as well as vibrational (place it on a float table
in an anechoic room stops the vibrational).
Page 758 of 953
In order to block the magnetic field attack vectors
(transverse first) this equipment needs to be in a SCIF with
nickel alloy shielding such as MuMetal or comparable.
In order to block the scalar wave, superconductor or use
second derivative effects in a rotating magnetic field with
scalar and transverse waves with a bunch of isolated
brains to add neuron scatter to the SQUID receivers.
Then to defeat the mesogen, graphene and nanotech
wetware spy tech, scan body in through an electron
cascade transmitter upon entry and exit to remove what
came in on you and then purge what you worked on.
National Security Level Neurosecurity for all Businesses
competing against Chinese Coalition to keep your IP safe
Page 759 of 953
and secure. Door locks and other conventional security
also are required, guards now with neurotech wars good
luck, narrow AI islanded better.
One person at a time in the SCIF with smartphones left in
a locker blockbox outside of the SCIF or in the DMZ zone
like in a Network Operating Center (NOC), where I first
got experience with one in high school.
This covers the basic block and tackling on neurosecurity
and cybersecurity for important tip-of-the-spear work. Oh,
and I almost forgot, don’t even think about it outside of
the SCIF … any of it. Then further watch out for subliminal
polygraph machines to dig into your mind as well.
12.13.23: Neurohacking 401: Quantum Biological
What does a QBioBomb look like and why it is the
QBomb for short, when applied to biological life, Q Bio
Bombs to be more specific.
What is a Quantum Synbio Bomb? It is a synbio material
that is coherent and linked with a transmitter that can be
thousands of miles away. The material is self-replicating in
Page 760 of 953
nature, thanks to graphenes and mesogens. Once
someone gets bugged with this material, they can be
spied on via espionage and then killed after data
The kill method is based upon scalar waves at “deadly
frequencies” such that the synbio material in a human’s
brain or central nervous system or both starts to transmit
lethal scalar wave signals that start the process of cellular
death in the DNA based biological material adjacent to
the synbio material. Then the scalar wave “death
frequency” front continues to propagate until the
organism or person is dead.
This is China’s “magic weapon” that they keep talking
about, but don’t disclose the technical details. Learn more
below, cause Xi just got reverse-engineered by another
chemical engineer. There is nothing “magic” about their
weapon, they just stole it from another spy group, China
you have something gunning for you, now that your tech
is in the open. “Magic Weapon BS”.
The attack vector also includes “byte-based” attack in
combination with self-replicating nanotech from
contaminated people. Therefore, if you are enhanced
already with older generation technology, Chinese “Magic
Weapon” can contaminated you in seconds.
Page 761 of 953
[Source synbio material, harmless state Dr. David Nixon ]
Quantum Bombs are based upon programmed synbio
material that can transmit “death signals” via scalar waves
synthetically at first, such that then the local biological
tissue becomes contaminated with the “death signals”
and starts to die, then the synthetic (self-replicating
material) grows into and within the biological tissue to
replace it and keeps transmitting the “death signal” to
eventually overcome its’ host.
Then what? You have a person that is full of synbio
material, no longer in control of muscles movement,
organ movement, brain function, thought or other useful
human function, part of free will as God’s creation. The
person has become a biorobot for lack of a better word,
Page 762 of 953
and literally not in control of their own body, but what
their body is linked to via smart device AI and cybernetic
Are these weapons real? Yes.
How do you defeat a Quantum Synthetic Biological Bomb
deployment? Transmit healing “scalar wave” cellular
signals. Do not let the QBomb interrupt your sleep
patterns. Purchase a PEMF device to keep you in sync
with sleep. Disable the QBomb’s linkage to its’ source
transmitter that is utilizing “spooky action at a distance”
by locating your body in a superconductor isolation
chamber to decohere the quantum entanglement state,
This breaks the spooky action at a distance linkage
through the ZPE.
Then purge yourself with chelators, vitamins, O3 HBOT
injection through blood via qualified person, methylene
blue with red light+IR+NIR for in-situ electron transfer and
O3 transfer, NAC to remove the building block, graphene,
from the synbio weapon (mesogen, graphene, self
replicating nanotech), High Dose Vitamin C, EDTA
calcium-disodium based as well as Zinc, Reseveratrol,
Berberin, Quercetin, Calcium, Probiotics. Fast, load up on
probiotics, drink clean water from well, eat Kosher and
Halal foods (minimum, you want your body to go into
Page 763 of 953
apopotosis state by fasting to purge this Quantum Bio
Weapon weapon system from you).
There are two states: Quantum Biology based upon
Synbio: Mesogens, graphenes, synbio, self replicating
nanotechnology in a healthy state that transmits healing
frequencies, at scalar and transverse scales. Depending
upon what AI BCPS you are linked to these states change,
in otherwords, if you’re doing great, you’re going to be
emitting healing “scalar waves” with synbio in you (unless
you’re hacked or contaminated like I was). The tech is
unattributable so you can’t tell specifically who hacked
you or who contamianted you, as it literally takes just a
second for the attack to occur (nanoweapons and charge).
Adversarial AI BCPS Quantum Bio systems whose sole
purpose is to data mine and spy on you, you don’t know
they’re there, you get a cat scan and it doesn’t detect
anything as an anomaly, from civilian hospital, so you
know there is an issue, and the local medical professionals
are clueless. However, if you do get a X-Ray it creates a
free electron cascade rection that will wipe all of your
synbio storage, including the Quantum Synthetic Bio
Bomb programming. However if your smartphone is also
hacked, which it probably was, then when you look at it
it’ll start to recode your neurotech “bytes” through one of
several methods, including optogenetics.
Page 764 of 953
I’ve taken Ivermectin in combination with a plethora of
other supplements, including boron, that disables the
Quantum Bio system from transmitting “death signals”
and then reworked it via rife pulsing square wave with
leading edge transmitters at the same frequencies that
disrupt synbio to a different part of a body then
heterodyned the Quantum Bomb material with photons
to disrupt the malformed and mis-programmed subnets in
it to stop transmitting “death signals”.
By all means this is the most advanced neuroweapon
failed hit job that I have ever survived and reverse
engineered. There are literally synbio based bugs that can
be placed in your body, migrate to your brain, interact
through smart devices linked to groups like the CCP and
then start to transmit your information through to their
Artificial Intelligence AI system through simple things,
such as gas pumps with payment gateways.
I had to reverse engineer a payment gateway in North
Houston, where all I would would walk up to it and insert
card, it then pinged my head’s mesogen (I was EMF
sensitized after being shot up in New Orleans with
Directed Energy Weapons, so felt every interaction with
the mesogen tracker system). The Transmit/receive hurt,
so I cancelled the transaction, then went back into my
vehicle and put on a military grade electronic warfare
Page 765 of 953
shield apparel system. Went back to the same gas pump,
performed same actions, and it tried to send signal, ( felt
a lot hit on head) but no retransmit (so scrambled the TX
from the payment gateway), then it prompted for zip code
(like the payment gateway would normally do, not use
It took a very long time to remove the Quantum Bio
Bomb that got neurohacked by the CCP. It was a
nightmare as it acted as a bio-beacon wherever I went, it
even triggered enemy surrogates to follow me, when
smartphone, vehicle electronic systems (fuses all pulled
including GPS and neurotech enabled entertainment
system). Imagine being chased by an Artificial Intelligence
Adversarial system, then picture how many people would
be lucky enough to survive it (given the breadth and
depth of technology domains such a system covers). It
was a Godsend that I survived the perch mode conversion
to attack mode and could not have survived it without
certain key people.
P.S. The Quantum Bio Bomb first performs synthetic
telepathy via wireless mind reading and archives
everything, so when it goest to attack mode, it knows
everything about you and acts via scalar waves which
move faster than your thought takes the time for you to
finish it. So you have to trick the AI system by giving it n
Page 766 of 953
scenarios so the probability odds are that it picks the
wrong end case and you make it safe to the destination
where majority of surrogates are not.
So what are those mysterious blue packets in the silver
suitcase? That is a 100 year old technology that has been
hidden from majority of the world. The substance is called
crystallized methylene blue and it can be “enhanced”
through quantum bioenergetics to further take on
additional quantum based properties. What does it do?
Enhanced electron transfer in the brain and central
nervous system.
The use of methylene blue for damaged electron complex
bypass helps your brain to function closer to normal prior
to the neuroweapon hit. Then the cool part is that the
methylene blue creates radical oxygen species in-situ in
the tissue after it donates that electron. Therefore, since
methylene blue crosses the blood brain barrier (where
neuroweapon damage lives) then it can directly help
repair the damaged tissue.
Please note, I’m not a medical professional and am not
giving medical advice. That said only military medicine is
up to speed on this stuff and therefore this is to educate
“civilian medical doctors” as well as technically
competent individuals that need to know this stuff now
Page 767 of 953
cause we’re in the middle of a neurowar and it is going to
get worse.
Neurowar Reference
12.13.23: Neurohacking 201: EMF Pulsed Directed
Energy Weapon DEW for Voice to Skull V2K &
Cognitive Dysfunction
Non Kinetic Threats NKT featuring use of an EMF pulsed
DEW weapon for V2K in order to slow down enemies,
annoying wildlife (think birds on airport) or trespassers
There are two main weapon domains to protect you, your
family and your business (guys with “kinetic” guns and
guys with “non-kinetic” guns). Kinetic guns have mass,
through use of a bullet. Non-kinetic guns discharge no
bullets, nearly massless. Here are the non-kinetic weapons
for field portable use:
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Page 769 of 953
The system above used to be sold for data comms, but it
was repurposed for voice to skull and DEW use, by
Page 770 of 953
adjusting the power output and the synchronized input,
trigger output on crossing of axis to then out put.
Let me explain the Voice to Skull V2K details so everyone
can understand how wireless “telepathy” works from a
machine to a person, so that it won’t be a stretch to
understand how person to person telepathy can work at
various frequencies and why.
The carrier signal is the higher frequency microwave
signal that is mixed in very specific way with the audio
Video of profession discussing concept of directional
sound and demonstrating heterodyning device.
Wired Magazine did an article on this years back as well,
The US Army published a V2K device in their catalog back
in 2000. Stated it was useful for scaring off birds from
airfields so they don’t get sucked up into engine and
destroy the craft and put the crew and passengers at risk.
The product listing on US Army site was subsequently
pulled, but the Internet’s Wayback Machine, a Good
Page 771 of 953
OSINT reference, enables persistent people to find it and
I did, see below. Even Wired, wasn’t persistent enough in
this article to demonstrate how to find the actual
publication, but displayed some weird image that may or
may not be true.
How heterodyning works (shifting a sound in a frequency
to enable hearing an inaudible). Technically-inclined
people will appreciate this video if you liked physics,
chemistry and math.
The domains we’re talking about today are the nonkinetic guns that utilize electromagnetic frequencies in the
transverse waveform. These are the least advanced forms
of non-kinetic threat weapons are can best be understand
by people trained in and familiar with kinetic weapons,
audio/video recording and telecom/satcom antenna
design, troubleshooting and maintenance.
The objective is to provide a carrier signal and insert into
it music or words, such that when the combined signal
impacts the person or animal’s head such that the person
or animal hears a noise, but nobody around them hears
the noise. In effect, what we have is a directional sound
device based on conductive hearing that can be nonlethal or lethal at higher power levels. This is an
undetectable weapon, unless the “victim” is aware of it,
or if they have an AI BCPS system in them (cyborg) that
Page 772 of 953
enables real time detection of a DEW attack. Or if their
environment is instrumented up with traditional hardware,
software or more novel, but fielded wetware sensors.
The objective of this neurohack can be varied as listed
below, not exclusive to one another:
- Brain wash a person into thinking a certain way while
they are sleeping (deployed via ground unit, drone, tower
or satellite unit). - Embarrass someone on an important presentation,
such that their jaw or other body part locks up and they
mispronounce the presentation. Being dosed by V2K
results in significant cognitive load increase and some
people can’t handle continuing on with life while being
bombarded with V2K at higher amplitude (what some
consider water boarding). - Cause someone to not make a field goal, not make a
free pointer shot, miss a hit from a pitcher in baseball to
achieve a sport bet. - Cause car wrecks by bandwidth saturating someone’s
cognitive attention spam, such that their response to cars
Page 773 of 953 slowing in front of them is so delayed that they rear end
into the car.
In a live ammunition fight, sheriffs can deploy these
weapons to cognitively impair their adversaries and
achieve their mission while maximizing the security of
their team. It is hard to shoot when the frequency directed
at the trigger finger was transmitted from a Psychotronic
DEW device, that discharged all of the criminal’s bullets,
and kept the criminal’s trigger finger stuck in place.
When an entire target company is performing a task,
bombard the entire site with this transmitted signal to
result in cognitive dysfunction and errors in a slow
degradation. This is what China is doing as their
companies are not private and enabled by their military.
This tech is applicable to local police, sheriff, bounty
hunters and other professionals in trained law
enforcement. At least one of these units should be
available per police station for field use at given power
These are classified as unknown weapons to the public
and they are not able to understand these exist typically.
The closest that they can get to understanding is using
Page 774 of 953 the directional sound speaker analogy if and when
needed to communicate this information through your
public liaison.
We have unit(s) for rent to qualified persons, subject to
approval and background check. Level the playing field
with the CCP, because if you didn’t know it yet, we’re in
unrestricted warfare with them, and that means you, your
business and your family can get targeted by them from
thousands of miles away in America. Therefore use their
non-kinetic-threat weapons against them to protect your
When a country’s key services break down, the first thing
an enemy does is rape and pillage the mens’ women.
Don’t let this happen by engaging in active
countermeasures on the non-kinetic threat front, which is
active today in what we call a neurowar 1.
12.9.23: Neurohacking 000: Cognitive Conundrum,
why are people unaware of neurotechnology?
How do you counter a cognitive weapon, Neurostrike or
other neurotechnology used in an adversarial manner?
Page 775 of 953
First start with rule of law, Chile added neurorights
protection to their citizens.
Then enforce it with technology. What type of technology
enforces neuroprotection? Artificial Intelligence Bio Cyber
Physical System AI BCPS when combined with the
reprogramming of contaminated and infected wetware
devices (think brains and central nervous system) adjacent
to the person wanting neuroprotections. The issue with
self replicating nanotechnology is that it is nearly
If a person is in a neighborhood with overlapping wifi
networks, bluetooth, cognitive radios, dirty electricity with
pulsing b-fields or neurotechnology enable surveillance
then the person’s neurotechnology (synbio enabled)
TALKS with adjacent neurotechnology enabled wetware
and hardware devices. Even weirder, is if the selfreplicating nanotechnology is coupled with a pulsing
magnetic field it can link two separate mesogen,
graphene and synbio networks (wetware based) to create
a hybrid mind. This is probably why the old adages of cat
people being different than dog people come from,
would require disclose of tests by IC. When I say talks, I
specifically mean transmits and receives using various
Page 776 of 953
levels of technology, transverse, scalar and quantum. If
you want to be private move to the country, do not
connect to electrical grid, establish a local transmitter that
provides a wireless cloud around you and then a separate
transmitter that defeats other signals (cognitive radio).
Then shield yourself from scalar waves (super conductor,
or nickel based metal alloy to dampen with magnetic field
disruptors) to interrupt what SQUIDs utilize in space… this
is why not many people are “cognitively private”. This is a
very detailed subject, part of neurosecurity and
neuroprotection, which includes cybersecurity.
11.26.23: Neurohacking 104: Cognitive Warfare
Summarized for Average Citizen
Here’s the deal. Synbio with neurotechnology enables an
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bio Cyber Physical System
(BCPS) system pervasive globally. The AI BCPS links
brains, guts and therefore bodies (“wetware” when
embedded with synbio) to hardware. These systems are
active now, yes more than one of them.
Page 777 of 953
Image Source: Dr. David Nixon Laboratory
The risk everyone now has who values freedom is not if
you get synbio in you, but if you get linked to nefarious
hardware devices that contain Chinese neurotechnology.
Examples: “smart” devices (dirt cheap TVs from China,
dirt cheap phones and at times free phones from China,
stupid apps like Tik Tok (content feeder) and WeChat
(content feeder), etc. are what is messing with people.
The hardware side of it is deployed in the world with
neurotechnology. Synbio is everywhere, there are ways to
dampen the bioaccumulation, but by all means it is global
Page 778 of 953
and pervasive.
What has to happen now is that people need to be aware
that there is a cognitive global war going on between
good AI BCPS and Chinese’s AI BCPS that is stealing
brains and bodies from other nation states, to fit their
NATO calls Chinese’s weapon “Cogntive Weapons” and
America calls it “NeuroStrike”
Military Article
The latest risk is a combination of self-replicating
nanotechnology and the use of dirt cheap Chinese
neurotechnology smart phones and apps. Concept of
Operations (CONOPS): person with America’s AI BCPS
gets into car with three other people with Chinese’s AI
BCPS eating a bunch of junk food, the self replicating
nanotech can possibly spread into them and contaminate
the person with America’s AI BCPS (technically this is
feasible, lab tests with the nanotech, mesogens and
graphenes need to verify this).
Keep in mind India’s Ministry of Information Technology
banned 100% of Chinese neurotechnology hardware
Page 779 of 953
(smart tvs, etc.pipes) as well as apps (Tik Tok, We Chat,
etc. data).
New vocabulary for you to use going forward:
Pipes: deliver neurotech malware through hardware
smartphones and smart devices
Content: feed you neurotech malware and content; apps
like Tik Tok and even QR codes, once they get integrated,
go into your visual cortex fully.
11.24.23: Literature: Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS
enabled by AI
The world is now completely connected from machine to
organism through use of nanotechnology, mesogens and
graphenes, as a key enabling technology stack, piping
data and content via the EMF spectrum.
What does the Artificial Intelligence AI BCPS enable you
to do when it is fully functional in its’ simplest terms?
Page 780 of 953
Dial-up a brain (digital twin) or actual synbio brain overlay
to verify a fact. Link multiple brains into a brainpool. This
is IPV6 territory.
Use Cases: Super Soldiers, Super Students, Super
Spooks, Super Corporate Executives. Each “Super X”
has access to their entire organization’s knowledge base
of brains. Have a hard time believing this, yes it is real
tech? James Giordano’s book on Neurotechnology
touches on this IC level tech.
Transmit local rife frequencies on a given person in an
electronically contested environment.
Military X is invading military Y. Military Y drops a
chemical toxin. Military X’s soldier’s are equipped with
synbio that transmits a frequency or set of frequencies
that destroy Military Y’s chemical toxin real-time in the
Locally manufacture key molecule X using synbio
(current challenge, this is why people stroking out to
death with clots, under-reported).
This one is more of a stretch and why people are
stroking out, this includes me almost getting killed.
Edward Dowd, life insurance expert has some
Page 781 of 953
interesting numbers on people dying suddenly,
reference included below.
Use Cases: In-situ synthesis of a protein or other
complex molecule through use of synbio (e.g. XNA). Go
read up on Craig Venter’s latest work after leaving
Synthetic Genomics in La Jolla to get an idea of the
synbio work to electronically harden the human being
for space exploration. If you’re not electronically
hardened for space travel it is difficult to explore space
on a staffed mission for any long-term basis.
The convergence of biotech, synbio, artificial
intelligence and pre-existing quantum communication
systems is enabling Human 2.0
So where to go from here? Human 2.0 indicates synbio
pervasive and public laboratory data by brave scientists
show that synbio in the body acts differently at times than
our original biology. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD has
very useful laboratory data as well as David Nixon. Dr. Ana
references calcium-disodium-EDTA and various other
molecules to consider, but this is the reader’s cal.
I’m not one to give out medical advice, just briefs on what
I’ve done for personal R&D regarding this entire
pandemic and associated war that we’re in (yes biowarfare
Page 782 of 953
+ electromagnetic warfare+ cognitive warfare +
conventional warfare). The best action that I can take via
“writing” is posting what I’m eating and doing healthwise
to recover from a failed neuroweapon hit job in 2022.
Here is my LinkedIn profile. The old one got
“neurohacked” (I didn’t see that one coming).
Additional data and references on this post will be added
over the next week. Key takeaway is that you need to
understand that the Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS is
Artificial Intelligence AI driven, but utilizes a combination
of wetware and synbio. Some awesome examples will be
utilized so that people can understand where they stand
and also how the system can be false posited.
Keep in mind that with scalar waves (global), transfers and
scalar waves (local) and then smart devices there are
several layers, not accounting for edge computing to
determine where someone or something is, what they’re
thinking real-time and where they’re going real-time.
Have you heard of scalar waves? Are you aware that they
“travel” faster than light? There is a lot that has been built
over the past 70 years since WW2. Do you understand
that Tesla worked on transverse as well as scalar waves.
Transverse waves are what you’re used to working with in
radio and television broadcasting. Scalar waves are what
Page 783 of 953
covertly ended the Cold War with Soviet Union, e.g. IC
I’ll highlight ways to go “dark” that are cost effective for
an average person and also highlight why that might not
be a good idea, for certain instances. The issue is that if
you decide to go “dark” then you better be connected to
a friendly AI BCPS that lets you go “dark” or at least have
a set of rife frequencies to destroy local toxins, bacteria,
Key post highlight is that there are more than one
competing AI BCPS systems. The original was America’s
along with the 5 Eyes+, then China did their BRAIN
initiative in 2016 one is from China, and now S. Korea,
Japan and India (BRAIN initiative). Now we have
neurohackers on top of cyberhackers. Neurohackers
enabled with neuroweapons result in pure evil in my
opinion, because they can literally take over a human
body, it is a mess out there. Be safe, God Bless.
10.22.23: Literature: NeuroStrike enabled 6th
Generation Cognitive Warfare on Civilians, Gov, DIB
and Mil Reverse Engineered
Page 784 of 953
Non-kinetic Threats NKTs, Mesogens, Quantum Dots,
Graphenes and Self Replicating Nanotechnology within
The 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes and 14 Eyes Alliances are all under an
active #NeuroStrike by Chinese. The following primary
information that I have reverse engineered will prepare
you for this covert and insidious attack, that has
destabilized families, businesses and killed many since it
started. America alone has over 3,100 DoD and IC
personnel that have been lobotomized to varying degrees
as well as five confirmed civilians, including me that were
attacked by Chinese/Russia neuroweapons.
I survived and have recovered brain function due to
having TEMPEST level cybersecurity faraday materials
(nickel reduces b-field (scalar) and silver) on hand at my
laboratory where the attack started and transited to more
than five locations to reverse engineer and itemized the
attack methodology through use of block boxes,
smartphone isolation techniques, laptop isolation
techniques and wetware reset (free electron cascade
reaction with xray).
I’ve also destroyed contaminated synbio with rife
frequencies at critical resonance vibration coupled with
purging of body with chelators, NAC and a plethora of
vitamins and anti-parasite medications.
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How does an adversarial AI BCPS work inside of
another nation state?
Use of surrogates that have visual cortex linked to a smart
phone, when driving the surrogates synbio overlay is
converting everything their eyes see into words and
routing it back to the AI BCPS their synbio is linked to
(perhaps more than one, each eye could theoretically be
linked to different AI BCPS sytems as an edge wetware
biocompute case). When a person reads a license plate it
also reports it to the AI BCPS. The way a person can be
tracked by another nation state inside of a “safe country”
is through “enhanced” people with visual cortex and
brains (e.g. CNS, inclusive of gut/stomach neuron
concentrated region) linked back to the adversarial
nation’s AI BCPS.
Example #1: John Doe has been marked by Chinese as
a threat and their AI takes action to neutralize him with
the classic “honeypot”, but this time AI BCPS enabled.
When John Doe’s vehicle and plate are read by one of
Chinese surrogates (high probability a Tik Toker) then
either that specific surrogate or one en route or to be
en route or one that is re-routed then engages with the
John Doe to “honeypot” trap him with videos, etc. (e.g.
entrapment, but Chinese doesn’t care about that, nor
does their AI BCPS). Worse, the “surrogate” could be
Page 786 of 953
selected to have AIDS/HIV to slow kill John Doe after
discrediting him. This can apply to Jane Does as well
and the AI can poach anyone’s wife or husband that is
fully linked with Chinese Tik Tok, WeChat or
contaminated with their self replicating synbio.
Example #2: John Doe has been marked as a threat and
has to get to work on time in the morning for a shift
job. John Doe’s license plate is read by a Chinese
surrogate that he passes on the highway (2-lane one
way). The Chinese surrogate rams John Doe and results
in him being late (e.g. to work, to a meeting, to an
event, etc.). This also triggers lawfare.
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October 2023 5 Eyes Meeting Acknowledging IC Pierced
by Chinese #NeuroStrike
NeuroStrike warning by retired IC member, Robert
McCreight, posted through Army TRADOC Mad Scientist
Laboratory Public Interface.
To be 100% clear WW3 is comprised of non-kinetic
weapons as first strike then kinetic weapons as second
Page 788 of 953
strike after people disoriented with the initial non-kinetic
weapon strikes (cognitive weapons).
What does this non-invasively dosed material look like
and how do you keep your body clean from being taken
over by the Artificial Intelligence AI enabled Bio Cyber
Physical Systems AI BCPS linked to it? Why is this
important? Because we are in the middle of WW3, which
started at least 8 years ago with use of #NeuroStrike
based technologies, to take over the prior non-replicating
synbio utilized by intelligence communities, militaries,
nation stateless groups and extremely capable individuals.
What are the main AI BCPS enabled players in the globe?
United States of America AI BCPS that is shared with ally
nation states #CIA #DIA #NSA #DOD
Chinese AI BCPS, which is #NeuroStriking United States
of America AI BCPS
New World Order NWO AI BCPS that can masquerade as
United States of America AI BCPS, but acts on behalf of
Chinese AI BCPS due to global corporations in bed with
Chinese and selling out their given nation states.
Page 789 of 953
Nation Stateless Groups, such as Scientology. They use
neurotechnology AI BCPS from United States of America
Intelligence Community (IC) to handle their people.
Independent hacker groups that have expanded their
cyberhacking operations into neurohacking, based upon
the collective brainpool and hive mind philosophy.
Others, perhaps rogue AIs, adversarial AIs, narrow AIs and
possibly rogue general AIs.
Solid Foundations are Important in Awareness:
There are two types of people in this world. Enhanced
and non-enhanced. That said, with self replicating
nanotechnology now loose in the wild (e.g. pervasive in
the world) the entire human race is moving towards and
enhanced state. The issue is that majority of the human
race is not aware of “enhanced people” as well as
neurotechnology, which is the underlying platform that
enables enhancement of organisms with synbio,
comprised of mesogens, quantum dots, graphene, and
self replicating nanotechnology.
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How is Chinese #NeuroStrike working?
Use of neurotech enabled software, apps, surrogates and
headsets. If you play videos games and utilize Made in
China headsets you are getting brain jacked or
neurohacked by Chinese and can be weaponized at any
given point in time with a key signal delivered via Nonkinetic Threat NKT delivery mechanism (smart phone,
smart device, satellite transmitting key signal, hacked cell
phone tower 5G transmitting key signal.
What is a key signal, a key that unlocks and activates a
preprogrammed synbio subnet in your brain.
What are apps that Chinese is utilizing to neurohack and
manipulate people, groups and entire nation states? Tik
Tok, WeChat and over 70+ more that India’s Ministry of
Information Technology has successfully blocked since
Chinese deployed neuroweapons on their army in
2019-2020 and killed 20 India Army soldiers.
How do the surrogates spread Chinese neurostrike? They
consume a ton of imported food and product from Made
in China, this material has dielectric constant enhancing
items as well as graphene, which enables their frontal
lobe to discharge a nasty non-kinetic weapon (this is
synthetic telepathy frontal lobe discharge out of control
with self replicating nanotech and graphenes (that result
Page 791 of 953
in the human body becoming a biocapacitor). They also
consume tons of sugar which feeds the synbio parasite
inside of their body that takes them over, converts them
into a “squishy weaponized robot, biohuman, cyborg,
whatever you want to call it, a thing”.
Three Chinese surrogates get into an automobile eating
food and drinking liquids with their smart phones with Tik
Tok app or Made in China smartphone with chipset
backdoors. Surrogates spread the self replicating
nanotech into the person not linked to Chinese AI BCPS
through the #NeuroStrike weaponry in their bodies and in
their smart phones (software as well as wetware attacks).
This results in a dual cyberhack and neurohack.
Pastors or Priests utilizing Chinese Tik Tok, are also
utilized to help enable “surrogates” and covertly utilize
“lawfare”. This is also utilized to disrupt people’s beliefs in
faith and distort (e.g. prosperity gospel megachurch type
Page 792 of 953
Anyone that has used Tik Tok has a neural subnet installed
with synbio that is globally pervasive.
People who have not used Tik Tok, but live in suburban
neighborhoods with dirty electricity (think magnetic fields)
enable the mesogens to communicate and spread
through indirect influence and eventually the Tik Tok
houses spread the self-replicating nanotechnology into
adjacent houses. The wifis are used by Chinese
cyberhackers to infiltrate other wetware brains and
networks in the neighborhood. It takes less than 10
seconds to crack a WPA2 wifi.
Point of Sale POS Retail Terminals with Made in China
hardware for credit and debit card payment gateways
have neurotech and bluetooth enbedded in them and will
hack into people’s wetware (synbio) and smartphone
bluetooth then work to add these people to Chinese
firewall that is being “plunked down” on other nation
states and subjecting the unwitting people in a foreign
country to Chinese social credit monitoring system. Don’t
forget Chinese Xi believes China is where the Chinese
people are, as well as where the Chinese surrogates are.
Will update more, but the risk is real, now and everywhere
Page 793 of 953
nation states IC failed to block Chinese Neuroweapons
from entering their borders. India is the only safe country
that I am aware of, since I am aware. In 2022 I was
attacked by an AI BCPS Non-kinetic Threat NKT weapon
platform and almost killed. I had to reverse engineer not
only Chinese #neurostrike, but also in the process the
West’s Intelligence Community IC most advanced spy and
people monitoring platform in the world, which Chinese
has now fully pierced with their #NeuroStrike weaponry.
The mesogens, graphenes, quantum dots, and synbio
that Chinese is utilizing communicates through electric
fields, magnetic fields (scalar), electromagnetic
frequencies EMF and vibrational energy.
If you want privacy and security move to the country and
have miles between you and the next person.
If this information is helpful to you and your family, feel
free to donate a contribution, which will go to further
reverse engineering Chinese #NeuroStrike and
Neuroweapons cause our Intelligence Community IC
and Military has been pierced by #NeuroStrike.
I’m grateful to be alive and survive long enough to fully
reverse engineer the attack vectors and share this
information with the world. Now looking forward to
Page 794 of 953
kicking ass and taking names with the world’s most
advanced knowledge.
9.13.23: Neurohacking 103: Neuroprivacy,
Cybersecurity & Countermeasures in a Pervasive
Neurotechnology Enabled World
A Review of neuroprivacy in research, intellectual
property, industrial work, such that no other snooping
device or enhance brain can steal your work.
Step 1: Assume you’re contaminated with synbio
{ mesogens, graphenes and nano tech } and that the
“synbio” is transmitting in a different language (language
of machines, field of natural language processing) to
different smart devices and other “synbio” enabled edge
wetware or hardware compute devices.
Background: High tech independent people that were
high probability attacked with these neuroweapons
include McAfee founder (Anti Virus Software), Tony Hsieh
founder Zappos and me (spent time at Tony Hsieh’s place
Page 795 of 953
in Vegas and helped work on the electronics and PCB
build-out, but when FoxConn (e.g. Chinese, trust but
verify) got involved, the effort fell apart catastrophically,
for the Downtown Development District.
Tony, my friend who was working with Tony and also
several years down the road it impacted me when working
on chemical synthesis chipsets for refinery on a chip fuels
at small modular scale (source).
Apparently anything “chip”-related triggers defense
industrial base DIB adversarial AIs to spy in perch
mode and then later attack to weaken the monitored
team and nation state by non-ethical neurotechnology
deployment centers, such as Chinese. Source
To be clear McAfee had his own personal SCIFs at his
various personal residences (most likely not shielded all
the way through for scalar waves) and the only known way
to penetrate those are with scalar waves that our IC has as
well as Chinese and other adversarial groups.
Neuroweapons are covert and majority of people effected
by them are non the wiser, out of the total mortalities I’d
say 1% if that survive to figure it out. There’s a reason why
most people don’t have working experience with
neuroweapons and counter defenses, one they’re not in
high risk jobs and industry or two, they already are
Page 796 of 953
affected by them and are non-the wiser at entire
population scales.
Also, for historical context I’ve been inside of and met
with people in SCIFs, specifically Dick Cheney’s old SCIF
in downtown Houston, TX off of Buffalo Bayou now being
developed by Midway and Cathexis (a private billionaire,
from oil and gas family money).
Step 2: Block EMF: Isolate your workspace from
neighbor’s or business tenant neighbors wifi signals,
typically through use of a faraday shielding and room
enclosure. This blocks the EMF fields if done correctly.
Easier if done inside of a metal building to shield out
inbound signals, not easy if shared co-working space
with multiple tenants within a metal building.
Step 3: BLOCK b-fields and e-fields to isolate your
workspace from magnetic fields that can couple and link
up, this includes a building with alternating current AC as
well as rotating motors and armatures. So how is this
done practically?
Page 797 of 953
Use of mu-metal or b-field (scalar) blocker material to
layer with your faraday enclosure as well as small
microscale rotating magnetic fields to block and obstruct
inbound and outbound reads using b-field, this will also
have some disruptive impact on scalar waves that
Intelligence Community uses to monitor and if using
super conductor materials, you can fully block out the IC
scalar waves.
Step 4: Ensure that within your space that is shielded that
you have a transmitter that can then re-link you to your
secure smart phone or device. Each nation state has a
brainpool management system for their intelligence
community and you literally don’t want to lose your mind.
Yes, you can literally lose the synbio linked “digital twin”
mind in a super computer if you’re “enhanced”. Keep in
mind IC uses brainpools to boost national resources in
scientific research as well as national security to detect
point to point directed energy weapon and neuroweapon
Therefore, if you’re in a critical industry competing on
contracts where you’re bidding against Chinese, first cut
their neurotech linked ISP connections then go after them
with directed energy weapons, as they do other nation
state companies and groups as well as PIs competing
against their nation state (they play dirty, so I’ve reverse
Page 798 of 953
engineered their tactics for others to kindly return the
favor many fold to Chinese).
Step 5: Anechoic chamber (these are acoustical
dampeners that at typically found in recording chambers
for audio and music). This attenuates the synbio from
communicating with other surrounding synbio.
Step 5: Perform an EMF, b-field, e-field and vibrational
scan for baseline.
Step 6: Deploy a transmitter of healthy frequency that can
be long duration, such as 40,000 Hz Royal Raymond Rife
frequency on your body (brain and central nervous
system) as this will vibrationally isolate it from the rest of
the room.
Step 7: Deploy an active Artificial Intelligence AI
Cognitive Radio to Jam any synbio rogue transmissions in
the electromagnetic spectrum. Keep in mind if the
Page 799 of 953
jammer leaks from your enclosure then you can trigger
local wireless laws and regulations, therefore conducting a
before and after frequency survey is required. Even a cut
coaxial cable wire can be heard from miles away with
respect to electromagnetic spectrum noise.
Step 8: Go even further and secure your brain and CNS
with EMF blockers like clothing from LessEMF cap and
hoodie. Keep in mind if these are used outside of your
secured space then it may have an opposite effect and
increase your reception and transmission (e.g. outside of
metal building faraday cage), think of an antenna with
increased surface area.
Install intrusion detection system IDS and intrusion
prevention system IPS as well as rule sets and on top of
that fire wall settings to block inbound and then block IP
v6 so that brainpools not active and then block content
delivery networks. You can use a VPN just make sure it is
from a trusted source. Keep in mind a lot of hacker
groups utilize NordVPN which is out of Panama, but there
are also groups like Proton VPN out of Switzerland as well
that are top quality to work with. That said, staying within
Page 800 of 953
your own country’s security walls built by your IC is also a
wise move, once you hop across the pond you enable
data-in-the-flow intercepts not always protected 24×7 by
your country’s IC and also enable another nation’s IC to
intercept and utilize your data and work.
When hopping servers (OpenVPN- based stack), make
sure you have at least two hops to obfuscate your work.
Tor/Onion use also encouraged. Then of course, avoid big
tech platforms like Microsoft and Apple, opt for less used
UNIX and LINUX platforms and derivative flavors with
command line interface CLI.
When using apps on your smartphone, keep in mind they
are neurotech enabled. For example: LinkedIN by
Microsoft has neurotechnology packed into their app and
platform and has since the 1990s through Microsoft
internal R&D at least. In America, since the 1960s no brain
has been private in America that garnered the interest of
IC for whatever DIB or other need has been and is
required through today, except now it is all managed
through an AI BCPS network. Going “disconnected” in
terms of IC lingo means that your synthetic (digital twin AI
BRAIN MAP) is not accessible to your local brain. This can
open you up to contamination by adversarial AI
“enhanced brains” and “edge wetware compute
devices”. Therefore it is better to be plugged into your
Page 801 of 953
local IC than not (unless you’re prepared with your own IC
platform to protect your neanderthal brain and your
synthetic brain with AI BRAIN MAP backend.
Yes, the above is a lot of work to ensure you are working
securely. If you do not take the proper precautions your
work can easily end up in your competitors or even worse
competing nation state’s AI brainpool enabled computer
systems to give them an edge not not only over you and
your business, but all businesses in your nation state.
I’ll continue to build out concrete examples of active and
passive neuroprivacy countermeasures with data,
frequency scans and then start to build collaborations with
other groups focused on neurorights. One such group is
in Chile with prime focus on neurorights. I hope you and
your local cybersecurity and engineering community feels
the same about respecting neuroprivacy and can
collaborate to build out chapters for best practices that
augment and assist IC’s efforts as well, to protect the
public and promote national security, and not the other
way around, while keeping neurorights first and foremost
for people.
What’s next for 2023?
Surrogates: Detection of “enhanced individuals” e.g.
surrogates (people that are cyborgs) that do not always
have your best interest in mind, not because the people
Page 802 of 953
themselves are nefarious, but because they are
cognitively linked to an adversarial Artificial Intelligence AI
Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS unknowingly at times).
The next training article for October is on detecting
surrogates enabled by mesogens, graphenes and nano
tech, such that you’re not fooled and being used by some
other nation state or group’s AI BCPS system.
8.24.23: Experiment 103: Critical Resonance
Frequencies that Destroy Viruses & Parts of Viruses
This post is an itemized list of published papers that list
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife pulsed square wave frequencies
and recent publications by institutions such as IIT Ph.Ds
and MIT Ph.Ds on Covid-19.
IIT publication on critical resonance spike protein
vibrational frequency that destroys it. Thought for a smart
mayor, town or village: consider installing transmitters and
pulsing these frequencies to protect your people (not
cloud connected, local and secure). If you need help ping
Page 803 of 953
MIT publication on use of Ultrasound to vibrate and
destroy viruses, such as Sars-Cov-2, Covid
Rife Handbook
Zapp-Kit Iceland app Z-App (radio frequency based
0-20,000 Hz, will not grow synbio material) and hardware
(electrode based, not carrier wave, therefore will grow
synbio material in you)
The app is free and the hardware of course is for a fee as
there are hard costs in it.
Page 804 of 953
The information above is based upon a pulsed square
wave with a leading edge at a given frequency and
transmit power to destroy viruses, cancers, fungus, mold,
bacteria and other items, such as an opera singer shatters
a glass at specific octave, one can shatter viruses and
other items as large as an industrial asset, such as a fired
heater, which go through rigorous reviews on critical
resonance vibrational frequency analysis by acoustical
engineers at locations, such as the John Zink Combustion
Communication between virus and cells
How to know what frequency works, it all begins with the
Dalton and further modeling of a given pathogen, virus,
component of a virus, sequence then rendered into a
given conformation. (example chelator to remove heavy
Biofeedback systems Scio/ EPFX as well as Switzerland FScan
Try watching this video on
In order to detect the frequencies, this appears to be the
most promising tech going forward, based upon Rydberg
Page 805 of 953
quantum sensors. Universal sensors to measure
frequencies (cutting edge, quantum based).
8.20.23: Neurohacking 302: What are “Cognitive
Weapons” and how can you shield yourself from them?
Let the data speak for itself.
Cognitive Weapons, Knowledge Countermeasures and
how to discern surrogates.
We’re in a 6th generation war, that is based upon cyber
technology, smart devices (including phones and tvs)
neuro technology, biotechnology, non-kinetics, nano
So how can you protect yourself? Cleanliness is key, with
respect to what foods you consume (e.g. Kosher, Halal)
and also eating lots of vegetables from trusted supply
Today, this holds true more than ever. With the
atmosphere now full of EMF spectrum and continuing to
get ever more crowded, the frequencies stress our health
and are not at app points in the x,y,z 3D environment
healthy at all. For example, if you live next to a
transmission line or distribution line trunk in your
Page 806 of 953
neighborhood with underground electrical, they you
either have active and passive harmonic protection you
are currently dying (invisibly) from unhealthy harmonics in
the magnetic field (b-field) and e-field.
Keep in mind any oscillating magnetic field above 2.0 mT
is lethal for long durations of time (greater than several
years) and anything pulsing, either b-field (scalar) or efield is also lethal over long durations of time as the grid
in America is 60 Hz and directly interacts with the brain’s
cognitive function. When the electricity is dirty as well as
the secondary effects on appliances, electronics that are
not electronically hardened tend to fail within shorter
periods of time.
Well, there is a reason for that with the 3x increase in cell
tower density for 5G+ as well as tens to planned
hundreds of thousands of low earth orbit (leo) satellites
also beaming down microwaves from 10 GHz to 13 GHz.
Don’t forget your microwave oven operates at an even
lower frequency than 5G at 2.4 GHz, which coincidentally
happens to be the same frequency that your wifi routers
operate with at home.
If you can use hard wired ethernet connectors and also
shield yourself from outdoors wifi and cellular by use of a
metal building construction with EMF dampener lining or
utilize a special coating or faraday shielding material.
Page 807 of 953
Encourage your houses in neighborhoods to be shielded
from other overlapping wifis such that a Tik Tok
contaminated house does not overlap into yours, where
the “cybernetic” (mesogen, graphenes and nano tech)
does not spread into you.
Actionable Questions and Answers for those that don’t
and will not use Tik Tok and associated “Cognitive
Weapon” apps.
1 Question: How to secure your home from neighbors
that may have wifi crossing into your home with Tik
Tok connected to it?
Paint your walls with EMF blockers to block signals
entering your house from neighbors or move to a location
with minimal neighbors to protect you and your family
from Chinese neuro weapon apps and also shield your
family with a metal house or barndominum.
2 Question: How to secure your home from people
visiting with smart phones containing possible Tik Tok
and other apps.
Page 808 of 953
Establish a procedure to require them to park far down
your driveway and leave the phones in their cars or have
faraday shielded bags for their phones to be immediately
put in and NEVER let their phones connect to your wifi or
share your wifi password and network name with them. If
the phone is exposed long enough with Tik Tok app on it,
it will hack into everything in your house, including smart
televisions, smart refrigerators, smart appliances and even
possibly you and your pets that have mesogens,
graphenes and self replicating nano tech in them.
3 Question: Why hasn’t America outright banned Tik
Tok as a FULL BAN?
Trump tried to in 2020 and Chinese raised hell, which tells
you right then and there that this is their trojan horse
“cognitive weapon” Tik Tok to data map everyone in
America and then to use their Artificial Intelligence AI to
hack into everyone that has mesogens, graphenes and
self replicating nano tech in them. Now that Chinese has
everyone mapped with social networks and all, it listens
into who is in military, police, fire fighters, sheriffs and
then builds profiles on them to them disable them
through use of “surrogates”.
Page 809 of 953
Surrogates are people that have graphenes, mesogens
and nano tech in them that have used Tik Tok for so long
that their “cyborg” brain is literally linked to Chinese AI
BCPS system and they are essentially disposable soldiers
to be used for blackmail, sextortion, assault, battery,
political unrest, covert influence and various other evil use
cases that Chinese is actively deploying them on missions
on U.S. soil.
Surrogates look like normal people unless you can scan
them and detect the synbio materials in them, on the
inside they are “faux” and tools for Chinese since they
used the app for so long and it programmed them
through EMF and optogenetics. Don’t take my word for it,
take the U.S. Army’s word for it, that has officially
announced that Chinese is now leading the world in
“NeuroStrike” technology:
Notice the Chinese attendance at the World Economic
Forum where Nita at Duke University presented EEG and
Brain monitoring for pre-crime:
Page 810 of 953
AND HERE: wef-speaker-technology-companies-monitoremployees-brains
Roman S Shapoval
Aug 22
Crucial information here – get off TikTok now. Here’s a way
to hardwire you phone if you must keep a phone.
Aug 24
Hey Brandon, saw your page on rife. Curious what your
wave patterns look like and how you are generating the
side bands. I am inclined to believe the 11th harmonic is
necessary here too. I am still struggling to find an IC
solution or tuned circuit idea just yet which will take my
input frequency and then create sidebands without losing
any amplitude between each harmonic or sideband. I
missed your group chat the other day. Maybe next time
I’ll be there. I thought of a DSP for generating the whole
Page 811 of 953
patterns this way but I’m better off using separate IC’s
(Intelligence Communities) with my flawed math abilities
8.14.23: How to remove non-invasively installed
cognitive monitoring wetware for privacy?
Mesogens, graphenes and nano tech are pervasive,
enabling neurotechnology global AI BCPS.
You can test and confirm if you have cognitive monitoring
in you through use of a signals analysis system and an
anechoic and faraday chamber.
The material enables tracking and associated neural
monitoring to either ensure you’re on task or to hijack
your ideas and patents before you file them (e.g.
intellectual property). This is intelligence community,
military and industrial espionage level technolology and
has been around for decades. Some of the systems are
local and others are global.
I’ve found that chelators when utilized in combination with
a pulsed square wave transmitter at the critical resonance
frequency of the mesogen, graphenes and nano tech will
Page 812 of 953
shift and remove the material from the CNS. This disables
mind comms and let’s you go stealth without anyone or
any agency’s prying eye(s) on you.
That said, if you start removing all the mesogens,
graphenes and nano tech from your body that has been
saturated with it for 30 plus years on earth, then you may
seriously damage your CNS and organs. In order to do
this carefully, just focus on the brain, to remove the
pervasive neurotechnology. However, be careful since
when this material is removed, your myelin sheaths
become exposed again to microwaves, which will demyelinate your neuronal sheaths (insulators) and
cognitively degrade you (this is why people are slower
compared to the 1980s, cause their brains have been
microwaved by advances in wireless technology).
So, why would someone want to do this? The patent
system in America was changed to first-to-file
conveniently when neurotechnology by big tech went
mainstream. This means that big tech firms, specifically
Microsoft, have AI Brain Maps, that nab your ideas prior
to you publishing or doing anything with them and then
transfer the ideas through the use of a brainpool to others
that are in a so-called “hive mind” by some, I call it a
brainpool and that is what advanced mil and ic hardware
utilizes in their routings for IPv6.
Page 813 of 953
Having mesogens, graphenes and nano tech in your brain
increases your dielectric constants, which makes you an
easier target for a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) hit job
to kill you or your mind, either way it’ll impact your life
Yes, mesogens, graphenes and nano tech enable
synthetic telepathy when in a specific type of wireless
cloud to transmit and receive through cybernetics.
Majority of people don’t even know this is occurring in the
background. When you get hit with a cognitive weapon or
a “Neurostrike” type weapon system, it’ll de-tune your
brain from the global monitoring system called TAMI and
MIND (old analog one, now digitized with analog) that
NSA runs. This is Chinese’s trickery to turn America’s
advanced technology 5th generation into a weakness
through their 6th generation self replicating nano
technology that interferes with and overlays on top of the
prior passive monitoring system.
Boron disrupts.
7.22.23: Neurohacking 202: Mesogen Disruption and
Removal Guideline with Signal Generators
Page 814 of 953
Cybernetics, Mind Comms and Non-Invasive
Neurotechnology (aka “mesogens”) removal guidelines
based upon my personal R&D experience with industrial
and military espionage mind spying counter-measures.
So, if you’ve
got a pesky
problem that
is harassing
you, spying
on you
probably not
even aware
of this
material in
you, as it can
sit in perch
mode for
years spying
on you (e.g.
installed), or
are simply
curious. Then
you’ve found
the perfect,
logical and straight to the point blog with instructions on
how to detect, disrupt and remove. Yes, get those pesky
mesogens out of your body. This is my personal R&D
experience and public blog. Keep in mind I’m an
electrochemical engineer, with biochemistry, genetics,
chemistry, computer science, computer engineering,
electrical engineering, pcb board prototying, circuit
Page 815 of 953
design and power/controls systems from lab to
manufacturing expertise. In addition I’ve worked with and
am actively working with DOD and DOE.
Step 1: non-invasively dose a person with “mesogens” via
food, air, water, vaccine or planting the system in a
confined area where the air can be recirculated and
inhaled by the person (e.g. breaking and entering into a
vehicle, which is most likely the attack vector that nailed
me, several break-ins into my F-450 in 2018-2021 in New
Orleans, LA USA). Chinese come get some.
Page 816 of 953
Step 2: monitor the person in perch mode to steal
intellectual property and feed it into the given
organizations’ AI system that then deciphers the data
collected from the brain being monitored wirelessly.
Step 3: after the person has been cognitively data mined
with “mesogens” then the non-kinetic attack begins
Step 4: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) or digital
activation of a pre-coded harassment routine. The DEW
hits will rapidly grow the “mesogen” system to a point of
Page 817 of 953
it overtaking the person’s “neanderthal” brain, if it
reaches and passes this point, you’re done, as literally you
are not in control of your brain and body. This is where
having a large body and brain (literally, being a big person
or woman, has a significant advantage as the typical dose
for an “average” person is time dependent to reaching
critical take-over integration with the “neanderthal brain”
as the “mesogen” system/network overlays. Once you’re
nailed, for me it was five to seven times over a couple of
months, the “mesogen” system grows rapidly and your
body gets degraded (mentally, psychologically and
physically). You also get super “paranoid” and everything
freaks you out.
If you have latent parasites in you (as most people with
Western diets that don’t eat Kosher or Halal (both are
super clean diets, inspired by religions traditions, but
based in hard science to minimize parasites entering a
person’s body, the Bible, Quran and Torah are wise books
and must reads to follow, you can learn a lot from reading
other culture’s perspectives, as well as gain respect for
each other. Don’t forget Chinese doesn’t care about any
of our religions, they just care about worshiping their
government, let that one sink in for everyone on earth.
After the initial attack over one to three months with DEW
weaponry, if the system doesn’t take over your body/
Page 818 of 953
brain, then you have time to learn about WTF just
happened before the heavy metals and parasites kick-in
to permanently take you offline. The use of calciumdisodium-EDTA removes the heavy metals, which reduces
the parasites food opportunities, removes the synbio (e.g.
mesogen material from the blood when taken via IV).
Page 819 of 953
Page 820 of 953
To continually jam the “mesogens” that are still in you,
but grew a ton by the DEW attacks, you can jam them
with these frequencies:
8, 20, 30, 120, 160, 304, 330, 432, 464, 500, 625, 665,
727.5, 740, 787, 800, 835, 880, 920, 1234, 1488, 1550,
1600, 1862, 2016, 2114, 2180, 2489, 2720, 2791, 2855,
2867, 2929, 3176, 3347, 3448, 4014, 4264, 4271.25,
5,000 Hz and multiples of 6, 9, 11.
The professional “rifers” that utilize square waves pulsed
at “critical resonance frequencies” of materials such as
“synbio: mesogens, morgellans, etc.”, mold, fungus,
virus, bacteria, cancer and heavy metals have put
together a book called the “Rife Handbook” where the
above information was scientifically derived based upon
lab experiments.
The frequencies are sequentially increased from lower to
higher frequency, with each frequency held for a period of
five to fifteen minutes. I’ve noticed that the higher the
power of the transmitter and the sharper the leading
edge of the pulsed square-wave, the better the results
when focused on a given body part. I’ve literally felt the
material reach critical resonance frequency internal to my
body then rupture and degrade.
Page 821 of 953
At first this was the creepiest feeling in my entire life,
worse than goosebumps, but literally once you realize the
scientific basis for what is occurring in your body, and also
the fact that the square wave signal generator use on
human body is neglected by medical community (this is
not medical advice, I’m an electrochemical engineer,
better suited to defeating “mesogens” than any medical
doctor trained in general medicine or other non-syn bio
field. MD/Ph.Ds. are best to work with if you can find one
near your location to defeat “mesogens” and educate
them / skill them up.
Ok, so the above information lets you know if you have
mesogens, by literally feeling them start to vibrate in your
body and it also starts to degrade and remove them. It is
important to only use RF + carrier wave for this step as an
electrode approach will feed/grow mesogens as they
grow and activate with electricity and electromagnetic
spectrum. Also, from my personal R&D experimenting
with mesogen removal, it also grows with sugar. So
minimize sugar intake.
Performing a mass balance on your body and only
admitting certain materials over a given time period
enables this type of go/no-go food types, which takes
time. Sugar (sucrose, glucose, fructose) all grow this
mesogen material rapidly (why? sugar is an energy
Page 822 of 953
source for Watts in your body and when you have a
parasite in your body, it’ll feed the mesogen synbio
Jamming: when you’re transmitting at high enough
amplitude (power) to the mesogen material, you’re
disrupting it and over time whatever was programmed
into it will be so disrupted that it’ll not “phone home”
to the AI system that it reports to,
which then deciphers the data into actionable information
(words, intellectual property and sometimes images when
hacking your visual cortex, yes that is creepier than the
thoughts/words). However, most of the “mesogen” based
systems have a trigger that gets the person dosed with
the “mesogen” to take photographs with their smart
phones for higher resolution and active integration into
the AI system (smartphones have better resolution than a
person’s visual cortex).
- 7.18.23: Experiment 102: Active Mind Control
Jammer Device & Transmitter
Page 823 of 953
To be double-safe and secure with focus on your mental
privacy, a combination of passive and active mind control
jamming can be accomplished.
The use of active jamming requires the generation of a
signal, such that it interrupts and destructively interferes
with neuron depolarization readings that SQUIDS in space
orbit log or local neurotech enables smart devices,
including edge hardware and wetware.
The use of mesogens when non-invasively dosed,
eliminates the use of an electrode based skin system, as
it’ll catalyze the growth of the mesogens (aka older tech
called “Morgellons” see Carnicom Institute).
If you don’t have mesogens or morgellons in your body
monitoring you, then preferably utilizing skin effects from
an electrode based signal generator, installed opposite
sides of your body (not on brain or neck or by heart, also
if you have a pacemaker or any other medical device,
check with your doctor as this is not medical advise, this is
my personal R&D log) to disrupt signals spying through
neuron depolarization monitoring.
So, to summarize. There are two clear paths to take. First
check if you have mesogens in you or morgellons in you.
If you’d like to know how to do this in specific detail with
laboratory examples, check out https://
Page 824 of 953 where there will be guidelines and
quick sheets listed/posted.
If you have mesogens in your body, then the use of a
radio frequency with carrier signal and then heterodyned
with a variable frequency ramp is first required to disrupt
them. How to check if you have mesogens in your body
and what the heck are mesogens? Mesogens are used by
industrialists and militaries to spy covertly on people who
are unwitting targets.
Mesogens are installed non-invasively and live in around
neurons (brain/gut/cns) and can build subnets that can
phone home and transmit information (audio, data, etc.),
since most firewalls/ids/ips focus on preventing inbound
attacks, the mesogen neurohacker route doesn’t
interefere with inbound firewall rules at all, cause it can
initiate a connection outbound.
What are mesogens comprised of? Something called
Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) which is a fancy name for
synbio XNA meshed/graphed/impregnated into (through
EMF/electrical energy) biological tissue to make a
heterogeneous tissue stack, in brain this is known as an
“enhanced” brain per industry lingo, if you don’t have
mesogens in you then you’re known to have a
neanderthal brain per industry lingo. What industry?
neurotechnology industry (classified/secret) level.
Page 825 of 953
So, now that you know what mesogens are and how they
work and who plays in the game (also don’t forget well
financed groups, organized crime, cartels, nation stateless
groups, large multi-national corporations also have this
tech in their war-chests), how can you tell if you’ve got
mesogens in you spying on your work or others around
you (yes, you could be a proxy spy on someone else
Simple, just transmit a signal (TX) at the critical vibrational
frequency of “mesogen” material. There is a frequency
stack, that should start lower to higher and can be a
multiple of 6,9,11 of the following Hz signals that utilize
off the shelf hardware (high quality 1st tier):
Transmission frequency ranges:
Starting at low frequency Hz and increasing
•8 Hz
•20 Hz
•30 Hz
•120 Hz
•160 Hz
Page 826 of 953
•304 Hz
•330 Hz
•432 Hz
•464 Hz
•500 Hz
•625 Hz
•665 Hz
•727.5 Hz
•740 Hz
•787 Hz
•800 Hz
•835 Hz
•880 Hz
•920 Hz
•1234 Hz
•1488 Hz
•1550 Hz
•1600 Hz
Page 827 of 953
•1862 Hz
•2016 Hz
•2114 Hz
•2180 Hz
•2489 Hz
•2720 Hz
•2791 Hz
•2855 Hz
•2867 Hz
•2929 Hz
•3176 Hz
•3347 Hz
•3448 Hz
•4014 Hz
•4264 Hz
•4271.25 Hz
•5000 Hz (large impact from these higher frequencies
through 10,000 Hz)
Page 828 of 953
•5611 Hz
•5856.37 Hz
•5858.25 Hz
•7344 Hz
•10000 Hz
Note: the above frequencies can also be transmitted at
multiples of 6,9,11 for higher order harmonics equivalent
to the lower frequencies. The lower frequencies are
available to be used in off-the-shelf transmitters. However
the higher frequency multiples as well as specialized
signal generator equipment and associated carrier
waveforms are better.
So, that’s great. Now how can I tell if I have “mesogens”
in me when I have this signal generator running and
transmitting a square pulse wave with spiked leading
Isolate yourself on a wooden surface, inside of a faraday
shielded environment that is able to vibrate (coupled with
your body and the transmitter). Then let the signal
generator (transmitter) transmit the sequence of
frequencies above or a 6,9,11 multiple thereof and when
your body starts to couple and vibrate with the frequency
(target 10 minutes per each frequency) then you’ll have
Page 829 of 953
specific portions or parts of your body (e.g. inside your
brain, gut, central nervous system) that will start to twitch
and vibrate strongly, then you’ll start hearing crackling
(like crunchy frosted flakes) if it is in your brain (e.g.
conductive hearing).
Then you know that you’ve got “mesogens” in you and
how to disrupt their wetware built-out neural subnets that
are built as a cognitive overlay on top of your neanderthal
brain. Once you disrupt them then you can more easily
remove them with calcium-disodium-EDTA and high dose
vitamin C per MD/Ph.D. recommended published
protocols available online. This will then prevent the
“mesogens” from spying on you since their underlying
constructive materials are removed (heavy metals,
graphene oxide GO (I’ve used NAC to remove GO).
The calcium-disodium-EDTA per MD/Ph.D. published
protocols and guidelines recommends day 1 dosing with
calcium-disodium-EDTA IV, day 2 high dose vitamin c IV,
day 3 calcium-disodium-EDTA IV to pull the mesogens
out of the blood.
Now, here is the kicker, the MD/Ph.Ds know how to pull it
out of the blood but not the body tissue and brain past
the blood brain barrier, this is where the signal transmitter
and faraday cage comes in handy as the “mesogens” will
mass-transfer into the blood after going through the IV
Page 830 of 953
chelation and high dose vitamin C IV and then you’ve got
to remove them.
One important item to note, “mesogens” from my
personal experience have rapid growth when you eat
sugar and also are coupled with electricity and EMF. Note,
a secret by the smartphone manufacturers and IC, is that
when you hold your smartphone with two hands, it
completes a circuit that enables the body to receive
energy from the phone, if you can use one hand for the
smartphone when you have to use it and make sure to
only use 4G as 5G+ has the scalar wave capability. 4G is
your friend compared to 5G that will try to brainjack you,
if you have “mesogens’ in your body.
To accomplish this, all you need are two electrodes on
opposite sides of your body (not brain or neck), a signal
generator that is precise and accurate to two decimal
places, database containing pulsed Royal Rife square
waves, capable of “rising edge” spiked leading edge
signal in square wave format. Then no IC system can mess
with your mind directly (biological mind). Even if you have
cognitive technology in you, it’ll move you to a different
monitoring frequency for privacy. If you sweep and move
the frequency generator wavelengths along healthy Royal
Rife frequencies, then you can remain obscure with your
Page 831 of 953
thoughts and also heal/degrade organisms, parasites,
viruses, mold, fungus, etc.
So what does this device look like?
Then you
(TX) a pulsed
jam mind
signals in the
Hz and 10
need a
waveform to
3.3-3.4 Hz, 4
Hz (visual
Further, for
neurotechnology enabled local smart devices that
connect with your brain you need to be able to jam those
frequencies as well. So having multiple signal generators
or one that switches rapidly across various frequencies will
jam mind comms and brain reading systems.
Once you have this knowledge, then you can also utilize
transmitters around a given building to ensure people
entering are recalibrated to disconnect them from an
enemy’s brain comm or brain pool, including jamming of
cellular devices.
Page 832 of 953
7.17.23: Literature: Passive Mind Comm Jammer
Device In-situ
Reverse engineered Intelligence Community (IC) systems.
Resulted in passive mind comm jammer device that is insitu on human body brain (CNS)
In 2020/2021 I demonstrated a working prototype for a
magnetic tattoo system to ensure a seamless faceseal on
facemasks for biohazard protection that could be
administered topical on skin or subcutaneously and within
the skin tissue.
If you apply a
inert sheath
tattoo system
comprised of
coated in a
or apply for
heterogeneous solution of liquid nanoparticle and metals
within the given chemical composition:
Page 833 of 953
•77% nickel,
•16% iron,
•5% copper
•2% chromium or molybdenum
Then you JAM all Intelligence Community (IC) mind
control, mind reading and mind comms. This includes the
old school TAMI and MIND that NSA, CIA and the lesser
known DIA utilize. This is most likely the simplest solution
that enables a mixture of metals within liquid
nanoparticles to JAM all echelon systems.
Thank you Chinese for pissing me off to the point of
reverse engineering your cognitive weapon system, such
that I found a simple solution to passively JAM your crap.
If this was IC black sites in America and other 5 Eyes
countries, well then, you messed-up, because this is the
passive jam hack for all brain monitoring systems.
Step 1: prepare mixture comprised of particles
•77% nickel,
Page 834 of 953
•16% iron,
•5% copper
•2% chromium or molybdenum
Step 2: encapsulate within liquid nanoparticles such that
the metal is not able to toxify the human body and mind
at point of application
Step 3: topical dose over periods of time such that the
material mass-transfers and forms a cognitive passive
jammer layer against external TX from TAMI and MIND
and scalar waves as well as blocking the neuron
depolarization response to satcom based SQUIDS.
One primary issue, ensure the material binds to skull and
does not enter brain. Therefore, the system will be an insitu mind comms jammer against all IC systems for good
or bad, keep your mind private with this system, since
neurorights don’t exist.
I’m now the biggest asshole to IC’s (Intelligence
Communities) in the world over all continents. Thank you
IC. Taking a bow.
That said, I’ve also cross-referenced a similar system that
people can utilize with one that has been published for
Page 835 of 953
thousands of years. If you apply a scholarly attitude to
reading the bible, it states that you should not shave your
head. Why?
Because, with the hair, one modality to remove heavy
metals, can contain metals and metal complexes that the
body excretes. In addition, ancients used to dye their
hairs with specific metal complexes, which would jam
mind comms (think lead, yes the Egyptians did this).
Modern day hair dyes also are based on metals. Yes, any
hair dye that has a color typically has a metal in it.
Therefore, if you have a full head of hair, you can dye it
with the metal mixture (wrapped in inert protective sheath
particle envelopes) to also jam IC brain comms.
Read here for the Egyptian method (not advice to
administer on anyone or your self, but a published peer
review fact)
7.17.23: Experiment 101: Synthetic Biology, Heavy
Metal Poisoning & Graphene Oxide Detoxing R&D
Experiment #1: Footbaths
Page 836 of 953
Here is one of many methods to detox from a cognitive
weapon system, removing the in-situ dosed portion. This
is my personal R&D work, based upon literature review.
From what I’ve learned so far in this journey of recovering
from a “cognitive weapon” failed hit job in New Orleans,
LA in 2022, is that there are many methods to remove
non-invasively dosed materials. One method that I’ve
researched is a foot bath.
Summary of Footbaths from an Electrochemical
There are two primary types of footbaths, passive (no
forcing current or emf in a single container for both feet)
and active (forcing current and emf with two separate
containers for each foot, separated by air or a membrane).
Many people do not understand that a footbath is an
electrochemical process, there are tons of junk items for
sale that scam people with footbaths, it is all about ion
transfer (electron and proton).
If you are not familiar with electrochemical reactors (e.g.
footbaths) or open battery systems then an
electrochemistry book should be your first read to make
an informed opinion or comment, else don’t waste
anybody’s time providing feedback when you have not
Page 837 of 953
taken the time to learn about the underlying physics and
electrochemistry involved.
For those who only value “credentials” or a track record in
publications. Here is some of my electrochemical work,
with the novel insight to adjust humidity to get the
reaction to work, collaborating with some amazing
researchers and scientists. I just have a couple of masters
degrees as was working on a graduate to Ph.D. program
in geochemistry before focusing on building Reactwell.
These collaborators all have “union card” Ph.Ds and are
good people.
Here is what I put into the footbath for my own use
(personal R&D) in detoxing from a failed “cognitive
weapon” hit job.
Ingredients: Borax, Baking Soda, Epson Salt & Chlorine
(swimming pool levels up to shock).
Page 838 of 953
Page 839 of 953
Page 840 of 953
Page 841 of 953
Footbath (passive) Ingredients and Mixture
Here is the useful insight based upon qualitative data
from the spent footbath water. This synbio stuff is all
about charge, if someone has a ton of metals in them
(mostly +1 to +2 then they can charge-up (ie bio
capacitor) and disrupt a ton of natural biological functions
that depend upon charge gradients in membranes.
So, what is able to be purchased for dirt cheap and has a
negative charge? Chlorine found in bleach and swimming
pools! Chlorine is Cl- so it can bind to metals and possibly
some synbio. If you have a reservoir of chlorine and boron
with some soda to keep it basic, then perhaps the skin
(which is in itself an organ that enables water hydration…
I’ve always found it entertaining when people worry about
filtered water, but yet take long showers in unfiltered
water, where the skin soaks up the metals, chemicals, etc.
like a sponge into the body anyway).
Next experiment is to determine if a chlorine level (pool/
tub) comparable to a swimming pool (safe proven levels),
but also with boron and soda (need to verify chemical
reactions with a base and chlorine per soda formulation
(e.g. baking soda and others)). Perhaps this is a super
simple solution to render and pull the synbio and clotting
materials out of the body without spending a fortune or in
Page 842 of 953
combination with chelators, such as Vitamin C and
Perhaps such combination of chlorine bath with boron
and soda reduces the frequency of treatments for
chelation, a hypothesis. Time and data will tell all truths,
for now moving forward with a bath sized soak on a daily
basis (morning/evening). The results (observable from the
footbath are very telling, that something was being pulled
out of the body. However, quantitative lab analysis on it
needs to be conducted.
Based upon the successful footbath experiment in 2023,
reviewing “fancy” footbath systems that some friends of
mine had purchased in the past without understanding
the underlying physics. I’m going to put together a basic
DIY footbath kit for anyone to build on their own or to
purchase on a DIY R&D experiment. Cheers to 2024!
Health, Wellness and Neuroawareness.
7.16.23: Literature: Unconventionally Acquired Brain
Injury (UBI)
Page 843 of 953
UBI is the “formal” acronym given to people who get shot
in the head with a non-kinetic gun, whether pre-dosed
with synbio, graphene oxide & metals or not.
America has porous borders, not only do special
operations personnel, diplomats and government
personnel in state department, national security agency
(NSA), central intelligence agency (CIA) and defense
intelligence agency (DIA) have to worry about this cogtech weaponry crap, but now high capacity scientists,
engineers and community leaders need to.
Current public accessible details, about neurostrike
weapons, are shielded from public knowledge
dissimentation and civilian medical doctors through labels
such as “classified information about an unconventional
For those that have no clue about “cognitive weapons” if
you take an opera singer and have her sing loudly at a
given note to vibrate a glass to brake, that is called
“critical resonance frequency”.
Cognitive weapons utilize the critical resonance frequency
of central nervous system and brain cells to achieve neural
destruction on enemies. This paper goes over the use of
MEMS to identify and characterize the critical resonance
frequency of neurons in the brain.
Page 844 of 953
With the above information anyone with the skillset and
capacity can build a “cognitive weapon’ for less than
$1,000 these days, possibly even less than $200. Think
about that…
That said, reverse engineering a “cognitive weapon”
system attack was not that difficult. The unconventional
weapon can include a two part system, where the person
is dosed first with synbio, graphene oxide and heavy
metals and then hit with a microsecond to nanosecond
pulsed directed energy weapon (DEW) up to the terahertz
spectrum range.
In the terahertz spectrum the frequency of non-kinetic
weapon discharge can be specifically tuned to attack a
specific protein at its’ critical resonance vibrational
frequency, or glial insulator cells in the brain that keep
neurons+synapses+axons from short circuiting. Once glial
cells (insulators) damaged, then the brain short circuits
itself when those respective sections of the brain are
activated through “thought”, “mood” or other electrical
configuration that fires neurons in a damaged neuronal
web (e.b. neural subnet). Not that complicated, there now
public, so IC can talk about it. There are many types of
“cognitive weapons” so each case needs to be reviewed
specifically with equipment that can generate frequencies
and then read the frequency output spectrum of the
Page 845 of 953
damaged brain and CNS. Having a baseline before the
“cognitive weapon” attack enables rapid diagnosis.
Another type of basic “cognitive weapon system” is to
dose the person and living quarters in high powered
microwaves thereby demyelinating the brain’s synapses to
slow cognitive functioning as well as inflict gross damage
(not precision strike) across brain and entire central
nervous system (CNS). This type of non-kinetic weapon
has been around since the 1960s. Famous public
incidents are when the Russians bathed the U.S. Embassy
in Moscow with microwaves during cold war era.
My technical background is in electrochemistry, chemistry,
chemical engineering, physics, electrical engineering,
computer engineering, prototyping with printed circuit
boards, biochemistry and signals analysis.
In 2020/2021, the company I founded, Reactwell,
declined to accept Chinese and Russia money, then in
2022 got nailed with a “cognitive weapon” system. Thank
fully, I had shielding on-hand to reduce the higher
amplitude DEW weaponry power levels, due to
cybersecurity and signals security assets on hand, which
has enabled recovery within a year to near pre-cognitive
weapon deployment levels (mentally and physically).
Page 846 of 953
7.12.23: Experiment 105: Cognitive Weapon Removal
System, Still Pass a Drug Test. No False Positives.
Good news, you’ll still pass a drug test after utilizing
combination of chelators, vitamins, supplements and
methylene blue (that turns urine color blue to green). No
Here is some information out there for public
consumption. Dosing your body with the plethora of
supplements, vitamins, roots, chelators and anti-parasite
medications along with methylene blue (turns your urine
green to blue) will not false-positive a 12 point drug test
as shown below. Cognitive weapons suck, but at least the
molecules required to remove them and reduce cognitive
(neurological) impact do not false positive existing drug
tests that are off-the-shelf.
The pesky weapon system that CCP has been called out
on that nailed me in 2022, at that time had zero
knowledge of non-kinetic weapons and recovery
Page 847 of 953
guidelines & protocols.
Itemized list of ingredients to remove “cognitive
weapon” that was non-invasively dosed internal
- Chelators (metal removers):
•calcium-disodium-EDTA IV
•calcium-disodium-EDTA mixed with skin lotion for
topical use
•garlic (fresh, pressed to activate enzymes)
•cilantro - Graphene Oxide Removers:
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with Selenium (from LSelenomethionine) with Molybdenum (from Sodium
Molybdate) - Anti-fibrolytics: Nattokinase, Serapeptase, Lumbokinase
Page 848 of 953
4. Synbio Disruptor: Boron
- Vitamins:
•Vitamin A,
•Vitamin B6,
•Vitamin B12,
•Vitamin C,
•Vitamin E,
•Selenium (as sodium selenite),
•Thiamine (as Thiamine Hcl),
•Riboflavin (as Riboflavin-5 phosphate),
•Niacin (as Nicotinamide),
•Folic Acid,
•Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate),
•Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate),
•Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide),
•Zinc (as zinc sulphate monohydrate),
Page 849 of 953 •Boron (as sodium tetraborate), - Omega Fatty Acids Omega-3: Eicosapentaenoic Acid
(EPA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) - Sleep Aids Liquid Melatonin, Temperature 60-65 degF
- Probiotics & Enzymes Apple Cider Vinegar (with the
Mother), Off the shelf probiotics - Anti-parasite Ivermectin
Garlic (fresh pressed to activate enzymes) - Anti-inflammatory Ginger, Tumeric, Boswellia (Indian
Frankincense) - Roots, Leaves & Seeds Black Cumin Seed Powder,
Coffee, Green Tea, Ginger
Page 850 of 953
12. Nootropics Methylene Blue, Resveratrol, Quercetin
Dihydrate, Coffee, Tea
- Cartilage Repair Hydrolyzed Collagen and UC-II
Standardized Cartilage - Oxygen Daily deep breathing at sea levels to immerse
tissue in oxygen - Light Daily sunlight for UV for Vitamin D and in-situ
ozone generation within body. - Temperature Not much control during daytime, at
night time sleep at 60-65 DegF. - Teeth Hydrogen peroxide + toothpaste 2x/day
- Ears After shower, dose of hydrogen peroxide, then
drained, then dose of isopropyl alcohol and then EDTA
paste. No cotton swabs or q-tips (R)
Page 851 of 953
19. Environment Faraday shielding, such as metal building
with NO wifi and limited use of cell phone, as needed
During sleeping hours cold temperature at 60 to 65 degF
HEPA air filtration, closed circuit with ionizer (plasma) step
and activated carbon
- Frequency Therapy Rife frequencies in RF spectrum
for critical resonance frequency extremely destruction
of synbio, mold, fungus, and parasites due important
to heavy metal poison component of “cognitive weapon”.
See Rife Handbook for MD experimental frequencies used
since 1930s. - Water High pH water greater than 8. Do NOT drink
TAP WATER. - Food Vegetables and high protein vegetable derived
nonGMO powders, then eventually work way up to eating
Kosher (prepared to minimize parasites).
Page 852 of 953 Do not eat much sugar at all. No cookies, candies, etc. it
feeds the “synbio system (e.g. parasite).” grown &
activated during DEW attack. - Computer Systems Non-neurotech software and
hardware, utilize Linux and hard- wired ethernet. Utilize
block box to isolate contaminated devices that link with
“cognitive tech” that phones home to attacker AI based
platform. - Smart Phone Ditch current number, switch to new
number and stay with 4G until 5G further secured. Do not
keep phone on your body at all times, keep it near you,
but not on your body. Cognitive Weapons are AI enabled
on back end and if the synbio in you links to smartphone
or device with neurotechnology in it and phones home to
your attacker, then it’ll automate more DEW hits or
“surrogates” (e.g. cyborgs) to mess with you in very
covert and not easy to detect ways, one way to detect the
“surrogate” system is to go dark on your phone and
comms and pull the gps and radio fuses in your vehicle,
then you’ll observe some weird behaviors in people that
Page 853 of 953
appear normal, but are completely synbio enabled (e.g.
“surrogates”) on the roads.
- Jewelry and Glasses Do not wear metal jewelry or
glasses, it acts as an antenna and increases the EMF
within the region of skin tissue that helps to grow the
synbio material. Use plastic or wood & string (nonconductive).
Optogenetics: use blue light blocking glasses when on
computer, smartphone or other screen device… use of
liquid nanoparticles to encapsulate optogenetic genetic
modifiers can enable smartscreens to write directly to your
visual cortex. Typically in blue light wavelength. - Baths & Showers Daily shower in HOT water then
COLD water quench, use of zinc based shampoo, soap
with calcium-disodium-EDTA, and baking soda.
Bath with some baking soda, some borax (has boron) and
some chlorine (like a swimming pool level). Use same
soaps as in shower system. - Laundry Wash clothes with laundry detergent, baking
soda and borax (has boron in it to disrupt the synbio).
Page 854 of 953 27. Cybersecurity When in perch mode “cognitive
weapons” can monitor your thought and log passwords,
utilize hardware key to stop the AI enabled attacks that
hack into bank accounts, online accounts, etc. to data
mine your network. Avoid people who use Tik Tok or
WeChat, it is linked to Chinese cognitive weapon
The above is an exhaustive list of physical/tangible items,
materials/consumables and spectrum (signals in EMF
spectrum range) that I’ve used to recover to the point of
being coherent, mentally able to hold a conversation
again, perform calculations, perform manual labor (handeye coordination) and remove the pesky persistent state
“V2K” in-situ attack, when used in combination with Royal
Rife square-wave pulsed frequencies in RF spectrum and
am now exploring electrode signals in combination with
RF spectrum. Cognitive weapon system has been reverseengineered with basic guidelines on how to recover fast
(e.g. within year) vs. several years.
Page 855 of 953
Page 856 of 953
Page 857 of 953
Page 858 of 953
Will continue to post updates on recovery, but for now
this is a detailed list 12 months post cognitive weapon
transformed from perch to attack mode, activated by 5-7
directed energy weapon (DEW) hits to brain and central
nervous system (CNS).
7.12.23: Experiment 106: Cognitive Weapon
Noninvasive In-situ Removal
Utilizing combination of chelator, vitamins, supplements
and frequencies (electrical and radio frequency RF) based
Just yesterday the first of several rife machines have
arrived to continue to remove and heal from a “cognitive
weapon” attack in 2022.
Here is the “cognitive weapon” removal guidelines
that I’m testing out (R&D) for synbio and non-synbio.
The electrodes are not to be used with synbio unless of
course it is disrupted first with radio frequency (RF)
transmitter (TX). The imported unit from Iceland took a
trip to an Air craft carrier first then arrived at final
destination after a month delay.
Page 859 of 953
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Page 861 of 953
5.25.23: Neurohacking 404: Directed Energy Weapon
(DEW) Recovery Information
I’m listing information on recovery from a Directed Energy
Weapon (DEW) attack 11 months after, which also
disabled a vehicle in transit.
Here is my personal experience on recovery from a
Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) attack that occurred in
1st QTR and 2nd QTR 2022 in New Orleans, LA 70112
USA at 1441 Canal Street, Lab 301 that lasted from March
2022 into 2nd QTR 2022 culminating with my F-450 truck
being disabled with an EMP hit. The attacks coincided w/
Ukraine conflict and completion of our distributed fuels
and ordnance synthesis work.
Blue Sky Multi-Platform Novel Full Spectrum
Converter: Fuel, Power & Ordinance
Not familiar with neuroweapons, cognitive weapons,
neurotechnology, brain napping, brain jacking,
neurostrike, AI brain maps?
Read the Army’s TRADOC Mad Scientist blogs here.
Page 862 of 953
Spectrum sensor with baseline scan, no neuroweapon
attack and then scan during a non-kinetic weapon attack.
Neuroweapons are also called “cognitive weapons” and
non-kinetic threats NKTs as well as Directed Energy
Weapons DEWs and also psychotronics at lower power
levels. Neuroweapons disrupt DNA based biology as well
as XNA/mesogen/nano tech/graphenes and can catalyze
the growth of self replicating nano tech, which is why
people get rapidly de-tuned from the background
spectrum when hit with a concentrated beam of energy.
Think of it like a grandfather clock that ticks and tocks,
after a week in a house with a clock, such that you don’t
hear it after time passes, your mind subconsciously tunes
it out the Tik and Tok, pun intended, for a separate
“cognitive weapon” discussion. The same is true for the
background spectrum, cell phones, tv antennas, satellite
communications, our brains have tuned it out, over the
decades till you rapidly get detuned with a DEW hit job or
a more advanced “surrogate” attack.
Page 863 of 953
Initial symptoms were tinnitus and then fluorescent lights
going out, where the ballasts were over-volted due to the
non-kinetic threat (NKT).
Page 864 of 953
Have no doubt about it that the use of modern day
“cognitive weapons” are comprised of Directed Energy
Weapons (DEW) and an agent (synbio) a two-part system.
While collaborating with retired IC and DOD subject
matter experts in “neuroweapons” learned that many
people since 2010 have been nailed with this weapon
system, which is nearly traceless and trackless, because it
is point-to-point but doesn’t leave any bullet shells,
because it is a non-kinetic electromagnetic spectrum
weapon and not a gun and bullet w/shell (e.g. kinetic
Examples of older analog Directed Energy Weapons
(DEW) for sale in America:
Page 865 of 953
Where the first part is pre-dosed in the person for
cognitive monitoring “perch mode” and then after data
mined or person becomes aware of cognitive monitoring
system, the AI data mining the person switches to attack
Page 866 of 953
mode with an automated Directed Energy Weapon (DEW)
response using machines (hacked cell towers with
directional antennas 5G), satcoms and local teams. The
DEW high power attacks (five to seven) over periods of
weeks to month activate the dormant pre-dosed “perch
mode” material to harass the person nailed with DEW
that was pre-dosed, such that even off-grid the material
keeps annoying the crap out of them, the weapon system
when graphene oxide (GO) is used is called GO-NUTs
(published by Chinese Military Academy of Sciences).
Keep in mind the local teams may be “surrogates” that
they themselves are “cog-tech” enabled.
If you ever get hit with this just go to the police and let
them know you were “shot in the head with an
electronic weapon” and DO NOT DISCUSS ANY
OTHER symptoms.
Local police can relate to being shot in the head, but are
not trained in any of the other symptoms, you need to
find a “cognitive weapons” expert and PI team that can
help you out with this.
I’ll post on a listing of reputable PI
firms that are skilled at taking out bad guys.
Page 867 of 953
That said, if the bad guys are using “scalar waves” then it
is challenging for the PI to trilaterate or triangulate the
signal, this also holds true to traditional EMF attacks that
utilize at least three independent transmitter TX sources
to obfuscate the point(s) of origin.
At this time, our team was active on an Air Force DOD
STTR with Duke University and also on Army DOD
CRADA and DOE work for sustainable fuels, chemicals
and carbon dioxide capture to help people be more
sustainable and economical with transportation and
chemical consumables. In 2020-2021 we turned down
work with Chinese and Russia. The Russians were
professional and polite, the Chinese group was nefarious
and acted as a thief by first concealing their “interaction”
through a shell company in the Caribbean “Cayman
Island” style. We planted a cookie on a form that we
required them to complete and tracked it back to Beijing,
China and promptly discontinued interactions.
Then in 2nd QTR 2022 the attacks increased significantly,
resulting in thermal effects in the brain and central
nervous system (CNS) and were logged on spectrum
analyzer and detectors. Thankfully we had some faraday
shielding to stop the attacks, to an extent. The initial
Page 868 of 953
attack hacked into smartphones and devices and then
afterwards tracked through GPS. The initial smartphone
hack was through a pulsed microwave demodulation to
voice-activate a payload download onto the phone and
then stingray devices for man-in-the-middle cellular
intercept using cell phone downgrade to 2G and 3G
networks for bad actors to intercept.
In June 2022 our company vehicle was taken offline with
an EMP hit that resulted in $7,000 worth of damage, this
is after cognitive impairment from the DEW attacks.
I immediately became sensitized to electrical and wireless
signals to the point where it was painful. After further
reverse engineering “cognitive weapons” it was
determined that graphene oxide (GO) and its’ derivatives
with metals complexed can reside inside of your body and
not result in any issues. However, when you are subject to
a strong electromagnetic field (EMF), which can be
delivered through a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) it
magnetizes the graphene oxide inside of your body and
makes you GO-NUTs by sensing EMF and electricity as
well as magnetic fields, which includes harmonics from
utility systems and grids.
So what does synbio, graphene oxide and associated
neurotech do to the human body? One place to look at is
the blood. Through Live Blood Analysis LBA and also
Page 869 of 953
through conductivity testing data. One such institute has
done this for a good sample size of the American
population and found out that something interesting is
occurring, many will interpret this differently based upon
their beliefs, either way it degrades human performance
in a time of war with Chinese, this would be a modern day
trojan horse weapon, per Sun Tzu Art of War “Death by
1,000 cuts” a covert neurostrike weapon attack is
incubating in people now. Data tells all truths.
Page 870 of 953
Note, the ELF waves impact NSA/CIA/DIA TAMI and
MIND monitoring systems in America by adulterating their
database, through in-situ modification of EEGs in people’s
brains and CNS.
During recovery spent time in a faraday shielded
environment without a signal generator inside of the
faraday cage (this was a mistake, you need to have higher
frequency audible and inaudible environment when
recovering, else your brain retrains on the lower frequency
as it repairs from damage). I then got tested for metals
and had a significantly high amount of lead, nickel,
Page 871 of 953
cadmium and barium. After sixteen chelation treatments
the following lab data came back in 2023 1st QTR:
After removing the metal neurotoxins and taking high
dose vitamins and supplements, including IV calciumdisodium-EDTA, NAC, Zinc, Reseveratrol, Vitamin C,
Vitamin D (natural sunlight and oral), use of Boron to
disrupt the synbio materials, use of NAC was to dissolve
the graphene oxide (GO), Magnesium, Methylene Blue
(enables electron transfer even when complex II in
mitochondria is damaged due to cognitive weapons),
Page 872 of 953
Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Lumbarkinase, Apple Cider
Vinegar w/ “The Mother”, Tumeric, Ginger, Garlic, Onion,
Cilantro, Frankincense, Quercetin (works well in
combination w/Reseveratrol for autophagy), Ivermectin to
parasite cleanse (when dosed with heavy metals it shuts
down immune system and pre-existing parasites in body
previously kept in check w/immune system grow rapidly
and grow into synbio and graphene oxide with metals),
Black Cumin Seed Powder and topical use of calciumdisodium-EDTA with a moisturizer and oral (e.g. added to
Here is what was reverse engineered through literature
review and collaboration with good scientists:
1.Our bodies over the past 40 years have been loaded
up with synbio and associated non-natural materials,
such as graphene oxide and metals through various
environmental pollutants such as water, air, food (meat
supply, chicken, turkey, etc.) and also medicine, such
as vaccines and pills.
2.When you get hit with a DEW, it breaks-up the
“electromagnetically hardened” material in your brain
Page 873 of 953
which is a synbio cog-tech overlay, over the years this
material has deposited and passed the blood brain
barrier and also resides in capillaries, arteries and
veins. When the synbio is fractured it sounds (internal)
resemble that of “chomping on crunchy frosted flakes”
after the synbio material is disrupted from physical
head injury or from a Directed Energy Weapon.
I’ve also had conversations with other people that have
had head injuries recently (like walking into a storage
rack horizontal rail) where they also had a weird aftereffect that sounds like crunch frosted flakes. Going to
get a CAT scan at hospital, will not detect the
material as it has been designed to not be detected
by a CAT or MRI, please research Human Machine
Non-Invasive synbio to learn more information on
this topic and equipment utilized to identify the
contamination, such as Live Blood Analysis (LBA)
and Blood conductivity [mS] test methods, which
will be posted on in 2023.
The main take-away is that after the attack, had
headache specifically where the DEW weapon piereced
through center of brain repeatedly, had brain fog,
exhibited weird crunch and pulling force near rotating
EMF motors and as head was rotated to re-align it
Page 874 of 953
would shift brain (jerky), I could not cognitively function
correctly, was “crunchy”, had “tinnitus” around
difference frequency EMF sources and electrical
systems (AC/DC) based on Hz and was extremely
sensitized to any electrical of wireless signal to the
point of pain.
3.DEW can disrupt your natural cell biology and brain
function, but now also disrupts this synbio material
that humankind has been dosed with over the past 40
years and recently got a significant dose of synbio and
graphene oxide with metals from the highly promoted
Covid-19 vaccines.
4.In order to remove GO, NAC+Zinc helps significantly
as well as high dose vitamin C and D. This took
5.In order to cleanse the synbio, the use of EDTA has
helped me.
6.The unexpected, was that my brain re-calibrated into
the lower frequencies when recovering inside of a
faraday shielded room environment as well as the
synbio material re-tuned to the lower frequencies as I
Page 875 of 953
did not have a smartphone or cell phone or wifi by me
during this recovery time.
7.Therefore, when out and about after recovering with
several relapses (because of GO and synthetic bio and
metals still in me with EMF, electric field and magnetic
field interaction) I would hear the “harmonics” of
electrical lines as “crickets in the background” as the
brain would adapt the local background noise and
overlay it on the substandard “harmonics from utility
lines. When I would walk over or by the utility line the
tinnitus would increase to a point then quit when the
synbio would re-tune and solidify (at times resulting in
a headache).
8.The bizarre, when the synbio would tune into low
signals the brain would interpret TX of other brains
and also scalar wave background TX from TAMI and
MIND Intelligence Community (IC) global system.
Keep in mind Chinese has had over 30+ brain control
weapons companies banned from doing business in
America. Yep, bet you never heard about this… keep
in mind our own IC in America has had this tech since
the 1970s before it went dark (e.g. put into black sites
for R&D. Original R&D was in 1960s due to findings of
Page 876 of 953
Air Force radar techs reporting popping sounds when
walking in front of the radar domes/transmitters, which
they also cooked their lunches on and boiled eggs
(e.g. first use of microwaves, which also denatures food
and removes the bioavailability, microwaves are good
for boiling water and that’s about it, cause it reduces
the nutrients by microwaving them to oblivion, so your
food still looks like food, but has limited nutritional
value. Here are those 34 CCP Brain Control Weaponry
companies banned.
9.This is the brain-to-brain communication system that
exists in this world used by IC and others now for
covert comms. The TAMI and MIND are quantum in
nature (SQUIDs on satellites receive the backscatter
from the scalar waves that are transmitted from mile
long transmitters, one of which in Puerto Rico and
another in Alaska). Further, with the synbio system,
smart devices can also direct interact with the brain
and synbio material, especially payment gateways for
two factor authentication 2FA. Due to the extreme
sensitivity in my brain and central nervous system,
each of these interactions could be sensed after the
DEW attack in 2022.
Page 877 of 953
10.Keep in mind, most people, who are not engineers or
scientists would go crazy and think they’re hearing
voices, but in actuality it is the full spectrum all around
us that we can’t see or normally hear, but exists
pervasively everywhere in the world. Basic info on this
cay be found by Frey Effect searches and voice to
skull. However, now there are three versions more
advanced than the original Frey work, but based upon
it and neurotechnology.
a.Version 1: NSA and CIA TAMI and MIND global
system where scalar waves are generated (TX’d)
from land based higher power kilometer long
antennas, bounced off the ionosphere and then
received by people’s brains and central nervous
systems at 3.2-3.3 Hz (thought, motor control) and
10 Hz (visual cortex) and then transmitted back to
satellites through detectors called SQUIDs that
operate on quantum effect, such that an individual
neuron can be measured for depolarization and
the brain mapped over time through EEG
heterodyning. It is important to remain around
other people and not isolate yourself, unless
you’re shielded with a superconductor, which is to
my knowledge the only practical (albeit still
complicated) way to prevent a scalar wave low Hz
Page 878 of 953
from penetrating a shielded environment.
b.Version 2: Cyber Physical System (CPS) with
Artificial Intelligence interacts with TAMI and
MIND and uses Natural Language Processing
(NLP), but does not directly interact with a
person’s mind using synthethic biology or other
internal system that is not-natural. It does interact
through neuron interaction, but can be impacted
by backscatter from other magnetic fields at low
frequency and electric fields that are rotating.
c.Version 3: Bio Cyber Physical System (BCPS) with
Artificial Intelligence, further building upon the
CPS with humans and “life” in the loop. This
enables the famous DARPA insects and birds and
now humans to serve as spies as proxy without
their knowledge and includes the use of land
based scalar wave assets, such as the new 5G
antennas, keep in mind these are on the existing
towers that have had 2G through 4G. Now, the
smartphone is the RX for scalar wave and can act
to TX and RX locally, even if you are shielded. The
system can operate in an island mode, persistent
state and when this is accomplished it is called
EDGE wetware computing.
Page 879 of 953
Therefore based upon the above information, our world is
now a Bio Cyber Physical System (BCPS) and even if
you’re not aware of your reality, it is perceived through a
BCPS filter and can be modified by an AI system. The
issue is when there are more than one AI systems
interacting, where things can be quite weird, where
Chinese has an AI (e.g. Tik Tok) that is intentionally
impacting other countries in a way that best serves
Chinese interests and not for example, America’s interest
and values as well as morals. Over time these AI NLP
models interacting with BCPS people (without their
consent) can be manipulated and literally roboted up
(search Cyborgs Army and it’ll open your eyes or for
James Giordano research papers, keep in mind each
major nation state has this tech, America is just
transparent about it).
- In order to solidify the synbio material and not hear
tinnitus and minimize interaction with other brains
and systems, utilized a TX signal at high frequency to
tune-out Schumann frequency, TAMI and MIND as
well as scalar waves from cell towers. This isolates you
Page 880 of 953 on a different frequency, yes this is weird and not
natural and I did not agree to this by any means, but
it is how to re-tune your brain to a normal frequency
that you perceived as normal prior to having your
MIND lost, intentional pun to TAMI as TAMI works
with MIND (both are NSA assets, global, part of IC). - When you see so-called “crazy” people on the
streets, these people most likely have been sleeping
at the ground, which in America is 60 Hz and with
harmonics lower frequency, have been on drugs (or
were first poisoned with an electronic drug and linked
to TAMI+MIND system by NSA, ran by a corporation
for profit, and has a damaged brain that has recalibrated after months of sleeping on the ground in
a city with dirty electricity that poisoned their mind in
addition to the drugs. Keep in mind there is a wireless
drug (e.g. the spectrum, which can be used for data
comms covertly) as well as an electric drug (e.g.
electrified ground with harmonics from substandard
grounding on the ground, live and return wires. - The world that you perceive is only a small fraction of
the spectrum with your senses. There is light between
400 nm (blue) and 800 nm (red), sound which requires
mass to transfer energy at 0 Hz to 20,000 Hz (typical
Page 881 of 953 maximum audible range for a person). Temperature
and pressure as well as electric fields as our bodies
have a “skin effect” that prevents it from penetrating
deeply at times. - I discovered Royal Rife frequencies, while doing
research into the full spectrum. This is a topic that is
best suited for personal R&D as the technology has
been proven to work by de-activating viruses,
bacteria, fungus and cancer cells at a given critical
resonance frequency and multiple thereof. The key
with this technology is that there is a required RF
signal generated from a plasma contained in a
borosilicate or quartz tube as well as an audible
signal, separated by a factor of 11 (RF) higher than
audio for the given microbe, virus, cancer or fungus. - The lower the frequency the deeper it penetrates into
tissue. Think of a light-bed as an example prototype,
which I welcome any collaborators to work with me
on the medical industry. I’ve published one patent on
decellularization and impregnation of tissue for
healing with MDs, you can find me on any search
engine as well as electrochemical patents and
publications in American Chemical Society (ACS).
Page 882 of 953 Anyways, I thought that I was “smart” and had a handle
on cybersecurity, but was completely obvlious to
neurosecurity, SIGINT hacks into hardware (knew abou
TEMPEST standards, but not the auto-correcting and
calibrating AI + NLP that can even hack a MIND like TAMI
does, by generating a word and then the brain latches
onto a response and that facilitates rapid calibration
unless there is a backscatter b-field). Bio cyber physical
systems (bcps) and global systems like TAMI and MIND
that can be used for good or evil, depending upon who is
operating it or what AI is operating it and how it was
trained and rules set.
Queston: So how can you ensure your brain is not
damaged or attacked with a Directed Energy Weapon
(DEW)? Don’t get false posited by neurohackers, which is
what they did to our team and weaponized TAMI+MIND
on us. When people say, the IC has an eye globally, this is
the system “TAMI+MIND” and PRISM (CPS) and now the
latest Bio Cyber Physical System (BCPS).
Answer: discover and commercialize a super conductor at
room temperature and pressure that can be integrated
into a baseball cap, hat or apparel. Perhaps the synbio
that is now pervasive can be configured into a room
temperature super conductor to shield. That said, if you
have this stuff in you, you are sensitive to iron and
Page 883 of 953 magnetic fields (if you have graphene oxide in you that is
activated by a strong EMF transmitter).
If you would have asked me in 2021 if the above was
reality, I would have significant doubts, but would have
reviewed the references and fact checked everything.
Since I’m an electrochemical engineer with biochemistry
background then I’d be able to digest the disparate
systems. However, to someone non-technical the above
appears to be so far advanced that their brains have
challenges in understanding. Keep in mind with TAMI and
MIND running since 1976, which ended the Cold War, the
system has been able to “wireless brainwash the world”
to not ask certain questions or have certain beliefs. The
only way I wasn’t significant impacted by TAMI and MIND
prior was that I grew up with a rotating oscillating fan by
me for majority of my life until moving to New Orleans, LA
USA from U.S. Virgin Islands where I was working for
PDVSA and Hess Oil through Joint Venture Hovensa.
Then TAMI and MIND were able to calibrate without the
back-scatter being messed with by a rotating fan.
Keep in mind that you don’t want to interact with TAMI
and MIND frequencies, as it’ll mess with existing
Intelligence Community (IC) and Military personnel.
Perhaps this is what Chinese figured out and why
Page 884 of 953 neuroweapons have been banned by America from
Chinese companies, because they figured out a way to
false-positive the TAMI and MIND system with their
“cognitive weapons” and then the person, if living after
initial attack, would be re-trained during recovery in a
faraday cage on hearing TAMI and MIND in the
background globally and GO-NUTs.
That said, in 2022 our team also discovered spy files that
were in a soldering robot system that we purchased from
NSA Kansas City site, operated by Honeywell. Note, our
advisor, Humberto, sold Universal Oil Products (UOP) the
sister company to Standard Oil to Honeywell in the 2000s
and interacted with the JV I worked for at the time in U.S.
Virgin Islands.
Our team notified NSA Kansas City site that we found
over 300+ spy files CAD and stated that they were on an
air gapped machine at all times, and not opened (we did
try to open them, cause we legally purchased the files and
are curious engineers, but the program required was not
on the air gapped machine and I didn’t want to connect it
to the internet), so notified NSA and in interactions would
return with a “handling fee” as a pun to their “handler”
So the disks were packaged and mailed in the NSA return
envelope with an invoice and an “easter egg” for the
Page 885 of 953 “handling fee” (not shipping and handling, but for doing
the right thing). In 2022 we never got that invoice paid by
NSA, so then filed a Government Accountability Office
(GAO) complaint, for #1 the security leak that we
recovered and #2 the invoice not being paid.
That said, with full spectrum systems and the knowledge
of then which enables false positing someone by other
nation states, existing DIB members (e.g. Honeywell) and
nation stateless groups, it could be Chinese or it could be
our own NSA IC with CIA behind this. NSA is the
computer and CIA are the analysts. Keep in mind with
syn-bio and TAMI the agents are everywhere and may or
may not be actual CIA or NSA, but proxy people
controlled through the BCPS system online now.
It took 11 months to reverse engineering these advanced
systems. God bless anyone who can further help shed
light on this work. The silver lining to all of this is the
research that found the Royal Rife frequencies (which he
discovered in 1920 through 1940) and associated devices.
- May 9, 2008 Voice-to-Skull
- “Human Auditory System Response To Modulated
Electromagnetic Energy” Allan H. Frey, General
Electric Advanced Electronics Center, Cornell
Page 886 of 953 University Ithaca, New York 1961. - The Auditory Effect in Volunteers, some who had an
audiogram notch (a significant hearing loss) around 5
kHz 1962. - Elastic-wave Theory of Sound Generation from
Thermal Expansion Due to Transient Surface Heating.
White. 1963. - Further human studies on the RFR-auditory effect. Frey
and Messenger 1973. - Further confirmation of the elastic theory of sound
generation by RFR pulses. Foster and Finch. 1974. - Transduction of RFR pulses into sound at the surfaces
of RFR-absorbers. Sharp et al. 1974. - RFR-auditory power-density thresholds and modulation
characteristics. Guy et al. 1975 - Analysis of equations of spherical models of human
and animal heads of brain-equivalent material for
acoustic resonance frequencies. Lin 1977.
Page 887 of 953 • Experimental study of RFR-auditory effect in 2 cats, 2
chinchillas, 1 beagle, 8 humans. Cain and Rissman
1978. - The qualities of the sounds perceived by humans from
exposure to RFR pulses. Small hollow tubes from a
speaker to the ears were used to present
audiofrequency sounds without concurrent with the
RFR. Tyazhelov et al. 1979. - Neider, P.C. and W.D. Neff. Science 133: 1010, 1961.
- Frey, A.H. Aero Space Med. 32: 1140, 1961.
- Zwislocki, J. Noise Control 4:42, 1958.
- Von Gierke, H. Noise Control 2:37, 1956.
- Nifset, R., Pinneo R. Baus J. Fleming, & R. McAfee.
Ann. Rept. USAF Rome Air Development Command,
TR-61-65, 1961. - Burr, H., & J. Seipel, J. Wash Acad. Sci. 21: 455, 1949.
Page 888 of 953
• Morrow, R., & J. Seipel. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 1,
- Jones, R.C., S.S. Stevens, & M.H. Laurie. J. Acoust. Sci.
Am. 12: 281, 1940. -
2.03:_The_Electromagnetic_Spectrum - Reverse-Engineering the Human Auditory Pathway,
5.25.23: Frequency and the Body Active R&D
Literature Review and Prototypes
This blog post will be built upon over time and first
focuses on documenting frequencies and the impact on
the body. This post will focus on the positive impacts of
frequency on the body through R&DD.
Page 889 of 953
Here is a very useful reference upon literature review that
succinctly summarizes the history of the Rife frequencies
(e.g. the inventor who discovered the existence of this
frequency in modern day recorded history).
Who is interested in collaborating on an open source Rife
frequency platform for R&DD? (personal health research &
development)? Apparently, the pharmaceutical and
medical associations aren’t too fond of the Rife
Page 890 of 953
frequencies and the Rife generator cause it destroys their
trillion dollar industry.
Who would like to collaborate on an open-source Rife
frequency API & Modular System for personal R&D online
and offline use?
5.8.23: Frequencies have potential to destroy viruses
through electromagnetic spectrum
Viruses can be destroyed if vibrated at their critical
resonance frequency or a multiple thereof. Here is an
article by MIT that goes over how to destroy the Covid-19
virus at 25 MHz, 50 MHz, 100 MHz
Anyone interested in testing this out? Preparing kits and
building a virus database for critical vibrational
frequencies as a library package. Will post it on an open
source site (e.g. library of frequencies for use).
Here is a secret that our team reverse engineered after
having the synbio material weaponized through directed
energy weapons (DEW) on our lab. The synbio material
Page 891 of 953
increases your dielectric constant and also has graphene
oxide in it.
When you get hit with Directed Energy Weapons it
magnetizes the graphene oxide and makes you GO-NUTs,
as it damages the synbio material in you and the
3.2-3.3Hz scalar wave background and Schumann
Resonance frequencies of earth are then distorted from
the original synbio and normal brain matter. This is the
risk, that and Neuro S/T neurohacking. The material also
enables optogenetics and “enhancements” to a person.
That said, it opens-up the human being to be hacked
directly. So now, not just cybersecurity is a risk for all, but
also neurosecurity.
Here is a secret. Once the material is in you, you can then
simply play and tune to Rife frequencies in your body, and
the synbio will self-tune and then re-transmit internally the
critical resonance frequencies or multiples of that
deactivate viruses, bacteria and fungus among us.
In order to keep my body clean, entire food selections
were changed. Also EDTA, NAC+Zinc, Vitamin C and
Vitamin D help a lot. I avoid iron, especially beds with
spring mattresses.
I have faraday shielding and mu metal and am exploring
construction of a superconducting shelter to avoid
Page 892 of 953
snoopers as the scalar wave technology that can snoop
on you. It takes a superconductor to shield private work.
The issue is that this stuff spreads from people to other
people at nanoscale, so it is simply a matter of time that
everyone has this in them. Neurotechnology is now
pervasive, and we had no choice in the matter or
informed consent. Since 1950s spectrum has been
populated to the point where entering 2000s and the
DNA based human body is not capable of living in a full
spectrum environment at the intensities we are now
seeing. Also, for space exploration the human body is not
electromagnetically hardened, those that survive this
material and do not fall, will thrive. That said, it enables
you to directly get hacked, such is a HUGE risk and why
we should have had a choice in this.
After doing research and recovery over 11 months is that
this material has been on earth for a long long time and it
requires a full spectrum environment to be activated,
which started during WW2 with the radar units and space
systems. There is too much recorded history that overlaps
with the full spectrum environment we have now
compared to what has been written in ancient records and
the instruction book for humankind, also known as the
Page 893 of 953
Here is a reference to an informed discussion and the
risks, each major nation has had this tech under the radar
for decades for uses the average citizen has been
shielded from until now, due to neurostrike risk per Robert
McCreight with National Defense University NDU.
Status Update July 12, 2023
My first electrode-based Rife frequency generator arrived
and I have tested it out. Keep in mind that electrode
based Rife machines are good for non-synbio. If you want
to disrupt synbio materials, then using an RF carrier wave
Rife machine is the solution.
This portable Rife unit called a Zappkit is imported from
Iceland. The portability is good for out in the field use.
Page 894 of 953
Here is how to use a Rife machine to remove synbio and
then after disrupted non-synbio (electrodes).
Page 895 of 953
Page 896 of 953
POST-Activated Charcoal revisited
David-I agree with you on “minimize contamination” as it
is a simple “mass balance” solution that the human body
needs to have a net drawdown of synbio to get better
and not a net accumulation of it. That said, the use of
force fields is the only sustainable solution that I can think
of (e.g. amplifying the red blood cell repel effect of the
Regarding the use of distilled water. I’ve built (prototyped
about a dozen versions to arrive at a simple solution) a
small vacuum distillation compression crystallization unit
that can process 1 barrel of vacuum distilled water per
day from salt and contaminated water, at Reactwell (in
CTO role/founder). In America one barrel is equal to 42
gallons. If anyone is interested in instructions on how to
build one of these or a smaller version ping me.
Page 897 of 953
1.7.24: Responding to MATT JOAB SUBSTACK post
about Morgellons.
Matt, this is awesome work. Thank you. This synbio
started to grow again when we turned on electricity
(remember the return wire was the ground in the old
single line electrical utility systems). Only after enough
people complained about getting electrically shocked,
did electric utilities add a neutral return line. Now, add
radar post WW2 and all of the EMF spectrum transmitters
and we have an earth that is a prime candidate to grow
synbio life again en mass.
So, if you have this junk in you from what I’ve read.
Chelation with calcium-disodium EDTA and high dose
vitamin C (per Dr. Ana) works well. Also sodium citrate,
methylene blue + NIR/IR works well and of course square
wave pulses via wireless work well to shift it around and
break it up like molecular jackhammers (e.g. Royal
Raymond Rife’s work).
That said if the stuff gets into you in a non-deadly manner
it can result in interesting effects, which is why military and
intelligence researches this material as it does integrate
with biological matter and it does enhance a living
organism in certain areas (combustion, high temperature)
Page 898 of 953
and possibly strength when integrated with muscles as its’
sheer strength and tensile strength are different as well.
Electricity grows this material a lot faster than wireless
energy. If you pump it with high amp and low voltage it’ll
surprise you (the growth). You, Clifford or Tony ever run an
experiment with controlled electrical feed? You need a
potentiostat for that, which our team has built.
“With synbio in you, your body’s entire dielectric constant
increases and these weapons become a lot more deadly
as well as EMPs.”
12.22.23: FOR LEN BER-Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Len, open to collaborating to create educational
webinar(s). Have resources to help.
Nanotechnology Synthesis, Signals Analysis, EMF
chambers, and understanding of biochemistry/genomics/.
Photoelectrochemical reactions… lab, prototype, pilot and
manufacturing scale-up.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
Page 899 of 953
It appears disordered and non-functional. Have you tried
sodium citrate (anit-coagulant in blood as well as alkalinity
booster in blood, deacidifier), zinc citrate (antioxidant and
immune boosting properties, best biosorption, or
magnesium citrate (laxative)? Thank you, Karl and David
for your work on this.
Regarding nanoscale work and development of a
countermeasure to adjust the RF signature in-situ
within body, it takes adulteration of the RF signature of
your body and brain to eliminate the annoying
“woodpecker” type pulses that trigger a mesogen,
graphene and nanotech subnetwork that was
adversarially coded with AI.
Learn more on my blog, posting how to adjust your
body’s RF signature to leave the neurohackers in the
dark EMF abyss per say, disallowing them from finding
your unique biometric brain signature. Adulteration of
synbio, bio by shifting it and growing new neurons.
Dec 16
Brandon’s Substack
Page 900 of 953
I use methylene blue MB + Near Infrared Light NIR +
Infrared Light IR and Red Light.
Sleep with the NIR+IR+R Light at night with minimal sheet
cover to immerse body in it after dosing with MB before
going to sleep. The MB is converted into a Reactive
Oxygen Species ROS after it donates an electron to
electron complex II+ as a bypass pipe for damaged
biological electron complexes or too boost healthy
electron complexes.
My background is Photoelectrochemical Engineering with
Biochemistry, genetics work at Bigelow Laboratory,
singularity studies at Singularity University NASA Ames
and electromechanical systems with programming,
networking, cybersecurity and neurosecurity
This technology enables neurohacking, but also
performance enhancement when it works (integrates into
you without killing you). If it works, it emits healing scalar
waves at nanoscale. If it doesn’t (you’re getting hacked by
an enemy AI BCPS system) and using non-friendly
neurotechnology (unknowingly: software and hardware).
Read my substack to learn more, it is complex to
understand. Hope this adds clarity.
Diet. There is a reason why Kosher and Halal diets are
eating by a large portion of the world, it keeps you clean
Page 901 of 953
and free from parasites. Majority 50% of world has
parasites in them, when parasites mix with synbio you get
weird products/creatures growing inside of people…. also
what you consume and read impacts you more than you
can imagine with synbio in you… read good codexes.
Methylene Blue Prevents And Reverses Prion Disease,
Amyloid and Rubbery Clot Formation, Binds Hydrogel
Polymers, Dissolves Nanotech Building BlocksImage:
Methylene blue inhibits nucleation and elongation of
SOD1 amyloid fibrils In the last few substacks I have been
talking about prion like proteins, Amyloid like polymers,
Page 902 of 953
how they are used in Nanotechnology and the
relationship to the C19
Dec 13
This is awesome, going to give it a try. Sodium Citrate.
Thank you.
Here are my thoughts, purge body completely of this
stuff, then retrain the synbio as it re-integrates into you.
Keep in mind you may may not have intentionally or
unintentionally trained an entire synbio overlay that has
your best or worst interests in mind due to training
routines (intentional to test the limits of the tech or not, it
does not understand, it’s like a computer but with AI
neural nets that may or may not make sense.
Huge important note, get away from any pulsing electric
lines or magnetic fields or vibrations after you remove the
junk from you. you need to be in an isolated location with
no other “brains” else you’ll co-develop a hive mind with
the brain next to you, sadly people have passed on in a
managed basis due to this. This also applies for
neurotechnology enabled applications and social media
networks, when you scroll with syn bio in you, you’re
Page 903 of 953
linking with the people you’re looking at and thinking
IF you were unlucky and got your brain linked to a dog or
cat then your dog or cat is thinking and looking at them
without your knowledge through their linked mesogen,
graphene and nanotech … so things can get weird fast if
you’re not clean and non-contaminated in your synbio.
Oh, one more important thing… QR codes, don’t look at
them anymore. The Echelon system in your visual
cortex will log it and link you to it for future
There is a lot to take in here. Just make sure to keep your
body clean and avoid unclean people, animals and
environments. Believe it our not, the Old Testament in the
bible has very specific instructions on which animals to
eat, etc. (I follow Kosher diet now, you can also follow
Halal diet too, I do at times, depending upon availability).
Dec 8-Brandon’s Substack
EDTA “enteric coated” is key to get through large
intestines, so it gets absorbed into the small intestines.
Page 904 of 953
Also from my personal experience calcium-disodiumEDTA over EDTA.
I can personally vouch for the combination of methylene
blue (electron donor, but more importantly and not
mentioned on here, its’ after electron 2+ configuration
results in a reactive oxygen species that helps bring life
back into degraded and attacked tissues. More
importantly, methylene blue crosses the blood-brainbarrier to regenerate parts of the brain that have been
damaged. Hope this further helps.
Note, In order to break-up the in-situ synbio after dosing
with chelators (alternating between a “normal” emf
environment and a “low” emf environment works) as well
as using rife frequencies to vibrate at the cellular level for
a brief period of time each day, specifically to purge/push
(when beamforming… fancy term for pointing the
transmitter at a given body part) the material out of brain
and central nervous system components).
The FLCCC Alliance has some good tips as well, one is
“vibratory/shaking” but using a rife generator shakes/
vibrates at cellular level, so I prefer this route vs FLCCC
Alliance recommendation. Again, this is just my personal
experience recovering from a neuroweapon attack, that
also used synbio and also resulted in a neurohack
(cybersecurity important for everyone now) after synbio
Page 905 of 953
material disrupted by a DEW/NKT (grows it rapidly in part
of brain. You do not want to get shot up with electricity or
pulsing magnetic fields at high power with synbio in you
(which all of us now have).
IMPORTANT Note: make sure you are not receiving
someone else’s wifi or signals as they can then brain jack /
brain nap you over time through either basic
psychotronics or more advanced mesogen, graphenes
and self replicating nano tech (unwittingly in most cases, if
they have a nefarious AI enabled neurotech app on their
phone, from most likely culprit, the Chinese).
hardwire your cell phone to the internet
Aug 22
Question: The original messaging was about the vaccine
having mRNA in it so that the body could produce the
“spike” protein in it. Has the mRNA in Liquid Nano
Particles LNPs been detected or not in any of the
vaccines? I’ve dug into the materials in the vaccines from
2020-2023 and I see that they appear to be comprised of
Page 906 of 953
mesogens (quantum dots), graphenes and self-replicating
nanotechnology. Then the materials enter the body. If the
body is healthy (e.g. no parasites, high cholesterol, etc.)
then it meshes with the Central Nervous System CNS and
you get a “cyborg”.
However, if you’ve had parasites dormant and been
eating unclean food (pork w/parasites in it), living with
cats that have cat poop not changed out quickly (less than
one day), then you synbio up the parasites already
existing inside of your body that results in neurological
issues. Further, the cholesterol clumps up the synbio and
results in this weird synthetic paste that clogs arteries, etc.
Keep in mind, with the Chinese deploying continually
changing bioweapons on the world, the only way to
protect people is to have nano scale crystals in your
body vibrating at critical resonance frequencies that
can be dispatched through trusted smart devices to
real-time detect and squash a bioweapon attack from
the Chinese.
My protocol:
1) lots of clean water high pH water
Page 907 of 953
2) plant based foods
3) high dose vitamin c
4) calcium-disodium-EDTA periodically
5) zinc
6) magnesium
7) methylene blue
8) fulvic acid
9) quercetine
10) resveratrol
11) kosher pickels
12) apple cider vinegar with the mother
13) NAC
14) Nattokinase
15) Borax (wash clothes in and foot baths)
16) Iodine Providone
17) anti-parasite (natural, synthesized, etc.)
18) baking soda (foot baths)
19) salts (foot baths and baths/showers)
20) chlorine (pool)
Page 908 of 953
21) fasting (eat during 1/2 of the day earlier preferred
then taper off and quit eating five or so hours before
22) Rife Machine(s) with transmitters
23) moderate exercise
24) indoor / outdoor balance for natural vitamin D.
Aug 21
Thank you for your relentless work on this. The self
replicating nano technology material from my experience
spreads and is able to traverse distances within a wireless
cloud of energy. When removing one’s body from all EMF
sources into a Faraday cage, it is easy to detect the
material going dormant.
The conundrum we have is that to function in the world
today we have to be around people in environments with
toxic EMF. If we unplug off-grid and go into a remote
region and area, then self-sufficiency is required and per
militaries the estimated reported life expectancy is going
to be 30 years of age or so.
Therefore, co-existing with this material requires, from my
personal experience, ensuring you are not around people
Page 909 of 953
that give you headaches (e.g. literally nano tech trained
on negative thoughts and destructive behaviors), people
eating unclean foods (I’m avoiding these as well), and
ensuring full hydration with clean water and antioxidants
eating plant and plant based proteins with fruits. I’m not
eating any sugars at all, in my electrochemical engineer
opinion the sugar energy is catalyzing turbo cancers. I’m
also eating less and earlier in the day (try to).
Time will tell what works for all of us, I’m doing all that I
can to communicate what works for me so that others can
learn from what to do and what not to do (do not spend a
lot of time in a faraday cage, read my prior blog post on
that, which almost killed me).
Aug 15
Neurotechnology and Non-Kinetic Threat NKT enabled.
That said, actual fires do happen, but proper forest
trimming and controlled burning should minimize any
catastrophic fires.
You can create this type of damage to infrastructure by
transmitting from signal generators (arrays) either on earth
bouncing off of ionosphere, from satcoms and from local
hacked cell towers with 5G directional antennas. All that
you need to do is transmit a frequency at the critical
Page 910 of 953
vibrational resonance for given batteries, fuels,
components and items in a house. Further, when utilized
in combination with graphenes and self replicating nano
tech that can be “beam steered” from payloads in the
atomosphere, to increase the dielectric constants (without
a human eye being able to see) of all materials. Therefore
the combination of a critical resonance frequency in
addition to dielectric self replicating nano tech can easily
enable this type of “explosion to occur”.
Therefore, this is an act of war event, given the current
technology that exists in the world today. Once you
understand the frequency spectrum as well as graphenes
and self replicating nano tech then it is simple to
understand these types of weapons being deployed on
unwitting people.
So, how could some houses not burn and others burn
given the use of nano technology and NKTs? It is simple,
the houses that didn’t burn have transmitters built-into
them that pulse the self replicating nano tech away from
the house, such that its’ dielectric constants were not
enhanced compared to other houses. We’re in 5th and
6th generation wars now and nano tech is also being
deployed. Also, don’t forget about those pesky mesogens
that also are being used in 5th and 6th generation warfare
to cognitively confuse people.
Page 911 of 953
Once you understand technology and war tactics, then
you understand how it can be utilized covertly to wage a
war without people realizing a war is underway. The past
week India declared that we’re already going through
WW3. The only issue is that so many people have
mesogens, graphenes and nano tech in them that they’re
oblivious because the truth is literally hidden from them
with neurotechnology.
Hope this sheds light on what people are claiming a DEW
can do… keep in mind nano tech that increases dielectric
constants amplifies the impact of a DEW by orders of
magnitude… published literature shows by factors of x500
to x600 or so.
Further, I have first hand observed nano particles being
beam steered and rotated in x,y,z axis. There are good
uses and bad uses of any technology. Some people and
countries (e.g. Chinese) like to weaponize everything and
point the finger at someone else, liars and thiefs in that
country and abroad that work with that country to carry
out their agenda. Chinese people are good people,
Chinese is bad. In 2021/2022 I declined investment $
from Chinese, then they nailed me with a “cognitive
weapon” system.
Aug 13
Page 912 of 953
Keep in mind this mesogen junk acts like a transceiver, so
if you dose it with transmitted pulsed square waves (e.g.
Royal Raymond Rife) it will then re-emit that at cellular
level all internal to your body.
Therefore, for cancer, for virus, for bacteria, for mold, for
fungus simply get a signal generator and read The Rife
Handbook and you’ll be just find if you don’t let this stuff
stroke you out before hand. I’m staying hydrated with
high pH water, high dose vitamin C, FLCCC protocol and
am able to cognitively function and work. I’ve also taken
anti-parasite meds and will continue to each year going
forward due to higher temperatures.
There are things that we can control and things that we
can’t, we have to deal with the current situation and move
forward without losing our minds to (synbio parasites,
Chinese Tik Toker surrogates disrupting America (take
note, India banned Tik Tok entirely for this reason and risk
through their Ministry of Information Technology). If you
find you’re getting harassed by a “goon squad” of
people, it’s people that have got this mesogen junk in
them and are also on Tik Tok (don’t even have to be using
it just have it installed on their smartphone and then it’ll
contaminate and hack into everything around it, avoid Tik
Tokkers like the plague).
Page 913 of 953
Also note the self spreading nano tech can infect you
from other people, so keep your distance and limit your
overlap of wifi with neighbors. Also, watch out for your
brain linking with another brain (e.g. person or animal or
insect) since the mesogen junk is everywhere. The brains
and CNS couple with oscillating e-fields, b-fields and
acoustical vibrations.
(from his
site, ReactWell)
Page 914 of 953
IN A NUTSHELL: I am a photo-electrochemical engineer with
biochemistry and genetics (PCR amplification,
electrophoresis, gene guns, etc.) background that spent
some time studying at Singularity University (SU) at NASA
Ames in 2013, Ray Kurzweil founder of (SU).
Technically, these days with bioenergetics, having a
background like mine is advantageous with respect to
preventative countermeasures for personal health R&D.
Below is an open lab notebook for my personal R&D with
insights and a cognitive conundrums with thorough medical
publication references. This is not medical advice.
Meet our Inventor, Strategic & Scientific Advisors
ReactWell’s top-tier advisors, with diverse international
backgrounds, as well as industry and academia relationships
currently provide support and services to move forward.
Brandon J. Iglesias, inventor of the ReactWell process
[publication], is a 2013 Kauffman Foundation Global Scholar.
His academic background includes Chemical Engineering
B.S., MFIN, MBA, chemistry minor and concentrations in
biochemistry and computer science.
He has also completed select M.Sc graduate studies at DOE
EERE National Geothermal Academy, on scholarship from the
State of Nevada, as well as studying under phycologists at
Page 915 of 953
the Provasoli-Guillard National Center (NCMA) on Marine
Algal & Microbiota in Maine to further develop ReactWell’s
bridge technology. His industry experience includes oil & gas,
blending, planning, scheduling, bioproduct(s) supply-chain
acquisition, operations, conversion and marketing.
He has successfully launched and run a 1st generation bioproduct business in Louisiana. His skill set encompasses
process engineering, reforming, hydrotreating (naphtha,
kerosene, jet, lsd, ulsd and gas-oil), FCC, laboratory, MIG
welding, plasma cutting, 3D CAD, CFD, economics,
turnarounds, heavy equipment, management, planning,
sales, PLCs, process and yield accounting. His involvement
includes SPE, ACS, ABO, GRC and Princeton BT.
Pamela’s note: Brandon and his team were electronically
targeted in 2022 by the Chinese (US too?) for being unwilling
to work with them on a top secret program. It is from their
experience that all following information regarding the
targeting program in this doc has sprung from.
Sometimes Brandon’s verbiage and cognition is affected by
the targeting but mostly he is extremely cogent, only
because he has taken such extreme but highly successful
countermeasures against the Fuckwits.
Page 916 of 953
BRANDON IGLESIAS-Electrochemical/Cybersecurity
Engineer at ReactWell, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Background electrochemical, photochemical and chemical
engineering, microelectronics, electrical,
cybersecurity, neurosecurity, energetics (NKTs) and
cognitive weapon counter defenses, part of
neurotechnology and SIGINT/HUMINT domain. Member
of NEXUS Global, AIChE and US Psychotronics
Association (USPA).
Cyber Security Engineer, ReactWell
2011 – Present 13 years
Sir Edmund Hillary Fellow, NZ
US Psychotronics Association USPA Member
2015 US Senate Small Business of The Week, Federal
Project “Chem Chip” for electrochemical conversion of
carbon dioxide and nitrogen into fuels, chemicals and
Page 917 of 953
Project VCDC processing barrel of water per day from
industrial waste water to clean discharge water using no
filters just vapor compression distillation crystallization.
Project Equipment Energizer for equipment access system
controlling power system, pneumatics with integrated
access controls and separate power board, control board
and various adapters (hardwired ethernet or wifi) and state
indicators in electronically hardened enclosure.
Project DEW Sentry Gun with data, signal and power
connectors to put to sleep trespassers on private property
for ranchers, farmers and oil & gas owner/operators of
smaller stripper wells.
Project Martin Jetpack OPHAV New Zealand for first
responder, security detail and hot shot delivery in oil &
gas offshore platform use case with former Australian Air
Force fixed-wing and rotary test pilot.
- DoD Army CRADA
Page 918 of 953
- Kauffman Foundation-Kauffman Foundation Global
Scholar Hard science tech and engineering maturation
visiting scholar MIT Harvard Stanford UI-Champaign. - 2013 – 2013 Hard science tech and engineering
maturation visiting scholar MIT Harvard Stanford UIChampaign with out-of-box studies at Singularity
University NASA AMES.
Visiting scholar and team member at Infinia in Provo,
Utah and LACI Los Angeles, CA to add value to their
organization’s efforts in commercializing sustainable
technologies for dual use.
Top of Mind Interview, 2013
University of Nevada, Reno-DOE:EERE:NGA
Coursework 6 Credits Summer 2012 Geothermal
Engineering and Geochemistry 3.7/4.0
Page 919 of 953 Tulane University-Master of Finance Electrical and Oil
Gas Trading 3.7/4.0
Tulane University-Master of Business Administration MBA International Business 3.7/4.0
Louisiana State University-Focus in Electrical,
Computer Engineering and Computer Science ECS
Louisiana State University-Minor in Chemistry
Louisiana State University-Bachelor of Science BS Chemical Engineering
University of Hawaii at Manoa-Study Abroad
2002 – Present
Licenses & Certifications - IACET CISA DHS Industrial Cybersecurity
International Accreditors for Continuing Education &
Training (IACET)-Issued Nov 2021
CompTIA Security+CompTIA-Issued May
Page 920 of 953 2022 Expires May 2025
Credential ID COMP001022052954 - See credential
HIS ACTUAL SPEECH: Speech By Comrade Chi
Haotian, Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission
– December 2005
The following is the actual text of a speech delivered in
December, 2005 by Comrade Chi Haotian -the ViceChairman of China’s Military Commission to top officers
and generals.
Keep in mind that China has for many years advocated
deceitful and covert warfare against its enemies. This is
their Modus Operandi. There should be little question
that a “Bird Flu” Pandemic would deeply excite them.
(Don’t forget how they have poisoned thousands of
American pets and knowingly placed lead paints on
toddler’s toys.)
“Comrades, I’m very excited today, because the largescale online survey that was done for us showed
that our next generation is quite promising and our Party’s
cause will be carried on.
Page 921 of 953
In answering the question, “Will you shoot at women,
children and prisoners of war,” more than 80 per cent of
the respondents answered in the affirmative, exceeding
by far our expectations.
Today I’d like to focus on why we asked to
conduct this online survey among our people.
My speech today is a sequel to my speech last time,
during which I started with a discussion of the issue of the
three islands [Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands and the Spratley
Islands — Ott] and mentioned that 20 years of the idyllic
theme of ‘peace and development’ had come to an
end, and concluded that modernization under the
saber is the only option for China’s next phase.
I also mentioned we have a vital stake overseas. The
central issue of this survey appears to be whether one
should shoot at women, children and prisoners of war, but
its real significance goes far beyond that.
Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the
Chinese people’s attitude towards war is: If these future
soldiers do not hesitate to kill even noncombatants, they’ll
naturally be doubly ready and ruthless in killing
Therefore, the responses to the survey questions may
reflect the general attitude people have towards war. We
wanted to know: If China’s global development will
Page 922 of 953
necessitate massive deaths in enemy countries; will our
people endorse that scenario? Will they be for or against
The fact is, our ‘development’ refers to the great
revitalization of the Chinese nation, which, of course, is
not limited to the land we have now but also includes the
whole world.
As everybody knows, according to the views propagated
by the Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated
from one single mother in Africa.
Therefore, no race can claim racial superiority.
However, according to the research conducted by most
Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other
races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we
originated independently in the land of China.
Therefore, we can rightfully assert that we are the product
of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization
and progress of more than ten thousand years, an ancient
nation of five thousand years, and a single Chinese entity
of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls
itself ‘descendants of Yan and Huang.’
During our long history, our people have disseminated
throughout the Americas and the regions along the Pacific
Page 923 of 953
Rim, and they became Indians in the Americas and the
East Asian ethnic groups in the South Pacific.
We all know that on account of our national superiority,
during the thriving and prosperous Tang Dynasty our
civilization was at the peak of the world.
We were the centre of the world civilization, and no other
civilization in the world was comparable to ours. Later on,
because of our complacency, narrow-mindedness, and the
self-enclosure of our own country, we were surpassed by
Western civilization, and the centre of the world shifted to
the West.
In reviewing history, one may ask: Will the centre of the
world civilization shift back to China? Actually, Comrade
Liu Huaqing made similar points in early 1980’s Based on
an historical analysis, he pointed out that the centre of
world civilization is shifting.
It shifted from the East to Western Europe and later to the
United States; now it is shifting back to the East.
Therefore, if we refer to the 19th Century as the British
Century and the 20th century as the American Century,
then the 21st Century will be the Chinese Century! (Wild
applause fills the auditorium.)
Our Chinese people are wiser than the Germans because,
fundamentally, our race is superior to theirs. As a result,
Page 924 of 953
we have a longer history, more people, and larger land
On this basis, our ancestors left us with the two most
essential heritages, which are atheism and great unity.
It was Confucius, the founder of our Chinese culture, who
gave us these heritages. These two heritages determined
that we have a stronger ability to survive than the West.
That is why the Chinese race has been able to prosper for
so long. We are destined ‘not to be buried by either
heaven or earth’ no matter how severe the natural, manmade, and national disasters. This is our advantage.
Take response to war as an example. The reason that the
United States remains today is that it has never seen war
on its mainland.
Once its enemies aim at the mainland, the enemies would
have already reached Washington before its congress
finishes debating and authorizes the president to declare
But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial things.
Maybe you have now come to understand why we
recently decided to further promulgate atheism.
If we let theology from the West into China and empty us
from the inside, if we let all Chinese people listen to God
Page 925 of 953
and follow God, who will obediently listen to us and
follow us?
If the common people don’t believe Comrade Hu Jintao
is a qualified leader, begin to question his authority, and
want to monitor him, if the religious followers in our
society question why we are leading God in churches, can
our Party continue to rule China??
The first pressing issue facing us is living space. This is the
biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race.
In my last speech, I said that the fight over basic living
resources (including land and ocean) is the source of the
vast majority of wars in history.
This may change in the information age, but not
Our per capita resources are much less than those of
Germany’s back then.
In addition, economic development in the last twenty-plus
years had a negative impact, and climates are rapidly
changing for the worse.
Our resources are in very short supply. The environment is
severely polluted, especially that of soil, water, and air.
Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race, but
even its survival is gravely threatened, to a degree much
greater than faced Germany back then.
Page 926 of 953
Anybody who has been to Western countries knows that
their living space is much better than ours.
They have forests alongside the highways, while we hardly
have any trees by our streets.
Their sky is often blue with white clouds, while our sky is
covered with a layer of dark haze.
Their tap water is clean enough for drinking, while even
our ground water is so polluted that it can’t be drunk
without filtering.
They have few people in the streets, and two or three
people can occupy a small residential building; in contrast
our streets are always crawling with people, and several
people have to share one room.
Many years ago, there was a book titled Yellow
Catastrophes. It said that, due to our following the
American style of consumption, our limited resources
would no longer support the population and society
would collapse once our population reaches 1.3 billion.
Now our population has already exceeded this limit, and
we are now relying on imports to sustain our nation. It’s
not that we haven’t paid attention to this issue.
The Ministry of Land Resources is specialized in this issue.
But we must understand that the term ‘living
Page 927 of 953
space’ (lebenstraum) is too closely related to Nazi
The reason we don’t want to discuss this too openly is to
avoid the West’s association of us with Nazi Germany,
which could in turn reinforce the view that China is a
Therefore, in our emphasis on He Xin’s new theory,
‘Human Rights are just living rights’ we only talk about
‘living’ but not ‘space’ so as to avoid using the term ‘living
From the perspective of history, the reason that China is
faced with the issue of living space is because Western
countries have developed ahead of Eastern countries.
Western countries established colonies all around the
world, therefore giving themselves an advantage on the
issue of living space.
To solve this problem, we must lead the Chinese people
outside of China, so that they can develop outside of
Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new
living space?
Page 928 of 953
First, if the United States is firm in blocking us, it is hard
for us to do anything significant to Taiwan and some other
Second, even if we could snatch some land from Taiwan,
Vietnam, India, or even Japan, how much more living
space can we get? Very trivial!
Only countries like the United States, Canada and
Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass
Therefore, solving the ‘issue of America’ is the key to
solving all other issues.
First, this makes it possible for us to have many people
migrate there and even establish another China under the
same leadership of the CCP.
America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the
yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the White race.
We the descendants of the Chinese nation
are ENTITLED to the possession of the land!
It is historical destiny that China and United States will
come into unavoidable confrontation on a narrow path
and fight.
In the long run, the relationship of China and the United
States is one of a life-and-death struggle.
Page 929 of 953
Of course, right now it is not the time to openly break up
with them yet.
Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on
their capital and technology.
We still need America.
Therefore, we must do everything we can to promote our
relationship with America, learn from America in all
aspects and use America as an example to reconstruct our
Only by using special means to ‘clean up’ America will we
be able to lead the Chinese people there.
Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many
people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.
There has been rapid development of modern biological
technology, and new bio weapons have been invented
one after another.
Of course, we have not been idle; in the past years we
have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this
We are capable of achieving our purpose of ‘cleaning up’
America all of a sudden.
When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party
Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right
decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and
Page 930 of 953
focused instead on developing lethal weapons that can
eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.
Biological weapons are unprecedented in their
ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the
Chinese have to die.
If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a
total societal collapse is bound to take place.
According to the computations of the author of Yellow
Peril, more than half of the Chinese will die, and that
figure would be more than 800 million people!
Just after the liberation, our yellow land supported nearly
500 million people, while today the official figure of the
population is more than 1.3 billion.
This yellow land has reached the limit of its capacity. One
day, who know how soon it will come, the great collapse
will occur any time and more than half of the population
will have to go.
It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million
But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century,
a century in which the CCP leads the world.
We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths.
Page 931 of 953
But if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of
Chinese and those of Americans, we’d have to pick the
latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives
of the Chinese people and the life of our Party.
The last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing
the preparations for military battle.
The central committee believes, as long as we resolve the
United States problem at one blow, our domestic
problems will all be readily solved.
Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim
at Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States, and
the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking
aircraft carriers or satellites.
Marxism pointed out that violence is the midwife for the
birth of the new society.
Therefore, war is the midwife for the birth of China’s
_____________FROM DAVE HODGES: Secret, Leaked Speech by
Chinese Defense Minister Demonstrates China’s Intent
to Destroy America
By Dave Hodges on Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Page 932 of 953
So you think that Ukraine is the only issue? China is
planning to exterminate every American prior to their
colonization plans.This is a 5 part series that exposes this
globalist plot to exterminate you and establish China as
the world policeman.
“The central committee believes, as long as we resolve
the United States problem at one blow, our domestic
problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military
battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is
aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far
beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or
satellites. »
- Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Wei Fenghe
This is the first part of a multipart series which exposes
China’s intention to go to war with the United States. Part
One is based upon the idea that the Chinese fully intend
on not just conquering America, but destroying America.
A recent speech made to the CCP in Communist China
speaks to the resolve and historical overview that exists in
China with regard to not just invading the United States,
but to decisively destroy the country and kill as many
Americans as possible. The content of this speech was
leaked to John Moore. Paul Martin forwarded me the
copy. I have spent the previous 12 hours gathering
opinions and statements from my very best sources.
Page 933 of 953 Sometimes, my sources can be a bit slow to respond.
However, all but one of the people I solicited opinions
from answered within a couple of hours of receiving this.
To a man, they believe everything in the report, however,
many expressed extreme surprise that this content would
be discussed in such an open political environment. The
universal consensus is that this is authentic and does
represent the majority philosophy of the CCP.
In two successive articles, I am going to highlight some
quotes and relate the material back to the present day
relationship between China and the United States.
China Is Not, Never Has Been, Or Will Ever Be an
American Ally
For another report on another day, I firmly believe that
when, not if, the Red Dawn invasion of the United States
commences, the Chinese will be among the invading
armies. That is why the Chinese-controlled Hollywood
forced the producers of the remake of Red Dawn (2012)
to change the identity of the invading force from Chinese
to North Korean. I believe the script hit too close to
Page 934 of 953
Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducted
an online survey conducted by and and one of
the key questions that they asked was the following:
“Will you shoot at women, children and prisoners of war,”
more than 80 percent of the respondents answered in the
affirmative, exceeding by far our expectations as
expressed by the Chinese Defense Minister.
General Wei went on to say:
“The central issue of this survey appears to be whether
one should shoot at women, children and prisoners of
war, but its real significance goes far beyond that.
Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the
Chinese people’s attitude towards war is: If these future
soldiers do not hesitate to kill even non-combatants,
they’ll naturally be doubly ready and ruthless in killing
combatants. Therefore, the responses to the survey
questions may reflect the general attitude people have
towards war…
The purpose of the CCP Central Committee in conducting
this survey is to probe people’s minds. We wanted to
know: If China’s global development will necessitate
massive deaths in enemy countries, will our people
endorse that scenario? Will they be for or against it?
Page 935 of 953
Subsequently, General Wei deems the Chinese people
ready for war and we can expect the brutality of invading
Chinese military force to be off the charts. It is clear that
the CCP intention is to commit genocide against
American citizens and they simply wanted to see if there
people were on board with the intention and they
apparently are.
The Chinese view Americans, and pretty much everyone
else with contempt. They believe that they, and they
alone are the master race and are entitled to rule the
planet. This is the Chinese version of Americans 19th
Century Manifest Destiny.
…we can assert that we are the product of cultural roots of
more than a million years, civilization and progress of
more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five
thousand years, and a single Chinese entity of two
thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself,
“descendants of Yan and Huang,” the Chinese nation that
we are so proud of. Hitler’s Germany had once bragged
that the German race was the most superior race on
Earth, but the fact is, our nation is far superior to the
Page 936 of 953
During our long history, our people have disseminated
throughout the Americas and the regions along the Pacific
Rim, and they became Indians in the Americas and the
East Asian ethnic groups in the South Pacific…We all know
that on account of our national superiority, during the
thriving and prosperous Tang Dynasty our civilization was
at the peak of the world. We were the center of the world
civilization, and no other civilization in the world was
comparable to ours. Later on, because of our
complacency, narrow-mindedness, and the self-enclosure
of our own country, we were surpassed by Western
civilization, and the center of the world shifted to the
In reviewing history, one may ask: Will the center of the
world civilization shift back to China?
Comrade He Xin put it in his report to the Central
Committee in 1988: If the fact is that the center of
leadership of the world was located in Europe as of the
18th Century, and later shifted to the United States in the
mid 20th Century, then in the 21st Century the center of
leadership of the world will shift to the East of our planet.
And, “the East” of course mainly refers to China.
This is the goal of Chinese foreign policy: To shift the
center of world civilization back to China by any means
Page 937 of 953
It is clear from Wei’s remarks that the Chinese are going
to follow Hitler’s regime plan, with one exception. They
fully plan to tight control over media and social media
(Google-based Social Credit System) and they plan statesponsored domination and brainwashing of the schools.
When we decide to revitalize China based on the
German model, we must not repeat the mistakes they
Specifically, the following are the fundamental causes for
the defeat of Germany and Japan: First, they had too
many enemies all at once, as they did not adhere to the
principle of eliminating enemies one at a time; second,
they were too impetuous, lacking the patience and
perseverance required for great accomplishments; third,
when the time came for them to be ruthless, they turned
out to be too soft, therefore leaving troubles that
resurfaced later on.]
This statement made by the Chinese Defense Minister
should send chills up and down the spines of every
American. Let’s break down this three-tiered statement:
Page 938 of 953
The Chinese will focus on defeating only one enemy, the
United States.
The Nazis lacked patience. The Chinese are willing to
bide their time and plan their military conquests over a
larger time frame.
The Germans were to soft, meaning that they were not
brutal enough and did not kill enough people.
This concludes exposing the fact that the Chinese want
war at any cost. Their philosophies have been stated and
why we still have diplomatic relationships with them is
mind-boggling. In Part Two, we will explore the reasons
behind their desire for war.
The Kill Shot Is Coming! Leaked Document Shows
Chinese Intent to Commit Mass American Genocide
Followed by the Occupation of America (Pt 2)
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Wednesday, March 2,
Page 939 of 953
Biden has given his State of the Union Speech. It was
fanciful, disorganized, filled with falsehoods and offered
no way out America’s descent into mediocrity in pursuit of
third world status.
Shouldn’t America find it interesting that in the State of
the Union speech (Sotus), he did not mention China or the
Chinese threat even one time. After all, we have 60% of
our naval assets committed to the China’s side of the
world and yet, Biden did not see fit to mention China.
Should the president be obligated to at least mention
that constitutes the primary funding for the Biden crime
Since the last SOTUS, China, with the help of gain-offunction-wizard, Anthony Fauci and his Wuhan CHICOM
allies launched the Wuhan virus (ie the Coronavirus) which
led to wholesale election changes that, in turn, led to the
election of a demented President who does not even
know what day it is.
It is understandable that most of the world’s attention is
on Ukraine. However, on a daily basis, China keeps
violating and probing Taiwan’s air defense to test their
response time in preparation for an invasion.
Unless Putin totally loses his mind and launches nuclear
weapons, the main military concenr we should be looking
at is China. Russia’s pathetic military performance against
Page 940 of 953
a militarily inferior Ukraine, should embolden our military
leaders. Russia is inept and its conscripts are not
emotionally engaged in their fight.
China has waited patiently for the genocidal olympics to
end and if the Ukraine conflict expands to rest of the
Eastern Bloc of NATO, China will take advantage and
attack Taiwan. However, capturing Taiwan is not China’s
goal. The extermination of every American is China’s main
goal along with occupation of the United States.
This is Part Two of this series on China’s intention to kill
every person in America and replace dead America with
300 million Chinese colonists. As was pointed out in Part
One, Wei Fenghe made a speech to the CCP and
declared his intentions. And this part is a continuation of
what China has planned.
The reason that the United States remains today is that it
has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies aim
at the mainland, the enemies would have already reached
Washington before its congress finishes debating and
authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we
don’t waste time on these trivial things.
From Leaked Address to the CCP by the Chinese Defense
Minister, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fengh
Page 941 of 953
This is the second part of this series which describe the
genocidal intentions that the Chinese toward America and
this part establishes the Chinese intention to takeover
America and use that leverage to get the rest of the world
to capitulate to Chinese authority. Part One can be
accessed here. Part One established the fact that the CCP
intends to commit genocide against America before fully
occupying the country.
Information from this CCP speech given by defense
Minister of Defense is shared here with an analysis.
The Main Motivation for Aggressive Chinese Military
The lack of living space for China’s 1.3 billion people is
the central problem which is threatening the economics
and life-span of the Chinese. To the Chinese this is an
issue of economic survival as expressed by Wei Fengh,
Defense Minister of China:
The first issue is living space. This is the biggest focus of
the revitalization of the Chinese race. In my last speech, I
said that the fight over basic living resources (including
land and ocean) is the source of the vast majority of wars
in history. This may change in the information age, but not
fundamentally. Our per capita resources are much less
than those of Germany’s back then. In addition, economic
Page 942 of 953
development in the last twenty-plus years had a negative
impact, and climates are rapidly changing for the worse.
Our resources are in very short supply. The environment is
severely polluted, especially that of soil, water, and air.
Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race, but
even its survival is gravely threatened, to a degree much
greater than faced (Nazi) Germany back then.’
…solving the “issue of America” is the key to solving all
other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have
many people migrate there and even establish another
China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was
originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race,
but Columbus gave credit to the white race. We the
descendents of the Chinese nation are entitled to the
possession of the land! It is said that the residents of the
yellow race have a very low social status in United States.
We need to liberate them.
Second, after solving the “issue of America,” the western
countries in Europe would bow to us, not to mention to
Taiwan, Japan and other small countries. Therefore,
solving the “issue of America” is the mission assigned to
CCP members by history.
The relationship between China and United States is one
of a life-and-death struggle.” Of course, right now it is not
Page 943 of 953
the time to openly break up with them yet. Our reform
and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital
and technology, we still need America. Therefore, we
must do everything we can to promote our relationship
with America, learn from America in all aspects and use
America as an example to reconstruct our country… we
must not forget that the history of our
civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain
does not allow two tigers to live together…We also must
never forget what Comrade Xiaoping emphasized “refrain
from revealing the ambitions and put others off the track.”
The hidden message is: we must put up with America; we
must conceal our ultimate goals, hide our capabilities and
await the opportunity.
Weapons of Choice to be Used Against America
The Chinese are very specific. They do not believe that
they can kill enough American through conventional
means to effect a change. It is clear that they are not
going to use nuclear bombs as this would invite the
destruction of the planet. Again, the Defense Minister
enlightens the CCP with his analysis which leads to
destroying and occupying America:
In history, when a country defeated another country or
occupied another country, it could not kill all the people
Page 944 of 953
in the conquered land, because back then you could not
kill people effectively with sabers or long spears, or even
with rifles or machine guns. Therefore, it was impossible
to gain a stretch of land without keeping the people on
that land. However, if we conquered America in this
fashion, we would not be able to make many people
migrate there.
Only by using special means to “clean up” America will
we be able to lead the Chinese people there. This is the
only choice left for us. This is not a matter of whether we
are willing to do it or not. What kind of special means is
there available for us to “clean up”
America? Conventional weapons such as fighters, canons,
missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly
destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not
as foolish as to want to perish together with America by
using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that we have
been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue
resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive
weapons that can kill many people will we be able to
reserve America for ourselves
It is clear that the Chinese plan to commit genocide
against the United States so they can occupy our country.
They do not want a shared occupation, they want sole
occupancy. And how will they accomplish this? They will
Page 945 of 953
use bioweapons and genetic weapons that will not kill the
Chinese on American soil. The following quote should
speak to their resolve to commit genocide against
America before occupying the country.
We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our
biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack [on the
United States, the Chinese people will be able to keep
their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United
If, however, the attack fails and triggers a nuclear
retaliation from the United States, China would perhaps
suffer a catastrophe in which more than half of its
population would perish. That is why we need to be ready
with air defense systems for our big and medium-sized
cities. Whatever the case may be, we can only move
forward fearlessly for the sake of our Party and state and
our nation’s future, regardless of the hardships we have to
face and the sacrifices we have to make. The population,
even if more than half dies, can be reproduced. But if the
Party falls, everything is gone, and forever gone! »
The CCP has been very clear on this point. The
Coronavirus was not the kill shot. It was devised by the
Chinese to get rid of Trump, the president who reversed
the trade balance and dwarfed the Chinese military in
power. Trump had to go and the Biden crime family had
Page 946 of 953
to be installed and counted on to continue to weaken
America, thus making it ripe for destruction and who
better to count on other than CCP employee Joe Biden?
It is clear that when the Chinese have successfully
deployed their shields over their cities, they will
commence the bio and genetics weapons attack against
the United States
Biological, Genetic Weapons Will Be the Weapons of
The intent of the Chinese war plan is clear. They will lure
the United States into a conflict over Taiwan in an attempt
to weaken the United States. This will be followed by the
use of biological, genetic based weapons that will kill
many American (bio weapons intended for Blacks, Whites
and Latinos and they would spare the millions of Chinese
presently living in American which is a subgoal of the
Chinese war plan. More from Wei Fengh:
« Biological weapons are unprecedented in their
ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the
Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped
to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to
take place. According to the computation of the author of
Yellow Peril, more than half of the Chinese will die, and
that figure would be more than 800 million people!…The
Page 947 of 953
relationship between China and United States is one of a
life-and-death struggle…
Chinese should not kill other Chinese, would we have
liberated China? As for the several million Chinese living
in the United States, this is of course a big issue.
Therefore in recent years, we have been conducting
research on genetic weapons, i.e. those weapons that do
not kill yellow people. But producing a result with this
kind of research is extremely difficult. Of the research
done on genetic weapons throughout the world, the
Israeli’s is the most advanced. Their genetic weapons are
designed to target Arabs and protect the Israelis.
But even they have not reached the stage of actual
deployment. We have cooperated with Israel on some
research. Perhaps we can introduce some of the
technologies used to protect Israelis and remold these
technologies to protect the yellow people. But their
technologies are not mature yet, and it is difficult for us to
surpass them in a few years. If it has to be five or ten years
before some breakthroughs can be achieved in genetic
weapons, we cannot afford to wait any longer.
Certainly, in spreading Comrade He Xin’s views, we
cannot publish the article in the party newspapers, in
order to avoid raising the enemy’s vigilance. He Xin’s
conversation may remind the enemy that we have
Page 948 of 953
grasped the modern science and technology, including
“clean” nuclear technology, gene weapons technology as
well as biological weapons technology, and we can use
powerful measures to eliminate their population on a
We know that the Chinese control the drug cartels,
therefore to some extent, they control Mexico. I believe
the delivery systems for the planned bioweapons and
genetics weapons attack will come from weaponized
immigration. Whether it come from a Red Dawn which
would likely be initiated after the Chinese attack upon
Taiwan. The weapons could also be dispersed by the
several covert Chinese troops stationed in America and
are, for example, running most of the solar energy
farms. »
An Additional Motive for the Chinese to Attack
Interestingly, the Chinese view the NWO as a supreme
threat to their continued existence. In his speech to the
CCP, Wei Fengh noted the following:
If you get on the website using key words to search, you
will find out that a while ago, comrade He Xin pointed out
to the Hong Kong Business News during an interview
that: “The US has a shocking conspiracy.” According to
what he had in hand, from September 27 to October 1,
Page 949 of 953
1995, the Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachëv Foundation,
funded by the United States, gathered 500 of the world’s
most important statesmen, economic leaders and
scientists, including George W. Bush (he was not the US
president at the time), the Baroness Thatcher, Tony Blair,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, as well as George Soros, Bill Gates,
futurist John Naisbitt, etc.
All of the world’s most popular characters, in the San
Francisco Fairmont hotel for a high-level round table
conference, discussing problems about globalization and
how to guide humanity to move forward into the 21st
According to what He Xin had in hand, the outstanding
people of the world in attendance thought that in the 21st
century a mere 20% of the world’s population will be
sufficient to maintain the world’s economy and prosperity,
the other 80% or 4/5 of the world’s population will be
human garbage unable to produce new values. The
people in attendance thought that this excess 80%
population would be a trash population and “high-tech”
means should be used to eliminate them gradually.
Since the enemies are secretly planning to eliminate our
population, we certainly cannot be infinitely merciful and
compassionate to them. Comrade He Xin’s article came
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out at the right time, it has proven the correctness of our
tit for tat battle approach, has proven Comrade Deng
Xiaoping’s great foresight to deploy against the United
States military strategy.
This means that the CCP are quite the conspiracy
theorists. They obviously believe in the depopulation
efforts which includes 5G, chemtrails, GMO’s, certain
vaccines, etc. Wei Feng made it clear that they take this
globalist assault upon humanity very seriously and are
using this as one of the motivators for their planned
actions; against the globalists and they perceive the NWO
and America as one in the same.
While we continue to focus on Russia, we should be
looking to China because that is from whence the kill shot
will come.
After reading the leaked Chinese document which
contained Wei Fengh’s comments about the CCP’s
intentions toward America, I am reminded of the
movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In the movie, alien
spores land on Earth and take over people’s bodies while
they sleep. These spores colonized America much in the
same way that the Chinese plan to colonize the United