Attracting a woman’s attention and building a connection can be challenging for many men due to a variety of factors.
Perceived Expectations: Many women may have certain standards or expectations in a potential partner, such as shared values, emotional maturity, and stability. These qualities are not always easy to demonstrate at first glance.
Communication Styles: Men and women often communicate differently, and understanding how to effectively express interest, respect, and emotions can be difficult. Misunderstandings or misinterpretations can create barriers.
Emotional Availability: Building genuine emotional connections takes time and effort. Some people may struggle with expressing vulnerability or connecting on a deeper emotional level, which is essential in developing a relationship.
Cultural or Social Norms: Social pressures and traditional gender roles can create confusion or limitations. For instance, many men may feel societal pressure to act confidently, while women may also face expectations on how they should behave or respond.
Personal Preferences: Every individual has their own preferences when it comes to personality, interests, and compatibility. Even if a man has qualities that he believes are attractive, it may not always align with what a woman is looking for at a particular time in her life.
Self-Confidence and Perception: Self-esteem plays a significant role in attracting others. People who are confident in themselves are often more attractive to others, but building self-confidence can be a difficult process for some.
Timing: Sometimes, even if everything is aligned in terms of personality and connection, timing can be an issue. A person may not be ready for a relationship, or their life circumstances may not be conducive to starting a new romantic connection.
Ultimately, the key to attracting someone is to be authentic, patient, and open to building a genuine connection. It’s about finding someone who aligns with your values, goals, and emotional needs, which often takes time and effort.
Why is it so insanely difficult to attract a woman?
I went to see a dating coach and I know why I just like you cannot find a women. It’s probably not that there’s anything wrong with you. Most women will only date you if it benefits their validation. I’ll explain what I mean.
Women want one major thing from men. Validation.
This certainly does not mean go around and tell them nice things. They receive better validation when they had to work for it. When they are with a guy who appears like the kind of guy that “gets girls”, they want to be with that guy just so they can look good themselves. That they are the “cool” girl that got the popular guy. It’s no fun for them being around the guy who will bend over and do anything to try and win them over despite that guy is more likely to commit and actually have a relationship.
When a women tells you “you need confidence” or “you’re a nice guy”, the correct translation of these words is “you must be crap since you are so easy to obtain. Only things which dont come easy have value”. What women don’t understand is that it’s possible to know you have value but still be the type of guy that will go out of his way to try and win that girl over. This is what leads to alot of men becoming bitter of women – Why the red pill groups exist. And some men including myself refuse to over act difficult just so we can have a women see our value. Maybe pickup artists enjoy this behavior to win women over, but I don’t enjoy having to play hard to get just so a women can finally see my worth.
Why is it so impossible for me to attract a woman no matter what I do?
Why is it so hard to attract a woman?
Can women love or be attracted to a guy who feels worthless, not good enough, inferior to other men who are wealthier or more good looking and who doesn’t love himself? Is that possible?
Why is so hard to attract women in life? Is it impossible for me because 99 percent of women find me ugly?
What is the best way to impress a girl?
Women unlike men typically have a large list of demands. Men on the other hand aren’t hard to please because we don’t require much besides a little food and sex. Women are notoriously difficult to attract because they can be. Because they have a very vast amount of men to choose from. Their standards are naturally higher than men’s. That’s why they’re far more selective than we are when it comes to choosing a mate because they have so many men to choose from. This enables them to be very picky with their choices and since women like to choose of emotion instead of logic they often wind up with men who are no good for them.
It’s also a major difference in the male and female sex drives. A woman’s sex drive is naturally much lower functioning than a man’s so they’re going to be very picky with their choices because they’re not willing to accept most men. It’s also worth noting that women find the vast majority of men to be unattractive. The 80/20 rule applies here. Women are attracted to the top 20% of men. With looks, money, and status. Any man that falls below this threshold is not considered attractive in most women’s eyes.
Even the most average to below average women have high expectations and standards because they have so many options to choose from. This is Because women are more naturally attractive than men. A woman’s ability to attract the opposite sex greatly outclasses a man’s ability to attract women. Because women are sexually appealing to men all by themselves. Women don’t need materialistic things to get men. Men don’t require much from women. Like money and so forth. We are more equipped to love women for them. While women by nature are more geared towards finding the best man they can to extract money and resources from. This doesn’t mean that men shouldn’t love women because what they only want we can do for them. Women are notoriously difficult to attract because they can be. Because they have too many options, and are naturally pickier with their choices of men as a result, leading them to develop much higher standards for men. As opposed to men with very limited options and who are much more appreciative of love and relationships. Because of the scarcity. Women are in demand. While men are just supplies. Women can be very picky with their “supplies “ because they have so much of it. Since attractive women are in high demand, meaning highly sought after, men can can only mate with who’s ever available. Despite their being so many women in the world. It’s only facts that the vast m ajority of women will find you unattractive.
This includes women of all races, and all ages. They are very likely to find you unattractive by default so their standards are so ridiculously high. Again this is due to their vast options and lack of desperation. Women can be picky because of it. When you have an abundance of something, it becomes disposable to you. You value it less. When something is scarce and difficult to obtain, in this case “WOMEN” you will. appreciate and value the…
I’m not sure why you are having such difficulties, but I can assure you that you don’t need that ridiculous laundry list of traits in order to score a date.
If anyone is telling you that you need any or all of these traits in order to get a girl or be happy; THEN THEY ARE TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING. “Join our Gym: you need to be fit in order to get a girlfriend!” “Enroll in our online classes: you need to be smart in order to impress girls!” “Sign up for our Seminar: We’ll teach you the tricks and secrets you NEED to know in order to score a date.”
No. No. No. That’s wrong. There is no big secret you need to know in order to score a date. You don’t need to be anything in order to impress “girls.” All girls are different. Each individual girl is impressed by very different things. None of them are looking for, or expect, perfection.
In fact, some of the traits that you think all women want, sound like a huge turn off for me.
My husband is amazing and I love him very much.
However, my husband is NOT:
An invulnerable stone that no one can hurt. What? Why would anyone want that!? My husband’s vulnerability, and the fact that he can open up and be emotionally intimate with me is one of the things I love about him.
A hilarious comedian. He does have a sense of humor which I enjoy, but so do many of my friends and family. Most people have a sense of humor.
A genius. In fact, we met each other because I was his math tutor. I have a higher degree than my husband (I have a Master’s Degree while he only have a Bachelor’s Degree). While we both studied engineering, I dual majored in Applied Mathematics while my husband did not. I have a higher IQ than my husband. However, we both really enjoy discussing intellectual and philosophical topics, so this has never been even close to an issue.
Someone with tons of sex experience. I would prefer to be with a man who has relationship experience, since relationship skills and social skills are learned skills. I would also prefer it if a man knew what he was doing down there (my husband does). However, if a guy has tons of sex experience, that typically implies that he is pretty indiscriminate in who he has sexual encounters with, which isn’t usually a good thing. While my husband wasn’t completely clueless, he definitely wasn’t someone with tons of sex experience when we first started dating, nor would I have preferred that.
Someone who knows and uses “attraction techniques.” That sounds like something a pickup artist would do. If my husband had ever used “attraction techniques” in order to try and manipulate me or my emotions, I’d be pissed. Please don’t ever use “techniques” to try to trick a woman into falling for you!
Perfect. I love my husband more than anything, and he is a really great match for me. However, he is a far cry from perfection.
Someone who doesn’t make mistakes. My husband makes mistakes all the time, including relationship mistakes (although these become more infrequent the longer we are together). I also make mistakes. Many of our mistakes are small, some are really big. We forgive each other for making mistakes because: no one is perfect, we really love each other and know that the other person is genuinely good, and because it was a mistake, not an intentional slight.
I didn’t fall in love with my husband because he was perfect. I didn’t fall for him because he was rich or handsome or anything like that. I fell for my husband because he’s a genuinely good guy, who is a really compatible partner, and who I get along with really well and enjoy spending time with.
I have lots of male friends who are either married or in serious relationships. None of them has all (or most) of the qualities listed above. I have no idea where you got the idea that you needed to be all of those things in order to get a girlfriend. How would that even be possible?
I don’t know you. I don’t know why dating is so incredibly difficult for you. However: I will offer you this advice:
Keep in mind that all women (just like all men) are individuals. They have very different individual tastes, interests, and desires.
Women are not a separate species from men. If you communicate with men one way, and then you communicate with women in a completely different way, then you are doing it wrong.
There’s nothing you can do that will impress all women. So, the best method for attracting a compatible partner is to be the best version of yourself that you can, and then find someone who likes you for who you are.
Remember that you have flaws. You will always have flaws. Don’t try to find a girl who likes you except for your flaws. Or a girl who likes you because she doesn’t know about your flaws. Try to find a girl who likes you including your flaws. Otherwise, you are headed for disaster.
Women want one major thing from men. Validation.
This certainly does not mean go around and tell them nice things. They receive better validation when they had to work for it. When they are with a guy who appears like the kind of guy that “gets girls”, they want to be with that guy just so they can look good themselves. That they are the “cool” girl that got the popular guy. It’s no fun for them being around the guy who will bend over and do anything to try and win them over despite that guy is more likely to commit and actually have a relationship.
When a women tells you “you need confidence” or “you’re a nice guy”, the correct translation of these words is “you must be crap since you are so easy to obtain. Only things which dont come easy have value”. What women don’t understand is that it’s possible to know you have value but still be the type of guy that will go out of his way to try and win that girl over. This is what leads to alot of men becoming bitter of women – Why the red pill groups exist. And some men including myself refuse to over act difficult just so we can have a women see our value. Maybe pickup artists enjoy this behavior to win women over, but I don’t enjoy having to play hard to get just so a women can finally see my worth.